Phantom of the Heart

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Phantom of the Heart Page 25

by Stein Willard

  Cybralle placed her hand on the silver locks. “You were my only family growing up. You are also the most pleasant memory I have of my past and I need you to brave the future with me.”

  Vernera chuckled softly. “Even though you do not understand my link to the Ulv?”

  Shrugging, Cybralle smiled at Vernera. “My daughter is an Ulv Queen now and my grandchildren will unquestionably be Ulv. Between them and you, I believe I will find enlightenment one day.”

  “We have so much still to talk about, Cybra.”

  “And we have all the time in the world to do so. I will be back. We leave in two days for Karas, but I will be back before then.”

  The older woman climbed to her feet and held her arms open. Cybralle quickly stepped into the circle of warmth.

  Chapter 26

  Her body was still quaking from her last orgasm, as Sterling rolled onto her side. She immediately felt Orla's warm body curling around her. She sighed deeply and beyond contented, she pushed deeper into her wife's body. They lay together in companionable silence, as they waited for their bodies to recover.

  “Forgive me for always running first when I feel troubled.”

  “Hmmm,” Sterling murmured, having drifted off surrounded by her wife's warmth and love.

  “I beg you to forgive me.” Orla's voice was heavy with regret and shame. Sterling's eyes fluttered open. For a moment, she lay with her back to her wife, recalling Audunn's words.

  Her running is the only way she can process the news. I do not want you to think she has abandoned you.

  She rolled over and lay back looking into the contrite eyes of Orla. “You are forgiven, beloved, as long as you always return to me.”

  “I will always find my way to you. Always and forever.”

  Sterling locked her hand behind the dark head and pulled Orla close for a kiss. It was not a kiss meant to arouse, it was a promise that nothing would ever be big enough to drive a wedge between them.

  “You need your rest. Sleep a little while I watch over you,” Sterling said to Orla. The blue eyes searched hers. “I will be here when you wake up.”

  Sterling saw the reluctance, as Orla laid back and wide, blue eyes watched her. With small reassuring touches, she brushed over the sable eyebrows, circled the luscious lips, and caressed the sun-darkened cheeks. Under her tender ministrations, Orla's eyes fell shut and her breathing evened out. Sterling placed a soft kiss on the slack lips and settled herself on the large body of her wife, content to listen to the strong heartbeat.


  Never before had Cybralle craved the presence of her wife as she did at that moment. As she lay on her back with her eyes fixed on the ceiling of her bedchamber, she missed her wife. Mesmeria would know what to do in almost every situation. She would know what to do about her grandmother resurfacing. She would know how to settle this odd feeling of abandonment. Mesmeria would know what to say to make her feel better.

  Cybralle turned onto her side, her eyes fluttering closed. She needed to be close to Mesmeria and the only way to do that was to sleep. That was when her blonde queen would sashay into her chamber, a tender smile on her lips as she climbed onto her lap and stared into her eyes. Nothing escaped her wife's eyes. Those green orbs could glean every last thought from her mind.

  “Oh, wife, how I wish to be in your arms right now,” Cybralle whispered, at the same time praying that sleep would come quick.


  A few hundred miles away, Queen Mesmeria moaned softly as she pulled her hand from between her shaking thighs. It had been too long without Cybralle. A final shudder passed through her body and she reached out and bundled Cybralle's pillow between her legs. This was not the first time her warrior had been away from home, nor was it the longest time she had been away. But for some unknown reason, Mesmeria missed her wife so much tonight. She turned her head and her eyes fell on the painting of Cybralle. In full body armor, her wife cut an imposing figure. With a soft smile, Mesmeria remembered Cybralle's impatience with the painter when she had been expected to sit motionless for long periods so the painting could be completed. Like handling a small child, Mesmeria had resorted to bribes to get Cybralle to see the process through. The extraordinary likeness of her wife made Mesmeria glad she had commissioned the painting. It was a great solace to her frayed nerves and helped ease the longing she felt.


