RoadKill: Savage Hell MC Book 1

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RoadKill: Savage Hell MC Book 1 Page 5

by K. L. Ramsey

  Well, that was something she could get on board with. Viv tried to block out the rest of the world and not think about her unkempt room or the fact that she was about to give her body to a man she had only met hours before—a man who was her new employee. She’d worry about all those things in the morning. Now, she just wanted to feel alive for the first time in forever and Cillian certainly did that for her.

  He unhooked her bra and hissed out his breath, “Perfect,” he murmured against her sensitive flesh. He sucked one of her taut nipples into his mouth and she felt a new pool of wetness between her legs. Viv ran her fingers through his long hair, grabbing handfuls of it to tug. He seemed to like it a little rough and Viv was fine with giving him what he wanted.

  “I need you inside of me,” she ordered. Cillian gave her a sexy, wicked smile and dared to wink at her.

  “On the bed,” he commanded. Viv did as he asked, loving the little power struggle they had going on between the two of them. It was seriously hot. Usually, men cowered and caved to her dominating nature but Cillian gave it right back to her. He hovered over her body and hooked his thumbs into the sides of her lace panties, slowly sliding them down her legs.

  “Now you,” she said, eyeing his boxers.

  “Give me just a minute,” he demanded. Cillian stood over her, looking her over like she was his next meal, causing her body to squirm with need. “Hold still, Viv,” he ordered.

  She stilled and smiled up at him. “Like this?” He nodded and finished his perusal of her naked body. When she started to worry that he had changed his mind about wanting her, he pulled down his boxers and stood gloriously naked in front of her. His erection jutted out towards her and she sat up a little to give his body the same attention he had just given hers.

  When Cillian made a move to get onto the bed with her, Viv held up her hand to stop him. “Give me a minute,” she said, giving him back his words. She looked him up and down, letting her eyes rest on his rather impressive erection. He palmed his cock, stroking his shaft and she nearly lost her mind. Viv was consumed with lust and all she wanted was to feel him pumping deep inside her body.

  Finally, when she couldn’t take any more of his teasing, she went up on her knees and reached for him. “Please, Cillian,” she whispered. “I need you.” He didn’t seem to need any further invitation, climbing onto her bed. He lowered her back down to the mattress, covering her body with his own. He kissed his way into her mouth, and just when she thought she couldn’t take waiting any longer, he thrust into her core without any further warning. She moaned at the sensation of being filled by him, thrusting her hips to meet his, trying to take more of him.

  “God,” he whispered. “You feel so fecking good, honey.” Viv reached up to frame his beautiful face with her hands, loving the tender way he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch.

  “You do too, Cillian,” she said.

  “It makes me so hot when you say my name,” he admitted. “No one has called me by my real name in so long.”

  Viv smiled up at him, “Cillian,” she whispered. He moaned, pulling his cock almost completely free from her pussy and slamming back in. “Cillian,” she said. Viv leaned into his body, gently kissing his lips, loving the way he pumped in and out of her core. He took what he needed from her and gave her exactly what she wanted. It was almost as if he could read her mind and knew what she needed. When Viv was on the edge, ready to fall, Cillian reached his big hand between their bodies, running the pad of his thumb over her clit until she felt as though she was flying. She fell and he was right there to catch her.

  He pumped in and out of her body with a new fury and when he came, it was her name he whispered over and over again until he collapsed on top of her limp body. “That was—” Viv wasn’t quite sure how to finish her sentence. She wanted to say wonderful but that sounded so cheesy. She tried to think of another adjective that could completely describe what had just happened between the two of them but she was at a loss.

  “Please tell me that was okay,” Cillian begged. He was lying next to her, watching her as if his entire existence depended on her answer and she couldn’t help her giggle.

  “It was so much better than okay,” she admitted.

  “Thank God,” he breathed. “I was afraid I was so out of touch, I’d forgotten how to fuck,” he said.

