Halcyon (The Complete Trilogy)

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Halcyon (The Complete Trilogy) Page 87

by Joseph Robert Lewis

  “Which we just squandered running around the arena,” Kenan said. “So the only real advantage we have is that Aker doesn’t know where we’re going. Unless he’s working with the man on the roof, Anubis, and this is all one big set-up.”

  “Do you honestly think that Aker, a brainless, whoring, hash-smoking thug, is working with a mysterious man who floats around on rooftops?”

  Kenan laughed. “Aker is part of secret society of men with magic swords, so I’d say that all possibilities are firmly on the table.”

  “It’s not magic and you know it.” Shifrah glared at him. They were well into the Songhai Quarter again and the morning foot traffic in the street was quickly growing as the locals left their homes for the shops, markets, and the new Eranian factories. They wove into the crowd, shuffling along no faster or slower than anyone else. “I trust Anubis. He was right about the window and the sword, and he was right about us, and I’m going to the rail yard, like he said.”

  “He was right about us?” Kenan grinned. “So you do want to have my children?”

  “Shut up, mister ashamed-of-your-own-love.” Shifrah sidestepped around a particularly slow-moving old woman and found a wall of white cloth and black muscles in her path.

  The ageless youth frowned slightly. “You’re moving too slowly.”

  “You!” Kenan stepped forward. “Who are you really?”

  “You know my name,” Anubis said. “I made a promise to my cousin that I would see the two foreigners safely back to the rail yard with the sword of Aker El Deeb. That is all you need to know. But you might also wish to know that El Deeb and two dozen Shona and Zulu bounty hunters are approaching from the east. They have not seen you yet, but they will in a moment.”

  “Can’t you just fly us away, like you did on the roof?” Kenan asked. “You know, poof?”

  Anubis stared down at the detective. “No.”

  “Then what would you suggest?” Shifrah slipped her hand into her jacket for her last knife as she glanced around the crowd in search of their pursuers. She suddenly felt very naked and exposed in her light olive skin.

  If Kenan was wearing shabbier clothing, he might have been able to blend in by himself. As long as he kept his mouth shut. Not that it would do me any good.

  “The Songhai Empire has no love for the Bantu kingdoms. Help is at hand,” Anubis said. He indicated a right turn at the next corner. “Go, quickly.”

  Shifrah hurried past him, glancing back just once to see the stranger step into the shadows and vanish into a steamy mist. “When we get home, I’m going to have to learn that little trick.”

  They jogged around the corner and found that the street ended just a few yards away at the front gates of a Songhai barracks. A dozen men in brown uniforms stood at attention on either side of the open gate, short sabers on their belts and single-shot rifles in their hands. Shifrah asked, “Do you know anything useful about the Songhai?”

  “I know they like to shoot our men along the border of Marrakesh,” Kenan said. “But if you want a way to get them to protect us from Aker and a small army of Shona and Zulu warriors, then I can’t help you.”

  “I thought you were the man with the plan.”

  “I am, when I have time to come up with a plan.”

  Shifrah grimaced. “Maybe it will be enough for us to just be here, close to the barracks. Maybe that will keep the bounty hunters from following us.”

  They turned to watch the main street. A tall man strode into view, and then two more. They turned their heads slowly and stopped when they saw Shifrah and Kenan standing in the dead-end road in front of the barracks gates. A moment later, four more men joined them, and a step behind them followed Aker. The Aegyptian pointed at Shifrah, said something to his band of hunters, and the group started toward them.

  “Nope,” Kenan said. “It won’t keep them from following us. Come on, think. We’ve got a gun, a knife, and a sword. How do we…?” The detective grinned.

  “You have an idea?”

  “Yeah, but you’re not going to like it,” he said.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Just do it.”

  Kenan winked and yanked the seireiken free of the scabbard on Shifrah’s back. He held the bright orange blade high over his head for all to see. “Do I have any bidders for an authentic aetherium sword? Step right up and buy a one-of-a-kind seireiken! We have only one left in stock and it is priced to sell! Do I have any bidders?” He went on shouting, making the offer in Mazigh and Espani.

