Cocky Shot: The Dartmouth Cobras ~ An Off Ice Novella

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Cocky Shot: The Dartmouth Cobras ~ An Off Ice Novella Page 7

by Sommerland, Bianca

  Dave wanted to pull Heath against him. Deepen the kiss and run his hands over the man’s smooth skin, feel his wiry muscles tighten as he tasted every inch of him.

  But he didn’t move. He already sensed Heath pulling away.

  Ducking his head, Heath let out a nervous laugh. “That wasn’t bad.”

  “Yeah?” Dave snorted, not sure what else to say. “Pass me my beer and tell me why you’re acting like you’ve never kissed anyone before.”

  Heath sat up and grabbed the beer, handing Dave his half full one and opening one of the last two he’d brought out for himself. “I’ve kissed girls.”

  “And…?” Dave frowned as Heath glared at his bottle before taking another few gulps. The kid looked ready to get drunk before answering. Not happening. “If you’re not into girls, that’s okay.”

  “I am.” Heath polished off his beer. Moved to stand. “Do you want anoth—”

  Grabbing Heath’s wrist, Dave sat up, managing not to wince as his butt hit the mattress. The ice and the lotion had helped. Now his focus was on keeping his friend and teammate sober long enough to finish this conversation.

  “Sit down, Heath.” Dave loosened his grip on Heath’s wrist as the other man tensed, breathing out a sigh of relief when he sat. “If you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s fine. You don’t need to get wasted, just tell me to drop it.”

  “Please, drop it.” Heath relaxed at Dave’s nod. He licked his bottom lip. “Do you want me to leave?”

  “Fuck no. I like having you around, even though you confuse the hell out of me.” Dave slid across the bed, lying on his side and giving Heath some space to get comfortable. “Wanna watch a movie or something?”

  “Sure.” Heath took Dave’s beer as Dave turned on his Playstation and set up Netflix. He tore at the label and chewed at his bottom lip, showing no interest in any of the movies or shows Dave suggested.

  Finally, he set the beer aside and rested on his elbow, facing Dave.

  “Does this change anything?”

  Dave continued flipping through movies and shook his head. “It hasn’t so far.”

  “What if I kiss you again?”

  How messed up was it that the question made him grin? Letting things continue this way wouldn’t stop him from having erotic dreams about his friend. Or lead to them becoming reality.

  Not anytime soon, anyway. Heath was like a pup from a shelter who’d had a rough past, scared of affection, but also desperate for it. Now that Dave kinda got it, he didn’t feel impatient or confused.

  He’d give Heath whatever he needed. No pressure. No expectations.

  But there was one thing that would change.

  “I hope you will.” He gave Heath a hooded look. “I can do better than ‘Not bad’.”

  Chapter 7

  Scott wasn’t sure if Zach and Becky bringing Casey to stay the night at her Uncle Landon’s was a good thing. Sitting in the living room, staring blindly at the TV, he went over everything that had happened over the past week.

  His throbbing ass made it hard to think of anything else. He’d never been physically punished for fucking up.

  Not as an adult, anyway.

  Punishments were supposed to give a clean slate in the lifestyle, but he didn’t feel like he had one. Maybe with his teammates who were in the lifestyle. The ones who weren’t probably wouldn’t give a damn, so long as he hit the ice performing his best and gelling with the other guys. And the assistant coach never brought up shit that happened at the club in the locker room.

  But his life wasn’t just the game anymore. He’d gone to that photo shoot for Becky and he’d ended up screwing up everything for her. She hadn’t even told him if the whole thing would be rescheduled. How the hell was he going to make this up to her?

  The front door opened. He stood as Zach stepped into the living room.

  After their call earlier, Scott had wondered if Zach just said what he’d needed to hear at the time. He might have meant every word, but he’d sounded off.

  Now, standing face to face, Scott could tell the situation bothered Zach. And he had to find out why.

  Zach folded his arms over his chest, jaw hard, gaze level. “I don’t know what to say to you right now.”

  Shit. Scott sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Maybe it would’ve been better if you’d been the one to use the cane?”