  Morning dawned bright and early. Orla's eyes creaked open and for a few moments, she quietly took in the sounds and smells around her. She could just hear the guards talking as they patrolled the wall outside the palace. Next to her, the soft puffing sounds of Sterling’s breathing filled the quiet space. Eager to look upon her beloved’s face, Orla gently turned her head. Weary silver eyes met hers.

  “You look rested.”

  Orla quickly pulled Sterling into her arms and nuzzled her neck. “And you look like you did not sleep at all. Why did you punish yourself like that?”

  Sterling stretched her lithe frame, as she stifled a yawn. “I promised to watch over you and I did.”

  Warmth infused Orla’s body, and she gently kissed Sterling. “Thank you, my love, but next time, know that your presence alone is enough for me to feel safe.” She rolled over Sterling, covering her with her body. “Today, will be a busy day with the preparations for our return to Karas. I will break the fast with you and then I humbly insist that you rest some more. I will stand in for you and do whatever needs to be done. Will that suffice?”

  Sterling’s smile was weary. “Who am I to go against the wishes of my wife?”

  “Good,” Orla murmured. “Now, let me get us some food. I am famished.”

  The halls of the palace were deserted as Orla made her way to the kitchen. It was understandable since it was still a candle mark or so to sunrise. When Orla was a youngster, her mother got her in the routine of waking early. The earlier you are up, the more hours you have to get through all your chores, Lima used to say. But things were different with the Ulvs. The night was their day and the daytime was used for sleeping. She sighed in relief when she walked into the kitchen and found it buzzing with activity. She always forgot that not everyone in the village was Ulv. Many humans followed their mates and settled here. Her brow shot up, as she saw the lone figure sitting at the end of the long, wooden table, eating a bowl of gruel. Nodding a greeting at the cook and her helpers, Orla made her way over to the end of the table.

  “You are up early.”

  “The same could be said about you.”

  Catching the meaning behind the words, Orla shrugged. “I was raised human and it will take a great deal of doing to get me to change.”

  Silver eyes, just like the ones she had gazed upon when she awoke, studied Orla. “How do you feel?”

  She had always respected Cybralle. Just like her, the woman was a commoner plunged into a world of breathtaking wealth and power. Still, the warrior managed to preserve her humility. She was always very honest in her approach. So when Cybralle asked about her state of mind, Orla could not lie.

  “Scared, excited, and happy. Scared because of what I know about myself, excited about what lies ahead for me and Sterling, and I am happy to have the love of my life by my side.” One of the kitchen helpers placed a bowl of gruel before her. “Please, add another for my wife. I will take it with me.”

  “Of course, milady.” The young girl curtsied before she left.

  Cybralle looked down at her breakfast. “Great power does not come without its challenges, Orla. You have right to fear it. However, great power in the hands of a just and noble soul is of immense benefit to everyone touched by it.” Cybralle’s eyes were intense when they met Orla's. “I trusted my most valued possession in your care and I do not doubt for one moment that you will adore her.”

  Humbled by the normally stoic woman's words, Orla swallowed. “Whenever in doubt, I will always remember your words.”

  The serving girl placed a tray before her with two bowls of gruel and a platter of f
ruit and cheese. “Will this suffice, milady?”

  “It is more than enough. Thank you.” Orla looked Cybralle. “I need to go.”

  “I will see you later. I want Sterling to meet someone.”


  Cybralle peeked at Sterling who walked beside her, eyes wide as she took in the scenes around her. The Karasi army arrived soon after breakfast and Cybralle had joined them at their camp to issue last minute orders before their return tomorrow. She had spent most of the day there and upon her return in the afternoon had gone in search of Sterling only to find her still in bed.

  “Since the age of eight, I have never known you for one to laze in bed during the day,” Cybralle said softly. Sterling quickly dropped her head, but not before Cybralle saw the flush crossing her face.