  Oh, great. Now everyone else will want to kill us too. Well, what the hell?

  Shifrah took a deep breath and started echoing him in Eranian.

  Every man in the Songhai ranks looked up. Every eye was fixed on the glowing sword. Several more men emerged from the gate to look. And behind Aker and his Bantu entourage, a handful of people began pointing and talking excitedly as they started forward.

  “Okay, it looks like we have everyone’s attention,” Shifrah said. “Now dazzle me with your escape plan.”

  “Follow me.” Kenan went on shouting about the great sword sale as he paced in lazy circles closer to the barracks gates, right down the dusty path between the two dozen guards in brown. Shifrah stayed at his side, announcing the imminent bidding war in Eranian.

  But she kept her eye on Aker. He had brought his hired muscle most of the way down the dead-end road and now was hovering just beyond the Songhai soldiers, arguing with his men. She couldn’t hear him over Kenan’s yelling and the rising murmurs from the gathering crowd of gawkers and would-be bidders, but from Aker’s gestures she thought he was trying to convince the Bantu men to go closer to the soldiers.

  The three men wearing tight-fitting red vests and white-beaded arm bands, whom Shifrah identified as Zulus, all shook their heads and walked away, vanishing into the crowd. But the five remaining hunters, who looked to be Shona from their patchwork trousers and intricately laced sandals, all stayed at Aker’s side and followed him toward the barracks.

  “Now, Kenan,” Shifrah muttered. “Whatever you’re going to do, do it now.”

  “No. It’s Aker’s move now.”

  Shifrah watched the man in green, and he looked straight back at her, his eyes blazing with hate. He grabbed a pistol from one of the Shona men and aimed it at her. She yelled, “Gun! Get down!”

  Half the crowd instantly ducked and a dozen people let loose shouts or screams of terror. The Songhai soldiers leveled their rifles at the Shona, and the Shona all raised their weapons in reply as several more bounty hunters jogged into the street. Shifrah grabbed Kenan as the detective sheathed the bright aetherium blade, and together they bolted into the crowd, putting two dozen soldiers between them and Aker.

  “It’s my sword!” hollered Aker. “Put your guns down and give it to me!”

  “Put your guns on the ground,” the soldiers hollered back.

  “Lower your weapons!”

  “Drop your guns!”

  “Do it now!”


  Shifrah didn’t see who fired the first shot.

  Instantly the street transformed into a warzone of crackling gunfire, screaming civilians, moaning animals, twanging bullets, and running feet. In the surging mass of the terrified crowd, Shifrah felt a man elbow her aside, and she stepped on an arm, and a hand shoved her in the back.

  She grabbed Kenan’s hand and ran.

  Chapter 26. Qhora

  The cellar was pitch black except for a single blinding ray of sunlight spearing down through a crack in the door. Qhora knelt by the door, peering into the crack. The room beyond the cellar appeared to be the inside of a shop, an empty shop with boarded-up windows.

  “Well?” Salvator straightened his jacket and shook his rapier in its scabbard.

  “All clear. It’s an empty room. And then we can just step out onto the street.”

  “Can you see anyone on the street?”

  “A few people,” Qhora said.

  And that’s what we were waiting for
. Although I’d hoped for more people, enough to shield us and mask our escape from the Temple of Osiris, but I guess we’ll have to settle for what we have.

  “We should go now.”

  “I agree.” The Italian gestured to the door.

  Qhora led the way up into the empty shop and then cautiously out into the bright city streets. There were more than a few people out already, and more joining the press every few minutes. The shuffle of feet and clatter of hooves rose steadily, as did the dust.

  “So. How on earth did you manage to get into the Temple?” Salvator asked. “I had to kill quite a few guards to do so myself, and I seem to have made a few enemies in the process. At least I managed to wrangle a few answers from those older gentlemen.”

  “I surrendered,” Qhora said. “I surrendered to them, and they took me inside.”

  Salvator snorted. “Well, that is just typical. A man has to fight his way inside, but a lady gets an armed escort.”

  “They threatened to kill me.”

