In Love by Christmas: A Paranormal Romance

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In Love by Christmas: A Paranormal Romance Page 21

by Nathan, Sandy

  No one waited for Clarissa in front of the hotel. Her family’s driver had chauffeured her parents to their country estate and stayed there. Clarissa made the tiniest squeak of agony, realizing she was abandoned.

  “Do you have someone to stay with?” he asked. He finally had realized what a big deal it was for parents to miss their daughter’s debutante party and leave her standing at the front of the ballroom at the end. An almost-fatal car crash would be an acceptable excuse not to show, but not what the Lord and Lady did.

  “Can I go home with you?” Her eyes were huge, wet lashes clumped together. She was heartbroken, and in love with him.

  “No, you may not. Do you have any relatives nearby who will take care of you?”

  “Grandmama and Papa.”

  “Your grandparents. Do they drink?”


  “Where do they live?”

  “In St. George’s Hill, in Weybridge. About forty five minutes from here.”

  “OK. Let’s go. Tell Ralph the address.”


  “My driver.”

  “Oh.” Wide eyes, big O of a mouth. Calling a servant by his first name was almost as revolutionary as Leroy’s playing the drums. “It’s on Wood Lane.”

  He pulled a cell phone out of a compartment in the side of the car door. Her eyes opened wide when she saw the brick of a phone. Not everyone had such an advanced device in 1997 and very few had them connected to satellite networks so they could use them anywhere. Numenon offered a lot.

  “What’s your home phone number, Clarissa?” Leroy said, dialing quickly. The butler answered instantly. Leroy had the feeling that, having seen the Lord and Lady leave for the Ball soused and knowing their drunken proclivities, the entire staff waited in frenzy, wondering how the Ball went. He explained what happened, making no attempt to sugar-coat anything. “I’m taking Lady Clarissa to her grandparents’ for the night. I didn’t want you to worry.”

  Clarissa cuddled up to him as they drove, stroking his body in a tentative fashion and raising her lips to him at one point.

  “Clarissa, do you think if you have sex with me, what your parents did won’t hurt so much?”

  She froze, and then started really crying for the first time. She didn’t stop, finally leaning on him in a different way.

  Leroy stroked her head. “It’s all right. I understand. Nothing went right tonight. If you had me, you’d have gotten something at least.

  “Are you a virgin, Clarissa?” She nodded miserably. “Good. Stay that way. You’re holy. You’re the most valuable thing in the universe. You don’t want to give yourself to anybody, someone you don’t know. Someone who isn’t right for you and doesn’t want you for the right reasons. Do you understand?

  “When you meet the right man, when you both love each other, all of that will be perfect. In the meantime, stay as you are.”

  She clutched him all the way to her grandparents, messing up his fancy suit with her tears. He figured that was the best thing that could happen to it.

  Dawn was nowhere in evidence, but he could see the tall trees and mansions of Clarissa’s grandparents’ neighborhood. This was as fancy as his place in London, it just had trees and space. Clarissa would never lack for anything, even if she left her parents cold. But that wasn’t enough for a life.

  “You need to start thinking about the future, Clarissa. You need to go to school so you can get a job.”

  “A job?!” She pulled away from him, horrified. “For money?”

  “Nothin’ wrong with working for wages, girl. But if you don’t want to work for money, you need a job on Earth. You need to take care of poor people, or get sick people medical care. Take care of the environment. Work for world peace. You’re smart; you could be in Parliament or an Ambassador. You could do anything.” He said it all in his voice. Every word was a command she couldn’t ignore.

  He took her to her grandmother’s house, calling ahead to alert the butler so everyone could be presentable when they arrived at four a.m. The mansion had big columns in front and miles of grass. Her grandparents were standing on the front porch.

  “You need to take care of her,” he said. “You know what goes on in her house. She shouldn’t be living with her parents.” More commands.

  “Well, Lady Clarissa, it was a delight accompanying you to the Ball.” He kissed her hand and let her go. He could see the stars twinkling in her eyes as she went to her grandparents.


