Striker (Book 1 in the 'Striker' Trilogy)

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Striker (Book 1 in the 'Striker' Trilogy) Page 28

by Michelle Betham

‘I’m going out myself.’

  ‘Night in with the boyfriend not work out, then?’

  ‘Piss off, Jim.’

  ‘You look amazing.’

  ‘Good. Then I might get some attention when I hit the bars later.’

  ‘Is that what you want? Attention?’

  Amber said nothing, just looked at him, not knowing exactly what she was going to do next.

  ‘If you want to talk…’

  ‘I don’t want to talk, Jim.’

  ‘Even better. Because I’m not much into talking myself right now.’

  ‘What do you want from me?’

  He moved closer, standing right in the doorway so she could neither shut the door in his face nor get out of his way to avoid him. ‘I want to be inside you again, Amber.’

  ‘Jesus Christ,’ Amber sighed, finally standing aside to let him in. A reflex action brought on by what he’d just said? Probably. She didn’t even know if she cared anymore.

  ‘A night out with the girls, then, is it?’ Jim asked, looking her up and down which, against her better judgement, only served to turn her on, that familiar tingle between her legs striking up within seconds.

  She didn’t answer him, just walked on through to the kitchen, finding a bottle of vodka in one of the cupboards and pouring herself a shot.

  ‘Nobody said living with a player like Ryan would be easy, honey.’

  She looked up at him before quickly re-filling her shot glass. ‘You don’t know anything, Jim.’

  ‘I know he’s pissed you off.’

  ‘And what if he has?’

  ‘You might want to vent your frustration.’

  ‘How, exactly?’

  He walked over to her, taking the glass from her hand and placing it down on the counter before slowly sliding a hand up and under her dress, touching her thigh as his mouth moved closer to hers. ‘Well, for starters, you could fuck me so hard it hurts. I can take the pain.’

  She felt her stomach flip over in a barrage of excited somersaults. Ryan deserved some kind of payback, after the shit he was pulling tonight. And the mood he was in, she’d lay money on him ending the night with some random bimbo in The Goldman, and she didn’t even think she’d care if he did. So why shouldn’t she take Jim up on his offer? And what a way to start her own night – fucking the league’s sexiest, most popular manager.

  ‘You can, huh?’ she smiled, backing up against the counter as his fingers slipped under the sides of her panties, slowly pushing them down.

  ‘I can,’ he whispered, his mouth now resting on hers, his breath warm on her face, the smell of him overwhelming, taking over everything she was feeling, dissipating that anger that had been building up just enough to make her still want revenge, and know that this was the only way she was going to feel any better.

  Amber closed her eyes as his hand slid between her legs, making her gasp out loud. His touch was firm yet gentle, his fingers moving back and forth in a slow, rhythmic motion that sent a million white-hot tingles shooting through her, kicking off an ache for him so bad she didn’t know how long she could stand it.

  ‘Jim…’ she groaned, throwing her head back as his lips started kissing the base of her throat, his other hand in the small of her back, keeping her close. Everything was wrong, what they were doing here, yet it felt so right. She was living that age-old cliché, and for once she didn’t care. Ryan had been at his worst tonight, so surely she deserved this? Surely she deserved to have the revenge she badly wanted right now. No matter how childish and petty that revenge might be.

  Pulling his hand away, Jim lifted her up onto the counter, pushing her dress up over her thighs, pulling her panties off and throwing them aside. He looked at her, looked down between her open legs before quickly removing his jacket, tossing it away like a used dishcloth, even though it probably cost more than Amber earned in a month. She wanted him so badly now, so much it physically hurt, and when he finally freed himself, pushing his way inside her before either of them had the chance to change their minds, as far as Amber was concerned it was like somebody had just injected her once more with a dose of that much-needed medicine. Within seconds he’d taken her over, and as dangerous and stupid as that may have been, for Amber it felt like coming home. There was no other way she could describe it. Despite everything he’d put her through, despite the pathetic way she’d always run back to him even though he’d never really cared, he was what she needed. He’d been the first person she’d ever given herself to, and she couldn’t forget that. She couldn’t let that go, no matter how hard she tried. She was stuck in a world in which he was always going to be present, so the only thing she could do was follow her heart. Even if it was going to lead her in every wrong direction going.

