Bitter Memories

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Bitter Memories Page 6

by Margaret Mayo

  But Alejandro was not so easily put off. Instead of letting her go, pushing her away in disgust, or even making bruising demands, he slipped off her mask and his mouth gentled, playing on hers expertly, sensually, feather-light kisses on her cheeks, her eyes, her ears, creating sensations, drawing out responses, slowly, reluctantly, until finally she felt herself drowning and could hold back no longer.

  It was all and everything she remembered, sweet, sweet agony, a drawing-out of her soul, every inch of her sensitised, responsive, needing, hungering. Oh, lord, why? Why! Against her own better judgement she pressed her body to his, felt his own pulsing need of her. Her lips parted, his tongue explored, she groaned, he groaned, neither spoke. It was a moment of intense physical pleasure.

  When she unconsciously moved against him his arms tightened, his kiss deepened, and sheer animal hunger drove them both into a frenzy of kissing and touching and feeling and exciting. Tanya had forgotten how high he made her climb; the highest peak was not impossible where this man was concerned.

  He slid the thin straps off her shoulders, exposing her firm, naked, aching breasts, stroking with electric fingertips, brushing a firm thumb over sensitised nipples. Aching, longing, washed over her. Desire spread like wildfire, her fingers threading through the wiry thickness of his hair, her mouth still pressed to his, drinking from him, taking all he offered. It was bliss, sheer, sweet heaven.

  The party went on around them but neither was aware of it, and when his mouth left hers to burn a trail down the arch of her throat, to move with tantalising slowness to the aching curve of her breasts, and finally to take the throbbing heart of them, to taste and nip and suck thrusting nipples into his mouth, she did nothing to stop him. She was being lifted out of herself, transported to a place where physical pleasure knew no bounds.

  And that was all it was—physical—she knew, and yet she could not stop him. It was a mutual hungering of like souls; it was the sweetest torture imaginable, setting her body on fire, pulses pounding, desire coursing through each and every one of her veins.

  When he raised his head to look at her his mouth was soft and wet. At some time his mask had come off too and his eyes were glazed with desire. ‘Mi cariño, he muttered thickly, ‘mi cariño. Nothing has changed. Everything is as it always was between us.’

  Tanya agreed. Nothing had changed on a physical level. In this respect they were still compatible, still able to arouse the utmost desire in each other’s bodies. It was a marvel that her hatred hadn’t killed it all stone-dead, but somehow it had survived, and at this moment in time she did not want to let him go.

  His mouth met hers again and she clung to him, responding with a passion that had lain dormant for too long, her lips moving over his, her tongue touching and tasting and probing. Her groin ached and she gyrated against him, needing him, wanting him, desperately, now! Common sense had long since flown; this man had enticed her, drugged her, made her his in every sense of the word.

  ‘Alejandro.’ She breathed his name unconsciously. ‘Oh, Alejandro…’ And her kisses deepened and her body pressed even harder into his.

  He gave a groan of anguish. ‘Not here, not now, amor mio, I see my cousin approaching, but later, yes, later we will satisfy this hunger of ours.’ Deftly he straightened her dress and they both pulled on their masks. Tanya was glad of something to hide her tumultuous feelings, and when her sister and Juan drew near there was nothing in their attitude to suggest that seconds earlier they had been in a passionate embrace.

  ‘I’ve been looking all over for you,’ complained Charlene, glancing swiftly from one to the other. ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘Talking about old times,’ Alejandro answered, and Tanya was surprised to hear that his tone was perfectly normal. She had been afraid to speak in case she gave herself away.

  ‘It’s almost midnight,’ said Juan, his arm possessively about Charlene’s waist. ‘Isn’t that when we all unmask?’

  Alejandro inclined his head. ‘Usually, although I’ve half a mind to dispense with that this evening, let everyone go home without knowing with whom they’ve been dancing.’

  ‘Maldito sea, Alejandro, you cannot do that,’ his cousin declared tersely. ‘I’ve had this lovely woman in my arms all evening and haven’t once seen her face.’