  “I apologize, Umah. Orla woke me before she left to join her father, but I must have dozed off again,” Sterling rambled and Cybralle cringed when a protrusion from a vendor's stand caught the distracted princess on her forehead. The redhead landed on her behind with a thud, her eyes wide in surprise as she sat on the cobbles. Cybralle was momentarily stunned too, before she jumped into action and pulled her daughter to her feet. She cocked Sterling's head so she could examine the area where the beam had caught her. Sterling blushed even harder, as she lifted her hand to her head.

  “You will have a bruise,” Cybralle said softly, but could not keep the amusement out of her voice. As was her habit when Sterling was small, Cybralle brushed her lips over the reddening area.

  Sterling nodded. She looked around to see who might have witnessed the intimate gesture and found a group of young men looking at her with open amusement. She took Cybralle's hand. “Shall we continue?”

  “Of course.”

  They continued in silence for a while before Sterling spoke. “Where are we going?”

  “You will see soon. We are almost there.” A few minutes later, Cybralle came to a stop. “We are here.” She knocked on the door and it was opened almost immediately. Vernera smiled broadly at Cybralle, but the smile faltered when her gaze moved from Cybralle to rest on Sterling. Vernera slowly brushed past Cybralle and came to stand before Sterling, whose gaze held confusion as she looked from Vernera to Cybralle.

  “Oh, she is beautiful, Cybra,” Vernera exclaimed, as she clasped her hand over her heart.

  “Umah?” Sterling probed hesitantly.

  Cybralle moved to stand next to her daughter. “Sterling, I want you to meet my grandmother and your great-grandmother, Vernera Honig.”

  Sterling's mouth fell open as she blinked at Vernera and Cybralle was charmed to see her grandmother blinking back tears as she looked at Sterling. The expression on Vernera’s face was one of pure enchantment.

  “Greetings, Princess. It is an honor to finally meet you,” Vernera said, breaking the silence first.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you too…uhm,” Sterling faltered when she could not find a word to address her great-grandmother.”

  “Umaha. That is the correct term to use,” Cybralle offered. Her gaze moved between the two women who were still staring at each other.

  “Please enter. Will you allow me to take care of that bruise on your forehead, Princess?”

  Sterling shook her head. “My name is Sterling, Umaha.” She reached out her hand and Cybralle smiled when Vernera eagerly took Sterling's hand. “We have the same eyes.”

  “They look the prettiest on you, my child,” Vernera gushed, causing Sterling to blush again. Cybralle rolled her eyes, as she stomped into the house. She was seated at the table when, after a few minutes, Sterling and Vernera entered the house. Her eyebrows rose when she noticed that they were still holding hands, but she did not comment on it.

  The rest of the afternoon was spent with Sterling and Vernera talking quietly, as they prepared supper together. Now and then they dragged Cybralle into the conversation, but the other two women were obviously completely enchanted by each other and talked almost nonstop until it was time for Cybralle and Sterling to leave. It was while drinking tea that she heard about Vernera's spell as a warrior. She gave her grandmother an accusing stare, which only produced a shrug from the older woman.

  Cybralle was witness to a tearful goodbye with Sterling and Vernera hugging each other long and hard. She listened as they made plans to meet again soon before Vernera pulled Cybralle into a loving embrace.

  “Thank you for bringing her here,” Vernera whispered through her tears, as she kissed Cybralle's cheek. “She reminds me so much of you.”

  “I knew she would want to meet you, Umaha.”

  Vernera gave Cybralle another kiss. “I have not been this happy in a very long time.”

  On their way back to the palace, Cybralle could not help but notice that Sterling had a lightness to her step and a broad smile on her face.

  “Did you enjoy yourself?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

  “She is wonderful. I am so happy to have met her.” This time it was Sterling who gushed about Vernera. “I cannot wait to tell Mother.”

  Cybralle chuckled as they neared the attacking beam and quickly pointed it out. Sterling gave her a sheepish look and sidestepped it. Vernera had fussed over the bruise on Sterling's forehead, cleaning it tenderly before kissing it repeatedly, causing Sterling to giggle like a little girl.

  At this very moment, everything was well in Cybralle's world. Now, she only had to live through the next two days until she was reunited with her wife.

