My Soul Is Yours

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My Soul Is Yours Page 3

by E. L. Todd

  He took a deep breath and stilled his watering eyes. “Everyone is waiting for us.”


  He nodded toward the house. “They’re watching us. The engagement party awaits.”

  “I can’t believe you planned all of this…” It was so unexpected.

  “I wanted it to be perfect, Trinity. You deserve perfect.”

  I looked into his eyes and saw a very different man than I’d ever known. He used to be Slade, an annoying family friend. But now I saw my soul mate, my other half. He was stubborn, rude, hotheaded, and temperamental. He looked nothing like the husband I dreamt of a long time ago. Because he was so much better. “I don’t want perfect. I want you.”

  He smiled at me but his eyes were still wet. “You got me.” He grabbed my hand then led me down the path.

  I kept looking at him, unable to believe this was real. “So, at Mega Shake—”

  “I was planning on proposing. I’ve been planning it for about a month.”

  “Why did it take so long?” I suffered for no reason at all.

  “I had to get some things together…” He looked into my eyes, the fondness shining through. “I’m sorry for the wait.”

  “It’s okay. It doesn’t matter now.”

  He led me to the edge of the house then around toward the back. Once we reached the patio, everyone jumped out.


  Balloons and directions were everywhere, and the patio was set for a party. Everyone was there, all my aunts and uncles and distant family members, as well as my gang of friends.

  Skye ran to me and hugged me. “So happy for you.”

  I hugged her back. “That was why you were acting so weird.”

  “Yep.” She pulled away and smiled triumphantly. “And you had no idea!”

  “I didn’t,” I said honestly.

  Cayson reached Slade. “Who would have thought you would get married first?”

  “You,” Slade said with a laugh.

  Cayson smiled at Slade then hugged him for a long time. “I’m happy for you, man.”

  “Thanks.” Slade clapped his shoulder. “Thanks for everything. You’ll be my best man?”

  Cayson smirked. “I already assumed I was.”

  “Hey, it could have been Conrad.”

  “What?” Cayson snapped. “Hell no.”

  “Well, then you better not pick Roland as yours.”

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about.” He fist-pounded Slade. “Of course, it’ll be you.”

  Skye eyed them. “They act like girls, don’t they?”

  I laughed. “They do.” I turned to her. “You’ll be my maid of honor?”

  “Uh, duh! It better be me.”

  I laughed then hugged her again.

  The rest of the gang came up to us. Conrad reached me first. “Congrats, sis.”

  “Thank you.” I hugged him.

  “I wasn’t so sure about Slade in the beginning but now I know you’re in good hands…”

  “I know I am.” I pulled away and smiled at him.

  “I guess he’ll be my brother. That’s weird…”

  I chuckled. “You’ll always have someone to play ball with.”

  Roland moved in next and hugged me. “We wouldn’t judge you if you said no…”

  “I would never say no,” I said seriously.

  “Well, if you change your mind…we would understand.”

  I hit his arm playfully. “Stop.”

  Silke came next. “Sister!”

  I chuckled then hugged her. “We will be sisters, won’t we?”

  “This is so great! I’ll be your baby’s aunt!”

  “That is exciting.”

  “I’m so happy for you guys,” she said. “I was so scared my brother would die alone.”

  “That makes two of us,” I said with a laugh.

  “I’m glad you tamed him. I think you’re the only woman who ever could.”

  “I’m starting to think that too.”

  My dad came through the crowd and gave me a fond look. “Congratulations, sweetheart.”

  “Thank you, Dad.”

  He hugged me tightly and held me for a long time. “Seeing you happy makes me happy.”

  “I’m so happy.” I’d never been happier in my life.

  “You won’t be my little girl anymore.”

  “Dad, that’ll never change.”

  He pulled away and looked at me. “No, it will. But that’s not a bad thing. I have complete confidence that Slade will take care of you.”

  I smiled. “He will.”

  Slade came over to him. “It looks like I’ll be your son.” He grinned wickedly at Dad.

  Dad rolled his eyes. “This should be fun.”

  “Now you’ll never be able to get rid of me.”

  Dad gave him a smirk. “I would never want to, son.”

  It meant the world to me that he referred to Slade in such a way.

  Then Dad hugged him. “My wife wants grandkids. Get on that.”

  “Uh, I don’t know about that,” Slade said. “But we can start practicing.”

  Dad looked uncomfortable as he walked away.

  Everyone else came up and congratulated me. I felt like a princess in a gown. They were all there to celebrate with Slade and I. I still couldn’t believe all of this was real. The pain in my heart disappeared like it was never there.

  Ryan came to me last. “I never thought I would get another daughter…unless Silke became a lesbian.”

  I laughed at his words.

  “Thank you for loving my son. He’s a great man…even if he’s a little complicated at times.”

  “I love him with my whole heart.”

  “If he drives you crazy, you always got me and Janice for help.”

  “I know.”

  “And please call me Dad.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “And Janice Mom.”

  I smiled. “I will.”

  He kissed my forehead. “Welcome to the family.”

  “Thank you.”

