Addicted (Addicted Trilogy Book 1)

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Addicted (Addicted Trilogy Book 1) Page 13

by S. Nelson

  His ludicrous statement had me trying to free myself from his hold. I sure as hell wasn’t going to be controlled by someone because they had certain thoughts about certain things.

  “Where are you going? Why are you trying to get away from me?”

  “I won’t let anyone tell me who I can and can’t be friends with or hang out with. That is a definite deal-breaker for me, Alek. I won’t be controlled by anyone.” My voice rose an octave with each statement.

  “That’s not what I’m trying to do, sweetheart,” he stated, his demeanor softening a little bit. “I only want to protect you and make sure you’re safe, and if it means asking you to refrain from acting in a certain way, then so be it. I want you to live your life the way you want to, but with some adjustments which will put my mind at ease…where your safety is concerned. So, if you tell me you truly feel Matt is gay, well, then I’ll trust your judgment on the issue. But no touching or flirting with any other man. Can we at least agree on that?”

  I certainly didn’t understand his overwhelming need to protect me. He’d said as much on numerous occasions. But I guess it wasn’t the worst thing, although I already knew he’d be using it as an excuse going forward, something we’d surely battle over.

  “Deal,” I responded. Really, it was a no-brainer. Why would I ever entertain another man when I had him in my life? I would have to be certifiable.

  He seemed to appreciate my agreement, leaning down to plant a kiss on my mouth. As with every other intimate encounter, I was instantly turned on, wanting him to continue his lovely display of affection.

  But it wasn’t to be. He drew back and said, “There. It’s settled then. We’re exclusive.”

  I was still a bit confused by the turn of events. Never did I expect him to propose exclusivity so soon, if at all. It could all be over within a week, or a month. I was praying that wasn’t the case, but the simple truth was I just didn’t know.

  The only thing I could do was sit back and enjoy the ride.



  All throughout dinner, I knew there was something on Sara’s mind, something she was holding her tongue about until the meal was finished. Thinking it could only be one thing, I braced myself and prepared my argument. We both knew I was going to win out. I just had to make her see it from my point of view. Again.

  Truth be told, I was actually looking forward to the back and forth of it. People constantly agreeing with me was rather boring. I needed a challenge, and Sara would most certainly give me what I craved.

  “Alek,” she started. Here we go. “I want to have a serious conversation with you, and I don’t want you to dismiss anything before I’ve had my say.” She looked nervous, avoiding eye contact with me for the most part.

  “Sara,” I called out. She stopped looking down at her hands and locked eyes with me. “I think I already know what this is about, but I promise to let you have your say before I present my side of things. This should be good, so go ahead, give it your best shot.” I laughed before taking a sip of my drink.

  Her back straightened before she spoke, strength evident in her posture. “I can’t accept the car.” I opened my mouth but remembered I’d told her she could finish her argument first. Snapping my lips shut, I nodded, allowing her to continue.

  “While I appreciate the very generous gift, I simply cannot accept it. It’s too expensive, and we’ve only known each other a short time. It’s too impulsive and extravagant. So…while I thank you again for the gesture, I’ll be leaving it here tonight, with you. I’m sure you’ll be able to return the car easily enough.” She took a big inhale of air before continuing. “I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time, and it makes me uncomfortable to have things given to me. It just isn’t my way. In addition, I don’t want you to feel like you should buy me things because you have the resources. I don’t want your money. I like you for you, simple as that.”

  Leaning forward on the table, I came as close to her as I could while still giving her space. Her defenses were up, and she was probably going to lose her shit when I responded. Oh, well. She’ll have to get over it.

  “Are you done? Did you say everything you wanted to? Because now I’ll say my peace and it will be final.” I made sure I had her full attention before speaking again. “While I appreciate your speech…you’re keeping the car.”

  The last syllable didn’t even leave my lips before I rose from the table and started clearing it, grabbing her dishes first.