  “Don’t tempt me.” Zach glanced over as Becky joined him in the hall. “What did they say?”

  “They’re willing to do another photo shoot, but I need to find six more guys by next weekend. They don’t want to be connected to the scandal, so none of the photos we’ve already taken will be used.” Becky hugged herself and pressed her eyes shut. “It took months to get this contract. I’ve already had to renegotiate twice because of schedule and players not being available. This was supposed to be good exposure for the team and so far, it’s nothing but a headache.”

  “I’ll help you round up some of the guys. We’ll get the ‘Trouble Triplets’ on babysitting duties.” Zach reached out to pull Becky against his side and rubbed her arm. “How bad is the backlash from this going to be?”

  “On a scale of rigged games to players stripping in clubs?” Becky let out a soft laugh. “This isn’t that bad. No one’s connected the pranks to the video, so it’ll be forgotten before the season starts.”

  “Good.” Zach frowned at Scott. “What do we do about him?”

  At this point, Scott was hoping they’d come up with something. Anything. His ass didn’t hurt nearly as much as the distance in Zach’s eyes.

  Becky smacked Zach’s chest lightly and pulled away from him. “Start with telling him why you’re really upset. Those dirty looks you’re giving him aren’t helpful.”

  Zach blinked at her. “Did you just hit your Dom?”

  “Did you just refer to yourself in third person?” Becky arched a brow, lips curving when Zach relaxed and chuckled. “I know how rough Sloan can be. I want to take care of our man, but not if it’s going to upset you.”

  “It’s not. Let’s go upstairs.” Zach ran his fingers through his neatly styled hair and gave Scott a tight smile. “Maybe I’ll have a different perspective once I see the results of you being disciplined by another Dom.”

  Scott hesitated before following Zach and Becky upstairs to their bedroom, considering Zach’s words. There were several things they’d never experienced together because Scott wasn’t a submissive like Becky. Including any kind of real impact play.

  Maybe that was what was bothering his man. On top of all the other nonsense. Scott might have cleared the punishment with both Becky and Zach before he’d agreed to anything, but that didn’t mean either had to like it.

  In the bedroom, Becky had already knelt by the bed, a peaceful expression on her face as she gazed up at Zach. Zach cupped her cheek in his hand and spoke softly to her, a tender smile on his lips that faded as Scott stepped into the room.

  Scott wasn’t sure what to do to shift the tense undercurrents between them. To fix things with the team, with the coach, he’d accepted a punishment that he never would have even considered before. Let himself be bound in the club by another Dom. Submitted to him.

  The shallow submission he’d given to Zach for a bit of fun seemed lame in comparison.

  Maybe, for once, Zach needed it to be real.

  Inhaling slowly, Scott lowered to his knees.

  Zach’s brow furrowed. “What are you doing?”

  “I have no fucking clue. I’m new at this.” Scott rested his hands on his thighs, doing his best to copy Becky’s posture. “I earned that punishment today and part of that included letting another Dom restrain me, naked, before caning my ass. While neither of you were there. Just because you said you understood why I needed to do it, doesn’t mean you’re happy about it.” He bowed his head. “I’m sorry.”

  “Damn it, Scott.” Zach crossed the room in two long strides and curved his hand under Scott jaw, forcing him to look up. “You
drive me absolutely insane, you know that? And as much as I hate to admit it, that’s part of the reason I love you. You keep life interesting.”

  Scott’s lips quirked. “I aim to please.”

  “Do you now?” Zach gave him a slow, evil smile that sent a shiver up his spine. “Are you kneeling simply to apologize, or are you willing to give up control?” He leaned down, his lips brushing Scott’s cheek. “Because if you are, I’m more than willing to take it.”

  Pulse racing, Scott did his best to hold still, even though part of him wanted to stand up and put himself on equal footing with his man. His man, who could be just as scary as Callahan when he wanted to. Zach wasn’t a sadist, but his dominance was no less intense. Even being near him when Becky submitted, Scott could feel that powerful edge of control.

  Feeling it aimed at him was heady, but he wanted this. He needed to show Zach there was nothing he wouldn’t give him to make things right.

