Addicted (Addicted Trilogy Book 1)

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Addicted (Addicted Trilogy Book 1) Page 15

by S. Nelson

  I must have passed out, because the next thing I knew I was being lifted and carried back to my room, or at least I thought it was my room. I opened my eyes enough to see Alek tucking me into bed. I curled up once he was finished and drifted off again.

  “Sara. Sara, wake up. Come on. You have to drink something or you’ll get dehydrated. Come on, baby. Open your eyes for a couple minutes then you can go back to sleep.” I tried my best to obey, but it sapped the rest of my energy. I was simply too weak. When I didn’t budge, he lightly shook my arm. Groaning from the intrusion, I attempted to turn over, my eyes quickly taking in my surroundings.

  “Alek,” I whispered. “Where am I?” It wasn’t my bedroom, the tan walls giving it away. My room was a pale yellow, the color always lifting my spirits.

  “I brought you home with me,” he stated simply. “I can’t take care of you properly at your place.” He was still trying to get me to sit up, a feat easier said than done. “Come on, sweetheart. You have to drink this.” Once I was propped up against the pillows he’d arranged for me, I very carefully took the drink from his hands, bringing it to my lips and taking the smallest of sips. It was only water, but I knew I had to be careful; the smallest drop could have my stomach flipping.

  After I’d managed to swallow four whole sips, I pushed the cup toward him and scooted down the bed again. I wasn’t halfway back into my sleeping position before he jostled me again. “Don’t lie back down just yet. Here,” he said, placing something in my hand. “Take these.”

  When I glanced down, I saw he’d put two small pills in my hand. Pushing the glass of water back at me, I didn’t even question what he’d given me. I knew it was something to help me feel better, and that was all I cared about.

  Not saying a single word, I carefully swallowed the medicine before finally settling back under the covers.

  He leaned over and placed a kiss on my forehead before tucking me in. He lingered above me and when I opened my eyes, I saw he was simply looking at me. When his gaze met mine, he smiled serenely before taking a step back. “I’ll be back shortly to check on you.”

  I barely heard his last word before I fell into a blissful sleep.

  For once, my dreams were pleasant. Actually, they were more than pleasant. They filled my subconscious with hope, a yearning for a happiness I thought would never exist for me. I knew if he’d been watching me, he would have witnessed a smile on my face as I tossed and turned in his big, comfy bed. I would have also gifted him the sight of my back arching off the bed as the alternate world took hold and thrust me into the most erotic dreams I’d ever had.

  Alek being the main attraction.

  I was filled with hope and the promise of something wonderful happening between me and the one man who’d flipped my damn world on its ass. I knew it sounded corny, but I’d thought such happiness only existed in movies or in Hallmark cards. Hell, I would have been the first to give someone like me the crooked face, skepticism bleeding forth like a river of disbelief.

  Instead of jolting awake like I was used to, I peacefully slipped back into the land of the living. I quietly laid there, listening intently to the sounds around me. A soft tick tock from the clock beside me on the nightstand. A faint muffled sound from somewhere else in the house. A TV maybe?

  But the greatest sound of all?


  The room was cloaked in darkness, so I wasn’t exactly sure what time it was. The only thing I knew for sure was that my stomach rumbled, desperate for some much needed nourishment. What I’d eaten earlier had only been refunded later on.

  Feeling a little better, I mustered enough strength to actually make it to the bathroom to pee, the full glass of water I’d had earlier knocking on my tiny bladder.

  As I walked back toward the bed, fatigue taking hold rather quickly, Alek strolled into the room. He looked a little irritated, no doubt because I was up and moving around. I’m sure he didn’t want me ruining his nice comfy sheets, now did he?

  “What are you doing up?”

  “I had to use the bathroom,” I said, amusement counteracting his annoyance.


  “Is that okay? Or are you going to tie me to the bed?”

  “If I tie you to the bed, it won’t be while you’re sick.” He advanced a step before stopping himself, a devious look playing on his face. I knew exactly what he’d been thinking, and it made me smile. Gathering his wits again, he stepped closer. “Now, let’s get you back into bed.”

  Pulling back the edge of the blanket, he held it up as I scrambled underneath. I watched as he walked toward the other side of the room, admiring his fine ass as he moved.

  Sauntering back toward me, I took notice he had something in his hands. It was a bowl, the billowing steam drawing me right in. The closer he came the more the delicious aroma took hold of me, my stomach making some crazy noises.

  He’d made me chicken noodle soup, and although it didn’t seem like much it was very touching. A man taking care of his woman, bringing her soup when she was sick…was there anything more sweet?

  “You didn’t have to go through all that trouble, Alek,” I said, all the while grateful he’d made the effort.

  “No trouble at all. I’ll always take care of you.” He sat on the bed next to me, careful not to spill the hot liquid. “Always,” he repeated as he brought the spoon to my lips.

  I reached out to take it from his hands but he pulled back, knitting his brow in quick confusion. Oh, Lord, he wants to feed me, too?

  All right. I’ll give in. Besides, I honestly didn’t think I even had enough strength to do it myself, my body shaking a bit in my still-weakened state.

