Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology

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Bad Boys of Romance - A Biker Anthology Page 46

by Kasey Millstead

  That first year there was so many mountains we had to climb, lakes to swim across and mud to trudge through, to be together. We were lucky enough that word of our past had travelled through the racing scene, stopping not all, but most, rumors about me using Cole to get ahead in the scene. It was one more hurdle we had overcome. Was it worth it? To get where I am today? Absofuckinglutely!

  It was my wedding day. I was marrying the man that I have loved since I was old enough to realize I was in love with him. I was marrying my teenage love Christopher Owen Leadman and the love of my life, Cole West. In exactly eight hours, I would become Mrs. Cole Leadman West. As I thought about the wonderful day ahead of me, I kicked my feet, screaming like a schoolgirl, and got my legs tangled in the sheets.

  “Woo Hoo! You’re getting hitched, bitch!” Jamie squealed as she ran into my part of the presidential suite Cole put us in for the night. She flung herself on the bed, wrapping her arms around my body and rolling us back and forth. “Are you fucking excited?”

  I wiggled free from her and started kicking and screaming again, Jamie laughed as she rolled on to her back and joined in. “Hell yeah! It’s my fucking wedding day!”

  “Get your cute little ass up and in the shower, we have to get to the spa my darlin.” Jamie slapped my ass and climbed out of bed.

  “Okay, I’m going.” I gathered my clothes and headed for the bathroom with its large shower and rain shower head. “I may be a minute, I love this shower.”

  I heard Jamie laugh before I closed the door and stared at myself in the mirror. It’s finally here. Smiling, I stripped down, turned the water on hot and climbed in, remembering the day Cole asked me to be his wife.

  The award ceremony for the second year of my AMA Pro career was approaching, and I had won the title. Actually, I took the title from Cole. It was an amazing feeling to be acknowledged among all the male racers. I was a champion. All of my hard work had paid off.

  Cole picked me up for the awards; he brought his truck instead of his bike, knowing that I was wearing a dress. “You look gorgeous, babe.”

  I reached up and kissed his beautiful full lips. “Thank you. Have I told you before how much I love you in a suit? If not, I do.”

  The rumble in his sculpted chest reached places in me as he squeezed me to his side. He had on a tailored dark grey suit with an eggplant colored tie to match my deep purple dress. My dress was exquisite; McKenna had helped me choose it. She said it matched my hair, so it was necessary. My hair was a dark purple at the tips. I had gotten rid of the green, went blue, and finally to purple. I loved the purple. My dress was strapless with a sequenced bodice and fit just past my hips before flaring out with layers of lace and ruffles. The look in Cole’s eyes confirmed his mom was right and the dress was perfect.

  As the night passed, I noticed Cole wasn’t drinking as much as he normally would, and on more than one occasion, I leaned in to ask him if he was okay. He insisted he was fine, but his forehead was glistening with sweat, and it was unlike him not to drink. I was getting very concerned by the time my name was finally announced.

  “Ladies and gentleman, I have the honor to introduce this year’s champion. Not only is this person a wonderful person that deserves the title after the battle they’ve been through to get here, but she is the first female to ever when the ARRO Pro Champion title. The committee would like to congratulate Rylan Goff on a hard won season. Rylan, come join me up here, please?”

  The room erupted in applause. I could here Jamie and Brant hollering my name from our table as I stood to head toward the stage and podium. The director of the circuit along with a trophy girl and a few other committee members stood on the stage. The smile that spread across my face began to hurt my cheeks as it grew bigger with each step.

  Shaking the director’s hand first, I thanked him. “You are very welcome.” He stepped back up to the microphone. “Rylan joined the circuit two years ago, joining the league of few women in the circuit. She pushed hard and made herself known on and off the racetrack. Not only is she an excellent rider, but she is also a wonderful role model.” He took the trophy and presented it to me. “Congratulations Rylan on a successful season--well done.” I clasped the trophy, raising it in the air.

