Desert Magick: Dream Catcher

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Desert Magick: Dream Catcher Page 14

by Dana Davis

“Yes you are.”

  “Okay, I am. I don’t like being treated like an invalid.” She eyed him in his shorts, t-shirt and sandals. He looked tasty. Hell, if he won’t let me go to the store, he certainly won’t agree to sex. She gave a silent sigh. “So, do the police know who clocked me?”

  Jason smirked. “Clocked you?”

  “Sorry. Been reading an old detective novel Daisy brought me. Not much else to do in a damn hospital.” The games on her phone made her head ache so she hadn’t dared to ask for her laptop. She’d fed the box from her hospital room, discretely, so Jason, her cousins, and her doctor wouldn’t become suspicious. The task had left her with a slight headache, but she kept that to herself.

  He frowned. “No. They haven’t caught the bastard. Not yet anyway.”

  “So, who found me?”

  “A student.”

  Well, this is productive. Wait. Something in his voice caught her attention. “Just a student?” He sighed. “What? Who was it?”

  “Becka found you.”

  Zoey gave a laugh that sounded almost mad. Well, shit. My nemesis found me and called for help. “I’m surprised she didn’t just leave me there.”

  “Guess she’s not such a hard-ass after all.”

  Zoey sighed, even though she was grateful the woman had helped her. “Does this mean I have to be nice to her now?”

  Jason chuckled. She slumped into her seat and gazed out the window as headed north toward home. They passed desert trees and xeriscaped yards of numerous stucco homes, with the McDowell Mountains as a majestic backdrop. Everything around her seemed new and fresh and wonderful, and she fought tears at the familiar sights that she had taken for granted just days ago.

  * * * *

  Jason kissed her. “You stay put while I’m gone.” He headed to the door with her list in his hand.

  “Bossy.” Zoey, now comfortable on her couch, scrunched her nose at him and he rolled his eyes. She waited until she heard him drive off before she opened the Catcher box. She stared into the colored vortex. “I want to know who attacked me.” She had no idea whether the box would grant this type of wish, even for the Dream Catcher. “I need to know. Please.” A tingle ran the length of her spine, like a feather being dragged across her bare skin, and she shivered. This was the first important wish she had dared make aloud since becoming the Catcher. But what did the tingle mean?

  When she got nothing more, she pressed the remote for the TV and settled back on the pillows Jason had retrieved from her bedroom. Exhausted, she slept.

  In her dream, Zoey walked through a parking lot at ASU. As she reached her Jeep, something smacked her in the head and she went down. The light around the figure grew dim and she saw a face. Becka Lipner. The student who had found her and called for help. Then another figure appeared and her heart began a frantic dance in her chest. Zoey started when he pushed the hood back and looked directly at her with eyes as black and empty as night. He oozed darkness, tainted and hopeless. Terror gripped her and she began to shiver.

  “The Anguisher.”

  “What?” Jason moved from a nearby chair to sit on the edge of the couch. “Were you having a nightmare?”

  “Yeah.” She leaned into him, welcoming his embrace. She stared at the box. The Anguisher is messing with hope again, isn’t he? A familiar tingle found her chest and she reached a hand to the scar on the back of her head. He had something to do with this, didn’t he? Another tingle against her chest. Maybe I should call the police. And tell them what, Zoey? That my new archenemy, the man who runs the underworld, is attacking me? I’d sound like a total nutjob. At the very least. She sighed and started to get up but strong arms held her in place.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I want some chocolate milk.”

  “I’ll get it.” Jason pointed a finger. “You stay.”

  Zoey smirked after him. “Aarf!” Then she panted with her tongue handing out.

  “Good girl.” He sauntered into the kitchen.

  She twisted on the couch to watch his luscious butt with appreciation as he crossed to the fridge. “The Anguisher is strong, Jason.” No warnings from the box so she continued. “He’s really fucking stuff up for me.” Jason returned with a tall glass and Zoey took a good long drink. “Thanks. I really needed that. Now can I have a beer?” Zoey still had a slight headache, though it was getting better. Before he could remind her about Doctor Varma’s no alcohol rule, she said, “I’m kidding.” Just then, the box tugged at her. “No rest for the weary.” She placed her chocolate milk on the coffee table.

