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The Fugitive Fourth Primogenitor

Page 7

by Gakuto Mikumo

  “Sorcerous Disaster Commission…?!”

  Yukina reacted immediately. Her lips were trembling, and she seemed to be going pale before Kojou’s eyes. With a look of shock plain on her face, she trembled as if seized by fear.


  “The SDC is one of the Lion King Agency’s dummy organizations. Its chief missions are researching ways to avert sorcerous disasters and conveying information to government agencies.”

  “The Lion King Agency…?! What the heck’s going on here…?”

  As Yukina explained, her voice sounded faint enough that it seemed it might vanish. Kojou turned a reproachful look toward her.

  The Lion King Agency was an organization that defended against large-scale sorcerous disasters and sorcerous terrorism; at the very least, that was what Yukina had told Kojou. Hence, even when he had seen that magic circle, some part of his heart had been at ease. There’s no way the Lion King Agency is after Nagisa, he thought deep down.

  However, the evidence left behind flew in the face of that.

  With Yukina at a loss for words, Asagi calmly replied in her place.

  “So the SDF and the Lion King Agency are collaborating to seal off Kannawa Lake…in the name of preventing damage from a sorcerous disaster. In other words, this is the reason all contact with Nagisa has been cut off.”

  “You mean Nagisa’s…involved in a sorcerous disaster…?”

  “Or maybe they called your li’l sister over to create a sorcerous disaster instead. Keh-keh.”

  Mogwai’s laugh oozed with ill will. The artificial intelligence’s words sparked a worry in Kojou he couldn’t articulate.

  Certainly, Nagisa had been at the center of an enormous sorcerous disaster at one point in the past. That disaster had involved tens of thousands of people, and a gigafloat had sunk as a result. However, that was hardly her fault, and the cause of it was long lost. There was no reason for Nagisa to be related to a sorcerous disaster at that late stage.

  Kojou tried to maintain his own calm. Beside him, Yukina’s body wobbled heavily.

  “The Lion King Agency… No… Why would…?”

  Noticing something was wrong, Asagi cried out, “Himeragi…?!”

  Yukina, continuing to take shallow breaths, seemed to go dizzy as she collapsed.

  “Himeragi?! Hey, Himeragi!”

  Held within Kojou’s arms, Yukina shook her head, trembling in fear. Then she blacked out completely.


  The horizon over the water was faintly beginning to brighten as Kojou gazed at it and sighed.

  The landscape spread before his eyes was the garden of Asagi’s own home. It was not terribly broad, but it was the sort of extravagant, traditional Japanese garden that you never got tired of looking at.

  It was almost five in the morning on New Year’s Day.

  Yukina, who’d had a mild fainting spell, was resting on Asagi’s bed. “I’m gonna get this kimono off now, so scram,” said Asagi, driving Kojou out of her room.

  He figured mental shock was probably the cause of Yukina’s collapse.

  Yukina had been shaken by the suspicion that the Lion King Agency had involved Nagisa in an incident—one beyond her expectations. Kojou might be Yukina’s target for observation, but Nagisa was different. She was the closest thing to a real friend that Yukina had. Somehow, the Lion King Agency was involved in her disappearance, and without informing Yukina of a single thing—

  The shock had apparently hit Yukina, who had been raised by the Lion King Agency from a young age, a lot harder than Kojou thought it would. It wasn’t as if she was mentally fragile; if anything, being shaken was the natural reaction. Yukina might have been a Sword Shaman and highly capable in combat, but deep down, she was nothing more than a girl in middle school.

  That alone made Kojou unable to blame her in any way.

  But on the other hand, he was nervous. For all Kojou knew, Nagisa might be in danger while he was standing there like that. All the same, at that point, Kojou had few cards left to play.

  Feeling irritated, like he was slowly being roasted over a high flame, Kojou stood in the garden before the break of dawn. It was then that his feet were assaulted by a sudden impact.


  In danger of losing his balance, Kojou’s eyes went wide when he realized what had happened. The first thing his vision caught was a set of sharp canines, followed by eyes with an inquisitive glint.

