Leather for Two: Wings of Steel MC

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Leather for Two: Wings of Steel MC Page 6

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  “You okay, Bambi? You’re not going to pass out on me, are you?”

  “Of course not.” I pressed the cloth against his nose.

  “Ow!” He jerked his head back.

  “Sorry.” I lightened the pressure. “What happened, Blaze? Why were you watching my house? And why in the hell did you break in? Haven’t you heard of knocking?” He pushed my hand away and took over the responsibility of holding the cloth.

  “Thanks for the help, babe, but I think it’s you who needs to sit.”

  I didn’t argue. I sat down on the side of the tub across from him. “You’re still bleeding.” I cringed.

  “Sweetheart, this is nothing.” He lowered the cloth and the bleeding had finally slowed.

  “Are you going to answer?” I demanded.

  “I had a hunch I needed to keep an eye on you. If Peterson is asking you questions, there’s a good reason for it. He wouldn’t waste his time. If he’s watching you… us, I need to get to the bottom of this.”

  “He suspects that Diesel left me something. He certainly acted like he knew about the envelope.” I narrowed my gaze.

  “I wouldn’t think so. Did Peterson ask about it when he was talking to you?”

  I shook my head. “But Diesel had my contact information in his apartment and Peterson finds that suspicious. I would, too.” I rubbed my temples, hoping the throbbing would ease.

  “Did Peterson tell you I’m a suspect?” Blaze’s eyes darkened.

  “Yes.” I clasped my hands tighter. “You told me you thought Diesel was killed because he was sleeping with Digger’s girlfriend.”

  “I don’t know.” He pushed a hand through his hair. “The ATF has been investigating Wings, specifically Diesel, for months now. I knew he’d gotten involved in some illegal shit, was arrested on some petty garbage and that’s when I bought his share of the shop so I wouldn’t risk losing everything. He promised he’d stay out of trouble, but you know Diesel. I’m just not clear who helped him in the dealings and if we still have an issue that needs extinguished.”

  I tried piecing the details together. “Other members were involved too?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I’ve had my suspicions for a while. I knew I wouldn’t be taken down for someone else’s shitty activity. And then Diesel was murdered…” He groaned.

  “Did you do it?” The question just came out, but it needed asked.

  He jumped up from the toilet seat. His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. “Damn, Rena. Did you just ask me if I killed him?”

  I stood too. “In this same circumstance, you’d ask too.”

  “I might be a lot of things, but a killer I’m not.” He threw the soiled rag in the sink and stomped out into the hall.

  “I believe you. I knew, but I had to ask,” I said, following him.

  He turned, his steely gaze on me. “No you didn’t.” He took off down the stairs.

  “Wait, Blaze. Don’t go.” I finally made it downstairs, three seconds behind him.

  “I’m not leaving.” His shoulders slumped some. “Look, I’m sorry I came in here like I did, but I wasn’t expecting your bedroom light to flash at three A.M. I think we all could use a large dose of chillax.”

  “How did you get in? My front door was locked.”

  “A lock on a doorknob is easy to get past, sweetheart. It takes a simple swipe of a credit card.” He pushed a hand into his front pocket and pulled out a bankcard.

  My stomach turned. “That’s good to know.” I made a mental note to buy a bolt lock very soon. “I’m thinking if we talk to Agent Peterson, maybe we can prove that you’re not involved in the illegal activity and the murder.”

  “No, Rena. We can’t talk to him.”

  I folded my arms over my stomach. “Why not?”

  “Because no one can be trusted, especially Peterson.” He pointed to the chair. “Have a seat. You still don’t have your color back.”

  I slipped onto the couch, pressing my palms against my thighs. “Why can’t he be trusted?”

  “You’re too trusting, baby girl. Peterson isn’t going to believe a word that I have to say, or what you say. He has it out for all clubs, not just Wings.”

  “I sensed some animosity between you two.”