  Jason eyed her. “Can’t you postpone that damn thing?”

  “Sorry. I just need to give it a little.” Especially now with the Anguisher sucking hope from people. “It should keep quiet for a while after that.”

  She opened the box and gazed into the vortex. Nothing unusual there. The spider web made its cocoon around her and her aura flared around her body. She expected to see another vision of someone’s wish or dream within the swirling rainbow. But what she actually saw made her bladder feel loose. Oh, shit.

  Chapter 18

  Where Do They Go From Here

  The man Zoey had seen in her dream appeared within the vortex, surrounded by the black blemish. She couldn’t see his face, just a dark figure in a black hooded cape, until dead eyes stared straight at her and her vision began to tunnel. Just before the image disappeared and the box slammed shut, she heard the word conjoining in her mind.

  “You okay, Zoey?” Jason put his arms around her.

  She sat stunned for several moments before getting her wits. What did you say box?


  What does that mean?


  I don’t understand. You need to tell me more.

  Conjoining. Conjoining. Conjoining. Had the Anguisher broken the Dream Catcher box?

  “Zoey. Are you all right?” Jason gave her a worried look.

  “I’m okay.” She started to move from the couch but he held her fast. “I need to get something.”

  “Why? What is it? Did the box tell you something?”

  “Yes. But I’m not sure what exactly. I need to look it up.”

  “Okay, but I’m coming with you.”

  Too distracted to protest, she allowed him to accompany her into the office. A few second later, she found what she was looking for. Her uncle’s old dictionary. She flipped through it until she found the word conjoin. To join together. Combine. Unite. But join what and when and how? She tried to wrest more information from the box, but the stupid thing kept repeating the damn word, as though in shock.

  Shaken, Zoey turned to Jason. “You ever heard of conjoining?”

  “No, why?”

  “The box keeps saying it.”

  “I’ll call my mom. See if she knows something.” He took the heavy book from Zoey and placed it back on the shelf. “You come sit down.” He steered her back into the greatroom and gently forced her onto the couch. The activity had tired her so she didn’t protest.

  After he got her settled, he took up her landline and pressed the buttons. A quiet back and forth with his mother before he told her good-bye and hung up.

  Zoey watched him place the phone on the coffee table. “Well? What’d she say?”

  “She has a suspicion of what it might be. Said she’d look into it. But she wouldn’t tell me anything else.”

  “Damn.” Another family secret, no doubt. What the hell is a conjoining? The box repeated the word again and set Zoey’s hairs on end. Maybe the witches know something.

  * * * *

  Three days had passed. Aside from the occasional headache, Zoey had no other symptoms of her head injury and her doctor had said she could resume her schedule if she felt up to it. As long as she stayed away from alcohol. Daisy and Bridgette now gathered in her greatroom, along with Jason and his parents. She glanced at her cousins in anticipation, ever grateful for their healing spells. Without them, she might very well s
till be in a coma. Both witches sat with legs crossed, Daisy in vintage shorts and tee and Bridgette in designer ones. The two treated each other like sisters, and a pang of envy flashed through Zoey whenever she saw them together. If only she had a sister to share this burden.

  Her heart did a flip-flop and a sour feeling settled in her gut when Daisy exchanged troubled glances with Bridgette. If a couple of kick-ass witches are worried, I’m in deep shit. “What did you find out?”

  Daisy shifted her weight. “Well, it took a couple of days but Bridgette and I finally got some spells to work. From what you told us about the Anguisher and the box’s obsession with the word conjoining, we think he’s joined power with someone. Or is planning to very soon.”

  “For what?” Suddenly Zoey couldn’t think straight. Maybe it’s the coma. After effects or something.

  “To enhance his powers probably. You said he’s after hope, right? And your Grammy thinks he’s after your powers. So he’s probably trying to speed up things by joining with another paranormal.”

  Crap. Zoey sat with her mouth gaping. Anguisher and who? And what the hell am I supposed to do about it? How her cousins could be so calm when she wanted to jump out of her skin, only the Fates knew. Her hand drifted to Jason’s and he held it tightly in his own.