  “Thank you all so much. I am honored to be standing up here, representing the females of racing and accepting this title. To all the ladies in racing and those girls growing up wanting to race, this is for you! We can do it, too!”

  Before I could slip off the stage and out of the spot light, Cole was standing up, along with everyone else in the place clapping. As I said my thank youse and received hugs and back claps of congratulations, I watched Cole approach the stage.

  He lifted a finger, crooked it, and motioned for me to come here. I slowly made my way down the few steps and stopped in front of him. Someone passed something over my shoulder to Cole. When he brought the microphone to his lips, I figured that must have been what was handed over.

  “Rylan Marie Goff, I am so proud of you. You fought your way through the west coast circuit, found yourself a sponsor, hired yourself a crew and made your way cross country to join the pro circuit. I knew one day soon we would be standing here and including you into the tight ring of outstanding racers that have won the championship title. Congratulations.”

  I leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek, but he stopped me with his hand. “Hang on, babe.” He flashed me a devilish smile as he used the handkerchief in his front pocket to wipe the still present sweat from his forehead. Chuckling, he faced the crowd. “I’m a nervous wreck, sorry guys. Give me just a minute and your evening can return to normal.”

  I looked out at the tables of racers and race teams. There were so many people, and I was starting to feel anxious. I had no clue what Cole was up to, but the shake in his voice had my stomach twisted in knots.

  A movement from Cole’s direction brought my gaze back to him, and as I took in the black velvet box and him down on one knee, my pulse quickened and my shaking hand came up to cover my mouth.

  “Ry, I love you to the moon and back, babe. I’ve loved you since the day you yelled at me to stop kicking rocks at you. You are my spitfire. You’re my home. You are the love of my life, and I want to spend the rest of my day racing you. As long as I am behind you though, I kinda like your ass.” The room was silent until his little ass remark, but then a few cat calls, and whistles punctured the silence along with several deep chuckles and girly sighs. Cole winked as he pulled the princess cut diamond ring from its resting place in the box.

  Lifting the ring up so I could see it, I took a split second to look at the large diamond surrounded by several tiny black and white diamonds that not only outlined the main diamond but also covered the setting and band. It was gorgeous, unbelievably gorgeous, but not nearly as breathtaking as when I lifted my gaze and met Cole’s. His dark eyes locked with mine, and I could see the depth of his love in his eyes.

  “I would be honored to share my trophy room with you, babe. I’ll even give you the top shelf if you’ll do me a huge favor and say yes, you’ll be my wife. Rylan, will you marry me?” He clutched my left hand in his, waiting for my answer.

  I wiped a few wayward tears and nodded, “YES! Hell yes!” He slipped the ring on my finger as I leaned in, cupping his face in my hands and placing a lingering kiss on his lips as the room around us ruptured in cheers and congratulatory yells.


  Jamie and I had been pampered, primped, polished, and fed. We were headed to my salon to have our hair styled and from there we were headed to Cole’s. I mean my house. I still can’t believe that huge estate is mine. I was awestruck the first time Cole took me to our home. It is a colonial style home, white with a brick red trimming and black faux shutters. All the windows are arched as are the double front doors. The wrap around porch creates a beautiful setting for afternoon beers or places to snuggle and watch the lightening bugs on all sides of our home.

  We chose to have the wedding there be
cause it is so astonishingly beautiful. Cole was smart when he purchased the mature property. The evergreens, bushes, and flowers that made up our backyard were the perfect size and made the yard look like an oasis. Cole had a Koi pond installed in one corner, a hammock strung between to large trees in another section of the open yard, and then there’s a rose garden with an arch and bench and brick walkway, which is where we were going to get married.

  I had felt nothing but excitement until my soon to be mother in-law walked into the salon with several bags and a forced smile covering her face.

  “McKenna, I didn’t expect to see you until I got to Cole’s.”

  “It’s your home too, Rylan.” She quirked an eyebrow at me.

  “I know. What’s up?”

