Satyr's Myst

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Satyr's Myst Page 3

by Marie Harte

  She left Trevor and walked toward him, and Rick saw that it wasn’t just her body, but the way she carried herself. She was a walking advertisement for sex, one Rick knew would pay out not only for himself, but for Trevor as well. Lilah, he realized, might be the key in getting through to Trevor. Suddenly his imprisonment didn’t seem so distasteful.


  She paused in stride before shaking off whatever had unnerved her. Pasting a smile on her face, she held out a hand. “Rick Hastings? I’m Lilah. I’m here to keep you company.” As soon as she said it, she blushed. “I, ah, not like that.” Trevor chuckled. “I mean, hell, this is your sex resort, right? Well, I’m not here to sex you up.” She turned to eyeball Trevor. “Or you.” She swung back to Rick. “But I am here to take in some sun while we wait for your stalker to be captured.”

  Rick blinked and turned a narrow gaze on Trevor. “That’s what this has been about?

  Keeping me here under duress to keep my ass safe from some idiot stalker?”

  Trevor mumbled under his breath. “Yeah.”

  “So why the hell didn’t you tell me that? Why make me think you had some nefarious plans for me?”

  Trevor grinned, surprising Rick out of his anger. “Nefarious? Damn, Rick. You been up late reading the dictionary for fun or what?”

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  As taken with Trevor as he was, sexual frustration was riding him hard, and his temper wasn’t the best. Rick held up a wrist still attached to one of the cuffs and flipped Trevor off.

  Unfortunately, the larger man only laughed.

  “Whoa.” Lilah held up a hand. “I don’t know about this much kink. While I’m not exactly lily white, I’ve never been into the bondage scene.” Yet her eyes sparkled as she stared Rick up and down. “I bet you’re pretty masterful though.”

  As quickly as his anger had flared, desire replaced it. Rick strode to Lilah’s side in a heartbeat. “Would you like to find out?”

  Lilah held her breath for fear of inhaling Rick Hastings’s alluring scent once more. He really was too much on top of what she’d recently experienced. Good Lord, but Elise might have warned her that she’d be facing not just Hastings, but Ethan Reaper’s brother as well.

  Lilah had recognized the resemblance the minute he smiled. The picture Elise had on her wall showed Rick, Elise, Ethan, and two other people Lilah didn’t remember. Elise kept the picture to remember her first big job, or so she said. But after seeing Rick, Lilah thought Elise kept it to remind herself of the man she’d lost -- something her melodramatic cousin would do.

  Trevor Reaper had the same height and brawn as his brother. His hair was a dark brown, however, and his eyes an irresistible, melting rich chocolate. His square jaw hinted at stubbornness, which flashed in his gaze as he stared at Rick. But full lips quirked with pleasure when he looked at her, and once again she regretted that she’d let go of him in full arousal.

  Knowing how important it was to keep Elise’s name out of this, she tried her best to forget the fact that her gorgeous, petite, much sought-after cousin had nabbed Rick Hastings years ago. According to Elise, they’d shared such a connection that Rick had even asked her to marry him.

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  Lilah took a step back, and Rick followed her. Damn. The man tempted, and he wasn’t even dressed to impress. He wore a pair of tropical print, knee-length shorts and a tight-fitting yellow T-shirt. She wanted to wipe her mouth, knowing she must be drooling as she stared into his impossibly blue eyes -- like a neon blue that shone with ethereal brightness.

  Yet she couldn’t blink, couldn’t breathe, and couldn’t avoid his descending mouth.

  “Rick,” she heard Trevor say, and then the blood rushed from her head, as it had when she’d held Trevor, and she tasted utter bliss.

  The kiss lasted no more than a few seconds, but in that time she’d memorized his scent, the feel of his firm, cool lips, and the warm, luscious scent of passion that he breathed like oxygen.

  “Welcome to Satyr’s Myst,” he said in a throaty voice. “Tradition demands that I invite you to drink from a ceremonial chalice, but circumstances being as they are, I can only hope a kiss will suffice.”

  “Um,” was the best she could utter.