  “If Daisy’s right,” George said as though talking to himself. She couldn’t tell whether this news surprised him or not. “Then we need to consult the Council.” Eyes that looked very similar to Jason’s moved to Zoey. “You’ll need to conjoin with someone to defend yourself.”

  Jason gave her a worried glance before focusing on his father. “How can she join powers with anybody, Dad? You told me paranormals of our stature aren’t supposed to interfere with anyone else’s work. That it can cause bad mojo.”

  “That’s true, son. And for thousands of years, none has tried. At least in our circle.” He gave an apologetic look to Daisy, who dismissed it with a tiny smile. “But it seems that’s changed.”

  Zoey shook her head. “I don’t understand. How can I conjoin?” Conjoining. The more she thought about it, the more it sounded like a damn disease. I can’t come over today. I have the conjoining. She let this thought distract her from other, more disturbing ones.

  Connie leaned forward from one of the large chairs and briefly placed a warm hand on Zoey’s arm. “Certain talents have the ability to combine forces. It’s not something we talk about much. And we certainly don’t teach it. The last time this happened our ancestors nearly destroyed themselves.”

  Well, that’s just fucking great. Barely twenty-one and I’m already set to lead the apocalypse. Zoey’s heart sped up even more.

  “Mom. Dad. You can’t expect her to do this.” Jason’s forehead creased in worry. “She’s a fucking novice.”

  At least someone has the nerve to say it out loud. And he’s right. I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing. The box had brought this whole conjoining thing up in the first place. Stupid box. It was silent now. Figures.

  Connie pushed stray hairs behind her ear and focused on her son. “Language, Jason. Honestly. You sound like a street urchin.” Zoey actually had to pinch her lips to keep from smiling at that. Sometimes the woman sounded like she was from another era. “This is up to the Dream Catcher. She’s the one who must initiate this conjoining.” Her gaze found Zoey and her voice grew soft. “We have to call on the Council, like George said. Get their instructions.”

  George ran a hand through his peppered hair. “They’re not going to like being brought out of hibernation.”

  “We’ll help.” Daisy scooted to the edge of the couch. “Whatever we can do.”

  Connie smiled at the witch. “Thank you, darling. We can use your power. You can also inform a few you trust that we need their help in this. But please be discreet. We don’t want everyone in our business.”

  Daisy flashed a set of straight teeth. “No problem, Connie. If anyone knows how to be discreet, it’s a witch. So what’s this Council all about?” Zoey wanted to know the answer to that too.

  “Oh, they’re a very old sanction.” Connie leaned in, her voice low, as though sharing a forbidden secret. “You might know them as Titans.”

  Daisy’s eyes went wide and she cursed, apologized, then cursed again.

  * * * *

  Next afternoon, Zoey packed her large zippered bag and tucked the Catcher box between her clothing. Saguaro Lake wasn’t far but they were going to spend a few days there and she wasn’t about to leave it behind. Part of her wanted to take her music box with the ice skaters that had kept her company all those years ago at boarding school, but logic won out and she left it behind.

  Not for the first time, she wondered just how Titans got to be out at Saguaro Lake in the first place. George and Connie were so damn secretive about the Council. She also wondered what the hell would take place out there. The thought of Titans made her heart do a jig. And not in a good way. Nothing she’d ever read in the old Greek tales made them out to be heroes.

  She shoved her cell phone in her pocket, laced up her hiking boots, slipped her bag over one shoulder, and headed into the greatroom.

  Jason, Daisy, Bridgette, Noah, George and Connie waited for her. Noah had Perky tucked under one arm. The dog seemed excited, tail wagging furiously.

  George cleared his throat and held out a deck of cards to Zoey. “Maybe we can get in a game of poker while we’re there.” He grinned.

  Connie clicked her tongue. “You’re terrible, George.”

  Zoey smiled and slipped the deck into her bag. George and Uncle Alex had taught her several types of poker by the time she was twelve. Now that she was legal, maybe she’d check out one of the local Indian casinos. Naw, too much smoke in those places. She might have been a troublemaker at boarding school, but she never could stand the smell of cigarettes or cigars, so she never took up that bad habit like some of the other girls. She noticed not very many paranormals smoked. At least not the ones she knew.