  “No.” Viv turned to her side, wrapping her leg over his. “You didn’t forget how to fuck, Cillian. I’m betting that time only made you better at it.”

  He nodded and smiled, “Well, when you have nothing else to think about while sitting in prison, you tend to compile quite a playlist of sexy scenes in your imagination. I can’t tell you how many times I thought about meeting someone like you and doing this while I was sat there, waiting.”

  Viv couldn’t imagine. Even when she was between boyfriends, she at least had her trusty vibrator to get her through. “It must have been very lonely for you,” she whispered and cuddled into his side.

  “Yeah, but it was what I had to do. I did the crime and even though they made an example of me and gave me extra time, I felt as though I deserved it. Prison saved me in a lot of ways,” he said.

  “How so?” Viv asked. She was past the point of worrying that she sounded too nosey with all her questions, now that they had fallen into bed together.

  “It took me away from a life that was wrong for me. I was trying to join a club whose members didn’t care about me or my well-being. I would have ended up dead or worse, in prison for murder if I hadn’t gotten away from them. The guys from Savage Hell had my back while I was away. They’re a club who cared about me and not just what I could do for them. They are my brothers—all of them. Not just the ones still back in that place but the ones on the outside.”

  “But, you can’t hang out with them because it violates your parole,” she reminded.

  “Yeah,” he said. “I have two years of parole and if I behave, I’ll be able to do what I want. Not being able to hang out at my club is turning out to be harder than I thought it would be.”

  “So, you can’t even talk to them—it’s an all or nothing deal?” Viv asked.

  “Yes and no,” Cillian said. “I can’t be seen in church or with any of the guys who’ve served time.”

  “Church?” she asked.

  “It’s what we call our meeting place—biker’s church.” Cillian’s smile was sad and Viv wished there was something more she could do to help him out.

  “Why not just hang out with the ones who haven’t been to prison?” she questioned.

  Cillian barked out his laugh, “Honey— we are a club of one-percenters and military misfits,” he said as if she would know exactly what he meant.

  “I have no clue what that means, Cillian.”

  “It means that most of the guys in my club are felons and have done some time on the inside. There is one guy—Savage, he’s our leader. He’s never been to prison so he’s on my approved list of people I can see. He’s the one who met me the day I got out and took me back to stay with his family. When I told him I needed to be on my own, he was the one who found me that shitty motel to rent. He was trying to help me find a job but he’s got a lot going on himself. He’s one of my best friends and more than that—he’s my brother.”

  “Well, this Savage guy sounds pretty awesome,” she said. “To help you out like that. I’d like to meet him sometime.”

  Cillian shrugged. “Sure,” he said. “He and his husband and wife don’t live far from here. Maybe we could all get together sometime. But, for now—” Cillian rolled her on top of his body, causing her to squeal. “How about we find some other way to distract ourselves?” Cillian swatted her ass and she smiled down at him.

  “I like the way you think,” she teased, grinding her pussy against his already erect cock. “You’re ready again?” she questioned.

  “I have a lot of time to make up for, Honey. You up for that?” Viv pretended to consider his request and he swatted her ass again, this time m
aking her yelp.

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  “Good,” he grunted and pulled her down to kiss him. It was going to be a hell of a lot of fun helping Cillian to make up for lost time.


  Viv spent the night tangled up with Cillian’s demanding needs and by the time the sun had come up, she had barely slept a wink. She carefully extracted herself from Cillian’s big body and pulled on his t-shirt. She padded down to the kitchen to find last night’s dinner dishes still piled in the sink. She started the coffee pot and pulled on her dish gloves, refilling the sink with hot, soapy water. Someone pounded on her front door, scaring the life out of her. She dropped one of her dinner plates into the sink and it broke.

  “Just fucking perfect,” she complained. She took off her rubber gloves and walked down the hallway to the front door, grumbling to herself the whole way. She didn’t bother to check out the peephole and threw open the door to find a man standing on the other side.