  “Until I can come up with something better.” He leaned into her, and she felt what he’d come up with.

  Two monstrous erections had pressed against her belly in a matter of minutes. And like the dud she was, Lilah was wet, wanting, and frustratingly untouched.

  Rick stepped back and smirked at Trevor. “See what you’ve been missing?” He glanced down at himself and chuckled, and Lilah remembered what else she’d found fascinating about Rick Hastings’s history. The man had no gender preferences when it came to sex.

  Shocked, she stared at him and then at Trevor, who immediately flushed.

  “It’s not like that.”

  “It will be,” Rick murmured and stroked a hand down Lilah’s hair. “Care to tell me who hired you, sweet? Because I’ll pay you triple what they’re paying for the information.”

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  Lilah thought about what she could do with three times the money Elise had promised her for this job. But she’d sworn to keep Elise out of it, and Lilah was nothing if not loyal.

  Regrettably, she shook her head and took a subtle step back. “Sorry. No can do. But we can enjoy our time together, can’t we?”

  “I certainly hope so,” Trevor said from behind her.

  “As do I.” Rick smiled, and Lilah wanted to pin him to the floor and ride him first, then Trevor. Baffled at her sudden erotic fantasies, she shook her head. A few hours on the island and she was turning into one of the resort’s love slaves. Much as the idea intrigued her, she didn’t have it in her to throw caution to the wind and indulge in indiscriminate sex.

  But you’re on the Pill. You’re clean, and eve yone on the island is as well. What could r

  it hurt? Damning her subconscious for tempting her, she willed the devil on her shoulder away. Lilah had come to the resort for some R and R, not to create more regrets. Because as much as her body might want to tangle with the men staring holes through her, she knew the entanglement would leave her hollow. She’d played the part of the only woman available before and had vowed never to do it again. Glancing at the two of them, though, she had to wonder. Maybe after they got to know one another, her conscience would let her indulge…

  And face more rejection once this crisis passed? Once Rick was free to return to his resort full of sexual conquests and bosomy beauties? He’d take one look at Lilah and cringe for indulging in a desperation screw.

  “No,” she said aloud, not wanting to venture down that road again. Rick and Trevor stared at her, and she blushed. I’m turning into a complete idiot. It’s just sex, for God’s sake.

  Take it easy and try to be cool.

  “It’s been a long day, with the flight and the travel to get here. Where can I freshen up?”

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  Rick simply watched her, and she wondered if he realized what a mistake he’d almost made. A man with his looks and money had women he wanted for the asking. Or men, she told herself, giving Trevor a thorough study.

  Yes, the pair of them would look right together. Trevor with his dark good looks, his muscular body that screamed power, and Rick with his suave sophistication and bedroom eyes. His entire persona promised sex with every breath he took. Again, Lilah felt her womb quicken at what the sight of Trevor and Rick wrapped up in each other would look like. The temperature spiked, and she fanned herself.

  To her relief, Rick nodded to the doorway from which he’d come. “If you go through that bedroom, you’ll see a large bathroom. There are fresh linens in the large cabinet on your right.”

  She nodded and made her escape, eager for a bit of alone time away from pretty faces and hard bodies. Remember, that’s the one who slept with Elise. Why the hell would he want you wh
en he had the Tanner Golden Girl? With a sigh, she found the bathroom and a towel. Locking herself in, she proceeded to take a long, cold shower and talked herself out of any and all fantasies involving Trevor and Rick. But one thing she promised herself. Before she left the island, she planned to partake in some hot, messy sex with someone to whom she had no emotional or familial connection -- preferably with someone other than herself.

  Sighing, she lowered her hand to the place between her thighs and sought some much needed relief.

  Trevor stared at the open doorway through which Lilah had exited. Then he glanced down at the large duffle bag presumably holding her clothes. The woman had been so damned eager to escape, she’d fled minus her belongings. A glance at Rick and Trevor exhaled a deep breath. Escape he could understand. He wanted out of this resort and off this island yesterday…before he did something really stupid.

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  “So who are you working for, Trevor?” Rick asked in a low, too-calm voice.