  “His sister married a member in another club. He wasn’t happy. He’s had it out for all clubs since. For a career-oriented man like Peterson, a murder involving a MC is like gold paving his ladder to success.”

  “Blaze, why did you threaten Diesel? Whoever was there told investigators. Why would a member do that? Members had always watched each other’s back.”

  He squinted. “So that’s what Peterson couldn’t wait to tell you. And why you pulled away looking at me like I had grown horns. First, Diesel and I went through a rough patch. Second, some of the members weren’t too pleased when Diesel lost his spot as president. There’s still some animosity among us.”

  “You and Diesel were best friends. Peterson told me you had an argument with Diesel over me. I don’t understand.” The pain in my forehead grew to an ache. How had my calm and serene life suddenly turned upside down?

  “There’s a lot you don’t know—wouldn’t understand.” He sat beside me and leaned close. The area around his left eye was already bruising.

  “Then help me understand or I’m calling Peterson. I refuse to be involved in anything illegal.” I lifted my chin and met his gaze to show him I meant business.

  He blew out a breath through his tight lips. “Fine. But do you care if I wash up first? This is a conversation that’ll take longer than a few minutes.”

  “Okay.” Truth was, I couldn’t stand to look at his blood smeared face any longer than I had to. Seeing him hurt, as little as it seemed, made me want to nurse him back to health way too much.


  Blaze removed his shirt and tossed it onto the back of the toilet. He eyed himself in the mirror and sighed. He leaned closer and checked out his nose and black eye. “Mother fucker!” he mumbled.

  Rena carried a heavy blow with her elbow, which was a damn good thing. Just too bad it hurt like hell.

  His protective instincts were on high alert.

  They were up to their eyeballs in the case now. He had no choice but to tell her everything.

  He washed and dried his face, then went downstairs and found Rena cuddled up on the corner of the couch. Her skin had gotten some color back, but the curiosity in her gaze hadn’t left. Seeing her there made his heart skip a beat. She looked so small and scared. He couldn’t let anything happen to her. He’d protect her with all that he had.

  Taking a seat on the other side of her, he half expected her to tell him to sit on the chair. But she didn’t.

  Maybe she didn’t despise him after all.


  “Feel better?” I asked, keeping my attention on his face. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and I found it difficult not to stare at his broad, toned chest and abs.


  The blood was gone from his face, but the bruising and swelling had gotten worse. I reminded myself that I couldn’t feel sorry for him. A man like Blaze didn’t need someone’s pity. “Tell me everything, Blaze.”

  “To help you understand, I’ll have to go as far back as the night I came by your apartment and told you how I felt.” He eased his large body into the cushion. “I went back to the compound. I intended to tell Diesel the truth about my feelings and that I wanted him to leave you alone. But he already knew how I felt.”

  I blinked. “He already knew?” I slid around to face him. My toes touched his thigh.

  He nodded. “He said he did. He wasn’t happy. More pride than anything I’d say.” He rubbed his goatee. “Diesel wouldn’t have stood back and made it easy for us to be together. He made that clear.”

  “He made threats? Against you and me?”

  “In a roundabout way. I couldn’t take any chances that he’d hurt you.” His warm gaze attached to mine and I sighed. “So Diesel and I mad
e a pact that we’d both leave you alone.”

  “That’s why you didn’t come for me.”

  “Yes. I wanted to tell you, but at the time he was capable of doing something crazy. We all knew he had already lost his mind.”

  “He got his wish.” Acid burned my throat. “I left without you.”

  Blaze sucked in a breath. “I guess he did.” His deep voice vibrated my chest. I pushed a tendril of hair behind my ear. “What about the threats Peterson mentioned?”

  “Diesel became irate when he lost his seat as president, but by then he’d changed so much and members feared he’d take us all down. We had our suspicions that he’d been dealing firearms, which put all of us in danger. Most recently, he was drinking too much. He’d never forgiven me for taking the presidency. And he never forgave you. He blurted out in front of everyone in the compound that he should have never made an agreement with me when it came to you. He said he planned on finding you.” Blaze shrugged. “I lost my head and told him if he made one step near you, I’d put a bullet in his head.”

