My Daring Highlander

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My Daring Highlander Page 7

by Vonda Sinclair

  Lust and need burned through him.

  Her mouth was sweet as a wild summer strawberry. He wanted to consume her utterly. He ground his teeth and forced himself to look away.

  She moved toward Curry and waited, avoiding his gaze. Maybe that was for the best. ’Twas when she made eye contact that he got into trouble and did things he shouldn’t.

  He lifted her to the soft roll of woolen blankets behind his saddle. It provided a good pillion cushion. He then hoisted himself into the saddle in front of her. He would certainly much rather hold her in front of him, but it wouldn’t be as comfortable for her. Besides that, he needed his arousal to drain away before they joined the rest of the party, and that wouldn’t happen if he was holding her in his arms.

  But when she slid her arms around his waist from behind and flattened her hands against his stomach to hold on, another wave of desire surged through him. How he would love to feel her hands smoothing over his bare skin.

  Even though his rational mind told him he would never have Seona, something inside him refused to believe it.

  He kneed Curry into a trot and guided him across the moor toward where their party must be. The breeze was calm and the sun beamed between the scattering clouds. Glancing across the rolling, heather-covered landscape and toward the burn, he didn’t see Rebbie or anyone else. ’Twas too bad the heather was not yet in bloom, for the sight would’ve been lovely.

  Glancing up, he noticed something else. A giant double rainbow spanned across the horizon, one slightly dimmer than the other.

  “Och.” He halted and turned in the saddle. “Have you ever seen such a bonny rainbow?”

  Seona gasped. “Nay. ’Tis very bright.”

  Even lovelier, at least to Keegan, was Seona’s smile as she took in the scenery. She was so beautiful his chest ached. Yet… he knew not how he was going to keep her in his life so that he might see her smile every day.

  Facing forward, he urged the horse along at a slower pace. No reason to rush. He wanted to enjoy Seona’s arms around his waist a bit longer.

  “I can’t believe how big the rainbow is,” she said behind his shoulder.

  “Aye. Are you thinking there’s a great pot of gold at the end of it?”

  She smiled. “’Haps. Or maybe something even better than gold.”

  He wondered what she was thinking. What would she prize more than gold?

  He covered her hands with one of his and stroked her silky smooth skin. An idea occurred to him. He turned. “I no longer trust your horse and I’m thinking you should ride with me for a ways.”

  “In truth? You are right that Juliana has become unpredictable, but I’m not certain my aunt will agree to the riding arrangement.”

  “She wants you to be safe, aye?”

  “Aye, but…”

  Out ahead, their party came into view. They appeared to be gathered around someone sitting on the ground. Who was that?

  “I wonder what’s happened.” His heart rate accelerating, he kneed the horse into a trot. As they approached, he saw that it was Lady Patience sitting on the ground on a plaid blanket.

  “Is Aunt Patience hurt?” Seona asked, concern in her voice.

  Chapter Eight

  Why was her aunt sitting on a blanket on the wet ground with everyone else standing around, Seona wondered. Heavens! Had something bad happened to her during the storm?

  Keegan drew up a few feet from their party, moved his leg across in front of him and slid to the ground. Next, he lifted Seona down.

  “I thank you,” she whispered, savoring one last, brief glance into his eyes.

  He gave a deep nod and she hastened away to see what was going on.

  “Aunt Patience, what has happened to you?” she asked, bending and taking her hand.

  “Me? What about you, lass? I feared your horse would toss you onto the rocks and kill you.”

  “Nay. I am well, as you can see. Keegan rescued me.”

  “Thank the heavens.” Her aunt spared a halfway kind glance up at Keegan, the first Seona had seen her give him.

  “Are you injured?” Seona asked her.

  “’Tis my ankle. We dismounted during the gale and I stepped on a rock that rolled. I felt something pop in my ankle, then I fell to the ground.”

  “Did you break a bone?”

  “Nay, Laird MacKay examined it and said ’tis more likely I have sprained it or pulled something.” She glanced at Dirk where he stood a few yards away with Isobel.