  Biting down on her lip as he came fast and hard, she held onto him tight as he gently touched her down there, helping her reach her own climax, his mouth on hers, their kiss as rhythmic as the movement of his fingers, eventually leaving them both breathless. She’d had her revenge on Ryan. And had it made her feel any better? She wasn’t entirely sure.

  ‘You feel so good,’ Jim whispered, his forehead resting against hers as their breathing finally began to slow down. ‘So fucking good.’

  ‘I’ve really got to go,’ she said, her fingers gently stroking the back of his neck. ‘I’m going to be late.’

  ‘Call it off, Amber. Ring them up, cancel, and stay here. With me. Stay here.’

  She shook her head, letting go of him and sliding down from the counter, pulling herself together as another slice of cold reality hit her. But she didn’t regret what she’d just done. Not yet, anyway. ‘I’m going to be late,’ she repeated. ‘You’d better go.’

  He bent down to pick up his jacket, quickly slipping it back on over his dark shirt. ‘This isn’t the end, Amber.’

  She turned to look at him, walking over and sliding a hand round the back of his neck, bringing his mouth down to touch hers again, the kiss deepening as his arm held her against him. ‘I didn’t say it was,’ she smiled, letting go of him again, walking slowly backwards, her dark red hair now beginning to fall free of the grips that had been holding it up before, stray strands lying loose over her bare shoulders. ‘I’ll see you later, Jim.’

  He smiled, too, that all-American, drop-dead-gorgeous smile. That charming smile that had gained him a whole army of female football fans. That smile that still made Amber’s heart skip a proverbial beat. ‘You kill me, Amber. You freaking kill me, baby.’

  ‘Well, just try to stay alive for a little while longer, okay? I haven’t finished with you yet.’

  He started to make his way out of the kitchen, stopping only when he reached where she was standing, sliding an arm around her waist again, his mouth so very close to hers as he spoke, his voice low and husky. ‘And that, Ms. Sullivan, had better be one hell of a promise.’


  The music was thumping, so loud it almost felt as though the floor was vibrating, a steady, heavy bass beat reverberating through the club, making it almost impossible to speak without shouting.

  Ryan was having a night like he hadn’t had in a long time. People were flocking around him like he was the second coming of Christ. Men were shoving drinks at him, telling him how great he’d played that afternoon, how much of a local hero he really was, whilst women couldn’t get enough of him, all of them stunning to look at and quite willing to give him anything he wanted. He was seriously considering offers. If Amber couldn’t understand how much today meant to him then he might as well spend time with those that did. And surely this was his well-deserved reward after getting Red Star those three winning points that had now sent them to fourth in the league table. He was making his mark at a club he’d supported all his life. Jesus, he was on top of the frigging world tonight!

  ‘You gonna leave a few for us?’ Gary winked, joining Ryan at the VIP table they’d commandeered for the night, dumping two more bottles of champagne down in the centre. ‘On the house, apparently. You’re our
lucky charm tonight, mate. No doubt about it.’

  ‘It’s not like we can’t afford the drink, Gary.’

  ‘That’s not the point. If we don’t have to pay for it, all the better. And that goes for the women, too.’

  Ryan looked at Gary through slightly narrowed eyes.

  ‘Oh, come on, Ryan. Are you telling me you’ve never used the services of a high-class call-girl? Sometimes needs must, mate.’

  Ryan said nothing, just turned to look out onto the dance floor where a pretty and very-young-but-definitely-legal blonde and a brunette with legs up to her armpits were putting on a show especially for him. He could feel himself reacting, too, dangerously close to having to find a quiet corner and relieve the pressure, if truth be told.

  ‘Jesus fucking Christ,’ Gary whistled, leaning back and watching the floor-show. ‘You are one lucky son-of-a-bitch.’

  ‘You reckon?’ Ryan asked, draining his glass of champagne. He was sick of drinking the stuff now, if he was honest. He might start hitting the shorts next. A few vodka shots should set him up nicely.

