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Law Page 4

by Jess Buffett

  “The days?” he said incredulously. “What are you now, twenty-three? Get back to me once you’ve passed thirty.”

  “Nothing wrong with thirty-something. I’ve quite enjoyed it myself.” The heated look he sent me had my already semi-hard cock reaching its full potential. “Don’t look at me like that if you can’t follow through.”

  Byron seemed to consider his options, slumping down in defeat. “I really do have to go.”

  I loved hearing how miserable he sounded at the idea.

  “When will I see you again?” I asked hesitantly.

  We hadn’t really defined what this was, and while I had admitted to myself it could only end one way, that didn’t mean I wanted things to end so soon.

  Reaching out and cupping his hand behind my head, Byron dragged me in for a mind numbingly deep kiss. “I probably won’t be able to make it back here for a little while. Exams have just started for the seniors, so the next two weeks are going to be full on.”

  Disappointed in having to wait so long, an idea hit me. “Well, I owe my parents a visit. I was thinking of making time this week between rehearsals and the few interviews we have set up. Plus there is the time we said we’d put towards writing a few new songs…” I bit my lip, frowning as I raised myself up on an elbow and started down at the other man. “I’ll make it work. I’ll see the ‘rents, and then I’ll come see you. If that’s okay?”

  “It’s more than okay.”

  After that we were both in a flurry of movement, getting dressed and out the door. Parting at the lifts, I snuck one final kiss in when I was sure the coast was clear before we went our separate ways, making plans for me to call him tonight once I was free.

  It was utterly ridiculous how very much I felt like a teenager again.

  Making my way back up to the penthouse, I slide the card through the automated door, wincing at the beeping it made to confirm my access. Was it always that loud?

  On the home stretch, I closed the door behind me, and seeing the coast was clear, I stepped towards my bedroom.

  “Late night or early morning?”

  The unsuspecting question startled me, and I whipped around nearly falling arse over tit to see an extremely amused Zeck sitting on the couch.

  How had I not seen him?

  “Ahhh…” My mind was blank, and I struggled to come up with a believable excuse. It was too damned early for this shit.

  “Wasn’t supposed to be a tough one.” Zeck chuckled, shaking his head. His eyes held a subtle change, almost like understanding or knowledge that had me swallowing hard. “Chill, mate. We’ve all had those kinds of nights. About time you did, too, but if it's got your britches in such a twist then I’ll keep it between us.”

  I nodded gratefully, making a quick escape just as I heard a moan come from one of the other rooms. Given Dillon and his new wife Ashlyn had just welcomed baby Grace into the world, my money was on Alec. Who he had in there, I had no bloody clue, and my desire for my own privacy meant that I was happy not to find out. Regardless of how close we were, I knew better than any one of us that there was nothing wrong with having a few secrets.

  All I truly wanted was to spend some time with Byron, to get to know the amazing man a little more, before things inevitably blew up in my face. Perhaps that was a negative way to look at it, and if it were just me then maybe it’s a risk I would take, but I wouldn’t do that to the lads.

  I owed them more than that, and I knew I couldn’t have it all.

  Chapter Four


  Two weeks had gone by since I had reconnected with Law. While I had fully intended on socializing with the others of the band as well, that had gone by the wayside since Law and I had met for drinks. Everything, and I mean absolutely everything, had been focused solely on Law.

  Getting to know the real Law had been amazing, and I slowly realized that it wasn’t just his sexuality that he kept hidden from the rest of the world. The normally shy man had a wicked sense of humor, loved to pull pranks on his fellow band-mates, and had a deep passion for art of any form. Even his tattoos all meant something deep and profound. Two thick black bands sat on each bicep for his grandparents that he had lost as a child. Law had said to him, it had felt as though they were the only two adults in his life who had ever shown pure love and affection for him. An angel spread across the entire expanse of his chest, a reminder that no matter how bad things could get, that if he had faith then everything would work out.