  After I devoured the entire bowl of soup, I situated myself further down the bed, snuggling in for a good night’s rest. Feeling guilty I couldn’t take care of myself right then, it was quickly abated when I saw the way he looked at me.

  A look of pride came over him as I allowed him to take the lead. To be the caretaker. To be the man capable of making his woman feel better.

  I fell for him even more that night.



  It took me three days to feel like myself again. Alek had insisted I stay with him until I was a hundred percent, and for once, I actually listened to him.

  Thankfully, Matt had been able to step in and run the shop in my absence. It was the only thing Alek didn’t truly appreciate, the fact I was relying on another man to help me out. It grated on his nerves, even though he did his best to hide it from me.

  But I saw it.

  His jaw would tighten whenever he heard me on the phone with my good friend. But he never said anything. Only reacted. Minutely. He was coming around slowly to the idea of Matt. He would never admit it, but I saw his concern slowly diminish the more time passed.

  My last night held willingly captive, we watched movies and ate take-out. I was pretty much back to normal; the only symptom I’d ever been sick was a touch of weakness. Not being able to eat normally for a few days took its toll on me. It was the first time I’d been able to eat solid food in days, the chicken and broccoli the most delicious thing I’d ever tasted.

  I’d been feeling so well, I’d tried to convince Alek to let me have my way with him. He didn’t budge, though he promised me an all-inclusive tour of Deveraville when I was completely back to normal.

  Even though I was disappointed, it gave me something to look forward to. Something to fantasize about and something to build toward.

  After we’d watched yet another movie, I’d fallen asleep on his chest, his warmth too inviting not to.


  A few hours after I’d drifted off, I awoke with a start. One of my nightmares decided to pay me a visit, making sure to scare the living hell out of me, as usual.

  The serenity was nice while it lasted, I guess.

  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  My heart rammed so quickly I felt its pulse through my entire body. I did my best to push away the feeling of
terror which had gripped me not minutes earlier. Once I deemed back in control, I turned my head to the side and saw Alek looking at me.

  Luckily, he hadn’t noticed the light sheen of sweat covering my body, or the terrified look in my eye when I’d first woken.

  Turning fully toward him, I focused on his eyes. Or at least, I tried to. He moved away, a look playing on his face as if he wanted to tell me something. As I prepared to ask him about it, he spoke, tearing me from whatever thoughts had plagued me in that moment.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked as he reached down and entwined his fingers with mine. Leaning closer, he nuzzled the side of my neck before lavishing my skin with his tongue. “I know I am.”

  His breath tickled me. I laughed and tried to move away, but his hold on me was persistent. “And what are you hungry for, Alek?” I asked while still squirming, hoping he’d changed his mind about giving me what I’d wanted earlier.

  “You, of course.” Before I could say another word, he was on top of me, pushing himself between my legs. My heart beat wildly inside my chest, but it wasn’t from fear or anxiety. It was from excitement, my need for him too great to contain any longer.

  To show him how much I wanted him, I captured his mouth, teasing his lower lip with my tongue until he opened up, which didn’t take long at all. I loved the taste of him, his warm breath mixing with mine. The way he made me feel was addictive.

  With every kiss and caress he gave me, I felt myself falling for him more and more.

  Mind, heart and soul.

  “Please,” I moaned, gripping his ass with my plea. But what did he do instead of giving me what I wanted? He broke our kiss and climbed off me, walking toward his dresser. Pulling out a pair of pajama bottoms, he threw them on before he approached me again.

  “You have no idea how much I would love to fuck you again, baby, but I know enough to realize you’re probably still a bit weak. And what I have planned requires a lot of strength and endurance.” He reached under the covers and gently ran his finger over my need for him.

  I gasped.

  He withdrew his hand before I could fully enjoy it. Drawing it up to his mouth, he parted his lips and dipped his finger inside. “Sweet,” he teased, winking and walking toward the door. “Since I can’t eat what I want right now, I’ll settle for a veggie omelet. You want one?” He was halfway through the door before I realized what he’d asked me.

  “Yes, please!” I hollered as he disappeared down the hallway.

  Damn him.

  I glanced over at the clock and noticed it was really late. I didn’t normally make it a habit of eating at that time, but I had to admit I was a bit famished, my body on the brink of a full recovery.

  I didn’t feel like putting my own clothes back on so I made my way into his very large closet, deciding to throw on one of his dress shirts. Reaching forward, I grabbed one off the hanger. Well, I tried to anyway. One side of the shirt was stuck and the more I pulled on it, the more it seemed to want to stay exactly where it was. I reached in further to untangle it, harshly yanking it toward me. Not only did the piece of clothing wedge free, but I’d dislodged something else, as well. I jumped back as something fell to the floor and hit my foot.

  Damn it. He’s going to think I was snooping. I was curious, of course, but it wasn’t right to go through his private things. Bending down, I reached for the fallen object and realized it was a folder, the contents scattered all over the closet floor. They appeared to be photographs, but I couldn’t be sure because they were all face-down. Picking everything up as quickly as possible, I noticed something familiar written on the lip of the folder.

  It was my name.


