Leather for Two: Wings of Steel MC

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Leather for Two: Wings of Steel MC Page 10

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  “You have a sexy mouth. I like watching it move.” He had another forkful ready.

  I slipped my mouth over the tines, conscious that he stared intently. I chewed and reached up to wipe the corner of my mouth, but he beat me to it. Instead of using the napkin, he licked the sauce from my lip.

  His unexpected touch scorched every cell in my body. I puddled into a sack of goo on the mattress. “There is something very seductive about this.” I nervously smiled.

  “Yes, there is.” His husky voice made the hairs on my neck stand.

  “I could get used to this.” I could get used to him.

  “You should. I could too.”

  I looked at him over the rim of my glass, swirling the liquid inside. “I have a confession. I once carved our names inside of a heart on a tree,” I blurted. “Is that cheesy or romantic?”

  He smiled and my heart lit up. “Makes me happy. I got something I need to say too. I came to your house six months ago, but I didn’t come to the door.”


  “Don’t look so shocked. I wasn’t stalking you. I wanted to say the right thing, wanted to explain so much.”

  I blinked. “Say it now.”

  He swallowed. “I want you. I’ve wanted you since the second you walked into the bike shop. You had nothing but innocence on your sweet face and I was willing to forget that you had your arm looped around Diesel. You know I want you. You wouldn’t be sitting here looking at me like that if you didn’t. You want me too, at least I’m praying that you do.”

  His eyes were shining and eager. This beautiful man sitting before me, offering me pleasure unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed. To deny him would be denying my next breath. To pretend his words held little truth would be like ripping out my heart.

  He dropped the fork onto the plate and the loud ding made me jerk. He clasped my hand into his much larger one, the warmth oozed through my skin. “It’s not that easy,” I murmured.

  “It can be as easy as you want it to be.” The urgency in his voice rocked my axis.

  I opened my mouth, but his fingers entwined in my hair, brushing across my nape, stopping my words. Our gazes met and held. A lifetime seemed to pass between us. “Does it give you power knowing you’re in my head, day and night? I can’t breathe without thinking of you.” His words were a match lighting the flames within me. Before I could answer, even if I could think of something worthy to say, he leaned forward and captured my lips under his. He swept his tongue along my lower lip, then nibbled and toyed with my mouth. He pulled back a mere inch. “I want to kiss, lick, and bite every part of you—gently though. I’d never hurt you.” I whimpered and he grinned victoriously. “I won’t pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to do, but it’s important you understand where I’m coming from.”

  “I-I do now.” It was hard getting my voice to work when I could barely think. His smile was contagious. “What is your real name? It isn’t Blaze, right? And what is your last name? I feel I should know this.”

  “Blaze is my first name, thanks to my dad. I like it much better than I would Dick or Harvey.” His eyes sparkled. “My last name is Donavon.”

  I couldn’t believe I never knew that…never asked. “That’s a nice name. Blaze Donavon.” I played with it on my lips. I wanted to know him, learn everything about him. I wanted to connect on an emotional level before things got out of control. “Irish?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “Name something about your childhood that you miss.”

  “My dad was rough around the edges, but he provided. He’d always go to my school events He was proud of me. Once I got first place in an elementary science fair and he came to school and patted me firmly on the back. He then pulled out his camera and asked a teacher to take a picture of us together with my project.” Blaze swept his fingers along the inside of my arm and I shivered. “Those are what a childhood should be based on. Happy memories. A parent’s love. I hope I can give that to a kid of my own someday.”

  “So you want a family?”

  “Always have. I never had a big family growing up, and I’ve wanted one since I can remember.”

  “What happened to your father?” I didn’t know if I should ask, but my curiosity got away from me.

  “Sent his bike flying through the air and skidded on the road. He didn’t have his helmet on.” His gaze darkened.

  “I’m sorry.”

  He dropped his hand to my thigh and the warmth oozed through the material of my jeans.