  Shit. “My client prefers anonymity, and that’s what he’s getting.” She, actually, but maybe the “he” would throw Rick. Elise would have his head if Rick found out she’d ordered his protection. She worried about Rick refusing the security as much as she worried about what her husband would think if he found out she had involved herself in Satyr’s Myst business.

  Trevor found it interesting that Elise seemed to carry a torch for the man she’d refused several years ago. But it was none of his business. He’d been hired to protect Rick, no matter what, while his brother’s firm worked with Tyrone and the trusted resort security staff to unearth Rick’s stalker. Having Rick out of the way certainly made their jobs easier.

  “Interesting that you refer to your boss as a ‘he.’ Didn’t Lilah just mention her boss was a ‘she’?”

  “I never said Lilah and I worked for the same person. In fact, I’ve never met Lilah before today.”

  Rick walked toward Trevor and stopped uncomfortably close. They both paused when they heard the shower turn on. God, Trevor could all too easily imagine the water running over Lilah’s tits and ass, the cold rivulets pushing her nipples to attention and contrasting against the hot wetness between her thighs…

  “So you and Lilah aren’t old friends?” Rick asked softly. His blue eyes narrowed on Trevor’s as he waited for a response.

  “No. But we’re going to become good friends real soon.” That woman would be just what he needed to lose his focus on Rick. Buried in Lilah, Trevor would forget these uncomfortable feelings for a man -- feelings that shouldn’t exist. Not to mention Trevor liked what he’d seen of the intelligent woman. Not many people could hold their own around a man like Rick Hastings. And she’d done it well, after holding his own cock in her hands, no less. Hell, he’d seen enough of the island to know that not everyone would lie down and fuck

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  on command. He still wondered what the hell had possessed him to push himself on her in the first place.

  Rick grinned, and Trevor had his answer. As if he could have forgotten.

  “Would you like to wager on it?”

  Trevor frowned. “Don’t you think we’re a little old to be betting on which one of us gets the girl?”

  “No, no. That’s not what I mean. I’m going to have Lilah sooner rather than later. And I’ve no doubt you will too. This isn’t about sexual conquest, Trevor. It’s about mutual pleasure. Lilah exudes sex. There’s no way she’s going to deny us.”

  Trevor sure the hell hoped not. Because he’d planned on leaving the island once his replacement showed tomorrow. He’d thought at first that was Lilah, but the woman didn’t look like security, nor did she move like someone who could take down a six feet four intruder. How clever of Elise to think to distract Rick by sending along a sexy woman to win him over.

  Pausing in thought, Trevor wondered if he might extend his stay a few days. Much as he wanted away from Rick’s confusing allure, he desired Lilah’s lush body. And he had a feeling once with her wouldn’t cut it.

  “But who do you think she’ll go to first?” Rick persisted.

  “First?” First implied there would be a second. And for a moment Trevor wondered why there needed to be an order at all, considering his deep-seated fantasies of sharing a woman with another man. Arousal buoyed, and he firmly pushed the thought aside.

  “If I take her first, you let me do anything I want with you.” Rick looked him up and down. “No questions, no denials.”

  “Bullshit.” Excitement quivered through his cock, and Trevor ruthlessly suppressed it.

  One more day. I can last one more day until my security replacement arrives. “Lilah’s not a

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  toy, Rick. She’s a woman. You don’t share women.” As much as I want to. Because sure as shit, if we start sharing her, the next thing you know, we’ll be sharing me.

  “Sure you do. In Satyr’s Myst, you can do anything you want.” Rick stepped even closer, and it took all of Trevor’s willpower not to back away. He refused to let Rick get the upper hand. “And no one will ever know.”

  Rick’s breath fanned over his lips, and Trevor swallowed audibly. He frowned at Rick’s knowing grin and forced himself that last shuffle closer, determined to set the rules once and for all. He could physically overpower Rick, and Rick had to know it. But what the manipulator didn’t know was that Trevor had spent the past ten years as a city cop. He’d stared suspects down, had ferreted full confessions, and withstood bullying from thugs a lot more intimidating than Rick.

  “I’ll know.” Trevor could see a light ring of blue around Rick’s bright irises.

