Sol: The True Self

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Sol: The True Self Page 11

by Joshua Chou

  “The first few days are always the hardest,” said Iris. “Don’t take it personally.”

  “Did it have to be against him?” asked Winston.

  “I’m afraid so,” said Iris. “We need to know how you respond in combat.”

  Winston looked at the empty bottle in his hands. He handed it back to Iris.

  “The Board of Directors specifically asked Ethan to be your trainer,” Iris noted. “It was one way for him to redeem himself in the organization’s eyes.”

  That got Winston’s attention. “Redeem for what?”

  “On the mission to save Hector,” said Iris, “Ethan disobeyed orders. He did so while trying to save your brother though. That’s why we didn’t suspend him from the program. By the end of the day, the directors needed to make sure Ethan could still fall in line.”

  “Because he failed to save Hector, right?” Winston said with a scoff. “Or was it because Ethan wasn’t as obedient as you thought he was?”

  A beat. Winston waited for his answer. Iris took that time to think of what to say. She leaned closer.

  “If something’s on your mind, you can tell me,” she said.

  Winston wiped off more sweat that formed on his brow. “Hector always said he couldn’t score without Ethan’s help,” he said. “I had the idea that Ethan was the cool guy. And then, well, you know.”

  By now Ethan finished rolling up the tarp. The whole canvas that was scarred with burns and scratches was now bundled in one long, gnarled package.

  Here came the hard part: lifting it. Ethan put his back into lifting the whole thing off the ground. It was hard job for one person to do, and Ethan always did it without asking for help.

  “Ethan was in your position before when sparring Liam,” said Iris. “That was the darkest point in his life. But he kept training because he wanted to get stronger?”

  “So what?” asked Winston.

  “A Wraith killed Hector. How would you honor his memory knowing you could do more?”

  Winston let those words sink in. He glanced at Iris, and then to his new partner. Ethan was still lifting the tarp. He had done it before, but like every day before, he was having trouble straining under its weight.

  Before today, Winston wouldn’t look at him too long because he wasn’t sure what to say. This time, Winston decided to look more closely at Ethan. He really was trying his best, but maybe it was too much for him.

  “Thanks for the water,” said Winston.

  He set aside the bottle and got off the sidelines. Winston made his way to Ethan. Iris watched as the two boys exchanged a few short words.

  Though Iris was far away, she could tell what happened. A blunt agreement was met.

  Winston would carry half the weight of that heavy tarp. Ethan didn’t argue further and let him help. The two of them carried the thing out of the gym.

  Iris rose and followed them out. Now she could move on with the next part of this training.


  Ethan was summoned to the command room early the next day.

  He checked his attire to make sure he looked alright. Ethan’s shirt was clean of lint, and his jeans were without wrinkles. Chances were that Iris needed him for something official, and he had to look presentable, even if he was dressing casual.

  Ethan walked up to the wooden doors of the command room. As he approached, he heard a few voices speak among themselves. Most of them sounded computerized with bad mics, but they were definitely people.

  “And of your pupil, Ethan?” asked a gruff voice of a middle-aged man. “Is he behaving properly?”

  “I believe Ethan is making headway,” said Iris. ”But Winston will need more training.”

  Iris was speaking to the others. Ethan realized that these other men were A.X.E.L.’s Board of Directors. This was apparently a business meeting.

  “Is he?” the man responded. “Your newest student has a history with Ethan.”

  “I don’t believe that will be a problem,” Iris replied.

  The largest monitor was the one at the center. Its occupant was an older man with a history of violence written on his face. Ethan didn’t have to guess hard to deduce this was the head director of A.X.E.L.

  “If the government inquires how we indicted him,” said the head director, “we can’t have another incident like we did with Mr. Hector Wright.”

  Iris folded her arms. “So we’re worried about looking pretty for the bureaucrats?”

  A fist pounded a desk. A pudgy man with at least two chins stared down Iris. “We need them for our operations!” he said. “All misconduct gives them reason to cut funding year after year!”