  His nearness weakened me, and yet I felt I could run a mile without losing my breath. I jerked my gaze away, looking at anything but him. He cupped my chin, turning my cheek. His bold and challenging stare forced me to stay connected. I understood what he silently asked.

  Swallowing, I gained my thoughts. “Yes.”

  He blinked. “And you’re sure?”

  “Very,” I answered.

  “I’ll take very good care of you.”

  Oh my…My stomach flopped. His words stripped any resistance and primed me for his taking. He could be considered an expert at the art of seduction, which should repulse me in some way, but instead it made me enthusiastic. Blaze drew out my naughty side—removing all of my chains. I liked that. I needed someone who could challenge me to step out of my bubble.

  His expression softened. “I’ve never wanted anyone like I want you. I want to show you how much I want you.” His words held promise.

  A thought nagged at my brain though. “I want you, but I have something else I need to know.” My voice trembled, much like my insides.


  “Are these clean sheets?”

  His gaze narrowed. “What are you asking?”

  “Have you slept with anyone in these sheets? Not slept…but had sex with? I’m not a whore and I won’t sleep in someone else’s puddle of lust.”

  “That’s an odd question.”

  “For me, it isn’t. I never want to go down a road again where I feel used or second best compared to a number of other women. I want someone to want me only. I can’t get involved with a man who doesn’t respect fidelity.”

  One corner of his mouth lifted. His humor irked me. “I haven’t slept with anyone here, ever.”

  What? “That’s not possible.”

  “It’s true. I think you have a poor image of me and every other member wearing a cut. I blame Diesel for ruining it for the rest of us.”

  I stared in disbelief. “You really haven’t? No one?”

  “No one, sweetheart. Not here, at least.” His soft voice cradled my heart in his palms. “We’re not so far apart in our needs and desires. I feel like I’ve been sleepwalking through life up until this point.”

  I knew the feeling all too well—letting life live me instead of living life. “Thank you for telling me this.”

  “I haven’t been a virgin. A man has needs. So does a woman. Right?”

  I shrugged. “I haven’t been with anyone since—” I didn’t want to mar the moment with his name.

  His eyes widened. “Oh shit, Rena.”

  “Something else. I’m not taking anything to prevent pregnancy. I never had a reason.” I had to make that clear. Although I’d thought about kids, a family, now was not the time to take a chance.

  “I’m prepared.” He reached over to the nightstand and pulled out an unopened box. He shook them. “We have plenty, unless you turn into a sex-crazed nymph, and then we might be in trouble.” He winked. “I want to bring you pleasure, baby.” He looked at me. Confident and sure. I’d never met a man who had so much ego, and yet enough charm that he could make me feel like I’d turn to sand if I didn’t feel him near.

  My blood pumped through my veins, pounding my head. Yearning shot through my bloodstream, pooling in all of the secret places of my body. He stood, but kept his gaze connected with mine as he removed the tray from the bed. My heart beat faster.

  He first removed his leather cut. He’s going to strip for me…twic
e in one day. Will my body withstand the shock? I slid to the edge of the bed, watching, much like a schoolgirl awaiting her prize. He tugged his white T-shirt up over his rippled abs, over his smooth chest and dragged it over his head. Wow…the man was gorgeous. I could see his body a hundred more times and still be in awe.

  I anticipated the next step—his pants coming off. But he had other plans. He bent toward me, planting both hands on the mattress beside my thighs. “I want you naked.” He grabbed the hem of my shirt and tugged it off, tossing it aside. “I’ve been visualizing the matching bra and thong all afternoon, nearly killing me. I see you’re wearing lavender now.” He traced a finger along one lacey cup. I trembled.

  “I took a shower while you were gone.” I would leave out the part where I brought myself pleasure while scrubbing myself with his soap.

  “Do you realize I’d do anything for you? Anything.” His voice hitched. A new desperation filled his eyes.


  He nodded. “I’d defend you with my life,” he whispered. He caressed the part of my breasts that welled above the top of my bra. My nipples pebbled and tingled. I bit my lower lip to keep from moaning. It’d been a long time since I’d shared myself intimately. If I remembered correctly, I could scream my head off if the moves felt good. Those were memories of long ago. I had a feeling I had no clue what passions was, until now, so it was possible I could shout the roof off.