  “A…a dog…?!”

  His heart still beating fast from the surprise, Kojou somehow managed to keep the playful pooch at bay. It was a big, muscular dog that seemed over thirty kilograms, and was likely heavily mixed with boxer. Its face was gruff, but it gave off an impression of cheerfulness and intelligence.

  Kojou’s shock was still raw when he heard a low, calm voice from behind.

  “We tried to raise him to be a guard dog, but he’s a bit too fond of people.”

  When Kojou looked back, he saw a casually dressed middle-aged man.

  He wasn’t all that tall, and his demeanor was, if anything, gentle. However, there was a peculiar air about him. The first word that came to Kojou’s mind had three syllables, starting with ya and ending in za. The man was far more frightening than the scary-faced boxer.

  “How is the young lady who came with you?”

  The man opened conversation in a gentle tone that belied his appearance.

  “I think she’s all right by now. Some things happened, and she was caught by surprise a little.”

  Reflexively, Kojou straightened his back and responded clearly. It was the respectful posture he took toward his elders, which he’d learned in his old athletics club.

  “If it is no great matter, that is good, but it is best not to push things too hard… Not for her, and not for you.”

  The man gave a generous nod as he spoke. That was when Kojou remembered that he already knew who this man was. They had never directly spoken to one another, but he’d seen the man many times. This was Sensai Aiba, Itogami City councilor—Asagi’s father.

  “Sorry for causing trouble on a day like this.”

  Kojou apologized to Sensai for imposing in the wee hours of the morning on New Year’s Day. However, Sensai shook his head, somehow seeming delighted as he said:

  “I don’t mind. After all, this is the first time Asagi brought you, her friends, over to visit, and it is not often one has a chance to speak with the World’s Mightiest Vampire.”


  Kojou was unable to keep his face steady in the face of Sensai’s casually spoken words. His entire body became slick with sweat as he inquired, largely on reflex:

  “You…know about me…?”

  “Surely, it is nothing that should surprise you. However I may look, I am an Itogami City councilor. Many people in the Gigafloat Management Corporation are friends of mine. They do try to keep me at least minimally informed about potential dangers that may occur on Itogami Island.”

  Knowing full well of Kojou’s identity, Sensai displayed a composed smile toward him.

  “Now that I’ve broached the subject, may I ask you for one favor?”

  “A favor…from me?”

  Kojou inquired in a suspicious tone. Even an objective observer would find Sensai’s words unexpected.

  Certainly, Kojou had obtained the power of the Fourth Primogenitor, but the ability was largely useless beyond indiscriminate destruction. Kojou himself was no more than a poor, powerless student. When it came to living large inside Itogami Island, Sensai had far more power than he did on every front.

  Even so, he narrowed his eyes, giving Kojou what somehow seemed like a forlorn look.

  “This is probably something only you can do, Akatsuki.”


  “The favor is for Asagi. Please make that girl happy.”


  Kojou looked back at Sensai Aiba’s intimidating face as he doubted his own ears.

  He could not immediat
ely comprehend what was being said to him. It was almost like what the father of a lovely bride would say to her groom. But though he wondered if this was a joke, Sensai’s look was far too serious for that.

  “Er, um… What do you mean by that…? What about what Asagi thinks?”

  Don’t tell me he’s gonna make me marry Asagi out of the blue, Kojou nervously thought. Given Sensai’s connections and influence, making that happen was probably child’s play.

  Sensai’s expression did not change as he continued in a quiet, conversational tone.

  “Someday you, too, will understand, but my daughter was born carrying a somewhat troublesome destiny… In one sense, as much as your own, if not more.”


  Kojou, affected by Sensai’s calm demeanor, regained a little of his composure. However, no matter how he thought it over, he couldn’t understand the meaning of Sensai’s words. Asagi was an ordinary human being, unlike Kojou and Yume. It wasn’t like she was an Attack Mage like Yukina and Natsuki, either.