  “I’m yours, Zach.” Scott licked his bottom lip and squared his shoulders. “Don’t be gentle.”

  Zach chuckled, his breath warm against Scott’s cheek. “You’re going to wish you hadn’t said that.”

  All right, Zach was more than a little scary when he got in this headspace. Scott trusted him, but he couldn’t help being a little nervous at what he’d gotten himself into. He doubted Zach would add to the marks on his ass—he didn’t get off on pain and Scott would definitely use his safeword if the man pulled out his cane. Still, whatever he did have planned might be worse.

  When Zach grabbed his toy bag from the closet, Scott’s lips parted. But Zach simply pulled out a pair of leather restraints.

  “I noticed the rope burns on your wrists.” Zach’s tone was relaxed as he returned to stand in front of Scott. “So long as you don’t tug too much, the soft lining inside these shouldn’t irritate them too much.”

  “Thank you…Sir.” Scott hadn’t paid any attention to his own wrists, not with how much his butt hurt, but that would’ve changed with rough leather rubbing against them.

  “You’re welcome.” Zach’s expression softened. “Stand up and strip. I want to see the damage before we go any further.”

  Biting into his tongue to hold back the automatic objection that wanted to slip out, Scott stood and pulled off his shirt. He wasn’t sure why such a simple request irritated him. Maybe because he’d been prepared for shit to get rough and Zach being gentle and caring threw him off balance. He had no idea what would come next.

  Becky was still kneeling by the bed, but she caught his eye and shot him a small, supportive smile. She seemed pleased that he was willing to do this for their man.

  Which made him even more determined not to fuck it up.

  He undid his jeans, pulled them off with his boxers, then haphazardly folded all his clothes and tossed them on the dresser. Becky usually looked so serene and graceful doing this, but he just felt awkward.

  Zach’s lips quirked as Scott turned to face him. “I can tell this isn’t easy for you, which makes it even more special. Try to relax, Scott. This needn’t be unpleasant.”

  “Considering my ass has its own pulse, it hasn’t been much fun so far.” Scott bit back a grin at Zach’s laugh, reaching back to rub the raised marks on his butt. “Still don’t get why some people enjoy this.”

  “Brace your hands on the bed and I’ll show you.” Zach gave him a level look when he didn’t move. “Don’t overthink things. Just do it.”

  Fuck, this is embarrassing. Scott scowled and stepped up to the bed, bracing his hands on the edge, his face heating as Zach moved behind him. He had no problem doing this when they were having sex, but doing it so Zach could inspect his ass was weird.

  He hissed in a breath as Zach trailed his fingers over his flesh, bringing the dull throb to a sharp sting.

  “There are a few spots where the cane cut you a little, but not deep. Does this hurt?” Zach pressed his fingers against one of the worst marks.

  Scott’s whole body jerked at the jab of pain. “Shit! Yes, that fucking hurts.”

  “Mmm.” Zach reached around, barring his arm across Scott’s chest, pulling him back hard, his other hand on Scott’s hardening cock. “How does this feel?”

  With his bare ass rubbing against Zach’s jeans, the pain was even worse, but Zach stroking him shifted the sensation and he groaned, leaning his head back on Zach’s shoulder. “That might have made the caning a bit easier to take.”

  “A shame Sloan isn’t attracted to men. He could have toyed with you a lot longer if he’d made you enjoy it.” Zach grazed the side of Scott’s neck with his teeth. “But that wouldn’t have been much of a punishment.”

  “Does that mean you’re not going to punish me?”

  “You’ve been punished enough.” Zach smoothed his thumb over the precum building at the tip of Scott’s cock. “But that doesn’t mean you won’t suffer.”

  “But…” Scott groaned again as Zach’s hand left him and his wrists were drawn behind his back and restrained in the cuffs. “I thought you were going to show me why people like getting their asses beat?”

  “I just did. Don’t be greedy.” Zach bit his shoulder. Hard. “This is for my amusement and you won’t last long at this rate. I intend to make sure you do.”

  Before Scott could ask how, Zach left him to go retrieve something else from his toy bag.

  Two somethings.