  I closed my eyes, wanting to envelope myself in the sensations rushing through all parts of my body, but I feared I’d miss an expression, a look, on his face. I opened my eyes and watched him. He leaned in and kissed me softly, then more demanding. I wouldn’t complain. I liked seeing the rugged side of him. I could see myself exploring new ways of pleasure with him. His tongue slipped past my lips, played with mine, then drew back out—in and out. His fingers were at the waist of my jeans, tugging. He slid them from my body and cool air brushed my heated inner thighs, but the scorching fire at my seam remained.

  I dropped my head back onto one shoulder, whimpering and squirming. He wasted no time. He dropped feathery soft kisses along the line of my neck, his tongue darting out, leaving a moist path to the dip in my collarbone. Wonderment clutched me and tickled my nerve endings. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to scream his name or sink my teeth into his muscled shoulder looming a few inches in front of me. I inhaled sharply and the scent of his spice deodorant filled my senses. He smelled good, looked good, tasted good…and I knew he’d fuck good too. My core quaked.

  He moved lower, brushing his chin across the top of my swollen breasts. I tingled from the inside out. Slowly, he peeled my bra away and tossed it to the floor. My nipples were peaked and I watched him staring, the glaze in his eyes dancing.

  “Mmm. Beautiful breasts and nipples. I could lick and suck them all day.” He pinched one pink nub, rolling it between his fingers. I arched my back and moaned.

  “I would go insane.” I didn’t realize I had said the words aloud until he answered.

  “I would reach out to you before you fell over the brink of insanity,” he murmured against one breast. “I’m going to visit every flawless inch of your body. Taste it. Run my fingers over, through and around it. I’ll know every part of you.”

  And I will let him do anything. Anything.

  He pushed me further up the bed. My hair tumbled about my shoulders and across the white sheet. I watched him. He was a perfect shade of bronze and my milky skin looked pale in contrast with his. I dropped my gaze to the cross tattoo with my name. I had a sense of pride that he did this for me. A man would never do this for a woman unless he—

  Yes, he had loved me. But did he still?

  “How is your skin so pale and as smooth as butter?” His heated voice pulled me back. “I’m afraid I could almost hurt you with my rough hands.”

  “I love the feel of your hands on me,” I whispered. “They feel so good. So right.”

  “I wrote a love poem once about a beauty with alabaster skin and dark hair. I wanted to give it to you, before you left Wings.”

  “Blaze, you wrote a poem?” How could I have not known he had such talent? Had such a romantic heart? “You said you could never speak romantic words.”

  He smiled but continued to play with my nipple, blowing on the pearl. “The words get stuck somewhere between my brain and tongue. But I see it’s true. A man who has the right muse can be inspired to create a masterpiece.”

  “I want to read it. One day. Please.”

  “I never forgave myself for not showing you how much I cared.” He bent his head and licked the underside of my breast. I weakened.

  I concentrated on breathing. “I wish we could go back. Change things.” My eyes blurred with unshed tears.

  “Yes. But I think this is the right time.” He sighed. “I won’t live in regret any longer.” His husky voice made my nerve endings tingle. I slipped my fingers through his hair. “Are you feeling guilty?”

  “Just felt a lot needed said.” He swallowed loudly. “Many things were left unsaid. When you left, I couldn’t manage even looking at a brunette without becoming angry.” His confession stirred something in me. I loved his honesty. He stretched out beside me. The hard length of his body pressed against mine. He still wore his jeans, but they were now unzipped. “Take off my jeans, baby,” he urged.

  I lifted to my knees beside him, grasping the thick material and tugging them down his lean hips. His stiff erection stuck out from the waistband of his boxers, wet with pre-come. Once his jeans were gone, I removed his boxers, inch by inch, slowly, admiring him. My knuckles skimmed the crisp hair on his legs and my body tingled. Once he was naked, he dragged me down against his body, kissing me, hard and demanding. His tongue coaxed mine, and our tongues dueled. His hands smoothed down my shoulders, following the curve of my spine until he reached my bottom. He squeezed and moaned. “A fucking nice ass,” he murmured against my lips.