  Making It through the Night

  Sitting in his grand living room the evening after the Ball, Leroy stared out the window at the lights and beauty of London at night. After what Arabella had revealed, everything seemed pointless. Learning stuff that didn’t matter and he’d never use again. Impressing people who had nothing to them and would never truly accept him. He didn’t want to give any more parties or visit cathedrals or museums.

  He wanted his ranch. He wanted Grandfather and he wanted his father. Seeing his dad’s warm, wrinkled brown face and curly grey hair would have put some reality in the crazy life he was living.

  It was nine p.m. London time, one in the afternoon in California. He wouldn’t make the mistake he had when he called home and it was three a.m. in California. He picked up the phone, “Daddy, it’s me. Leroy. Give me a call when you get in. I’d really like to talk to you.”

  That was the third call where he talked to the answering machine. His dad hadn’t called back once. Something was going on. His father never left the ranch. But he did call back this time.

  “Hi, son! I’ve been out of town. Sorry I missed your calls.” His father sounded happier than he’d heard him.

  “Where have you been?”

  “We just got back from San Diego. Figure on heading up to San Francisco in a few days.”

  “Who’s ‘we’, dad?”

  “The new neighbor. Real friendly.”

  Those stuck up rich people who turned a nice ranch house into a fake Western monument? “They’re friendly?”

  “Yes, very friendly and fun to be around. What are you up to?”

  I’m about to die of homesickness. “I just wanted to hear your voice and see that you were OK.”

  “I’m more than OK. Ever since you healed my arthritis, I’ve had a new life. I can’t tell you how grateful I am, son.

  “When are you coming home?”

  Leroy sighed. “By Christmas, Will says.”

  “Ah, you’re homesick. Well, traveling like you been would do that. Come on home, son. I can get you a plane ticket if you need it. Come home tomorrow.”

  Where the hell did his father get the money to buy a plane ticket for the next day, not using bonus miles and buying a year ahead to get the cheapest rate?

  “Son, I have a big surprise for you. I was going to save it until you got home, but you sound so down that I’ll tell you. Your cabin is done!” Leroy could see his father’s smile through the phone.

  “It’s all done? What do you mean?”

  “Remember all the stuff those rich people gave me when they were remodeling?”

  “Yeah. All the cabinets and everything.”

  “Way more than what you saw last Christmas. Toilets and tubs. Doors, wood ones with panels. A whole pile of tile and granite. You wouldn’t believe what they gave me. They were goin’ to throw it away. So I had ‘em bring it over. Those people were so rich that they had carpenters and electricians and plumbers standing around doing nothing.”

  “What?!” Nobody did that.

  “It’s true. If that rich lady didn’t like what came in, she’d refuse it, even with the crew waiting to install it. Craziest thing you ever saw.

  “They fixed your whole cabin in their spare time, son. Installed everything from the front door to the back porch. Will Duane could live there, the way it came out.”

  Rage erupted in Leroy. “That was my cabin. I built it and I was going to finish it. That was for me and my wife. I wanted to do that for us. By myself.”
br />   His father made a little snort and backpedaled fast. “Son, you’ve been gone almost a year. I didn’t know when you were coming back. I thought, ‘Better grab what I can.’ I thought you’d love that it was done.”

  “I don’t, Dad, that was my own place, that I built by myself. It was private. For me and my wife.”

  “Leroy, that’s crazy. Everyone in this valley came over to raise those logs. Other people have been in on it from the start. I just was trying to help. Don’t be mad at me.”

  Leroy sat, breathing hard and wiping his eyes. Why did the cabin matter so much? Why was he crying? Why did Cass and him getting married seem so far away? Why should Arabella saying her father would never accept him matter? She wasn’t even his real soul mate. She was a spare or a number two. But why did it feel like his happiness with Cass or anyone was being snatched away?

  Would he ever get what he really wanted? What did he deserve—a gigantic half-breed black/red/white person who only got out of high school because the Salmon caught on?