  My favorite, though, had to be the four dragons circling most of his back. Law had said he had gotten them after they signed their first contract deal, and that they were a representation of the four of them. Their loyalty to each other and the fierce protectiveness that they held for one another.

  I had seen him twice in person since then. One time which had been planned when Law had visited his parents on the Tuesday evening of the first week, and another which had been a pleasant surprise on Thursday afternoon in the second week just after I had gotten home from work. Finding Law Kolera waiting on my doorstep had been like a dream come true.

  The rest of the time had been filled with phone calls, messages and one occasion of Skype. Which was why on Friday night I was unsurprised but happy nonetheless when my phone began to ring and I was Law’s name flash across the screen.

  “Hey, miss me already?” I answered happily. When all I was met with was silence, I frowned. “Law?”

  I heard his breath hitch on the other end of the phone, then finally his voice. “Can I see you tonight?”

  “Tonight?” Surprised at the request, I checked the time seeing it was already nine o’clock. “I wouldn’t get there until midnight.”

  “I—I know. I just…”

  As he trailed off, I became more concerned. “What happened? Is everything okay?”

  A heavy sigh filtered through. “Just been a lot of crap. Had management get up in arms over some shit, and then there’s the rumors. Fuck, maybe I shouldn’t have asked you to come over. Might not be a good idea.”

  Hearing Law work himself up, I interrupted him. “Law. You aren’t making any sense. What rumors? What happened?”

  “I just … I was sitting here with the lads and their girls, and … I’d just really like to see you. Even though it’s probably not a really good idea. We have a concert tomorrow night, and I have to be here first thing in the morning otherwise I’d come to you. I completely understand if—”

  “I’ll be there.” I cut him off before he could say anything else.

  “Are you sure?”


  Law chuckled. “Okay. I’ll get our room again.”

  Hanging, I stared at my phone for a good minute, struggling not to get my hopes up. All week, through countless discussions, I had been working on getting Law to open up. Maybe this was a sign that the younger man was ready to take the next step, or at least a little nudge in that direction.

  If I could get him to be open and honest about himself, then maybe we actually stood a chance. One could hope anyway. For now I would focus on the fact that when Law had needed someone, I had been the first person he had turned to. And that could be enough … for now.


  Knocking on the door to what we now considered “our room”, I patiently waited for Law to answer. I could hear him hesitate on the other side of the door and his words from earlier echoed in my mind.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have asked you to come over. Might not be a good idea.

  My stomach clenched at the thought of being turned away, but when Law finally opened up and greeted me with a tired yet relieved smile I relaxed a little.

  “Hey, I’m glad you made it,” Law whispered, reaching out to pull me inside.

  He had barely closed the door behind us before I stepped into his personal space, placing both of my hands on his hips. “Me too. Want to tell me what happened? You sounded pretty stressed.”

  With a grimace, Law pulled away nibbling on his lower lip as he move
d towards the lounge and flopped down onto the cushions. I realized then just how troubled he seemed. Never had I seen the younger man such a mess. His shirt was creased, untucked and half the buttons undone, and his hair stood on end as though he had spent the better part of the night running his fingers through it constantly.


  “There’s been some issues come up.”

  Frowning at the vague response, I asked, “What does that mean … issues?”

  Law growled. An actual growl of frustration which momentarily stunned me. “Someone saw something. There hasn’t been any confirmation. It’s all talk, but…”

  I watched Law pace, worried when the slightly manic look in the younger man’s eyes didn’t dim. Then it hit me. “You mean about us?”

  When Law didn’t answer me, I felt my anger boil. How was I supposed to help him if he wouldn’t speak to me?

  “For God’s sake, would you just stop and talk to me!”

  My tone had its desired effect. Law blinked up at me as though only just truly seeing that I was there. “I’m sorry.”

  I sighed, moving closer to him. “Don’t be sorry. Just tell me what’s going on. You know, this doesn’t just affect you, right?”

