Her Baby Daddy

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Her Baby Daddy Page 11

by Emma Roberts

  “That’s one good thing about being broken, I suppose,” she muttered. I tightened my grip on her, tilting her chin up until she was forced to look me in the eye. Her expression was impossible to decipher, but I gave it little thought as I captured her lips with my own. She moaned against me, and as I pulled away, I gazed deep into those piercing eyes.

  “You’re not broken. You’re perfect, Kimberly. I’m not ready to be a father by any means, but I plan to do anything it takes to make sure you have the family you dream of. And I’ll be by your side, in whatever capacity you need, all along the way,” I assured her quietly, brushing her tears away before she buried her face against my shoulder.

  “Stay…?” she implored quietly.

  How was I supposed to say no to that?



  “The last few months have been the sort of things dreams were made of,” I said dreamily, talking on the cellphone with Tiff when I should have been grading papers. With the grade I taught, little was required beyond slapping gold stars on each sheet. That could wait a little while. “I never expected David Strowman to consider courting me, even after the night of passion we shared. He treats me like a princess… no, a queen.” I continued with a sigh. His queen, I suppose, as I had no doubt that he was a king in his own right.

  “He sounds like the kind of guy you’ve been waiting for, doll. The kind you deserve, not like that scumbag Chad…” Tiff trailed off for a moment, giggling under her breath. “I’m still tickled pink that Dave clocked him in the face. I would have paid to see that. You think he’d mind a repeat performance?” she pressed, and I could hear the grin in her voice.

  “Oh, I’m sure he’d be all for it,” I chuckled. Dave had a way of knowing all of the right things to say and do when I was in a self-deprecating mood. He knew how to pull me away from the edge of despair. “He’s been trying to convince me to go ahead with the fertility treatments, and as much as I want to have a child, I want to try our relationship first. I want to give it the chance it deserves,” I murmured, idly looking over some of my students’ papers. Dave had even been a saint on the rare occasion that we ran into one of my students on our dates at the park. He seemed like the perfect man.

  “Well, I can understand that, hon. But you know… you’ve wanted to be a mommy for such a long time. I hope you know better than to throw that dream away for a guy, even for Mr. Wonderful,” Tiff said carefully, and I couldn’t help but sigh. I knew that there would come a time when even fertility treatments could only do so much — if they could even help to begin with. I was still convinced I was broken, but David did everything in his power to ensure I felt that way as little as possible.

  “I just want to see if this works. David… he’s said he’ll be there for me, even though he’s not ready to be a father. I couldn’t ask that of him anyway. Hell, it’d be crazy for me to even ask him to stick around at all,” I chuckled a bit.

  “He’d be crazy for leaving, honey. Now, I’ve got some papers to grade, and unlike you, I have to actually think about the process. Call me and let me know how your next date with Mr. Wonderful goes, alright? I’m eager to meet him,” Tiff exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes good-naturedly as we exchanged goodbyes. I knew I could trust Tiff to look out for me, but from now on, it wasn’t a task she had to take on single-handedly. I had David to lift me up when I was feeling down. Speaking of… We had planned a date at Club Red that night to celebrate our six-month anniversary, and I saw no reason Tiff couldn’t come by and meet the man who had brightened my life so significantly. I shot off a quick text to tell her to meet us there that night, and then I carried on grading papers until it was time for David and me to meet at Club Red. We’d spent nearly every waking moment together, to the point that he had even given me the key to his house and vice versa… though all I’d had to offer was a pathetic little apartment key. He had seemed delighted by the gesture just the same.

  Grading papers took a little more time than I expected, mostly because I decided to write positive notes on each of my students’ papers, praising the things they had particularly excelled at. The parents would surely appreciate knowing how their children were doing in my class, and I wanted to make sure each of my little angels got the credit they deserved. Just as I finished the last note, my cell phone vibrated from its spot on my desk. I glanced at the clock, inhaling sharply when I realized just how much time I had wasted — well, not wasted. Time was never wasted on my students. Just the same, I had spent a bit more time on grading than I’d planned, and Tiff had messaged me to let me know she was already at the club. I’d expected her to get there early, and I fully expected her to be at least vaguely tipsy when David and I arrived. In spite of herself, I think she was a little nervous to meet the man who had captured my heart.

  Although I hadn’t used the ‘L’ word with David yet, I’d been dishing with Tiffany for months. It was no wonder she was so eager to meet him, I suppose. I had put him on a bit of a pedestal, though it was one he was completely entitled to. I still wanted to be there to serve as a buffer if my lover needed it, so I hurried into my bedroom to get dressed. I wore the very dress I’d worn the night I’d met David, hoping he would appreciate the sentiment. We had agreed not to exchange gifts, but I’d still gotten him a small bottle of his favorite cologne. With my budget, I could only afford the smallest bottle they offered, but I hoped he would appreciate it just the same. As a matter of fact, I was confident he would appreciate it. I grabbed the bag and was hurrying out the door when a sudden wave of nausea washed over me. I braced myself against the doorframe, breathing heavily as I waited for the moment to pass. It took its sweet time, but eventually, I felt well enough to make the drive to Club Red at least. I placed the gift bag in the passenger seat and fastened my seatbelt before making the short drive to the club. I parked in my usual spot toward the back of the lot, slipping out of my car just as David pulled in as well. He smiled upon seeing me, though he did raise a brow at the gift bag clutched in my hand. He rolled his window down, leaning out before he cut the engine.