  Someone else cleared their throat. It was Nikita on another monitor.

  “Then we push up the timetable,” said the police chief. “If we show proof that Mr. Walker is redeemable, then your division’s mistake can be remedied.”

  Iris nodded. “That seems like the best way to appease everyone here.”

  “Then get to it.”

  A few indistinct mutters passed around. The other directors were debating among themselves. But Nikita had a good point, from the looks of it.

  Ethan wasn’t sure how to take the news. This conversation wasn’t for his ears.

  One by one, the men stopped speaking among themselves. Each of their monitors tuned out as they logged off. The group call ended. Iris was expecting Ethan right about now.

  Ethan stepped back. He knocked on the door.

  “Who is it?” Iris called out.

  He poked his head in. Ethan put on the straightest face he could. Iris had a keen eye, but hopefully she couldn’t tell he was playing dumb.

  “You wanted to see me?” asked Ethan.

  “Take a seat.”

  Iris pointed to the stool closest to her chair. Ethan sat down as his leader did the same. Whatever this meeting was about, it was clearly to please the Board of Directors. But Iris hadn’t said anything yet.

  May as well sound like I’m being proactive.

  Ethan decided to speak first. “If this was about the sparring thing, I could go easier on him.”

  “No, not that,” Iris replied. She massaged her temples. “I spoke with the board again, and we’ll need to take our approach differently. Tell me. How are you planning on teaching Winston further?”

  “Just sparring,” he replied with a shrug. “He needs to know how to use his Sol.”

  “That won’t do. Do you know why I’m telling you to mentor Winston?”

  “Because Liam is injured?”

  “Another reason.”

  Ethan shook his head.

  “Teaching is a form of knowledge. What you teach shows what you know. And you should know how to do your job right.”

  “I do know,” Ethan replied. “And I’m getting better.”

  “But answer my first question,” said Iris. “How do you plan on teaching him further? This is important.”

  Ethan knotted his eyebrows. “I don’t know what to say. What would you have me do?”

  “Teach him take downs.”

  Ethan looked at his leader. Iris wasn’t joking around. He wasn’t keen on doing as she said again. Nikita’s words were still fresh to Ethan’s ears.

  “If we show proof that Ethan is redeemable,” he said, “then your division’s mistake can be remedied.”

  Vivid memories of Liam teaching him takedowns rushed through Ethan’s mind. He would have to bite the bullet if the West Side’s reputation was to be restored.

  Ethan sighed. “Fine.”


  Iris kept close watch of this session today. She bit her fingernails while the other boys weren’t looking.

  Winston and Ethan were back in the gym. The magic-proof tarp was under their feet. Right after Ethan gave a run-down of their session today, Winston couldn’t help but stare Ethan wide-eyed.

  “What do you mean, ‘take down?’” Winston asked.

  “It’s a method we use before a Wraith comes out,” said Ethan. �
�Makes things easier, because we can apply the talisman before a fight has to happen.”

  Ethan curled his fingers. That was a sign for Winston to step closer. The other boy looked less than happy about possibly getting roughed up again. Winston lumbered over until he was an arm’s length away from his teacher.

  “Let’s say I was spawning a Wraith,” said Ethan. “You’re at arm’s length, and I’m still human.”

  As he spoke, he adjusted Winston’s hands and body posture. When Winston was standing idly before, he had one foot forward and the rest of his body in a ready position.

  Winston’s new stance did not lean too far forward to compromise his center of balance. But he could throw someone around from his body position.

  Ethan put Winston’s right hand on his shoulder. The palm was in the correct spot to throw him down. “Lean forward and follow through,” he said.

  Winston tried it. He applied some force to Ethan. Ethan resisted by lightly pushing back.

  Winston looked down and spotted one of Ethan’s legs were too far forward. He kicked his front foot under Ethan’s leg. In that split second, Winston had the advantage.

  Ethan toppled. His body weight worked against him. Winston capitalized on that by pushing his other hands forward. Ethan hit his back on the ground with a dense thud.