  Plus, I wanted to get rid of any weapons she had in front of her. Just in case.

  I dared not look in her direction, knowing full well she was upset. I didn’t say what I did to rile her up. I said it because it was the truth. No way was I going to let her flit around with no vehicle.

  “You’re not serious, are you? Tell me you’re kidding, Alek!” She had risen from the table as well, bracing herself behind her chair for support. “You’re not going to dismiss me with a simple what I say goes type of attitude. Because that sure as hell isn’t me, either. So, how about this? You can shove the car right up—”

  I cut her off before she got a chance to finish.

  “Hold up. Don’t get so damn testy about this. It isn’t that big a deal, so can you please calm down?”

  “Well, if it’s not a big deal then you won’t mind taking it back.”

  “You’re going to keep the damn vehicle and here’s why. I worry about you when I’m not with you, and if I can gift you something you actually need and will put my mind at ease, well then, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. You don’t have any form of transportation, and I don’t like the thought of you waiting alone for a ride or taking the bus with a bunch of strangers. And while we are on the subject, you are now my girlfriend and as your man, I will be showering you with many presents, so get used to it. You can fight me on every one, but just know I’ll always get my way. Like I won out with the security system issue, I will win this one, as well. You’ll find I will always win when it comes to keeping you safe, Sara.”

  I saw the reservation on her face. She was calmer than she was before I’d started my spiel, but I wasn’t sure yet if she still had some fight left in her. I almost bent her over the table when she told me to shove the car, my excitement pressing tight against the zipper of my jeans.

  “Fine. I’ll keep the car. For now. When I can afford to buy my own, which will now be in the near future, you’ll take this one back. Agreed?” She looked at me with expectant eyes.

  “Agreed. Can we move on now?”

  After all of the dishes had been cleared, I offered to give her a tour of my home.

  I couldn’t help but be amused over every little thing she found fascinating. I watched her. Closely. Her mouth would fall open when she found something intriguing, whether it was a painting on the wall or a simple gadget. When she was confused, mainly over the main remote I used to operate the TV, sound system and lighting, she would bite her lip, her brow knit in wonderment.

  It took every ounce of control to keep my hands to myself, especially when we entered my room. I kept glancing at my bed, wishing for nothing more than to pick her up caveman-style, carry her over and throw her on top of it. I imagined ripping her clothes from her body as my mouth tasted every inch of her flesh, my fingers making good work of revving her up to take me fully.

  “Don’t you get lonely here all by yourself?” she asked, pulling me from my horny thoughts.

  “To be honest, I don’t spend much time here. I travel a lot for work, so I stay at some of my other homes, probably as much as I stay here.”

  “Uh…your other homes? How many do you have?” There’s that uncomfortable look again.

  “I have five other homes. Well, three actual houses, one apartment and a suite in one of my hotels. They’re spread out all over the country. It makes it easier for me when I have to travel from place to place.”

  I knew something was bothering her, and I knew what it was without probing too much. I needed
to resolve this once and for all. Halting any further movement, I turned her around and pulled her near, my hands gripping her arms to keep her close.

  “Does my wealth bother you? You can tell me.”

  “Well, if I’m being honest…it does a little bit. I’m very happy for you that you’re so successful, really I am. But I don’t fit into this world, and unfortunately, you’re going to see it, too, sooner or later.”

  “You fit into my world because you’re with me, Sara. Simple as that.” I didn’t know what else to say except the truth.

  At a loss for words, she shrugged off my hold and made her way toward the bed. I couldn’t help it; my eyes were glued to her ass. I had to remember to tell her how much I appreciated those damn jeans. The sway of her hips was entrancing, making my cock twitch to life. I knew what I wanted to happen between us, but I wasn’t so sure she was game yet. And I wouldn’t push the issue if she wasn’t ready. We had all the time in the world.

  “Let me guess, you bought your bed from Italy?” she asked as she ran her fingers over one of the four wooden posts. Oh, how I would love to feel those fingers wrapped around my…

  “Alek?” she called. Shit, yeah, she did just ask me a question.