  “Well, every bride needs her traditional wedding charms. I brought them for you. Most are family heirlooms that I hope you’ll wear, and the something new is from your father in-law to be.”

  Shit! I hadn’t thought about all that. What was it again? Something new, something blue? I couldn’t even recall them. “Okay, I know this sounds horrible, but what are the traditional charms?”

  “Oh, your something new, borrowed, old, and blue. Sorry, dear.” McKenna reached into her bag and pulled out an old yellowed box that had yellowing tape holding it together. “This is your something old; I think we can tie it on to your bouquet.”

  My hair dresser continued to pull and tease my hair, currently tipped with red to match the color of Jamie’s dress and Brant’s tie and vest. Jamie, of course, was my maid of honor, and Brant was Cole’s best man. They were the only two people we were going to have in our ceremony. I flinched as Susan, the stylist, pushed a bobby-pin a little too far into my scalp. When my eyes met hers in the mirror, she mouthed sorry and shrugged. Trying not to laugh, I took the tattered box from McKenna. “Do you want me to rip the tape?”

  Susan nodded toward her station, right in front of me. “There’s regular scissors in that drawer to your right.”

  McKenna pulled the scissors out for me. “Thank you.”

  I opened the scissors and slid one side between the cardboard lid and base, successfully cutting the tape. Handing the scissors back to my mother in law, I slowly opened the box. Nestled inside was a rock. My brow furrowed for a second before a grin slowly turned up the corners of my mouth. “To represent the day we first met.”

  McKenna pushed her lips together before nodding. “Here’s you’re something borrowed. It was my great grandmother’s; all of her granddaughters and great granddaughters wore it. I’d be honored if you did, too.”

  I took the small gift bag from her and removed the tissue. Inside was the most hideous bird broach I had ever seen. I schooled my features before forcing a smile and meeting McKenna’s gaze. “I will be happy to wear this.” The bird was one of those plastic, feather covered red birds. The feathers were so worn you could see red plastic in places.

  “I know it’s ugly, but at least it’s with your color theme. My wedding was pink and I had to wear that bird attached to my shoulder. We can attach it at the waist, honey. I wouldn’t dream of making you wear it on your shoulder or chest.”

  “Thank you.” Now I was nervous to see what the hell else she brought.

  “That’s the worst, I swear. Here, next is something blue.” She handed me another small gift bag.

  I was hesitant to peek inside; I slowly removed the sheet of tissue paper and saw the brightest blue cloth ever. It looked to be a handkerchief. I pressed my lips together as I removed it. “Where am I supposed to put this?” My eyes met McKenna’s before I heard Jamie laughing. I wondered what was keeping her silent for so long. Maybe she hadn’t been able to see.

  I looked back at the handkerchief, which wasn’t a handkerchief at all. It was fucking boxers. Men’s boxers. Tears welled in my eyes. “What?”

  McKenna nervously chewed on her lower lip. “Cole wanted you to wear them under your dress, that way you had a part of him with you all day.”

  “Of course he does! Shit, I’m just glad this isn’t the thing from my father in law.”

  “Oh, honey no. I wouldn’t do that to you. I’m sorry; I should have been more explanatory. Christopher bought you your something new. He said he wanted to make sure you had something special. Here you go, your something new.”

  I wiped away a few tears, thankful they hadn’t started on my make up yet. I opened the jewelry box. The box was slightly bigger than a ring box, and I guessed earrings. As I thumbed open the box, I smiled at the shiny earrings sitting inside. They were black and white diamond checkered race flags, and they were perfect. “I love them. Thank you for everything.” I picked my phone up off my lap and called Christopher to thank him.

  After our hair was curled, rolled, and pinned to the top of our heads, we went to a late lunch. I actually loved the way my hair turned out. Susan did classic fifties rolls on the front, pulling it half up and leaving the remaining hair falling is large curls past my shoulders displaying my red tips in the curls and pinned rolls. She added baby’s breath and a red rose behind my right ear.