  Taking a deep breath, I tried to push away the sudden uneasy feeling coursing through me. Part of my brain was telling me to throw everything back together without looking. But the other part was urging me to look and not ignore what was staring me in the face.

  Of course, my curious side won out.

  I quickly reached down and grabbed some of the photos. Still having some reservations, I sucked in a deep breath, counted to three, exhaled and flipped the pictures over so I could get a good look at them.

  Trying my best to rationalize what I was looking at, I studied each and every one of them. But there was no explanation. A cloud of confusion engulfed me, threatening to tear the very breath from my body.

  All of the items I held in my trembling hands were pictures of me. There must have been at least a hundred in total, all taken over the past eight years or so, long before I’d moved to Seattle.

  There were some of me coming and going from the house I’d shared with my grandmother; pictures of me at my job at the bookstore I used to work for; pictures of me pumping gas, shopping and even hanging out with friends.

  The list went on and on.

  There was one picture which really caught my attention. It was of me leaving my therapist’s office, looking beat-down and emotionally drained. As my heart picked up speed, something dawned on me. All of these pictures were taken after the incident. To be sure, I looked through all of them again, but the conclusion was the same.

  None of them were taken before my life had changed forever.

  My mind drifted to a time when I was a very carefree and trusting person. I always looked for and believed in the good in people, often ignoring warning signs which should have been obvious to me. Even though I had endured tragedy early on in my life with the loss of my mother, I still lived a pretty sheltered upbringing. I believed everyone had a loving grandmother like I did. I believed everyone was honest, loving, kind and generous, simply because it was how I grew up. I was raised to be kind to others, to help them when they were in need, in any way I could. I lived in a bubble, sheltered from the harshness of the world around me. I used to be thankful I had that kind of naivety, but it ultimately shattered my protected way of life.

  A cold chill ran up my spine. I couldn’t dwell on the past. I had to forget and move forward…always move forward or he would win. I wouldn’t let that happen.

  I can’t let that happen.

  I forced my mind to come crashing back to reality.

  Why does he have these?

  Did he take the pictures? Was he following me the whole time? Did he have someone else following me all those years? I wanted answers. No. I needed answers, but I couldn’t face him right then.

  I had to get the hell out of there.



  My cell almost slipped from my fingers, I was so shaken. Dialing Alexa’s number, I held my breath until she answered. Finally, on the fourth ring I heard her voice.

  “Hey, Sara, what’s…” I didn’t let her finish before I spouted out a barrage of words.

  “Alexa, can you please come and get me right now? Please…I have to get out of here.” I didn’t sound like myself, and I was probably starting to scare her.

  “Oh, my God. Sara, are you all right? What happened?” She sounded as panicky as I did.

  “I can’t get into it over the phone. Please tell me you’ll come pick me up.” Of course, she agreed. I gave her the address and told her to text me once she reached the end of the road. After that, all I had to figure out was how I was going to get out of there without him noticing. And how the hell am I going to get the damn security gate open?

  I threw my clothes on, getting dressed faster than I ever had before. There was no time to waste; I had to devise a plan and do it quickly. I debated on whether or not to put the pictures back where I thought they had fallen from or leave them sprawled out on the ground. I ended up leaving them there. That way, he would undeniably know why I’d left.

  As I threw on my heels, I heard him coming up the stairs. Shit!

  “Sara, the food is almost ready. Do you want to come down now?” I could hear him walking down the hallway as he called out to me. He’ll be in the room any minute. I had to hide, so I went to where everyone eventually tried to shield themselves.

p; I hid under the bed.

  Hopefully, he’ll think I’m already on my way down and won’t spend too much time up here searching for me.

  My breath hitched as I saw his feet come into view. I wanted to desperately close my eyes but I needed to pay attention. I needed to know when he was gone so I could make my escape.

  “Sara? Are you in here?” He proceeded to enter the master bathroom, probably assuming that was where I was. But obviously he didn’t find me in there.

  Once he came upon the mess on the closet floor he stopped.

  He didn’t move.

  He seemed frozen in time, not quite sure what to do.

  Then came the cursing, various expletives flying from his mouth so fast it almost didn’t sound like English.

  Taking off like a bat out of Hell, he ran through all of the upstairs calling out for me. “Sara! Sara, where are you? Please, baby…please, let me explain.” His voice disappeared. I could only assume he was running through the downstairs looking for me, as well.

  Now’s my chance. I had to escape his house immediately. I crawled out from underneath the bed and quietly made my way from his bedroom, peering down the long hallway to make sure he wasn’t anywhere to be found.

  As quietly as I could, I creeped down the stairwell, being very cautious not to make any noise. I thought I heard him toward the back of the house, near the dining room, but his house was so large I couldn’t be sure. I sure as hell wasn’t going to stick around long enough to find out.

  Before he had the opportunity to find me, I bolted down the rest of the stairs and went straight for the front door. I yanked it open and ran down the steps, heading down the long driveway toward the gate. Alexa should be arriving soon, so I only have a limited amount of time to try and figure out how to open that damn metal confinement.

  Otherwise, I wouldn’t be going anywhere, which was so not an option.


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