  Nothing he’d done since he left home meant anything. Learning silverware. Bespoke clothing. Was he really just a grown up “cute picka-ninny” like some lady visiting the ranch had said so many years before? He had to ask his daddy what that meant.

  Who was he? He wasn’t the rancher who left to see his Grandfather at the last Meeting. Nowhere near. He’d been to all those places; he was different. But going where he’d been and doing what he’d done meant he didn’t belong anywhere.

  He didn’t belong at home. The ranch and their valley and everyone he’d called friends all his life seemed different from him.

  How could he go home after this year? He couldn’t be a multi-lingual ranch hand who knew formal dress code. And he couldn’t forget that he knew it, and the parties and dancing with the debutantes. What was he, who was he? What was he going to do when it was over?

  All along, he’d figured that he’d do something with Will after this year. Help him somehow. He didn’t know how he’d make a living without Will. His new lifestyle was far above anything he could have imagined before.

  Will was pissing him off. He was screwing around, not telling what he knew about Cass. Just, “I’m getting good reports.” She must have been moved to that other hospital, but why didn’t Will tell him right out? Will was hiding something. Why?

  What was his dad doing hanging around with the rich people? They were awful. Were they giving him money so he could buy a plane ticket? Why would they give him money? Had he done something with the ranch? Sold it to them? Crazy things were happening everywhere. His life was out of control.


  OK. So He Didn’t Make It Through the Night

  “Will? I want to know where Cass is and how she’s doing.” The words shot out of Leroy’s mouth. His interaction with his father had wound him up enough to take Will on.

  “She’s fine, Leroy.” Will’s voice was too smooth.

  “Fine, like fine, or fine, like not dead?”

  “I’m getting good reports from the Institute. She’s settling in and adjusting to their regimen.”

  “She’s at that Institute? Why didn’t you tell me you’d moved her?”

  “I wasn’t aware that I had to tell you anything.”

  “Have you talked to her?”

  “I have not talked to her. I’ve talked to the director and her psychiatrist. The Institute has a very effective treatment program.

  “The patients are denied access to the outside world. They have to learn to cope inside the hospital culture and learn healthy ways of living. Remember, they’re addicts with severe mental disorders and criminals. It’s the only way they can heal, Leroy.”

  “That is not the only way they can heal. My grandfather could have healed her in two days. It might take me three. She doesn’t have to be there. She’s there because you don’t trust me.

  “I haven’t seen her since we rescued her on March 23rd. It’s October 26th. That’s seven months. I figured you’d moved her to that other place. But when? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “That is my business as much as yours.” Leroy could feel himself lean into it. “I am going to marry her. Cass matters to me. And you’re lying. There’s something you’re not telling me.

  The moment he said “lying,” he could feel Will change, like popping a grenade.

  “You’re calling me a liar? You’re a two-bit pretty boy. All you can do is drum and spend my money.”

  “I thought you didn’t care what you spent on me. You were bringing me into the family. I’m Cass’s soul mate.” Leroy had had enough. Sarcasm permeated his words. “Tell me what you’re keeping from me or I’ll fly home now and drag it out of you.”

  Big pause on Will’s end. The grenade was ticking. “She’s brain-damaged. Apparently when you saved her, you let her die a few times too. And waited too long to bring her back. She’s brain-damaged. Now are you happy?”

  Leroy couldn’t move. Speak. Breathe. “She’s brain-damaged?”

  “Yes. Fruit of your healing. If you …”

  “I can’t bring anyone back from the dead. If she came back, she did it herself. Are those doctors sure? Half the time their tests are wrong …”

  “They’re sure.” Will’s voice was clipped.

  “How bad is it? Can she talk?”

  “She sounds fine when I talk to her on the phone. They say her IQ has dropped significantly, but that will just make you a better couple.”


  “I’ve had you investigated. You barely got out of high school. I saw your records, Leroy. Six years to graduate from a lousy reservation high school with a D average.”