  When he thought harder about it, the only thing that stood out in his mind was how terrorists had once abducted Asagi because of her preeminent hacking abilities. And yet, he sensed something like unshakable conviction from Sensai’s eyes.

  “Therefore, if the time comes that Asagi needs you…will you stand by her side?”

  Sensai spoke in a tone full of confidence, almost like a prophet.

  Kojou may not have known what he truly wanted, but long before, the answer to that question was set in stone.

  “Well, of course.”

  “I thank you, Kojou Akatsuki.” Sensai smiled, full of satisfaction. Then he suddenly put on his capable politician’s face as he said, “Incidentally, I have two daughters. I understand you are the firstborn son of your family, but there is the option of entering my family via adoption. I wonder what your parents would think about that?”

  “Huh? Adoption?”

  So you are talking about that, thought Kojou, ferociously thrown for a loop. What happened to Asagi’s destiny and all that?!

  “I am a politician, after all, so it is about time for me to think about who will continue my legacy. Oh, there’s nothing to worry about. The fame of the Fourth Primogenitor will serve very well in an election. And if you are interested in the world of politics, in time, I will mold you into a fine politician.”

  “Er, ah, right now I’m not really interested in that stu—”

  “But fooling around with girls is a no-no. Just no. If you have female acquaintances besides Asagi, do sort that out as quickly as possible. I will provide whatever money you require.”

  “I told you I’m not into that stuff…”

  With Kojou hesitant, Sensai endeavored to persuade him with the full force of his skilled politician’s talent. But as the man did so, Kojou made a pained sound as something struck the back of his head. This was followed by a sharp blow that hit the tip of his nose.

  “What are you two talking about?!”

  “Oww… A-Asagi?!”

  As Kojou moaned, putting a hand to his face, he saw Asagi posing with what looked like a whip. Her cheeks were as red as the sun floating over the horizon for the first time that year.

  “Goodness, just when I wonder where you’ve run off to… Kojou, you don’t need to humor anything Dad says to you!”

  “Er, but as the head of a political party, the issue of a successor is rather—”

  “Oh, shut up! Get him, Azar!”


  Asagi transformed into a beast tamer as she sicced her beloved dog on her own father. The giant boxer dog playfully bowled Sensai over right then and there. His dignity as a stern-faced politician evaporated into thin air.

  “Kojou, you wanted to bring Himeragi home, right? Sumire got a car ready, so…”

  Asagi pointed toward the Aiba residence’s front door as she spoke. When Kojou looked, he saw Sumire escorting Yukina near the entrance to the garden. The look on Yukina’s face was still a bit stiff, but her physical condition seemed to have improved.

  That said, it had been an all-nighter for Kojou, and his physical energy was finally reaching its limits. He was concerned about Nagisa, but to maintain his ability to make rational decisions, among other things, he needed to go back home and rest for the time being.

  “Sorry to make you go through all this trouble, Asagi. You were a big help.”

  “Oh, that’s all right. I’m worried about Nagisa, too, you know.”

  Asagi waved dismissively, as if concealing a blush.

  “I’ll gather what info I can, so act calmly, will you? In particular, watch Himeragi so she doesn’t run off and do something reckless. Also, take this.”


  “This is my spare smartphone. If you have this, you can talk straight to Mogwai. There’s no guarantee he’ll do what you tell him, but I thought you should have it in case it comes in handy.”


  With a hint of concern on his face, Kojou gazed at the garishly pink smartphone that was handed to him.

  The model was unfamiliar, and the device had traces of being modified in all manner of ways. The only thing displayed on the screen was an avatar resembling a poorly sewn teddy bear. Of course, Kojou knew that Mogwai was extremely capable but felt deep down that he wasn’t very trustworthy. All the same, his power was necessary to narrow down Nagisa’s whereabouts.

  “Keh-keh… It’s a pleasure.”

  Whether aware of Kojou’s gloom or not, Mogwai flashed a sarcastic smile.


  The car Sumire Aiba had arranged for Kojou and Yukina was expensive and painted black. Unexpectedly, it was Sumire herself behind the wheel.