  Taking my hand in his, Law nodded. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting it. Which is kind of stupid when you think about it because hasn’t that been what I’ve been going on about since we started this? I still didn’t see it coming though.”

  “So someone knows about us?” I hid how much relief I experienced at the idea of us being outed.

  “Not us, exactly. More that there are rumors going around about one of us being spotted getting ‘cozy’ with another guy.” Law scratched absently at his chin, but I could tell it was a sign of agitation on his part. “There’s also a bunch of other stuff about drugs or something, which is bullshit, so whoever is spreading this stuff doesn’t have all, if any, of the details. I know the lads, and none of them would touch that crap.”

  Disappointment and guilt for feeling that way hit me with his explanation.

  “Earlier on the phone you mentioned your management. What did they have to say about it?” I asked, draping an arm across the back of the lounge and enjoying the feel of him as Law didn’t even hesitate to move closer to me.

  “The usual,” he said with a shrug. “They don’t want to know if it’s true or not, just keep our noses clean. And if there is any chance of it surfacing, squash it now.”

  The agonizing pain that shot through me took me by surprise. I hadn’t expected such a violent reaction from the idea that Law would call it quits between us.

  “Is that why you called me here?” I asked, unable to look him in the eye.

  Law bolted up in his seat, jaw clenching. “No. Just … no, Byron. Do you really think I would do that?”

  Instead of answering, because honestly a part of me didn’t know, I raised my hand to trace a finger across his furrowed brow. “What do you want me to do? How can I make you feel better?”

  Because that was really all I wanted to do. Make him feel better, safer … loved? The thought slammed into me, almost leaving me breathless. Oh shit!

  For the first time since I had arrived Law gave me a genuine and effortless smile. “As corny as it sounds … can you just hold me?”

  “Always,” I whispered without hesitation.

  No matter how much I tried to convince myself that I was in control, that I knew what I was doing, I was sinking fast. Somehow I had managed to push Law away all those years ago, but for the life of me I couldn’t find the strength now. I didn’t want to. And when I got to hold him like this, I didn’t even want to no matter the outcome. Right in that moment with stark clarity a thought hit me—this was going to end up hurting.


  Waking up to the gentle glow of the morning sun filtering through the large window the next morning, I buried my head into the soft curls of blond hair that belonged to the man wrapped up in my arms. I found there was something incredibly intimate about holding Law like that. As if Law trusted me by turning his bare back to me in the dark.

  When I had arrived the night before, Law hadn’t been seeking anything but simple contact and affection. A thrill had shot through me when I had realized he hadn’t called me for sex, just companionship. The rumors and his managements response had led him to seek out comfort … from me. It was like Law had acknowledged that what we had growing between us was more than physical. It was a hell of a feeling.

  “Morning,” I whispered when Law shifted and his breathing changed to let me know he was awake.

  “Morning,” Law muttered, still half asleep.

  “You okay?” I asked, still concerned by how off he had seemed before I arrived. “Last night, you seemed … upset. Just want to make sure you’re feeling better.”

  “Yeah. I just needed…”

  I waited for Law to finish the sentence, never more aware of how important one word could be, never more understanding of the difference between this and you.

  Law didn’t continue, his breathing evening out slowly as his hand reached up to rest over mine on his chest, crossed over his sternum like a shield.

  “Sometimes it feels like I’m inside myself, trying to escape me, y’know?” he said, voice unusually quiet, weak like I had never heard before. I nodded silently, waiting for Law to continue. “And I don’t know why, but you’re … see, Dillon, Zeck, Alec, they help. They get some of it, but they’re not—not … you.”

  My fingers curled, pressing into Law’s chest like I wanted to reach in and grab his heart, hold it, protect it. I held him steady, exhaling softly against the nape of his neck where his hair was getting a little too long, curling against the skin. So white and perfect.

  “Sometimes, I just need you, here.”