  Winston stood over his teacher. The other guy was alright. Ethan wasn’t fazed, but Winston was looking more pleased by the second at what he had just done.

  “Again,” said Ethan.

  The next few minutes passed quickly. Winston’s goal hadn’t changed, but he knew what to do now. Ethan rose to give new challenges for Winston. Every time Ethan rose, Winston calculated how he was going to take him down.

  Ethan began resisting by lightly shoving Winston back. Winston was quick to learn how to counter, and continued to perform successful takedowns on him.

  Konk. This time Ethan’s head hit the ground before his back. Winston realized too late that he didn’t use the right maneuver to take him down.

  “Are you okay?” Winston finally asked.

  Ethan could only see stars, but he nodded. Those quickly faded as his brain recovered from hitting the hardwood floor.

  “Yeah,” Ethan replied.

  Winston offered a hand. Ethan took it and rose up.

  “Did I go too hard?” he asked. “I could go easier.”

  “Maybe a little softer with the landing. But good job.”

  They returned to their usual positions. Winston leaned slightly forward with one foot out front. Ethan offered himself as another target.

  “From the top?” asked Winston.

  Ethan nodded. Practice resumed as usual. Only this time, Winston was smiling.

  Chapter 15 – Acid Test

  Winston was ready for his first patrol.

  Iris and Nikita agreed that sending their newest initiate into the heat of battle would be the real acid test to initiate him into A.X.E.L.

  The training was to get him used to fighting. Now was the time for a taste of real combat.

  Nora didn’t seem to like venturing out into the urban jungle at night. Normally she was calm about it. But they were bringing Winston along, and that made her concerned.

  Ethan kept tabs on Nora during the car ride downtown. While she was the most optimistic among the whole West Side division, Nora was not the most enthusiastic about the whole situation.

  I haven’t told her how Winston’s improving, Ethan remembered. Not like that would convince her now.

  “I’ll have help waiting for you if you need it,” said Iris as they were walking out the dorm with Nikita and Liam.

  After Iris parked, she let out her passengers. Ethan, Winston, and Nora were equipped for the patrol tonight. The trio was walking side by side down a deserted street.

  As far as they had seen, there were no Wraiths. That could change quickly, as they were inching closer to a Wraith hotspot.

  “What’s a hotspot anyways?” asked Winston. “I heard it earlier, but I wasn’t sure what you guys were talking about.”

  “It’s a place where Wraiths usually pop up,” Nora replied. She kept her hand close to the revolver sheathed on her thigh. “A.X.E.L. sends patrols to these areas first, unless a situation arises somewhere else in New York.”

  After arriving downtown, Nikita and Liam said that they needed to go somewhere. Ethan, Nora, and Winston were instructed to keep going by themselves.

  Nora was hesitant to leave without the usual experienced Sol-users with them. Winston, however, was almost eager to venture with his new colleagues.

  Every new member was given a standard gray and blue trainee uniform and Kevlar vest. Painted on the back was the title A.X.E.L. for everyone to see them clearly. Every field member of the team was required to wear them on every patrol.

  Ethan held his katana in its sheath. Winston was issued a police truncheon and a flash grenade. Nora kept a loaded revolver at her side. Although they were readily equipped, they were also alone.

  “A club?” asked Winston as they walking down the street. “Don’t I get a gun?”

  “Nope,” Ethan remarked. “You gotta earn that.”

  Winston checked his Kevlar vest to make sure it was as snug as possible. Not that he knew how to fit it, but he did mess with the shoulder straps for a bit.

  Nora tugged on Ethan’s sleeve. She assumed a sense of authority. “The first fight’s usually the messiest. Do you think we can handle it?”

  “You know me,” Ethan replied with a smirk.

  She glanced aside to Winston, who hadn’t noticed her stare. “I wasn’t asking just about you. He needs some closure on how you feel about Hector.”

  Ethan raised an eyebrow. “Does he need it now?”