  He began to speak and she held up her hand, effectively stopping him. “Listen, I haven’t even had my coffee this morning, I’ve had a very long night and your pounding on my door at the butt crack of dawn caused me to break one of my favorite plates. So, this better be good,” she growled.

  The well-dressed man opened his mouth to speak again and Viv once again stopped him. “And, before you tell me you’re here to sell me something, help me find Jesus or that I’ve won some sweepstakes I haven’t entered, let me remind you that I haven’t had my coffee yet and most days, it’s the only thing that keeps me from killing people. Especially people who show up on my doorstep unannounced and pound on my door before seven in the morning. Now—” she said, taking a deep breath. “What can I do for you?”

  He hesitated as if he wasn’t quite sure she was going to let him speak at all and she wildly waved her hands in the air as if silently telling him to get on with it. “I’m looking for Cillian James. He also goes by Kill,” he said. “I was told he works for your diner, Miss Ward, and I’m hoping you can tell me where I can reach him. His last place of residence called to tell me that he checked out last night and I’m worried he’s in violation of his parole.”

  Now it was Viv’s turn not to talk. She worried that she had just opened her front door and invited in trouble for the man who had spent most of the night making her his. The same man who was asleep in her bed.

  “And you are?” she asked.

  He held out his hand, “Jackson Hart,” he offered as if that would explain everything. “But, everyone calls me Hart. I’m Cillian’s parole officer.”

  “Oh,” she breathed. Viv noticed the way he looked her up and down and suddenly realized she was wearing nothing but Cillian’s Harley shirt.

  “Hey babe,” Cillian said, bouncing down her stairs in just his boxer briefs. “What’s all the commotion?” He stopped dead when he found his parole officer at her front door.

  “Hart,” Cillian said. “Why the hell are you here?” he asked. Cillian looked Viv up and down. “Where the feck are your clothes, Viv?” he growled. Cillian moved to stand between her and his grumpy looking parole officer as if the damage hadn’t already been done.

  “He’s already seen me,” she said.

  “Well, he’s finished looking,” Cillian growled. “You haven’t said why you are here. I’m not supposed to check in for three more days.”

  “You checked out of your motel and they called to let me know,” Hart said. “It’s protocol.”

  “Bullshit,” Cillian growled. “You’re keeping tabs on me but you will find that I’ve done nothing wrong—so check away. I left my shit hole motel because I found a job and another place to stay. If you need me, I’ll be right here.”

  “You didn’t mention that you had a girlfriend on the outside.” Hart almost sounded as if he was accusing Cillian of something and Viv could feel the tension rolling off his big body.

  “I just met Viv yesterday. I will be working at her diner,” Cillian said.

  Hart tried to look around Cillian to where she stood in the doorway, but he blocked the parole officer’s view with his big body. “You do know that he is a felon, right Miss Ward? I took the liberty to run your background check and you’re clean—squeaky clean. Why would you associate with a known felon?” Now it was Viv’s turn to be pissed. She sidestepped Cillian and stood almost chest to chest with his parole officer.

  “You had no right to run my background check,” she growled. “Furthermore, it’s none of your fucking business what is happening between Cillian and me. I knew who he was when I hired him.”

  “And, how about when you fell into bed with him—did you know who he was then?” Hart asked. She could tell he was trying to make Cillian angry but why? He was certainly taking the bait. He was crowding the parole officer and she thought for sure Cillian was going to hit him.

  “He’s not worth it,” she said, trying to get him to stand down. “Let’s just go inside and have breakfast. You have Cillian’s new address, Mr. Hart. I’d appreciate a heads up if you plan on stopping by my residence and for the love of God, come during normal business hours and not before I’ve had my coffee.”

  “I’ll have my eye on you, James,” Hart called after him as she tried to drag Cillian into her house.

  “Good to know,” Cillian called back over his shoulder, just before he slammed the front door in Hart’s face.