  “Sorry. Yeah, I did. The same artist who made the dining table constructed this piece for me, as well. He actually made all of the furniture you see in here. Do you like it?”

  All she could do was nod in response.

  I hadn’t even realized I was walking in circles around her, probably making her a little wary. I’d been told I was quite intimidating at times. Hopefully that wasn’t how she felt. Either way, she moved away from me to inspect the rest of my bedroom, my eyes following her every movement. Every time she caught me looking at her, she would sheepishly smile and turn away.

  My overwhelming need to touch her became too much. Enough was enough. Without wasting another second, I walked up behind her as she was checking out one of the paintings on my wall.

  Her scent enveloped me as I leaned in close, moving her long hair to the side. Her breath hitched when she felt my lips on her neck.

  “What do you want to do, Sara?”

  I envisioned us in all sorts of compromising positions, really hoping it would be the night she gave herself to me. Surely she was nervous, so I had to take things slow—if it was what she wanted, of course.

  Her head fell back against my shoulder as I nibbled at her sensitive flesh.

  “Sara? What do you want to do?” I repeated, the rasp in my voice surprising even me.

  “Anything you want.” Well, it looks like she gave me the answer I was hoping for. But I needed to make sure she was serious.

  “Turn around,” I demanded.

  When our gazes met, I saw it. I’d witnessed the desire in her honey-colored eyes, her pupils dilated in her excitement.

  As I was about to ask her a question, she reached up and pressed her mouth against mine, her warm tongue teasing my lips. I’m gonna lose it if she keeps doing that.

  She backed away for a split-second, put her hands on my chest and repeated her glorious statement from moments before. “Anything you want, Alek.”

  “You know what I’m taking that as, don’t you? Do you know what you’re telling me, Sara?”

  Breathlessly, she whispered, “Yes.”

  Oh, to hell with it. I was done talking. I crashed my hungry mouth against hers, snaking my arms around her to pull her close again. Her luscious lips parted, allowing me the entrance I was so hungry for.

  She tasted sweet.

  She tasted forbidden.

  Before things progressed too quickly, I wanted to get the talk out of the way. It was simply necessary.

  I broke free from our kiss and took a quick step backward, looking into her eyes the whole time.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Are you on the pill? Are you protected?”

  “No,” she answered, a light blush creeping over her cheeks. I was sure she hadn’t had this conversation with anyone before—at least that was what I was telling myself, not wanting to picture another man’s hands all over her.

  “Oh. It’s okay,” I said, a little disappointed. While I’d planned on using a condom anyway, the mere thought of taking her bare excited me. I knew she was clean, being a virgin and all, but so was I. Regular testing proved so. Plus, the fact I’d always used protection in the past, some women often having an agenda of snagging rich men. Hell, I’d even heard horror stories of some trying to blackmail men of my wealth.

  Having said and asked what I needed, I pushed all thoughts aside to focus on the vision before me. No more time for thinking.

  “Take off your clothes, Sara.”

  Her eyes widened but she complied. Kicking off her shoes, she made quick work relieving her body from the fabric which covered it. Her movements mesmerized me. The elongation of her arms as she pulled her shirt over her head was a dance, her limbs stretching and swaying as the material danced over her skin. Every bend of her body entranced me. She turned her back to me, her fingers playing in the waistband of her jeans. With a soft turn of her head she watched as she shimmied the material over her hipbones, cascading seductively over the plump curve of her ass. Bending forward, she pulled them the rest of the way down, kicking them to the side as if they offended her.

  Turning back around, she stood before me in nothing but her bra and panties. My heart beat faster, my breaths coming so quickly they almost escaped me completely.

  “Fuck, baby. You’re perfect.”