  “You think I let Cass die and get brain-damaged? But that doesn’t matter because I’m so dumb, we’ll make a better match now?” Will meant that exactly; Leroy felt him breathing it in and breathing it out.

  “I saved your life in Paris. I prayed for you all night. I watched your back and covered your ass in that meeting.

  “And you lie to me, and blame me, and hold all this shit about me for months and months and never say a thing. You really are an asshole.” Leroy quivered as he spoke.

  Leroy could feel Will suck in air, maybe all the air in the universe. “YOU UNGRATEFUL SON OF A BITCH!” Will exploded. “All you’re good for is playing drums and dancing with little girls. I know about you. I had you investigated. Watched, Leroy! I’ve had you watched every minute you’ve been over there!

  “WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO OFFER ME FOR WHAT I’VE DONE FOR YOU?” Will stopped. Leroy could hear him breathing, panting as he thought up more insults. Time seemed to pause and then Leroy fired back.

  “Never speak to me like that. Never speak to anyone like that.” Leroy’s voice was low and very intense. He hung up. The fury he’d felt after talking to his dad was not even a fly-speck on the surface of the cosmos to what he felt then.

  He took off into the night, running along the deserted sidewalk. He wanted thugs to show up so he could kill them. Demons. Will. He could disembowel Will a dozen times before feeling satisfied. Two dozen.

  Another man would have gone to a bar and gotten drunk. Leroy kept running and hoping Enzo and Diego Donatore would show up so he could tear them apart.

  Asshole. What Will had said hurt. He didn’t know what Leroy was in training to be. My grandpa was in a trance for twenty years when he was becoming a holy man. I did it in six.

  His ribs heaved in and out. Cass wasn’t safe. She was in a very bad place. Her father was an asshole. No wonder she was so sick. What did Will say to Cass about her grades?


  Daddy’s Little Girl

  Will dropped the smoking shards of his phone, backing away from his desk. The phone had exploded when Leroy spoke those quiet but charged words. The part that didn’t explode melted. Electrical energy surged out of the telephone, fried the line, went into the wall, and kept going. He could see charred lines along the floor where the
phone’s power went. It probably burned all the way out of the house to the telephone pole.

  “Are you all right, Mr. Duane?” One of his operatives was at his door. They were back in force. When he moved Cass to the Institute and didn’t tell Leroy, Carl refused to work for him. He cooked, that was it. Hannah’s people were the top dogs in security again, crawling all over in their black clothes. “We lost the power in the house for a second. Are you OK?”

  “I’m fine. Don’t worry.”

  Jesus Christ, Will gasped. That kid blew up a bull. He kills demons. He’d saved Will’s life. What the fuck are you screwing with him for?

  “Don’t talk to me that way. Don’t talk to anyone that way.” Remembering Leroy’s words made Will’s guts shiver. The remains of the phone wiggled too.

  He was a foul-mouthed, bad-tempered old man with no sense of propriety when he was angry. How did he know what Leroy’s high school was like? Out on a reservation? Maybe they’d didn’t have books. Maybe he was dyslexic or had an attention deficit. He’d proven he could outperform anybody, anywhere. What he’d said to Leroy was so rude.

  Oh, shit. He cleared the rubble of the phone away and leaned his forehead on his hand. Something was fishy about that Havertin Institute. Why did he defend it so? Because of a corporate buddy who wasn’t even a good friend? Because he didn’t think Cass could be saved? Because he wanted to punish her for what she’d said to him last Christmas and for years before?

  Or was it what Leroy said, he didn’t trust him? Will didn’t trust anyone. If something awful happened and he needed help, would Leroy come after what he said?

  His cell phone rang—he could hear it in his bedroom. He ran to get it, thinking it was Leroy calling back.

  “I’m sorry …”

  “Well, good Will. I’m sure that you have lots to be sorry about.” The dry old voice was like a rasp on his already shredded nerves. It was Vanessa Schierman. Dr. Vanessa Schierman. “Do you want to tell me what it is?”


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