  Jason took her bag while she set the house alarm. I really should use it more often.

  She then grabbed her purse and keys and filed out into the hot afternoon air behind her cousins and the Drydens, locking the front door and security screen behind her. The sun sat high in the western sky and birds sang from trees and the neighboring wash. They would make it to Saguaro Lake before dark.

  “Did you set our alarm?” Connie said to her husband.

  “Yes, love. Everything’s locked up tight.”

  They made their way past Daisy’s VW van as Daisy, Noah and Bridgette climbed inside.

  Connie stepped to the driver’s side and waited for Daisy to roll the window down. “We’ll have dinner at the restaurant. You know where it is?”

  The witch nodded. “Yes.”

  Zoey smiled when Perky stuck his head out the window and barked. Jason put his free arm around her and she leaned into him, hooking a thumb under her purse strap, as they walked to the Dryden’s SUV.

  She gave a longing look to her house as George pulled out of the circular drive and headed west. Though this strange and mysterious adventure excited her, part of her longed for normalcy, at least as much as someone of her unusual bloodline could acquire. In barely five minutes, they were on Shea Boulevard, heading east, Daisy’s van keeping pace behind them.

  Traffic wasn’t very heavy and they made it to the Beeline Highway in about twenty minutes then headed north toward the lake. The open desert in this area made it seem like some other time. Before Phoenix and the surrounding cities had bulldozed wildlife into submission and added a nice concrete heat island where the majority of the humans now lived.

  Zoey liked the open desert, but the farther they got from her home, the higher her dread count ticked up. Titans. Holy crap! Am I crazy?

  Chapter 19

  The Gang’s All Here

  They had stopped at the Cactus Marina Grill to eat and now waited on George, who was having a private conversation with the restaurant owner. The sun reflected of
f Saguaro Lake, creating shimmers of light that had a calming effect, and Daisy watched the ducks playing near the dock. She couldn’t believe Titans were real. Well, they weren’t exactly Titans in the historical sense—Connie had assured her of that. Today, they were simply called The Council and they held ancient knowledge. But Daisy had never heard of them and that made her nervous. How the hell could her relatives on Zoey’s side have been so secretive?

  Noah chuckled when Perky barked at several ducks that dared venture near the parking lot. “Sick ‘em, boy.”

  “That dog’s giving me a headache.” Bridgette’s gaze fell on Daisy’s in the rearview mirror.

  She smirked at her cousin. “You hush, Bridge. He’s not hurting anyone.”

  “Gonna spoil your future kids too?”

  “You be nice or I’ll let them get sticky fingers all over their Auntie Bridgette.” That got a sour look from her cousin and she smiled.

  George returned and Daisy followed his SUV as they drove around the lake a couple of miles before snaking onto a dirt road that she would have missed had she been out here alone.

  “Where the hell did this road come from?” Noah said from the passenger seat.

  Daisy shrugged but kept her eyes forward so as not to lose George in a haze of dust. Bridgette didn’t say a word. The VW’s speedometer revealed they’d traveled close to a mile before they reached another dirt road, this one gated and sporting a “No Trespassing” sign. A man in jeans and cowboy hat opened the gate for them. He wore no shirt and tanned muscles glistened with sweat in the evening sunlight.

  “Nice.” Bridgette’s voice held an appreciative quality as she eyed the shirtless man. “But please tell me we don’t have to ride horses. I don’t do horses.”

  Daisy shook her head. “We know, Bridge, we know.”

  “I’m not averse to riding a cowboy though.” Bridgette’s hungry gaze lingered on their gateman as Noah chuckled.

  Not a bad idea. Daisy imagined Noah in that cowboy outfit and her heart sped up. Sex at the lake. Wonder if we’ll have time.

  The man waved them in and they followed George’s SUV once again. Daisy strained her eyes to make out something, anything through the sea of desert trees and shrubbery lining the dirt road. Then there it stood, after the last bend, a two story, territorial house at the end of a dirt road that jostled Daisy’s vintage ride until she wanted to get out and walk the rest of the way.


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