  It was almost like a confession, and with it, Law’s body went lax and pliant against mine. I pressed a leg between Law’s, letting my head fall forward against a cool, pallid shoulder.

  “Okay,” I said, pressing a kiss there without another word.

  Law let out a little chuckle.

  “Did you just kiss my shoulder?” he whispered. I lifted my head to look at Law.

  “Yeah. Problem with that?” I asked, knowing there really wasn’t.

  After a second, Law lifted his hand to his neck, touching two long fingers to the pale stretch of his jugular. He pushed his head back.

  “Why not here?”

  My pulse skipped a little as I lowered my head and placed my lips against the curve of Law’s neck, open mouthed and a little wet just below his fingers. Law exhaled slowly, moving his fingers up further, to the tender soft skin just below the cut of his jaw, between his ear and his throat. So vulnerable.

  “And here?”

  I trailed the path Law’s fingers had taken, and Law moved his hand away so I could press a sucking kiss to the softness, tongue sweeping out over the salty skin. Law murmured quietly in approval, the palm of his hand reaching up to cup the back of my head, spreading through my short hair.

  Pulling away with a wet noise, Law turned his head and had barely breathed out the word, here, before I was kissing him, Law’s lips were a little cold from the early morning breeze coming through the window, but his mouth hot and wet and sweet. Law groaned, nudging his hips back into mine as I pushed myself up on one elbow and wrapped my other arm around Law’s waist and rutted forward against, loving the feel of him flush against me.

  “God, Byron, please,” Law whispered breathlessly, taking my hand and guiding it down over his flat stomach and to his hard cock. Law closed his eyes and moaned as I got a hand around him, dry as fuck at first but quickly wet from the pre-cum Law leaked.

  “Oh fuck,” he breathed, grinding back against me as best as he could, fucking into my fist simultaneously. “C’mon, Byron, need you.”

  Law blindly reached out to grab my hip and tug it forward, both of us groaning at the new skin-to-skin contact. Law tried to wrap his long fing
ers around the girth of my erection, making a noise of loss when I slapped his hand away and pushed his legs together, my cock slipping in between.

  “Lube, lube,” Law panted, reaching out for the bedside table and returning with a little bottle, slicking the space between his thighs that I was slowly fucking into.

  “Fuck, Law,” I groaned as I continued to jerk him off, every so often feeling the head of my cock nudge against his balls, feeling Law shudder and moan in return.

  We aren’t kissing any more. Why aren’t we kissing?

  “Przemyslaw,” I whispered in his ear, earning myself a whimper before Law turned his head back, capturing my mouth as best as he could, keening into the kiss and digging his fingers into my thigh.

  “Fuck, I’m, oh God, By—”

  “C’mon, that’s it, sweetheart. Come for me,” I murmured a little desperately, almost like I wanted Law’s orgasm more than my own. And maybe I did. Law released an absolutely wrecked cry as he came into my fist, stomach and thighs taut as his back arched. Cursing, I thrust three more times before I was coming, too, panting against Law’s jaw.

  Pressing my face into Law’s shoulder blade, I tried to catch his breath, enjoying the way Law was practically vibrating next in front of me.

  “Fuck, that was perfect,” Law whispered, a little hoarse, but ultimately gratified. I hummed in agreement, kissing the skin beneath his mouth, most of the right side of his face and shoulder. I noticed his normally pale skin was pink with stubble burn, and there was a dark messy bruise I had left behind just below his jaw, stark and purple against porcelain white.

  Fuck, that was hot.

  “Shower?” I asked, after a moment, knowing that if we didn’t clean up soon things were going to only get worse.

  “Also perfect,” Law replied, sitting up.

  We cleaned up as quickly as was possible when a loud noise from outside the bedroom door altered to someone else's presence in the suite. Law froze immediately, panicked eyes widening when the familiar sounds of his band-mates filtered through the door.

  “Oh Law. Hunny bunny. Whatcha up to in there?” Zeck called out with a cackle.


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