  ’Twas good news at least that nothing was broken. “Can you stand?” Seona asked.

  “I know not. Can you help me up?”

  “Aye.” Seona grabbed one of her hands, while Isobel rushed forward and took the other. Patience was not a heavy woman, but it appeared Seona and Isobel were supporting most of her weight. Her aunt winced. “Ow! I think I’ll not be able to.”

  They lowered her to the ground again.

  Rebbie and the guards arrived, leading Juliana. Seona was glad to see the mare had calmed herself and was uninjured. But Seona was unsure whether she was ready to ride the horse again. She would have nightmares about that frantic ride across the moor.

  “We need to be going,” Dirk said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

  Members of their party strode forward and mounted. Hugh MacMillan lifted Aunt Patience into her saddle.

  “I no longer trust Seona’s daft mare,” Keegan told Dirk, loud enough for her aunt to hear. “She’s going to ride with me.”

  “She should.” Dirk nodded. “’Twould be far safer.”

  Seona felt her face heat, certain her glaring aunt would protest. But she kept her lips sealed tight, apparently thinking better of opposing the chief. But Seona would likely get an earful later.


  Sitting behind him with her arms around his waist, Seona enjoyed riding with Keegan several miles south. Despite her weariness, she’d never felt more alive. ’Twas the most enjoyable part of the journey thus far, aside from the stolen kisses. Each time she thought of them, her body heated all over and she hoped no one could tell what she was thinking. The fact that she was riding astride with him so close in front of her didn’t help. Her body felt strange and tingly, just as it had during the kisses they’d shared.

  Though she tried to keep some distance between them, her hands on the firm muscles of his abdomen and waist constantly made her wonder what he would feel like naked. She shouldn’t be having such scandalous thoughts; she certainly never had in the past. But they came to her mind and would not leave her be.

  Being held in Keegan’s arms was one of the few joys she’d experienced in life. And his kiss was pure decadence.

  ’Twas true that she was a virgin who had never been kissed prior to the night before, but now she found herself growing more and more curious about physical relations between men and women. No one had seen fit to educate her about such things thus far. Likely, a lot of naïve young ladies were in the same situation, until their wedding night when they found out first hand. She was not sure whether the bedding would be horrible or enjoyable. She suspected, with Keegan, it could only be enjoyable.

  The sky was temperamental all day, but no more gales blew in, thank heavens. They rode into the evening. Huge gray clouds rolled in, bringing an earlier gloaming than usual. On the western horizon, sunset illuminated the clouds in bright pink, orange and violet.

  She was thankful when they came upon a group of three thatched-roof stone cottages by a small loch so she could stretch her sore legs.

  “We’ll have to see if we can stay the night here,” Dirk said to Keegan as they dismounted. “I want the women safe inside one of the cottages.”

  “Aye. I like that idea,” Keegan said, helping Seona down.

  But who knew if the occupants were friendly? Of course, Highland hospitality dictated that Scots be welcomed, especially a chief and his entourage. She hoped that would be the case this time. She didn’t relish sleeping in a tent again.

  A few minutes later
, the smiling crofters welcomed them to stay the night. They considered it an honor to host a chief, his wife, and the rest of the party.

  Oran, the MacKay cook, helped two of the women prepare a huge meal from pooled resources. The crofter even cast his net into the small loch and hauled out several trout to add to the small feast.

  After they ate, her aunt decided it was time for the women to wash up. They’d gotten muddy crossing the moor after that gale.

  “You bathe first, Aunt Patience. I will later,” Seona said, then went outside while their maids helped her aunt with a sponge bath. Before their meal, Seona had washed her face and hands in the loch. She couldn’t wait to sink into a luxurious tub of hot water, but that was not likely to happen until they reached a castle.

  Isobel talked with Dirk some distance away, near the horses. How cozy they looked, holding hands and murmuring. He kissed her cheek. Seona envied and idealized their love so much her chest ached. Isobel was lucky to have found such a deep passion. Seona longed for a happy marriage like theirs. An image of Keegan’s face sprang to her mind.