  ‘You expect me to believe that?’ asked Alejandro with a knowing smile. ‘Don’t think I didn’t see you disappearing into one of the bedrooms.’

  ‘But only to show her around,’ Juan defended.

  Charlene nodded her agreement. ‘He’s been a perfect gentleman.’

  ‘Then You’re lucky,’ Alejandro quipped. ‘It’s certainly not like the Juan I know.’

  Or the Alejandro she knew, thought Tanya. He hadn’t even needed the protection of four walls and a door. Anyone could have walked up and seen them. She felt suddenly mortified. How could she have let herself get so carried away?

  She was glad of the few minutes’ respite, and when her sister and Juan began walking away she followed. Alejandro, however, had other ideas. His hand tightened around her wrist. ‘Are you forgetting we have unfinished business?’ The thickness was back in his voice.

  Tanya shook her head, her eyes defensive. ‘I got carried away; it was a mistake, and letting you make love to me would be an even worse one.’

  Nostrils flared beneath the black mask. ‘You cannot deny the chemistry between us.’

  ‘I can’t deny it,’ she agreed, ‘But I can fight it.’

  ‘But why, when it gives us so much pleasure?’

  ‘Because there’s more to life than lust,’ she slammed back, ‘and that’s all it is, all it has ever been. If you must know, I’m deeply ashamed. Just keep away from me, Alejandro. I don’t want you, or your body, or any part of you.’ She turned and raced after her sister, but Charlene was already out of sight.

  Tanya could not find her way back. The stairs seemed to have disappeared. She tried a couple of doors, but they were locked; when she finally found one open she tumbled inside—only to discover that it was Alejandro’s bedroom. At least she assumed it was his. It was a male room anyway, with heavy dark furniture and strong browns and greens in the décor. An open adjoining door revealed a stark white bath-room and the unmistakable odour of Alejandro’s aftershave.

  She had paused too long. Alejandro joined her, a smile of satisfaction curving his lips. ‘I’m glad to see you’ve changed your mind.’

  He knew she hadn’t, he knew it was accidental her being here, but nevertheless he intended to take full advantage of the situation. At least that was Tanya’s interpretation, and she glared at him angrily. ‘I would never do anything so foolish. I’m trying to find my way downstairs.’

  ‘There’s no rush,’ he answered quietly, his hands on her shoulders as he came up behind her.

  Tanya tensed but did not move. She wanted to prove to him that he could touch her without her melting in his arms—or was it herself she wanted to convince? Whatever, it was something she had to do.

  He brushed away her hair from the back of her neck and nuzzled her nape with his mouth, triggering off an instant response. Tanya clenched her teeth and tried to ignore the sensations surging through her, but when his hands slid over her shoulders and down her arms, when he turned her gently to face him, every good intention faded.

  He disposed of both their masks, his eyes never leaving hers, and when he cupped her face between firm brown hands her lips parted willingly for his kiss. She was a weak-minded fool, and knew it, and yet could do nothing about it. He had some fatal hold over her; it was as though he had at some time hypnotised her and whenever he gave the signal she was his to do with as he liked.

  What would have happened had someone else not made the same mistake and come tripping into his room Tanya did not know, but she took the opportunity to make her escape, following the couple out to an inner landing and down the stairs to the courtyard below.

  Relief made her limbs begin to tremble, and she was leaning agains
t one of the wooden columns that supported the balconies, listening to the drum of her heartbeats, when Alejandro caught up with her yet again. But before he could retort a dainty hand touched his arm. ‘Is that you, Alejandro? I’ve been looking for you all night.’

  Tanya recognised Inocente the moment she spoke. The girl was wearing a silver lamé figure-hugging dress which flared out just below the knee. It was dramatic and sexy and her mask was silver too, her only touch of colour the blood-red of her lipstick and the matching polish on her nails.

  Alejandro turned to the girl and smiled, easily, warmly, and draped his arm casually over her shoulders, ‘You’re not supposed to recognise me.’