  A few months had passed and Kill had spent most of his days working at the diner and his nights in Viv’s bed. Once he had her there was no way he was going to go sleep in the spare room. She didn’t seem to protest his proposal when he said he’d like to share her room. They had become pretty much inseparable and Viv even ended up going with him to meet with his probation officer every week. He had a feeling that after her first encounter with Hart, she wanted to prove that she wasn’t just some quick fuck. Not that Kill would ever consider her that.

  Everything seemed to be working out for him until a few of his club buddies showed up at the diner asking to see him. Viv warned them that he’d be violating his parole if he agreed to talk to them but judging from the looks on their faces, something was up and he couldn’t just turn them away. She agreed to let them use her office and when he asked her to give them a minute, he didn’t miss the hurt and upset in her eyes.

  “Fine,” she scoffed. “But much longer than that and I’m coming back here to break this little meeting up.”

  “Deal,” he agreed. He waited for Viv to leave before shutting her office door. “Let’s have it, boys,” he said. “You three don’t look very happy to see me,” he teased.

  “It’s Savage, Kill,” Ryder said. Out of all the three of them, Kill knew Ryder the best. Repo seemed pretty cool but Snake had quite the reputation for being a badass. He was warned by a few guys in the group to steer clear of him.

  “What’s up with Savage?” Kill asked. Savage lived with his husband, Bowie, and his wife, Dallas, about twenty minutes from Viv’s place. He hadn’t seen much of them since moving into Viv’s house and that was on him. Savage was one of his best friends. He helped him so much once he got out, even giving him some cash to get by until he could find a job. He had gotten caught up with his new life and woman, which was no excuse. Kill suddenly felt like a first-class ass for not checking in with Savage after everything he had done for him.

  “It’s his oldest kid,” Repo said. “She’s missing and he said to tell you he’s calling in that favor you owe him.”

  “Chloe’s missing?” Kill said. She was one of the coolest kids he’d ever met. She was only seven years old but she was as bossy as the day was long. When Savage took him apartment hunting, she liked to point out where he should put furniture and how to set things up. When Kill told her he didn’t have anything to put anywhere, she quickly added that he should go out and buy some furniture. He told her he’d get right on that but everything changed so quickly for him.

  “Tell me what I can do,” he breathed.

  “You aren’t going to like it,” Snake said.

  “Just tell me what Savage needs me to do and don’t worry about what I like and don’t like,” he said. “He helped me out when I got out and he’s right—I owe him big time.”

  “He needs you to reach out to your contacts in the Dragons. He thinks they are the ones who took his daughter and he wants her back. Hell Kill, Savage will start a war if he needs to but none of us want that. You know that Savage Hell isn’t the kind of club to go out looking for trouble. But, the Dragons took this on when they took Chloe,” Ryder said. “Savage, Bowie, and Dallas are going out of their fucking minds not knowing where their daughter is.”

  “I bet,” Kill said. “I’ll reach out today to see if I can find out what’s going on. My contact in that club is usually in the know. If Chloe’s with them, he’ll know it.” Kill heard Viv’s door creek open and knew that she had probably heard everything they were just discussing. He turned to find her very pissed off, standing in the doorway and his suspicions were instantly confirmed. His woman wasn’t going to like the fact that he was taking off to talk to his old club but what choice did he have—it was for Savage.

  “Thanks for letting me know, guys,” he said, effectively ending their little meeting. “I’ll be in touch as soon as I know more.” The three guys filed out of the small office, each nodding politely to Viv except Snake who gave more of an inappropriate stare. Kill cleared his throat and Snake quickly found his way out of the office.

  “You want to tell me that I didn’t hear you right?” Viv asked. He wasn’t sure what the right answer was, so he went with complete honesty.

  “I’m a little out of practice here, baby,” he admitted. “When it comes to women and what I’m supposed to say and not say—well, I have no clue. I’ll just give it to you straight,” he said.

  “Yeah, that’ll work,” she sassed, putting both hands on her hips. He had never seen Viv so pissed off before and he had to admit it was pretty damn cute and even made him hot.


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