  “And two months later, he ended up exactly like that…a bullet in his head.”

  “Talk about piss poor luck.” He chuckled, but it fizzled.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this?”

  “Yeah, I could see that conversation. It wouldn’t have ended well for me.”

  “Peterson thinks you killed Diesel. And that doesn’t look good.”

  “Exactly. I’m a suspect, but I have an alibi.” He rubbed his hands down his thighs.

  “What’s your alibi?”

  He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Doesn’t matter.” He didn’t look at me and his jaw tensed.

  “Why, Blaze? If it’s a steel-tight alibi, Peterson and law enforcement won’t have a case against you.”

  “I wouldn’t consider it steel-tight, but it’s the truth.”

  “Not steel-tight?” My heart dropped.

  “I was with a chick I had been seeing for a short period of time.” I felt like I’d been jabbed in the stomach. I moved away from him. “Rena…”

  I held up a hand to stop him. “It doesn’t matter. Really, it doesn’t. I’m okay, it’s just that I’m now smack dab in the middle of something that I wanted no part of. I knew this would happen.” I stood and walked to the opposite side of the room, needing space from him. I crossed my arms over my chest, hoping to ease this sick feeling I had.

  “I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean for this to happen. I should have kept the letter from Diesel—”

  “No you shouldn’t. But you should read it. You say that no one can be trusted, and so did Diesel.” I went to my purse and grabbed the crumbled envelope. I tossed it on the cushion next to Blaze. “You’ll find it interesting.”

  He pulled out the paper and, when he was finished reading, he dropped it to the table. “Diesel was a game player,” he said in a husky voice.

  “Are you thinking there’s nothing important in the box at his house?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “I’m saying he was a game player and this is his way of playing. The only way we’ll know if there’s something important in it is by checking it out.”


  “Yes, we. Are you wanting to do this on your own?” One thick brow curved.

  “No, but…”

  He stood and came around the table. “What, Rena? You don’t trust me?” The quavering in his voice matched my emotions.

  “I—no, I trust you. It’s all confusing.” I wanted to cry, but I refused. I wouldn’t lose my last bit of control in front of Blaze.

  “No worries, baby. I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise. We’ll get to the bottom of this and it’ll be okay. Early tomorrow morning we’ll go to Diesel’s, but we have to get past the yellow tape. Shouldn’t be a problem.”

  I sucked in a breath. “Yellow tape?”

  “Sweetheart, it is a murder scene.”

  “But…well, is there another way?” All of this was too much to grasp.

  “I’m afraid not. The place should be clear to get in and get out. We’ll just have to be smart about it.”

  My knees wobbled. “I don’t like the sound of this.”

  “Remember, I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  His words helped me, some. “Why don’t we go now?”

  He shook his head. “Patience is key. If we go into that place, we’d have to use a flashlight and we’re more likely to get caught. We’ll wait until first light. That gives us about two hours to rest up. And don’t look at me like you could throw up. It’ll be okay.”

  I wanted to believe him—wanted to sink into his arms. I could lose myself in touching his abs, chest, and every other part of him. I couldn’t though. I shouldn’t. “The scariest part about this is it seems like someone is framing you, Blaze.”

  “Sort of seems that way.”

  “But who? Would they do this because you took the president’s seat?”

  “One thing at a time, doll. Let’s check out the box first. That could open, or close, some doors. In the meantime, why don’t you sleep for a bit. I’ll stay awake and make sure we get out of here on time and that you’re safe.”

  The sincerity in his voice and his expression was similar to an IV of morphine to my bloodstream. Thankful that he was there with me, I felt relief. There was no one else I’d want at a time like this.

  I grabbed the throw blanket from the arm of the couch and sat down, drawing my legs up under me.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I’m not leaving you alone down here.”

  “I’m not the one who needs a protector.”