  “I thought we weren’t doing gifts, honey,” he hummed, though he didn’t seem displeased. That was good, at least. “At least I’m not the only rule breaker in this relationship, then,” he chuckled, rolling the window up and cutting the engine. I lingered near my car, waiting patiently as he approached me with a bag of his own. We exchanged bags, thankful for the bit of privacy the back lot offered us. I opened my bag hesitantly, peeking inside. My eyes widened as I realized what was inside. I reverently pulled out a first edition copy of my favorite book, To Kill a Mockingbird. I stared at him through wide eyes, opening the book just to confirm it was what I thought. Inside the front cover, much to my shock, was a signature from the author. Also tucked into the book was a gift certificate to the most expensive baby boutique in town for…

  “Ten thousand dollars!? Are you serious, Dave? You didn’t have to. I mean, my gift is so…” I trailed off, tearing up a bit.

  “I’ve been needing some new cologne, so I really appreciate it. It’s always such a bother to make the trip to buy it, and this bottle will last a good little while. It’s a good gift, honey! Anyway, I didn’t get you that to make you feel guilty. I remember you mentioned that being your favorite book on one of our dates, and… well, I’m still prepared to be at your side when you decide to take the plunge. I just wanted to show that, and… well, I didn’t know what to pick out, honestly. So I thought a gift certificate was the next best thing,” he said with a somewhat awkward smile, pulling me into his arms. I kissed him soundly on the lips, drawing away with a giggle.

  “You really know how to treat a girl, don’t you? Is this how you are with all of your girlfriends?” I teased, and we walked side-by-side to deposit my gifts into my car. He chuckled a bit, seeming embarrassed by the question.

  “Truth be told… you’re the only girlfriend I’ve ever really had. It’s not really my thing, in most cases. You—well, you were an excepti
on,” he said carefully, resting a hand on the small of my back as I closed and locked my doors. I wasn’t quite sure how to feel about the admission, though I couldn’t help being flattered by it. He seemed a bit embarrassed, so I didn’t press the issue any further, simply taking him by the hand and dragging him toward the club.

  “My best friend Tiff is here; she really wanted to meet you. She thought you were the best thing since sliced bread after you punched Chad out,” I grinned, giving his hand a comforting squeeze when he looked faintly nervous.

  “She’s not one of those backstabbing friends who would try to… how do I say this… steal your man?” he asked a bit awkwardly. I laughed loudly, managing to stifle myself as we walked through the entrance.

  “Tiff would never do that to me. And would you let her if she tried?” I pressed, smiling cheekily. He shook his head fervently. I was going to continue before I was very nearly bowled over. David looked startled, and I was a bit at first, but then I recognized the blonde bombshell clinging to my arm. “Speak of the devil. David, this is my best friend, Tiffany. Tiffany, this is—” I began, only for Tiff to cut me off.

  “This is Mr. Wonderful, huh? I knew he was pretty good looking, but wow, you really didn’t do him justice,” she teased, offering her hand for him to shake. He looked a bit befuddled, taking her hand. His eyes widened marginally, and I knew it was because Tiffany had a grip that seemed almost superhuman. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Davie. You’re good people. You keep being good to our girl, alright? I don’t want to have to hurt your pretty little head,” she grinned. I expected him to be taken aback, but before I could admonish my friend, David simply laughed and shook his head.

  “I would never dream of hurting Kim. I… I’ve never felt like this for anyone in my life, and I’m not prepared to lose her over something as stupid as flirting with another woman or… whatever it is you think I’ll do,” he chuckled, and the three of us walked to the bar. We ordered our drinks, which arrived rather swiftly. I moved to sip my strawberry daiquiri, but then nausea washed over me again, but tenfold what it was earlier. I covered my mouth with my hand, hurrying to the women’s room. Tiff and David hurried along behind me, but I couldn’t be bothered to explain as I lurched into a stall and spilled my guts into the toilet. David held my hair back as Tiff got into a shouting match with another woman about the fact that there was a man in the ladies’ room.

  “Yeah, well, you wouldn’t understand having a loving boyfriend, skank. Get the hell out of here before I slap that tacky lipstick off of your face,” I heard her yell. In short order, it was just the three of us in the bathroom. I sagged away from the toilet, glancing up at David with a miserable expression. “You okay, hon?” Tiff called from outside the stall.