  His erection pressed against my stomach. I wanted him badly. I wanted him deep inside of me.

  Gripping his biceps, I pushed up slightly. I needed to touch him. To remember him in my fingerprints. I ran my fingers over his beard and face, gliding my hands into his hair. The strands were soft and thick. He pushed his hands into my hair too, tugging gently. The feeling was heavenly.

  He leaned me back and I sank into the mattress. I anticipated him entering me. Soon I hoped.

  Once he released his hands from my hair, he moved down my body, grabbing my hips in his palms. His warm breath brushed my moist slit. He licked one hipbone, then the other, swirling his tongue on my skin in a pattern of ecstasy.

  “Oh damn!” I squirmed. I bent my knees and widened my hips, silently inviting him to take me, mold me under his body.

  My reward didn’t come just yet, and I grew impatient. I dug my fingers through his hair and tugged, demanding. He chuckled and nibbled my inner thigh. I tightened my hold on his hair and he bit me harder. I whimpered and moaned. The sweet pain was gratifying.

  He skimmed his fingers across the waistband of my panties, and as he lowered them, his thumbs brushed my most intimate part, and fire lit my soaked flesh. He nestled his knees between my thighs and I whirled within a need unlike any other I’d experienced.

  “Your pussy smells so good. I’m going to dip my tongue into the sweetness.”

  “Yessss!” I lift my head off the pillow. I would find release with his tongue. His eyes were closed, a look of pleasure I’d never forget. My inner thighs grew warmer, wetter, as I screamed silently for him to hurry and taste me. My pants were heavy and loud in my ears. His fingers clasped my thighs, painful and nice at the same time.

  I’m going crazy here. He said he wouldn’t let me get that far.

  “Blaze.” His name oozed off my lips. Could he see that I was burning alive?

  “Patience, sweetheart. I’m going to take my time and indulge myself.”

  He nibbled the sensitive flesh close to the apex of my thighs. A jolt skipped up my skin and
pooled into my core. The fire was out of control. I clutched the sheets, ripping them, followed by his chuckle.

  “Oh the things I want to do to you.” His teeth nibbled my knee now. Then his tongue. Swirling, licking, teasing. I arched back, crying out in a raw moan.

  “I. Want. You,” I demanded.

  “And I want you. But first, I want you to get so hot and bothered that you’re screaming my name and creaming on my face.”

  Fuck! I’m going to do just that!

  He moved his head lower. Why oh why? Everything he needed existed between my thighs.

  His touch came at my feet, his warm breath, then his teeth nipping my ankle. I jerked away, but he pulled me back, rolling his tongue around one toe. Then my instep and back to my toes. I watched him, mesmerized. He sucked my big toe into his mouth, while he connected his gaze with mine. He continued suckling. I thought I’d burst from the forbidden sensation of his mouth on my feet.

  I inhaled a deep breath and wailed. “Please, Blaze.” My voice was so hoarse I barely recognized it was my own. I barely recognized myself full of uninhibited desire. The wicked things I wanted to do to him whipped through my brain, sending me closer to the edge.

  “Spread your legs wider, baby.”

  I did.

  “Lift your ass higher.”

  Yes, I did that too.

  “Mmm. Wet, pink treasure. The scent is intoxicating. I wonder what it tastes like?” He dipped his tongue into my folds, lapping the flesh like an ice cream cone. Licking and moaning. Groaning and sucking. How could he reach so many parts of me at once? He had a magical tongue. Yes! Yessss!

  I was a goner…

  The spasms took root in my uterus, slowly gliding with the intensity of a wildfire at my seam. The sensation grew so strong. I became lost in the shudders. He slipped a finger inside of me, then two, and I rolled my hips. I liked being dragged down a heated path that promised release. But the burning was spreading faster and expanding into every part of me.


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