  Chapter 27

  “Your Highness, the Royal Army is at the gates.”

  Mesmeria climbed to her feet slowly. She doubted any of the people in the palace were aware of how her heart pounded at the news. She had not heard from Cybralle in over a week. She had hoped that her wife would send a messenger ahead with the news of their pending arrival. The lack of prior warning could mean only one thing. Cybralle was in some way incapacitated…maybe even... Mesmeria’s eyes shot full of tears. If Karas had not seen a queen of theirs cry in public, they would today. She would mourn her wife and child honorably. They deserved it. They deserved it more than anything else in her life.

  “I will receive them in the Great Hall,” she said softly, not caring if her voice sounded thick with emotion. The servant bowed and left. Mesmeria brushed a shaking hand over her hair. Schooling her face into a mask of serenity, she made the short walk to the Great Hall. Her footsteps echoed on the tiles, as she briskly walked over to the large throne. Her gait faltered as she looked at the lesser adorned throne next to hers. Would it ever be filled again? Would she be able to find another as loving and committed as Cybralle? The questions poured through her mind, as she settled herself on the throne. She took a deep breath, pushing the anxiety to the back of her mind. She would have to deal with the general first, before she allowed herself time to mourn.

  She looked down at her hands and for a moment, was puzzled by her affected sight. It was only when a teardrop landed on her shaking hands that she realized she was crying. She sniffed softly and quickly wiped her eyes. She would be Karas' queen only for as long as her audience with the general lasted. After that, she would toss the cloak of royalty and become Mesmeria, wife and mother.

  The stomping of the guards’ heels at the doors made her look up. The general had arrived. A flimsy door stood between her and the most dreadful news she could ever to hear. She watched as the guards pulled open the heavy door. At the last minute, she averted her eyes which had welled up with fresh tears. She could not do this. She simply was not strong enough. In a haze of pain and fear, she heard footsteps approaching. They came to stop before the throne. Mesmeria tried hard to swallow back the sobs which were threatening to explode from her lips. She panicked slightly when she realized she was fighting a losing battle.

  “Will you not greet me, wife?”

  Mesmeria blinked at the stern order. No one would speak to her that way. No one would call her wife but…Her head jerked up. This time she did not stop the tears that coursed down her ch
eeks. Even through blurry vision, Cybralle was still the most beautiful sight to behold. Tall and straight, her consort stood, her body encased in shiny leather. But it was the silver gaze which held her spellbound. It carried a mixed expression of love, delight, and concern. Mesmeria did not know she had moved, but the next moment she was caught in a strong embrace. The sobs, she had so valiantly tried to suppress rang loud in the room.

  “Hush, my love. I told you I would return. Did you doubt me?”

  Too overwrought, Mesmeria could only shake her head. Her hands clawed, desperately, at Cybralle's shoulders. She craved to be close to this woman—her woman. When she could not get any closer, she opened her mouth and in frustration, took a nip at Cybralle's ear. The warrior grunted and gently pulled at her until an arm’s length separated them.

  “You doubted my return, beloved?” Cybralle questioned softly. The silver eyes, too, were swimming in tears. “How could you, when you sent your prayers with me?”

  “I…I…” Mesmeria took a deep breath. “I…please kiss me.”

  Cybralle's eyes shone with love. “Until you are breathless, my Queen.”


  The kitchens of the palace were a hive of activity, as servants rushed to put a feast together for the guests. Word traveled fast and the kitchen was supplied with a rough estimation of how many to cater for. Cold-meat cuts, boiled eggs, bread and cheese. The leftover stew of the previous night was quickly warmed, its contents reinforced with preboiled vegetables.

  Standing in the pantry, Lima feverishly counted the supply of apples. She wanted to be busy. Anything would do to keep her mind distracted from what was happening outside. The fact no warning was sounded about the army's pending arrival did not escape her. It was uncommon for a royal to not announce their arrival. It could mean only one thing. There were no royals amongst the returnees.


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