  With just over an hour before I would say “I do,” we headed over to the house. I had Jamie stop so I could pick up a little something that I had ordered for Cole. They messed up and had to redo it, and now I was picking it up on the day of my wedding. I ordered him a platinum money clip; the face of it was etched with checkered flags crossing each other, our initials, and our wedding date. They had it in a silver gift bag, but I pulled it out to inspect it before leaving the store. “It’s perfect, thank you.”

  Climbing back into the car I handed it to Jamie. “Can you take this to Cole as soon as we get there?”

  “Let me help you get everything upstairs and then yes, I will find him and deliver it for you.”

  We walked into our master bedroom and tears sprung to my eyes. Cole had covered the room in red roses. On the bed were four presents and an envelope. I spun around the room, taking in the beautiful sight and scents. Tears crested on my lashes before streaming down my cheeks. I clutched the note in my hands before opening the envelope. I sat on the edge of the bed and read.


  I can’t wait to make you legally mine. You’ve been mine and me yours for years, and now it’s time to make it legal, baby.

  The gifts are numbered; please open them in the correct order, it’s important. You will find your something old, blue, and borrowed and then your something special from the guy that loves you.

  I’ll see you at the altar, babe. Love you.


  I grabbed the box that said number one on it and carefully unwrapped the present; the white square box gave away no clue as to what it was. I lifted the lid and a note rested on top, and as I pulled it off I gasped at the thick white gold choker necklace that had the same checkered flag design as my earrings and engagement ring. The note simply stated, “You’re something special. Racing lead you back to me, and I will forever be grateful.”

  The second box contained a small checkered flag; its note asked me to keep it in my bra, so he would be close to my heart and in case I started to cry. “I don’t mind if you blow your snot on it or me for the rest of our lives.” I recognize it as one of Cole’s flags from his trophy room.

  The third box was smaller than the rest and jewelry shaped. I ripped the paper off this time and smiled at the tiny blue flag toe ring. In the top of the box was the note folded small enough to fit. I removed it and unfolded it to read Cole’s words, “The blue flag is the courtesy flag. As you know, the slow driver needs to move out of the way for everyone else. Well, babe we’re going to be courteous and move off the track and focus on us.”

  We had discussed quitting racing and maybe starting a team of our own, and seeing the blue flag, I knew he was letting me know he was ready. He was ready to start our race, our future.

  The last box was wrapped in checkered flag wrapping paper. I loved the fact that he incorporated the racing theme into my presents. I opened the square
box and saw a familiar square key chain. The words “I Love Racing” were fading, but as I lifted the piece of our past out of the box, I saw that he had added to it, there were fresh words on the opposite side.



  Racing to

  Our future, together.

  Jamie stood beside me smiling as she watched the tears stream down my face. “It’s perfect. Tell him all of it is perfect and go give him his money clip. Please, maid of honor?” I flashed her puppy dog eyes as she grabbed the race themed bag and headed out the door.

  McKenna scolded me for crying and making my face blotchy. “The other gifts were a very ornery idea from your future husband. You don’t have to wear those items.” But I didn’t care if snot was streaming out my nose. I was completely in love with this man. He proved to me how right for each other we are. We went with the racing theme without ever discussing it. I left all the fake gifts in our room, all of them except the rock. The rock I nestled inside my bouquet. It was special and for him to think enough to include it meant the world to me.

  I was ready to marry him. Well I was almost ready; I rushed to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water before applying my make up. As soon as Jamie returned, she slid her dress on and helped me into mine.

  McKenna and Jamie held my small train as I made my way down the staircase, the photographer snapping pictures as I go. Together they situated me at the French doors that lead to the backyard and rose garden.

  Jamie gave me an air kiss. “I love you, friend. I am so happy you found your prince. You are beautiful, and you’re gonna make him want to leave immediately.” We both laughed and she sauntered out the door to take her place at the top of the stairs on the porch.

  McKenna gives me a tight hug. “Please call me mom. You have always been family, and today it is official. I love you, sweetie.”


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