  “I beg to differ. I did almost break your nose.” I laid my head against the cushion.

  He shrugged. “Suit yourself, sweetheart.”

  Hearing the insinuation in his voice, I shook my head. “You stay on your side of the couch and I’ll stay on mine.”

  He chuckled, giving her a boost of adrenaline. “Whatever.”

  “Anyway, I won’t sleep a wink.”

  He took a seat at the other end of the couch and bent over, untying his boots. He toed them off and stretched his legs, relaxing his feet on the table. “I bet you’ll be back to sleep within ten minutes.”



  “I’m sorry I asked if you killed Diesel. That wasn’t fair. I really need you to know I never doubted your innocence.” I had hurt him and I didn’t like the guilt.

  “No worries, sweetheart. Rest.”


  A nice drumbeat tickled my eardrum.

  Heat warmed my cheek. My body still trembled from the best dream I’d ever had.

  I smiled and languorously stretched my arms, blinking one eye open. My face was smashed against an iron pillow.

  I jerked up and came face to face with gorgeous. Blaze’s eyes were on me, warm and searching. I’d fallen asleep and somehow ended up in his arms—strong, capable arms. “Oh no. I’m sorry.” My voice wavered.

  “Are you apologizing because you fell asleep, then curled up next to me, or because you drooled all over my nipple?” He lifted a brow.

  Embarrassed, I wiped the wetness from my mouth. I knew I must be the color of a red delicious apple because heat spread over me like an electric blanket. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “I did. But I hated too. You were sleeping sound. I like the way you softly snore. Hell, I even managed to rest myself.” His smile did wonders to my inner thighs. I needed space, fast. I jumped up, almost tripping over the blanket wound around my ankles. I pushed out of the thick material and rounded the coffee table. “I-I should go and change out of my pajamas and call in sick at school.” I backed toward the staircase. “If you’d like coffee, there’s a canister in the cabinet. The coffee maker is on the counter…of course, you’ll see it.” Wow, I was tongue-tied. But what woman wouldn’t be when waking up in the arms of a man with enough masculinity to make my toes curl. “I won’t be long.”

nbsp; “I’ll make some.” His husky voice played my veins like a harp. Oh brother, I was in trouble. Big trouble. I should be focused on the fact that I found myself in the middle of a murder investigation and all I could think about was the half-dressed man sitting on my sofa, grinning from ear to ear. He knew what he did to me. He liked making me crazy.

  Upstairs, I stared into my closet. My anxieties reared their head.

  I didn’t know what to wear. I especially didn’t want Blaze thinking I cared what he liked. In the end, I decided on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. It was neither too dressy nor modest. I brushed my hair until it hung in silken waves. I didn’t own much makeup, but I found mascara and lip tint in the vanity drawer and applied both liberally.

  I then called the school and told the secretary I wouldn’t be in today.

  I found Blaze sitting at the kitchen table when I went downstairs. He wore a shirt—thankfully—and held a “best teacher ever” mug that I’d received from a student last Christmas. “Took you long enough,” he said as he handed me a cup that read “Teachers do it best”. A gift from Daisy.

  “I was upstairs less than fifteen minutes. I can’t pull on a shirt, run my fingers through my hair and call it a day.” I accepted the coffee and sat across from him. I looked into the light colored liquid. He remembered how I liked it.

  “You still like lots of crème and sugar, right?”

  “Yes, I do.” I sipped the coffee. “It’s delicious.”

  “Thankfully I had an old shirt in the console of my bike. Being that we want to make this as undercover as possible, I thought I’d get too many looks going shirtless. And we’ll take your beat up car. It’ll get less attention than my bike. ” His hands looked large wrapped around my cup. I could think of a few other places I wanted his hands.

  I licked my lips and put the cup down. If I wasn’t careful, I’d splash it over the top. I hated being nervous around him. I wanted to be natural…aloof. “I didn’t expect to wake up this morning and be enmeshed in the middle of a crazy murder mystery.”


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