  ‘Yeah, I reckon. Those two are yours for the taking,’ Gary said, indicating the two girls still gyrating against each other on the dance floor, although their eyes were very much on Ryan, ‘ … not to mention the rest of ‘em. You’re on fire tonight, mate. On frigging fire!’

  Ryan grinned, running a hand through his dark hair, making it even more messed-up and sexy. ‘Yeah. I fucking am, aren’t I?’

  ‘Looks like The Goldman is gonna get the pleasure of your company tonight, then?’ Gary smirked, looking out onto the dance floor again, his expression suddenly changing. ‘Oh, shit! Are you frigging kidding me? What the fuck are they doing in here?’

  Ryan followed Gary’s gaze, his stomach flipping an unexpected somersault the second he saw her, looking hotter than he’d ever seen her look before.

  ‘I said to her, I said, Debbie, babe, you and your WAG brigade can go where the hell you like tonight, just don’t fucking turn up here. Frigging brilliant!’

  ‘What? This bothers you?’ Ryan asked, tearing his eyes away from Amber for a second, although something was telling him not to let her out of his sight.

  ‘Yeah, it frigging bothers me,’ Gary replied. ‘I mean, me and Debbie, I know our relationship isn’t exactly conventional, but doing shit right in front of her, mate – that’s off limits.’

  Ryan stared at him, and for a brief second he wondered just what the hell he was doing there. Then he looked around him, at the women who wanted him, the men who wanted to be him… who the hell wouldn’t want that? No matter how sick and twisted it could sometimes become.

  ‘Yeah, well, Amber’s looking like a wet dream come true so I’m off over there to see what’s happening.’

  ‘What? You’re leaving Barbie and her mate to go and see your fucking girlfriend?’

  ‘Yeah,’ Ryan grinned. ‘Weird, isn’t it?’

  ‘You’re telling me.’

  ‘I’m sure you can keep those two amused,’ Ryan went on, nodding his head in the direction of his dancing fan club. ‘I might need them later.’

  Gary just laughed, shaking his head as Ryan got up and made his way through the crowd, over towards Amber and the rest of the Red Star WAGs.

  ‘Hey, beautiful. Couldn’t keep away, huh?’

  Amber turned around, her eyes immediately meeting his. ‘Sorry, are you talking to me?’

  ‘Don’t play games, babe. You’re looking hot tonight, by the way.’

  ‘Play games? Y’know, when it comes to playing games then I can only have picked up tips from the master, Ryan.’

  ‘Whoa! You’re still pissed off with me, then?’

  ‘Glad to see the ego hasn’t stopped you from being perceptive.’

  ‘Come on, Amber,’ Ryan groaned, sliding his arm around her waist, pulling her close. ‘You look incredible, babe. And I can’t ignore that.’

  ‘What? Even though you’re surrounded by heaven knows how many glamorous young things all vying for your attention?’

  ‘It’s not the same, though, is it?’

  ‘Isn’t it?’

  ‘No. I like the idea of you being there, at home, waiting for me…’

  Amber quickly disentangled herself from his grip, backing away from him. ‘Yes, well, there we have the problem, Ryan. You want the best of both worlds, don’t you? You like the idea of me being there at home, waiting for you, as long as you can have all this shit, too.’ She quickly looked around, making sure none of the other girls were within earshot. ‘I’m not Debbie, Ryan. She might put up with Gary and whatever it is that he puts her through, but I can’t do that. I’ve got more self-respect.’ She felt a touch uncomfortable saying those words, considering what had just happened with Jim, but it was true. She wasn’t going to be the kind of girlfriend who put up with the kind of lifestyle Ryan seemed to be slipping back into. And he needed to know that. ‘You’ve got a lot of thinking to do, Ryan. You’ve got decisions to make.’

  ‘Amber…’ He reached out to take her hand but she pulled it away, shaking her head.

  ‘I care about you, Ryan. So much. But there are some things I just can’t do.’

  ‘Amber… hang on… Shit!’

  She turned and walked away from him, swerving through the mass of people inside this glitzy new club – which wasn’t totally Amber’s style, if she was truthful – over to where Debbie was busy organising more drinks for them all.

  ‘What kind of mood is he in?’ she asked as Amber approached.

  ‘Close to self-destruction, I reckon,’ Amber sighed, gratefully accepting another glass of something cold and sparkling.