  Apparently, she used to be a driver in Sensai’s employ. According to her, right after Sensai’s first wife passed away from illness, he fell into peril due to a trap laid by a political enemy, and while continually on the run, the two fell in love. Kojou didn’t know how far to believe her tale, but Sumire’s driving skills were the real deal.

  Since marrying Sensai, she’d settled down as a proper politician’s wife, but even then, she felt calmest when driving a car—or so Sumire asserted.

  With those words as the foundation, she engaged in even friendlier chitchat than she had in her own home. She was particularly interested in knowing how Asagi, her stepdaughter, was doing in school. She also lobbed pointed questions about Kojou and Yukina’s relationship.

  Since Yukina was still holding her silence, staring somewhere in the sky above, it naturally fell to Kojou to answer those questions. Even in the early morning, the main thoroughfares were packed; Sumire looked like she was enjoying herself, but Kojou’s mental energy was being whittled down bit by bit.

  “—I am sorry to interrupt. But could you please bring us to Hill Number Six?”

  The car was just crossing a familiar intersection when Yukina spoke, almost as if she’d suddenly remembered something. “Ahem!” went Sumire, strongly coughing at that instant.

  It was not surprising this gave her pause. Hill No. 6 was the name of a special place on Island West. It was a row of lodging facilities catering to couples—in other words, a love-hotel district.

  “Er, not for that. It’s not like that at all. Hill Number Six is where the Lion King A—erm, an acquaintance of Himeragi’s is running a store. Right, it’s kinda like an antique shop.”

  Kojou desperately explained away Sumire’s misunderstanding.

  Sorcery-wise, Hill No. 6, densely packed with special structures, had numerous magical blind spots. The Lion King Agency made use of that characteristic, laying down an office that served as a communications relay. To the naked eye, it looked like nothing more than a run-down antique shop, and at any rate, a special ward wiped the place from people’s memories without any trace.

  Yukina probably wanted to go there to get in touch with the Lion King Agency, but Sumire didn’t know what Yukina intended.

  “It’s all right, do
n’t worry. I’ll keep it a secret from Asagi. It’s good to be young…”

  “I said it’s not that!”

  Sumire’s excessive sympathy and consideration only backed Kojou farther into a corner. Certainly, having this exposed to Asagi would be more trouble than it was worth, but having Sumire misunderstand that much was a pain.

  “Here is fine. Please stop the car.”

  Kojou was so nervous he didn’t even notice that Yukina somehow seemed backed into a corner herself. When Sumire pulled the car over to the curb, Yukina politely gave her thanks and rushed out.

  “Now then, I will wait here for about three hours. Take your time.”

  “What?! No, ah, please go home. It’s bad for you to wait around in a place like this.”

  Kojou shook his head in surprise at Sumire’s excessively generous offer. Whatever the circumstances, he certainly couldn’t put her through that much trouble. Besides, Kojou couldn’t judge whether it was all right to let Sumire, a civilian, come into contact with the Lion King Agency.

  However, it seemed Sumire read Kojou’s intent differently.

  “In other words, three hours will not be sufficient for your activities…”

  “What do you mean, activities?!”

  “I’m kidding. You have your reasons, don’t you? But please try not to make Asagi cry too much,” Sumire said with a mischievous smile.

  Sly like a fox, thought Kojou as he sighed. He couldn’t tell at all just how much she understood. But he did grasp that she was a woman made of far sterner stuff than her appearance let on. He could understand why Sensai Aiba had chosen her as his wife.

  “Go on ahead.”

  “Sure.” Kojou bowed his head as he got out of the car. “Sorry for the trouble.”

  Yukina was standing at a narrow intersection midway up the hill. Her lips were pursed, her expression was hard, and it felt like she’d lost her usual air of composure.

  “Himeragi. What’s up with Professor Kitty?”

  Kojou made certain of his surroundings as he asked.

  Professor Kitty was the nickname Kojou had arbitrarily assigned to Yukina’s master. She was apparently a formidable Attack Mage, but Kojou had only met her through a cat serving as her familiar.


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