  Slade turned to my dad. “Dad, you want to go golfing next week?”

  Dad looked amused. “Sure, son.”

  “Sweet.” He turned to me. “I think your dad likes me.”

  “He loves you, Slade.”


  We turned on the music and started to dance. Slade broke out his moves and did the robot. Then he acted like he was humping me from behind. All my friends laughed and I swatted him away.

  Slade laughed then pulled me into his chest, dancing slowly with me even though the music was fast. “Want to ditch this party?”

  “No,” I said firmly.

  “We can disappear into the trees for a few minutes…”


  “What about in the back of my truck?”

  “It’ll have to wait, Slade.”

  He growled.

  “But we have the rest of our lives. So, there’s no rush.”

  “Well, when you put it that way…” He smiled at me then spun me around.

  Everyone got on the floor and started to dance. Parents and kids were getting in the groove, and bottles of champagne were opened. Every person that I loved was there, sharing the moment with us. No fantasy could ever compare to the magic of the night. Slade gave me everything I wanted, and made the evening absolutely perfect. But even if it wasn’t perfect, I still would have been thrilled. Just the fact I got to spend the rest of my life with Slade, the only man I’ve ever really loved, was a gift in itself.

  Chapter Two


  I walked inside the apartment with my bags of supplies. I set them down on the kitchen table then leaned my guitar against the chair.

  “What are you doing?” Trinity asked from her place on the couch.

  “Bringing my stuff over. I’m going to sell my furniture since I don’t need it anyway.”

  “Wait…what?” She stood up and crossed her arms over her chest.

sp; “Well, where am I going to put everything? There’s no room here.”

  “Why would you bring anything here at all?”

  “Because I’m moving in…” What did she think was going to happen?

  Realization came into her face. “Slade, we can’t move in together until after the wedding.”

  “What?” I snapped. “Why?”

  “Because we aren’t married.”

  I shot her a glare. “We fuck every night so what does it matter? It’s not like we’re pure and innocent people.”

  “I just don’t think my dad would approve of it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “God, Trinity. Grow a pair.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I got down on one knee and promised to spend my life with you. I spent a damn fortune on that ring you’re wearing. I gave you the proposal of a lifetime. So, yes, I’m going to live here. I’m not going to waste another day living somewhere else. You told me marriage was about combining our lives together. Well, that’s what we’re doing.”


  “No,” I hissed. “If you don’t want me to live here, you’ll have to kick me out. And I can tell you right now that’s not going to happen.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed.

  “I’ll split all the bills with you so don’t worry about that.”

  “That’s not what I’m worried about…”

  “You want me to ask your dad for permission?” I asked incredulously. “Because when he gave his permission to marry you, I think that was implied. So, stop being annoying. This is going to happen.” I grabbed my bag of clothes then headed into her room. I pushed her clothes to one side of the closet then hung everything up. Then I placed all my t-shirts and boxers into my drawer.

  She watched me from the doorway. “You aren’t leaving me much of a choice…”

  “Exactly.” I shut the drawer then came back to her. My arms moved around her waist and I gripped her tightly. “You’re stuck with me. You’ll have to deal with it.”

  “I don’t mind being stuck with you.”

  I kissed her forehead then took a deep breath, loving the fact she was mine again. “My dad gave me the week off from work.”

  “He did?” she asked. “Why?”

  “He knew I’d want to catch up on my sex life.”

  She smirked and her cheeks blushed slightly.

  “And we have a lot of catching up to do. Just let me finish bringing my stuff over.”

  “Well, Cayson and Skye are coming over in an hour.”

  I gave her the darkest glare I could muster. “What did you just say?”

  “Cayson and Skye are coming over.”

  “We’ve been apart for two months. All we should be doing is fucking and cuddling. I don’t want to see those two idiots.”

  “We need to start planning the wedding.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Plan that with Skye. Don’t involve Cayson and I.”

  “It’s your wedding day too,” she reminded me.

  “Trinity, I don’t care. I’d marry you in a slaughterhouse and I’d be just fine with that.”

  “Well, we aren’t doing that,” she snapped. “Sorry.”

  I sighed then checked my watch. “I want to have time to get my things and make love to you. So, I’ll have to choose one. And I know which one I want.” I guided her to the bed and moved on top of her.

  Trinity stared at me affectionately while we undressed each other. Her levels of joy had increased sporadically. It was like we’d never been apart at all. All that heartache disappeared once I slipped the ring on her finger.

  When we were naked, I pulled her hips to me and slipped inside. A moan escaped my lips and I would never forget how amazing she felt. I could make love to her all day and all night. I leaned back on the balls of my feet and thrust into her while I held her waist. Her hands gripped my ribs and she dug her nails into my skin. Her lips parted and she moaned the entire time. Before I even began, she climaxed and said my name over and over. Having sex with Trinity every day was something I looked forward to for the rest of my life.

  I didn’t last long because I wasn’t used to having sex on a regular basis. I leaned over her and released, loving the fact I was the only man Trinity let come inside her. She was mine, now and forever.