  Lest she be caught staring at Isobel and Dirk, Seona glanced away from them and, turning in a half circle, she noticed four guards standing at attention around the perimeter, their gazes scanning the surrounding hillsides while one watched the trail they’d arrived on. They certainly had no time to spare her a glance. She felt much safer knowing they took their jobs so seriously.

  A yell and a loud laugh echoed in the opposite direction. But the guards did not seem concerned about it. What was going on? She followed the noise into the low-growing trees and bushes at the edge of the loch, then peered through.

  Several of the men were chest deep in the loch. And naked. She gasped. Although it was dusk, she could clearly see their skin. Some had chests near hairy as a wolf, while others only had a small amount of body hair, their chest and abdominal muscles showing through.

  Her eyes sought out Keegan. Where was he? Someone emerged from beneath the water’s surface and flung his hair back. Her breath held, she squinted. Aye, ’twas him. His shoulders were incredibly wide and muscular. She was glad to see he wasn’t one of the furry men. His back and arms appeared smooth and sleek. When he turned, she saw that his chest only had a light amount of hair which tapered into an intriguing line down his ridged abdomen.

  As he waded toward the bank, his body emerged from the water, inch by glorious inch. His lean lower abdomen, his trim hips, his…. “Oh my,” she whispered, then covered her mouth. She had never seen a completely naked man before. The male parts between his legs both shocked and amazed her. The light was too dim to see much detail, but she saw dangly parts that were substantial in size.

  “Who are you spying on?” The whisper came from behind her.

  She jumped and spun. Only her hand over her mouth prevented her squeal from emerging.

  Isobel waited there with a wicked grin.

  Lowering her hand, Seona took in a few deep breaths and tried to calm her rapid heartbeat. “You scared the life out of me, Isobel.”

  She snickered and sent a quick glance through the bushes. “You are being a very naughty lass.”

  Seona placed her hands on her burning cheeks. “Aye. ’Tis true. I pray you won’t tell Aunt Patience.”

  “Don’t be silly. I would tell her naught. Did you see anything over there you liked?”

  Seona left the bushes, heading toward a sheep enclosure out to the side of the cottages. “Don’t tease me, I beg of you.”

  Isobel kept pace beside her. “I cannot help myself. ’Tis too much fun.”

  “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Dirk thinks so, too.” Once they stopped at the sheep pen, Isobel whispered, “I have been wondering all day whether Keegan kissed you today after he rescued you. When you two returned, you seemed very cozy.”

  Seona’s face felt like an inferno. Thank the heavens for the low light of gloaming.

  “I won’t tell anyone,” Isobel whispered.

  “Do you promise?” Seona asked.

  “Aye, of course, I promise.” She placed a hand over her heart.

  Seona nodded. “Aye,” she admitted, though she could not bring herself to say Keegan kissed me. “Unfortunately, Laird Rebbinglen happened upon us. I pray he tells no one.”

  Isobel snorted softly. “He may tease Keegan about it, but he won’t tell your aunt. That is a fact.”

  Seona relaxed a bit, hoping she was right.

  “And how was it?” Isobel inquired.

  Seona considered for a moment, trying to think of the right word. But there was none to describe how she’d felt when Keegan kissed her. “Wonderful.”

  “Well, ’tis only natural that you’d want to know what he looks like naked, then.”

  “Shh.” Seona spun to see if anyone else was listening. They were alone, thank the heavens. “I heard a noise. I didn’t know the men were bathing. What a shock.”

  Isobel giggled. “Last November, I was in a similar situation, wishing to know what Dirk looked like completely bare of clothes. I was fortunate one night when he needed help with his bath. I volunteered for the task.” Isobel bit her lip to hold back a naughty grin.

  Seona shook her head, unable to believe how daring Isobel had been. Seona wished to be just as confident. If she was, could she have everything she wanted just as Isobel did?

  “That night turned out to be quite amazing.” Isobel smiled wistfully.