  “Ah, well, there was much more equality there, then.”

  The two walked to the end of the side street and joined the main stream of traffic on the broad avenue. Men and women padded by bearing baskets and crates, and rolling barrels in front of them. There were mule-drawn carts and ox-drawn wagons, men riding camels and women riding zebras, and even the occasional ostrich with a few cloth bundles on its back.

  “It reminds me of home. A little.” Qhora nodded at a passing sivathera strutting past with a curtained carriage behind it. The huge beast snorted and bowed its long spotted neck toward a nearby horse.

  “How unfortunate.” Salvator sniffed and winced. “I assume you did not find the Aegyptian or his sword.”


  The Italian stopped to survey the street with a squint in his eyes. “Well, my dear, it may be time to reassess our goals. I’ve learned what I came here to learn, and now I wish only to leave with my head still in place. We haven’t seen or heard a trace of our prey since we left Carthage. He may not even be in the city. Or he may have come here only to continue on to somewhere else. The only thing I know for certain is that the longer we stay, the more likely it becomes that we won’t live long enough to leave.”

  Qhora nodded. “I know. And you’re right. We should go back to the rail yard and wait for Mirari, and then go home. Maybe when I return to Madrid I can hire someone to return here and find the Aegyptian for me. I have his name. I know where he lives. I suppose that will have to be enough for now.”

  “More than enough.” Salvator resumed walking. He glanced up to their left. “I think your little friend has found you.”

  “Mirari?” Qhora looked up just in time to see a clutter of wings and feathers and talons collide with her side. The nearby pedestrians stumbled back to avoid the harpy eagle as it flapped and shrieked, trying to balanced on the woman’s arm. Qhora grunted at the sudden weight of him, but she lifted her arm and allowed him to settle with his long talons locked around her bare skin. “Turi, you worthless thing. I suppose you spent the night gorging on fat city rats, or did you carry off a whole sheep to eat on some rooftop?”

  Turi squawked and snapped his beak and blinked his huge golden eyes.

  Qhora sighed and pressed on through the crowd with the Italian just behind her. She was only half certain that she was heading back to the rail yard, but she planned to wait a few more minutes before asking Salvator for directions.

  “Dona Qhora!”

  She turned to see a familiar masked face bobbing through the crowd, and then the rest of the Espani woman emerged, shouldering others aside roughly as she moved in a straight line across the street. And as she reached them, another figure emerged from her shadow. “Hello again,” Tycho said. “We’ve spent all night looking for you.”

  “You’re both all right?” Qhora wrapped her arms around Mirari and squeezed her tight. “Thank the gods. And your God. How did you find me?”

  “The bird,” she said.

  “Ah.” Qhora smiled and stroked Turi’s head. “Good boy. You’re not so worthless after all.”

  Tycho shook his head. “You scared me half to death last night, surrendering to them like that! I thought you’d gone mad.”

  “It was a risk I was willing to take. But that’s all in the past now. What happened to you two last night?”

  Mirari told her that they had followed her to the temple, then returned to the rail yard, and then returned to the Temple to wait and watch. “But my lady, I have news. We spoke with Captain Ohana. She knows of a way to free a soul from a seireiken!”

  Qhora felt her heart seize in her chest. “But I thought that was impossible.”

  “Apparently it’s not impossible. Just very difficult,” Tycho said.

  “The captain said she was going to build a tool that could release the souls from the seireiken while we came to get you. If we bring her the sword, she might be able to free Don Lorenzo’s soul and let him find peace.” Mirari glanced at Salvator. “Did you have any luck finding the sword last night?”

  “No. None.” The Italian shrugged. “I did have two very interesting conversations in between some lengthy sprints, and I nearly stole a seireiken for myself, but as you can see we managed to escape with only our lives and no other souvenirs. But that’s all in the past now, as your lady says. Dona Qhora was just telling me that it’s time for us to all be heading home.”