  “Then let’s make a memory you’ll never forget, hmm?” Rick caught him off guard by jerking him forward.

  Their mouths met, their gazes clashed, and then Trevor sighed helplessly into the carnal mouth making him forget reason. Just a touch of Rick and Trevor could do no more than listen to the instincts demanding he concede to Rick’s demands.

  Rick didn’t handle Trevor gently. Unlike the last kiss they’d shared, this one was raw and fully untamed. Rick held Trevor in place, one hand on his shoulder, the other buried in his hair. His mouth ate at Trevor’s, forcing Trevor to acknowledge the lust he perpetually felt for the sexual, intoxicating man.

  “That’s it,” Rick crooned as he licked inside Trevor’s mouth.

  Trevor closed his eyes, fully caught in his own sensuality and in the darkness of experiencing the forbidden. For years he’d buried his desires deep, not ready to give them an outlet and prove himself less a man than he thought he should be. The two long-ass days he’d spent here with Rick seemed like years. Not a huge surprise, coming on top of six

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  months of down-and-out celibacy. Recovering from an injury and battling depression over his future had sapped his sex drive. Who knew Satyr’s Myst would revive it so heartily?

  How stupid Trevor had been not to have at least satisfied his cravings stateside, preparing for the worst, before venturing into Satyr’s Myst. But he’d honestly had little idea the resort, and hell, Rick, would be so damned enticing.

  “Open for me,” Rick demanded.

  Trevor opened his mouth, and Rick's tongue surged inside. The action made him groan, and he instinctively thrust his pelvis closer, rubbing against Rick’s hard cock. Knowing he turned Rick on as well was a heady feeling and pushed him deeper under Rick’s spell.

  “You taste so good,” Rick rasped as he kissed his way down Trevor’s throat. His hard lips smooth and hot, they trailed over Trevor’s pulse before sucking hard.

  The action had Trevor’s balls tightening, and he moaned again, uncaring of anything but relieving the ache in his groin. Nightly masturbation wasn’t helping at all.

  “That’s what I want.” Rick kissed his way back up Trevor’s neck. “Your surrender.”

  Before Trevor could think to protest the impossible, Rick plastered his mouth tight
ly to his, keeping one hand firmly on the back of his head. But Rick released his grip on Trevor’s shoulder, lowering it to seek Trevor’s erection through his shorts instead. The touch was nothing short of magnificent.

  “Gonna come,” Trevor managed as he tore his mouth from Rick’s. Like a firecracker, he was ready to blow. Maybe there was still time to stop --

  “Good. Come, but in my hand.” Rick unsnapped Trevor’s shorts and found him hot and throbbing in seconds. He squeezed hard, rubbing through the moisture pooling at Trevor’s slit.

  “Fuck.” It felt so damned good. He clutched Rick’s shoulders and kissed him hard, not holding back the hungers raging through him any longer. Rick groaned and increased the friction of his hand while thrusting against Trevor. And in Trevor’s imagination, the two of

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  them were rubbing their naked dicks together, kissing and touching, then spattering each other as they exploded. Carnal hungers sated and reborn, Rick would fuck Trevor hard in the ass, the pain only enhancing his pleasure as he shoved through Rick’s reach-around…

  Pressure built at the base of his spine. Rick’s flavor, his hand, his very touch creating a trigger that was about to send Trevor skyrocketing into bliss. Rick’s tongue suddenly thrust into his mouth, and his fist clenched harder, hitting that sensitive spot under the crown of his shaft.

  And Trevor lost it. Rick swallowed his cry as he shot over the other man’s hand and all over the inside of his shorts. The pleasure seemed to last forever, his breath gone as Rick consumed his desire in a moment so pure it seemed unreal.

  The seconds droned into minutes, the only sounds in the house the muted spray of water from the shower and their heavy breathing.

  Trevor couldn’t think. He could only feel, and the joy coursing through his body made everything else pale by comparison. He was dimly aware of Rick wiping his hand on his shorts, of the kiss Rick placed to his jaw. And then Rick tipped Trevor’s chin down to better look into his eyes.


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