  ‘He’s had that kind of day,’ Debbie said, crossing her legs as Amber sat down beside her. ‘They put themselves up on this ridiculous pedestal and then, when they come to places like this and find people who only insist on raising that pedestal even higher, it goes to their heads until they think they’re one step away from God. I’ve seen it all before, chick. He’ll come down, eventually. They all do.’

  ‘Maybe,’ Amber sighed, watching Ryan as he hit the dance floor, pulling a blonde who couldn’t have been older than nineteen against him, moving his body against hers as she stared up into his eyes, silently promising him things he’d probably gratefully accept later on. ‘I just don’t know if I’m cut out for this, Debbie.’

  ‘Do you love him?’

  Amber looked at her new friend. ‘I don’t know. I really don’t know. I mean, I care about him…’

  ‘Then you just have to work out if that’s enough. Amber. Believe me, I know Ryan better than you think, and this isn’t really the person he wants to be. I honestly believe he wants to change, he just doesn’t know how to. And he’s scared. And when guys like him get scared they throw themselves into something they think will keep the status quo intact because that’s what’s best for them, but it isn’t.’

  Amber looked back over at Ryan. He was with the darker haired, slightly older girl now, his hands all over her body which was poured into a dress so tight Amber thought she might need to be sucked out of it.

  ‘He’s doing that on purpose,’ Debbie said.

  Amber looked at her, frowning slightly. ‘Sorry?’

  ‘Ryan. He’s doing that on purpose, dancing close to those girls, acting the way he is. He wasn’t doing it before he’d spoken to you, was he?’

  ‘I… I don’t…’

  ‘He wasn’t. I was watching him. But he’s doing it now. He’s trying to get a reaction, Amber. He’s trying to make you jealous.’

  ‘He doesn’t need to do that,’ Amber said, turning her attention back to Ryan.

  ‘Well, he thinks he does. He loves you, Amber. I can see it when I talk to him, I can feel it when he talks about you.’

  ‘So why’s he acting like a first-rate idiot?’

  Debbie looked at Amber, taking a sip of her champagne cocktail. ‘You’ve been around footballers all your life, chick. So I think you already know the answer
to that one.’

  Amber sat back, running a hand through her hair. She really wanted to confide in someone about the whole mess she was getting into with Jim, but she knew she could never do that. She couldn’t tell anybody because if it ever got out…

  ‘Let him get today out of his system,’ Debbie smiled, leaning forward and placing a hand on Amber’s arm. ‘Let him act like the hero he thinks he is and then talk to him. Because I think you care enough about him not to throw it all away just yet.’

  And, despite everything that was going on with Jim, Amber knew Debbie was right. She just had to work out whether she was up to riding the emotional roller-coaster that stretched out ahead of her because, all of a sudden, Amber Sullivan’s quiet, organised life had disappeared. And she had no idea if it would ever return.

  Chapter Fifteen

  ‘Amber, can I have a word?’ Kevin asked.

  Amber looked up, his voice shaking her out of a daydream she hadn’t been enjoying all that much. ‘Sorry? Did you… did you say something?’

  ‘A word, Amber. In my office.’

  Amber watched him walk away, her stomach sinking. She didn’t have a good feeling about this. The tone of his voice told her he wasn’t pulling her aside for a friendly chat over a cup of coffee and a doughnut.

  Sighing, she pushed her chair back and followed him into his office, closing the door behind her.

  ‘Sit down,’ he said, indicating the chair in front of his desk.

  Amber said nothing, just sat down and crossed her legs, clasping her hands together on her lap.

  ‘I think you know why I’ve called you in here, don’t you?’ Kevin perched himself on the edge of his desk, his eyes meeting Amber’s.

  She nodded. ‘Yeah. Yeah, I think I know.’

  ‘I’m worried about you, Amber. These past few weeks, it’s like a different person has turned up for work, and believe me, when you’ve worked with someone as long as I’ve worked with you it can be quite unsettling. So, you gonna tell me what’s up?’

  ‘Nothing’s up, Kevin,’ Amber swallowed, knowing that was a lie. And one look at Kevin’s arched eyebrow told her he knew that, too.


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