  A cock ring and a rather large butt plug. Scott wet his lips, staring at both as Zach placed them on the nightstand, then pulled out the tube of lube they kept in the drawer.

  “He looks nervous. Keep him relaxed, pet.” Zach stroked Becky’s hair and shot Scott a slanted smile. “But don’t let him come.”

  Becky inclined her head, then crawled over to Scott, her crisp business skirt pushed up and her white shirt undone, revealing a black lace bra which had been hidden by the jacket she’d abandoned, somehow looking naughtier than any negligee she owned.

  She was always beautiful and sexy to him, but seeing this side of her turned him on like nothing else. Most people only got to see the professional side of her. The wicked, seductive woman hidden under the business attire was for him and Zach alone.

  He wanted to touch her. Draw her close and claim her lips before she put her mouth on her obvious goal of his cock. A tug at his wrists reminded him of his restraints.

  She smirked at him and flicked her tongue over the head of his cock. Her hands slide up over his thighs, holding him in place as she took him in deep. Some pressure from her fingertips on the edge of his ass kept him still.

  His woman had no problem playing dirty if she had to. Zach wanted her to keep Scott ‘relaxed’. Which really meant keep him on the edge.

  And she was doing just that.

  With her hot, wet mouth moving over him, faster and faster, her tongue circling and tasting his pre-cum, Becky had his legs shaking and a steady stream of low curses spilling from his lips. He pressed his eyes shut as she swallowed around him, then pulled away just as he was about to come.

  After being together for years, she knew his body well. If she wanted to, she could keep him like this for hours.

  Both her and Zach?

  Maybe he should start begging. Begging was a submissive thing to do, right?


  Zach pressed a finger to Scott’s lips, his eyes shining with amusement. “Not yet. We haven’t even started.”


  “You really do make a horrible sub, my man.” The skin around Zach’s eyes creased slightly as he smiled. “I suspect the only reason you didn’t safeword out with Sloan was because you wouldn’t let our young goalie outlast you.”

  Scott frowned and lowered his gaze. “I felt like shit for what I pulled.”

  “I know you did. And it’s over. This isn’t a punishment, Scott.” Zach brought his hand to Scott’s cheek, forcing him to meet his eyes. “We’re simply enjoying this new experience with you. Trust me, it’ll be worth it in the end.”
  Nodding, Scott watched Zach pick up the cock ring, wincing as he snapped it around the base of his oversensitive dick, under his balls. The ring would keep him from getting off, making the torment last even longer.

  Why did I agree to this again?

  “Lie down on the bed and show Scott what he gets for being such a good boy.” Zach moved to Scott’s side as Becky eased onto the bed, lying on her back, bending her knees and spreading her thighs so Scott could see her pussy, beautiful and bare, glistening with arousal.

  This twisted game was turning her on too. Scott licked his lips as she brought her fingers down to stroke her smooth flesh, slicking the moisture over her clit, moaning softly as she played with herself. His mouth watered and he didn’t resist as Zach pressed down on his shoulder, guiding him to his knees.

  With his hands bound behind him, he couldn’t get closer without Zach’s help. But Zach didn’t waste any time before bringing Scott close enough to slip his tongue over Becky. Scott licked right over her slit, then around her clit as she moved her fingers, holding herself open for him.

  Her thighs settled against his shoulders, keeping him in the perfect position to fuck her with his tongue as Zach released him. He pressed in as deep as he could, smiling with his mouth against her pussy as she quivered, shifting restlessly, unable to press up for more with the position they were in.

  Flicking his tongue lightly over her clit, he got his revenge, bringing her to the edge before easing off and lazily running his tongue along either side of her labia. The sweet, slickness of her had him wanting more, and he drove his tongue in deep as she whimpered, her fingers tangling in his hair.

  He was almost ready to let her come when cool liquid spilled between his ass cheeks, dripping over his swollen balls. He braced, then forced himself to relax as Zach pressed the tip of the butt plug into him. More and more, stretching him, filling him until he was panting and resting his head on Becky’s thigh. Letting it in took all his focus.

  The largest part went in and he shuddered as the butt plug settled into place.


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