  ‘But I’m lonely; I want you. You haven’t danced with me all evening.’

  ‘You’ve not been short of partners.’

  So he had recognised her as well, thought Tanya.

  ‘No, but—they’re not you.’ There was a petulant pout to the girl’s lips. ‘Please dance with me now.’

  She tugged him away, and Tanya told herself she was relieved, yet her body still ached for him. It was sheer contrariness, and she was intensely angry with herself for allowing these base feelings to take precedence, and made a silent vow never to let it happen again.

  She looked at him now, dancing with Inocente, their bodies swaying together to the seductive music, the girl’s head resting against Alejandro’s shoulder, his arms about her, looking for all the world like two contented lovers.

  From somewhere a clock struck midnight. Everyone stopped dancing, and Alejandro stepped into the middle of the floor by the fountain. Tanya had no idea what he was saying, but everyone listened attentively, and all of a sudden masks were taken off and there were oohs and aahs and looks of surprise.

  Tanya caught sight of Charlene and Juan. He was looking at her sister in undisguised admiration, and he too was more handsome than Tanya had imagined. She hoped, for Charlene’s sake, that he turned out to be a better catch than his cousin.

  She looked for Alejandro, saw him once again with Inocente, the gir’s eyes shining, happy now that she was in the arms of the man she loved. And over there was Beatriz with her husband; at least Tanya assumed it was her husband. Alejandro stopped and said a few words to them before carrying on with Inocente around the stone-paved floor.

  He was so cool about it all, thought Tanya, flaunting one girl in front of another, heedless of hurt feelings, intent only on having a good time. She looked around for Matilde and Charlene. It was time to go; she had had enough. But her sister had disappeared and Matilde was huddled in a corner, talking to another couple, looking as though she would be there for some time.

  At that moment she was asked if she would like to dance, and for the next hour she was swung from partner to partner, laughing and flirting, putting it on even more when she saw Alejandro watching. It was a convincing act, yet in truth she was as miserable as sin and wished she had stuck to her guns and not let herself be persuaded to come here.

  All she had found out, apart from the fact that he was a widower, was that Alejandro was as lustful as ever and she—to her disgust—still responded to him. She was as bad as him in fact—except that she did not go around having affairs with several people at the same time. Since Peter there had been no one, at least no one of count. The odd date, yes, but nothing more than that.

  It seemed like forever before Charlene and Matilde sought her out and said it was time they left. The crowd was thinning, several others having already gone, and Tanya would have liked it if they could have hopped into their taxi without seeing Alejandro again.

  Of course that was impossible, and would have been extremely rude. In fact he approached them when he saw them all together. ‘Not leaving already?’

  ‘It’s after two,’ said Charlene. ‘Matilde’s almost dead on her feet, But it’s been a wonderful party; thank you very much for inviting us.’

  Wonderful because she had met Juan, thought Tanya. Matilde too was giving him her thanks, and finally he turned to her, taking both her hands in his. ‘And thank you, too, Tanya, for coming.’

  ‘It’s been quite an experience,’ she said with a faint smile. ‘You certainly know how to do things in a big way.’

  ‘The carnaval is the highlight of our year; everyone celebrates, and you certainly mustn’t miss the grand parade. In fact you mustn’t miss any of it. Next week the various dancing groups will be judged, and of course the reina del carnaval, the carnival queen, will be picked. I’m actually an honoured member of the jury this year. I’d like you to come and watch—the costumes they wear are out of this world. It’s televised, of course, but it’s much better to be present and feel the atmosphere.’

  Tanya shook her head. ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind.’

  ‘You’re asking too much.’

  ‘It’s for old times’ sake.’

  ‘Old times mean nothing to me,’ she insisted.

  His lips tightened in sudden anger. ‘The choice is yours. I’ll be in touch.’


  No ONE got up early on Sunday, not even Matilde, who was always an early riser. In fact Tanya was the first to get out of her bed, and only then because she’d had a restless night and could not stop thinking about Alejandro. In fact the longer she lay there, the more tormented her thoughts became.