  She dipped her head, clearly not completely comfortable with my compliment. After a few seconds, she looked up again, resolve set firm in her stare. “Are you going to take off your clothes, or are you going to leave me out here hanging by myself?” she joked, although the look in her eyes was nothing to laugh at. She licked her lips in nervousness and it was quite endearing. Hot…but endearing.

  I didn’t want her to be any more nervous than she already was, so I grabbed my shirt by the neck and pulled it over my head, tossing it to the side before unbuttoning my jeans. Kicking off my own shoes, I worked the fabric down my muscular thighs before kicking them to the side, as well. Her eyes hungrily drank me in, the sight of me causing her to blush again. The color wrapped itself around her entire chest before it crept up her neck and splayed across her face.

  It was the most beautiful sight.

  Crushing the last few inches of space between us, I reached behind her and unhooked her bra, the material coming away from her chest with ease. Her breasts were on full display and they were all for me. They were round and heavy but very perky, her nipples a dusty pink, pebbled in arousal. Before I could stop myself, my fingers caressed the hardened peaks, pinching the taut skin and making her moan out in pleasure.

  When she exhaled a rush of air, I intensified my grasp, eliciting another moan from her perfect mouth. There was simply no more holding back. My fingers made quick work of summoning her excitement as I walked her backward.

  “Lay on the bed,” I commanded, the roughness in my tone surprising me.

  I had to admit, I loved being able to tell her what to do inside the bedroom. And the fact she complied so readily only encouraged me further. At least she listens to me in here.

  When she laid on her back, I’d taken a few deep breaths to try and calm down. The sight of her lying there before me was almost too much. I’d dreamed of this for so long it was taking extra time to compute it was actually real. Not wanting to waste another precious moment, though, I hooked my fingers in the top of her panties and slowly dragged them down her toned legs, flinging them somewhere across the room to join our other abandoned clothing.

  She was completely and utterly bare, her pussy shaved but for a small strip of hair. What do they call that? A landing strip? Crawling up the bed, I lowered myself down on top of her, leaning in close so I could taste her lips again. Her body was on fire underneath me, her skin so unbelievably soft to the touch. My hand entwined in the strands of her hair,
pulling in my excitement. I was afraid I was hurting her, but the only reaction she gave me was a moan, each and every time I tugged.

  Her sounds teased me, drove me wild until I couldn’t take it anymore. I broke our kiss and headed south, lavishing her skin with my hungry tongue. She tasted of anticipation, her hands gripping my shoulders the further down her body I ventured.

  “Alek,” she cried out, a bit of self-consciousness laced around my name. I knew she was a virgin, but I wondered if she’d ever let a guy go down on her before. The instant image had me seeing red, even though I knew I was being irrational. None of my emotions made any sense when I was near her, my brain and heart twisted up until confusion was the only thing I’d felt.

  Pushing those crazy thoughts from my head, I focused back on the woman lying beneath me.

  “I want to taste you.” As the words left my mouth, I saw her instantly relax. “And I am a very hungry man, sweetheart. Your sweet pussy”—I grinned—“is the only nourishment I need.” My hands spread her thighs wide. I didn’t give her a chance to respond before my tongue shot out and licked her sweetness. She bucked under my assault, so much so I had to put my hand on her hip to keep her still. I smiled as I continued to torment her, her juices coating my greedy tongue. When I dipped inside, I thought she was really going to lose it, her body trembling with excitement.

  After a few short minutes, I could tell she was close. Her breathing had become erratic, her hips doing a wonderful job of pumping against my mouth. She was as greedy as I was. Untold pleasure was within her grasp, and she was doing everything she could to claim it. Flattening out my tongue, I licked her one more time before closing my lips around her clit, driving two fingers inside her tight heat. I curved them, flicking against the bundle of nerves just within my reach.

  Her screams were like music to my ears. “Alek! I’m coming. Oh, God! Yeeessss!” She gripped my hair tightly in the throes of her passion. It was like lighting a fire within me. A deep moan of my own escaped, mixing with her delicious sounds.


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