  Seona wanted to ask what she meant, but couldn’t bring herself to pry about such a private matter. But maybe she could ask a general question to satisfy some of her curiosity. “My aunt would never tell me anything about… you know… the marriage bed. And my mother passed when I was too young to know about such things.”

  “I’m sorry to hear this.” Isobel appeared pensive for a moment. “My maid tried to educate me about what goes on between men and women, but she did a poor job. She told me sexual relations with a man was the worst thing imaginable. Like torture.”

  “Was she wrong?” Seona asked, unsure what Isobel meant.

  “If a woman is forced against her will, it would be like torture, aye. But with the right man—a man you are in love with—there is naught in the world like a proper bedding.”

  What did she mean by proper bedding? Surely ’twas one of the least proper things imaginable. “Why?” Seona asked.

  “How did you feel when Keegan kissed you?”

  Seona’s whole body flushed and burned. “Heavens. I know not how to describe it. ’Twas like standing next to a bonfire, but at the same time, my mind floated away on the clouds.” She would not mention how certain parts of her body awakened with a quickening excitement.

  “Indeed. Making love to a man you are strongly drawn to is like that, only a hundred times more intense and exciting. The kisses, the touches. The need to have him fill that void.”

  Seona held her breath for she was certain she was going to learn more than she’d ever expected. “Is it painful?”

  “I will admit it hurt the first time, but only for a minute or two,” Isobel said, then shrugged. “After that, there was naught but an overwhelming pleasure that I couldn’t have imagined before I experienced it.”

  When Seona realized her eyes were wide as platters, she blinked and tried to appear nonchalant. She didn’t want Isobel to think her a complete idiot. She had seen animals mating and knew human mating had to be much the same. Back at home, she had heard a couple of maids working in a chamber, giggling and talking about a man one of them had a tryst with. They had gone into some detail about his large shaft, but Seona still had a difficult time understanding how things worked.

  “What is hard to imagine is how…certain parts would fit,” Seona said. ’Twas even harder to imagine since she’d caught a glimpse of Keegan’s masculine parts minutes ago.

  “Aye, I wondered the same thing,” Isobel said in a whisper. “’Tis true when a man becomes aroused, his member becomes larger, harder and it stands at attention.”

  “In truth? Larger?” Seona was afraid to ask how large.

  “Aye, but apparently, a woman’s body is designed to accommodate his size, whether he is small or large. When he kisses you, strokes his fingers over you, you will start to feel very warm and tingly in certain places.” Isobel grinned.

  Aye, Seona could understand that. She’d already marveled at how tingly Keegan had made her feel during their kisses. ’Twas a spellbinding feeling which stole her thoughts and only made her want more.

  “A purely primal urge will overcome you and you cannot wait for him to… how should I say this?”

  Seona waited, anxious to hear what Isobel would reveal next.

  “You will crave having his hard shaft inside you,” Isobel whispered. “Once you are past the pain and used to his size, he will start moving and… thrusting. That is when you will lose your mind with the pleasure and not be aware of whether you are crying out or not.”

  “Lose your mind?” Heavens! Seona didn’t want to lose control of her responses. Crying out without restraint must be mortifying.

  “In a manner of speaking. You won’t care what you say or how loud you scream.” Isobel grinned and Seona knew she must look horrified. “’Tis naught to worry over. He will keep you quiet.”

  “How?” Seona was having a difficult time picturing it.

  “With his mouth, his kisses.”

  “Heavens,” Seona whispered. Surely kisses combined with thrusting would be overwhelming.

  “Aye, ’tis heavenly.” Isobel appeared dreamy. “Saints, I wish I could share my husband’s bedroll this night. But he wishes me to sleep in the cottage with the rest of the women.”

  A little laugh escaped Seona before she could quell it. Isobel did indeed appear to enjoy her husband’s company. Seona thought of another question. “What does a man expect of a woman? I would have no inkling what to do.”

  Isobel waved a hand. “He will show you soon enough. Anyway, it will come to you as if ’twas something you’d always known. Accepting his kisses and kissing him back. Touching him. Men love to be touched.”



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