  She looked into my eyes as I finished, the desire obvious. “I love it when you come inside me.”

  My skin prickled at her words. “I do too.” I leaned down and kissed the valley between her tits, loving her scent as it flooded my nose. I cherished her body with gentle caresses before I pulled out and lay beside her.

  She cuddled into me, wrapping her body around me like I might drift away. “I’m so glad this is real…”

  I detected the twinge of pain in her voice. “It is real, baby. Every morning when you wake up, it’ll still be real.”

  She took a deep breath and tightened her hold.

  My hand moved through her hair then I grabbed her hand and examined her ring. It sparkled constantly, blinding me every now and then. The ring was perfect for her. It reminded me of her every time I looked at it. It drained my bank account but it was worth it.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered. “I love it.”

  “It wasn’t cheap,” I noted.

  She smiled. “I know everything about engagement rings, and since this is from Tiffany’s, I can guess how much it cost.”

  “Oh really?” I challenged.

  “Yep.” She gave me a number.

  It was frightening how accurate her estimate was.

  She smirked. “Told you.”

  “Well, I want every guy to see it from a mile away so they know to stay clear.”

  “The size doesn’t matter, babe.”

  “Oh, it does,” I said. “Trust me, it’s a guy thing.”

  “I would have loved anything you got me.”

  “I know, baby.” I squeezed her to my chest and released a satisfied sigh. I couldn’t believe I was lying in bed with Trinity, and soon we would be living together. It was exactly what I wanted. I really didn’t give a damn if anyone disapproved of it. They could go to hell for all I cared.

  The doorbell rang.

  “That better be the pizza guy,” I said. “Even though we didn’t order any pizza.”

  “It’s Skye and Cayson.”

  I growled. “An hour already went by?”

  “Time goes by fast when you’re—”

  “Having awesome sex?”

  She smiled. “I guess.”

  I looked at her and didn’t want to move. I just wanted to hold her forever and cherish her in the privacy of our home. I wanted to take her over and over again, getting my fill until I was completely satisfied.

  Trinity turned away. “We need to get dressed.”

  “I’ve always hated those two.”

  “No, you don’t,” she said with a laugh.

  “Right now I do.”


  Skye and Trinity spread wedding magazines across the table, and a large binder sat beside Trinity. Images of different flowers, gowns, and cakes were thrust in front of my face.

  “The rustic Italian feast or the Greek buffet?” Skye asked.

  Cayson drank his beer then sighed. He sat across from me, looking just as mind-numbingly bored as I felt.

  Trinity read the list of food options. “Hmm…they both sound great.”

  I looked at Cayson and rolled my eyes.

  He smirked but didn’t dare comment.

  “Babe, what do you prefer?” Trinity asked.

  “I don’t care,” I said bluntly.

  “Well, do you like Italian food or Greek food?”

  “I like both.”

  “Well, which would you rather eat on our wedding day?” Trinity pushed the paper toward me, comparing the two different dinners.

  Damn, I couldn’t care less. I wish Cayson and Skye would leave so Trinity and I could get down to business. “Baby, I don’t even know what I want for
dinner tonight.”

  “Just pick!” she snapped.

  “Fine,” I hissed. “Greek.”

  She pressed her lips together in disapproval, like I gave the wrong answer.

  “Then Italian,” I said. “Whatever.”

  Trinity turned back to Skye. “Let’s do Italian.”

  Skye made a note in her binder.

  I looked at Cayson again and rolled my eyes as hard as I could.

  He snorted into his beer.

  Skye turned to him then patted his back. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” He cleared his throat. “Just went down the wrong pipe.”

  “Okay,” Trinity said. “What flowers?”

  “Lilies are nice,” Skye said.

  “But roses are more romantic.”

  “True,” Skye agreed.

  I tried not to fall asleep.

  Trinity turned to me. “What do you think, babe?”

  God, why did she have to keep asking me questions? “Whatever you want.”

  “But I want your opinion.”

  “Like last time?” I snapped.

  She ignored the jab. “Which one?”

  “Roses.” Honestly, I didn’t care. I didn’t even know what lilies looked like.

  “Eh…” Trinity shrugged. “They’re so serious, you know?”

  I tried not to scream at her.

  “Shouldn’t we pick the venue first?” Skye asked.

  “We’re getting married at a vineyard in Connecticut. I just need to show Slade.”

  “I don’t care where we get married.”

  “No, we need to see it.”

  Was the next year going to be like this? “Trinity, I don’t give a damn where we get hitched. I care even less about the flowers and the food. All I want to do is show up and exchange vows. We could get married at a dump and it wouldn’t make a difference to me. So stop forcing me to participate in something I don’t give a damn about.”

  She shot me a glare. “You don’t give a damn about our wedding?”

  “Be careful,” Cayson whispered.

  “That’s not what I meant,” I said calmly. “I want to get married but I’m not good at planning these things. How about you just do it? I’m sure whatever you pick will be fine.”

  “We need to do this together,” she said firmly.

  “Trinity, I honestly don’t care. Skye is better at this sort of thing.”

  She sighed in irritation.


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