  “Soon. Have you actually told him yourself?”

  Winston finished his business with the vest and caught up with the others. “So why have these talismans anyways?” he asked. “I thought exorcisms needed holy water or something.”

  “They do,” Ethan replied. “But weapons make it easier for us to get closer. Or keep Wraiths off us.”

  Winston nodded. “Whatever works, I guess.”

  Are you all downtown? asked a voice in each of their heads.

  “We’re all here, ma’am,” said Nora.

  Winston jumped at the voice. “Who said that?” he demanded. “Was that Mrs. Iris?”

  Correct, Mr. Wright. I’m a Sol-user too. I can communicate with each of you telepathically. I can also detect any Shadows coming your way.

  “Where’s Liam and Nikita?” asked Ethan. “I thought they were coming with us.”

  I’ve sent them to check on a location near yours. Liam’s injured, so Nikita is watching his back. If you run into something you can’t handle, they’ll come running.

  “Is there anything coming for us?” asked Nora.

  I see a small Wraith two meters away from your position. Try to kill it only by using your Sols. Nora, sit this one out.

  Despite her initial hesitation to perform the patrol, Nora seemed bummed to not be included. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Winston held his baton ready and Ethan did the same with his sword. A patch of shade darker than the night sky edged closer towards the trio.

  It was a maggot-like blob of solid darkness with two hands and a bizarre mask for a face. To top it off, it was as flat as a manhole.

  “That’s a Wraith?” asked Winston.

  “Perfect for a floor mat,” Nora remarked.

  “Exactly! Can’t I just curb stomp the sucker?”

  Try using your Sol. This is a great opportunity to use them now.

  Winston glanced at Ethan and straightened himself up. He snapped his fingers to call his Sol. He tried once, and then twice, but still didn’t succeed.

  On the third try, he conjured his inner spirit. He closed his eyes as he heard a voice within him.

  “Sir Kay,” he called.

  The flame burst into something larger. Another form appeared from the conjured p
yre. It was Sir Kay, Winston’s Sol. This was the first time Winston summoned him outside of the gym.

  Nora snickered behind her classmate’s back.

  Winston turned his attention to the Wraith at their feet instead. He balled a fist and prepared to make a downward punch.

  Sir Kay turned to the Wraith and charged at it. He raised his hand and amassed a glowing ball of lightning. Ethan looked closer and realized that it was a ball of pure electricity.

  Winston’s Sol brought down the small ball of energy down on the poor Wraith. In one instant, there was a burning cinder where a small monster used to be.

  “Much more effective,” said Winston.

  Ethan applauded. Winston gave him a leering glance, but then realized that his classmate was genuinely impressed.

  Please avoid making massive damage to public property, said Iris.

  “‘Kay,” said Winston.

  He glanced at Nora. “What about her?”

  Nora shook her head. “I don’t have one.”

  Winston glanced in their direction. “Then why are you here?” he asked.

  Nora shifted in place. “I didn’t want to get left behind, that’s all.”

  Ethan stepped in. “Something’s coming,” he said. “It’s big.”

  He then pointed to the other end of the street. Winston playfully tapped his palm with his baton.

  “I got this,” said Winston.

  Even in the dark of night, everyone could tell something massive was lumbering towards them. It made no footsteps, but seemed to make the earth shake with its presence.

  From an initial distance, it seemed to be the size of a car. Once it got closer, the trio realized that the new Wraith was the size of a house.

  The Wraith was a thing that resembled a cross between a sloth and an ape. Most of its skin was clad in wisps of darkness like the previous two shadows, but its sheer size added thickness to its body.

  A porcelain mask of a laughing man was floating in front of it where the Wraith’s face should have been. Once it got within two meters of Winston, the Wraith bellowed a groan loud enough to rattle the pavement.

  “Help,” Winston whimpered.

  “Flank it from the right, Winston,” said Ethan. “Nora, provide cover fire. We keep pounding it with magic until it goes down.”


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