  She needed to be up and doing something, although there was very little to do in someone else’s house when you were on holiday. She made herself a cup of coffee and took it outside, fussed Matilde’s dog, refilled his bowl with water, and marvelled at yet another day with clear blue skies.

  Charlene had suggested they go for a ride to Icod today to look at the three-thousand-year-old dragon tree and then on to Puerto de la Cruz. ‘Puerto is much more sophisticated than Americas,’ Charlene had told her, ‘and although it has no beach as such it has a wonderful lido with a series of eight swimming-pools as well as a huge artificial lake.’

  Tanya had agreed it sounded fascinating.

  ‘And on an island in the middle of the lake is a subterranean nightclub,’ Charlene had continued enthusiastically, ‘All designed by César Manrique, Lanzarote’s celebrated artist and architect. Everything he designs is made to look as natural as possible; the man’s a genius.’

  But when Charlene finally got up she announced that Juan was picking her up instead. ‘I don’t know why I forgot our plans,’ she said apologetically. ‘It must have been the drink—all that champagne, and I had a few gin and tonics as well. I don’t know what I was thinking of, arranging to go out with him when you’re here on holiday. Come with us; I’m sure he won’t mind.’

  But Tanya had no intention of playing gooseberry. She was glad Charlene had found herself a male friend, but she did wish her sister had thought more about her. In another two weeks she would be gone and Charlene could spend as much time as she liked with Juan Vázquez Rodriguez.

  As it turned out Juan did not come alone; he brought with him his brother, Manuel. ‘I could not let you sit here all day by yourself,’ he said to Tanya as he introduced them, and the day turned out much better than she expected. Manuel was friendly and attentive, though younger than Tanya. He was a lot of fun and seemed attracted to her, even though she made it clear she was not looking for romance.

  When he suggested taking her out the next day, saying it was his day off from work, she instantly accepted. A diversion like this was just what she needed to take her mind off Alejandro.

  Much to Tanya’s surprise he arrived on a motorbike, and her day turned out to be a hair-raising ride all around the island. It was fun, if a bit frantic at times, and she saw far more than she would have done had she waited for Charlene to take her. In fact she thoroughly enjoyed herself.

  ‘Can I see you again?’ he asked eagerly, when he finally dropped her off.

  Tanya nodded. ‘So long as you realise it’s all just fun.’ She had an idea this young man was getting serious about her. �
�I don’t wish to become involved.’

  ‘There is someone else?’ he asked with a frown. ‘Juan said you were—what was the expression he used? Footloose and fancy-free. I am not sure what that means, but——’

  ‘It means there is no man in my life at the moment,’ Tanya informed him, ‘and I want it to remain that way.’

  ‘But why?’

  ‘Losing my husband was painful; I’m not yet ready to start again with a new relationship.’ It was a lie, but a necessary one. It was the kindest way to put this boy off.

  ‘I understand,’ he said, ‘but I would still like to take you out again. I am working now until Sunday—can we go out then?’

  ‘I can’t promise,’ said Tanya, ‘I’m not sure what my arrangements are. I shall probably be going out with my sister, unless Juan claims her attention again.’

  ‘I will come, just in case,’ he said determinedly. ‘I have enjoyed today very much.’ He kissed her cheek briefly, shyly, ‘Adiós, Tanya, until Sunday.’ With a roar of his engine he disappeared, leaving nothing but a cloud of dust behind.

  Tanya had scarcely set foot in the house when Matilde said there was a phone call for her. It was Alejandro.

  ‘Tanya,’ he said abruptly, ‘Matilde tells me you’ve been out all day with some boy. Who is he?’

  It was a direct, no-beating-about-the-bush, question, and Tanya took offence at it. ‘What business is it of yours?’ she asked indignantly.

  ‘I regard it very much as my business. You know no one here; I should hate you to get into the wrong company.’

  That was rich, coming from him. If any man used a woman, it was Alejandro. ‘You need have no fears in that respect,’ she said tartly. ‘He comes from a very good family.’

  ‘What is his name?’



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