  “No.” Qhora shook her head. “No, I’ve changed my mind. We’ve come this far. We’ve seen the one-eyed woman and the detective here in the city. And now we’ve learned how to free Enzo. We’ll stay at least one more day to learn where the Aegyptian is or went. Maybe we can find the detective again. He seemed reasonable, or at least more reasonable than the others. He might be willing to help us for a price.” Qhora turned and started back down the road toward the Temple. “We can ask people in the street. A one-eyed woman and a Mazigh gunslinger should be at least a little memorable, right Salvator?”

  The Italian sighed.

  Qhora glanced back once just to be sure the tall fencer was actually following her, and she noticed young Tycho shuffling along at the back of the group and falling behind. She paused to wait for him to come alongside her. “I’m sorry. You must be tired. We can go a little slower.”

  “What?” He looked up and his worried frown vanished into a look of mild surprise. “Oh, no, I’m sorry, my mind was somewhere else. I’m fine. Don’t slow down on my account.” He quickened his pace.

  “Were you thinking about Philo?” Qhora asked. “I’m sorry. I know how you feel. I’ve barely given myself an hour to think about Enzo. I…I think I just can’t right now. Maybe when we’re home, when I have my baby in my arms again, then I can stop and breathe and mourn.”

  The dwarf touched her hand. “It’s a terrible thing, what’s happened to you. No one should ever have to see that, or feel that. I’m sorry for you, and for your son. But don’t be sorry for me. Philo lived a noble life, far longer than most. And he died in good health, with his wits about him, in service to our Lady and our city. But I wasn’t thinking about him just now. I was thinking about breakfast.” He grinned sheepishly.

  “But…it’s been only half a day since…” Qhora frowned.

  Spiro shrugged. “Death is a part of life, and I’ve been preparing myself for Philo’s death for years. And besides, that was yesterday. Today is a new day. Philo would want me to be working, to complete our task and all the tasks that will follow. So I need to find a seireiken for the Vlachian prince. And I would be honored to help you save your husband’s soul.” He smiled and bowed his head.

  “Thank you.” Qhora focused on the road ahead.

  Is it really so easy for him? Or is his bravado just an act for my benefit? Or maybe for his own benefit?

  Their group turned the corner and looked down the next avenue where the towering Temple of Osiris loomed above all other buildings. Qhora was about to ask Fabris what sort of person they should question on the street
when Mirari grabbed her and the Italian and pulled them close to the wall. “My lady, there is a small group leaving the Temple now. Ten warriors and an older man. They are coming this way.”

  Qhora peeked out and quickly pulled back. “That’s Khai. The old one. He’s an important man in the temple. He’s the one they took me to, the one who said he would kill me. His seireiken has claimed so many souls that it burns white hot.”

  “Really?” Tycho and Salvator said in unison.

  The Italian frowned down at the Hellan and said, “I interviewed this same gentleman shortly before my history lesson in the forge with a man called Rashaken. I had hoped to kill both of them, but fate intervened.”

  “What about the name Aker El Deeb? Did either of them mention him?”

  “No. Why? Who is this El Deeb?”

  “The man who killed my Enzo!”

  “Ah.” Salvator shrugged. “Had you shared that little gem with me, I might have asked, but now we’ll never know, will we? And didn’t you say you spoke to him as well? Did you think to ask him about your Aker El Deeb? No? Hm. Well, anyway, this Khai person called himself the First Knight of his order. That might make him somewhat important. And someone else called him Master Khai. So I imagine the name Aker El Deeb will mean something to him if we ask. Politely.” The Italian drummed his fingers on the golden hilt of his rapier.

  “I agree,” Qhora said. “We’ll follow them. Perhaps an opportunity will present itself for another interview.”

  After Khai and his green guards went by, Qhora and her three companions eased out into the flow of pedestrians and sauntered down the middle of the avenue in a loose knot, never too close or at the same pace. They spread out a bit, letting other travelers and animals and vehicles pass in between them.

  Qhora watched the old man’s back, and the heads of the men following him.

  There will be a moment. A turn. A hesitation. An interruption. They’ll stop, or be distracted, and I’ll run in among them, right through the middle of them and put my knife to Khai’s throat and grab his seireiken and make him tell me where I can find Aker El Deeb.


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