  “Yeah. I’ve just been feeling kinda queasy lately… usually in the mornings, but I guess my body has decided that’s not enough. It’s probably because of all of the weird things I’ve been eating lately. I’ve been craving hot sauce something fierce; I put it on literally everything,” I murmured, not really noticing the shocked looked on their faces.

  “Honey… you do realize what sort of symptoms it sounds like you’re having… right?” Dave asked a bit hesitantly. I stared at him for a long moment with my face contorted in confusion, until it hit me all at once.

  “Oh.. oh God. You don’t think…” I trailed off, feeling tears prick at my eyes.

  “Only one way to find out. Come on. Let’s get out of here and go to the drug store. We can… get a test there,” he murmured.

  My heart dropped into my stomach, and I was barely able to process assuring Tiffany I’d call her later. David guided me to his car, and we drove to the nearest drug store to pick up the ironically dreaded item — a pregnancy test.

  This couldn’t be happening.



  “Don’t panic, honey. I can see it in your eyes. You’re freaking out. It could be nothing,” I assured Kim quietly, glancing at her from the corner of my eye as we drove to her apartment. I considered taking her to my home, but her apartment was closer, and I was sure she’d feel more comfortable in her own home — at least, for this particular moment. She didn’t reply to my comment, seemingly too lost in her own head to even realize I’d said anything. I could understand the shock, but she seemed irrationally dismayed by the idea of being pregnant. I could understand my own trepidation — I wasn’t sure I was ready to be a father, and there was no doubt that the child would be mine. Kimberly would never even consider cheating on me, so I knew better than to go down that path. Just the same, it seemed as if she were more concerned about the potential outcome than I was.

  “I… I don’t know how this happened,” she said quietly, and I couldn’t help but chuckle, as inappropriate as it might have been.

  “Well… maybe all of this time, Chad was the one who was, in his words, broken. Either way, you should be excited. You’ve wanted to be a mom for a long time, according to what you’ve told me. I know this is stressful either way, so just try to relax until we get to your apartment, okay? We’ll know one way or another soon enough,” I said in what I hoped was a comforting tone. She didn’t seem particularly soothed.

  “I just…” she trailed off, looking out of the window and refusing to meet my gaze as I came to a stop in her parking lot. I could hear her sniffling softly, and my heart felt as if it stopped. I reached out to touch her shoulder, hoping she would at least look at me.

  “Honey, tell me what’s wrong. Why aren’t you happy? It might not even be what we think it is. Maybe you’ve just got a stomach bug. Aside from that, I expected you to be happy the day you found out you were pregnant, not entirely miserable. Talk to me, please,” I urged, smiling gently when she turned her teary eyes upon me. She rubbed the tears away furiously, though there seemed to be more and more with each swipe of her hands.

  “I never meant to put you in this kind of a situation, David. That’s the whole reason I haven’t been having the fertility treatments — I wanted our relationship to have time to grow. I wanted you to have a choice in whether or not you fathered my child, regardless of what role you would take in their life. I don’t… I don’t want to lose you,” she wept openly, burying her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook from the ferocity of her sobs, and for a moment, all I could do was stare at her. Then I lurched out of the car, circling around to gather her in my arms. She was outright sobbing at that point, though I tried to shush and comfort her. I mean, it would have been nice to have been more aware that conceiving was a possibility every time we made love, but I couldn’t blame her for the entire situation. It takes two to tango, and I worked at a fertility clinic, for God’s sake. Of all people, I should have been more careful, or at least more prepared in case this happened.

  The thing is, I wasn’t even sure I regretted the whole thing. If given the chance to do things over, I probably would have done everything the same — at least, I would if it didn’t make the love of my life so miserable. The thought struck me so suddenly, I was nearly bowled over by it. The… love of my life? I wanted to dispute it with myself, argue that I wasn’t in love, that I wasn’t capable of love. Yet…

  I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with this woman. As the father of her child. As her lover. And maybe even someday as her husband. Ultimately, it didn’t matter in what capacity we were together, as long as she was mine. But there wasn’t really time to wonder at what point in our relationship I had fallen so completely and irrevocably head over heels, at least, not right then. I needed to get Kim inside, and we needed to take this test. I helped her regain her balance, smiling down at her as we walked arm-in-arm to her apartment. She staggered a bit, seeming disoriented by the events that had transpired, but I remained at her side to keep her upright. The woman I now knew I loved looked up at me with immeasurable sadness in her gaze, and although I would give anything to wash those terrible feelings away, I knew there would be time once I got her settled in her apartme
nt. In an attempt to offer some slight comfort, I leaned in and kissed her on the forehead, my lips lingering on her skin for a long moment before I drew away. She shivered, clutching my hand in her own. Fumbling for her apartment key with her free hand, she unlocked the door and pushed inside, dragging me along behind her — not that I put up much of a fight.

  “Do you want to sit down for a moment? Give yourself a bit of time to pull yourself together?” I offered carefully, but she only laughed, shaking her head a bit.


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