Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2)

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Fated Magic (The Fated Saga Book 2) Page 28

by Sariah Skye

  Daniel's motorcycle and my purple car were parked in a nearly empty lot near the lighthouse and I was never more thankful than ever to see the ugly rust bucket then right now. Gabriel tossed me the keys and he sat in the back seat, allowing Maxxus to be in front near the vents.

  “I've never felt anything so fantastic,” he groaned with pleasure as I turned the key in the ignition and cranked up the heat. He practically plied himself to the dashboard as the heat blew out.

  I giggled at the sight; he lifted up the front of his robes allowing the warmth to blow on his legs. “You look ridiculous!”

  “Hey, shrinkage is a real thing you know!” Gabriel offered from the backseat, and I had to stifle another round of laughter as Maxxus shot a nasty look over his shoulder at him.

  Finnian rode on the motorcycle with Daniel, wrapping his arms around his waist and donning his helmet and I grinned at the sight.

  “Something your brother needs to tell us?” I questioned Gabriel, as Daniel pulled out onto the road nearby, and I followed him onto the scenic highway.

  Gabriel let out a small groan. “I don't know. Obviously, Daniel has the hots for him—Daniel has the hots for anything, of course—but Finnian seems to be encouraging it. I had no idea he was gay or anything and maybe he doesn't even know, but he claimed to want to ride the motorcycle because he never had, but—” he trailed off and I watched him shrug in the rearview mirror.

  “He looks awfully cozy there with your brother,” Maxxus observed.

  I nodded. Finnian seemed to clutch Daniel a bit closer than he needed to. I smiled to myself. It made sense, knowing all his demonic troubles—literally—with women over the years. Centuries, actually. I couldn't wait to grill him about it later.

  It was a short drive back to Castle Danger—I hadn't realized how close to the lake and the lighthouse we had been but I was very relieved to be back. I missed my apartment in Pineville, but Castle Danger was beginning to feel like home. Maxxus returned to his room for some new, fresh clothes and Finnian went off to do—whatever Finnian does. Gabriel and Daniel went to grab snacks, leaving me to go to Kiarra's alone. I was somewhat grateful for that because once she heard about my brother being attacked, I knew she wouldn't handle it well.

  It was still early in the square, and some early risers were milling about carelessly. One thing I noticed—and another reason I was feeling at home here—hardly anyone started their days before 10 o'clock AM. For that, I was grateful. Apparently, I wasn't the only mythological creature that hated mornings.

  I didn't think Kiarra would still be asleep—knowing her, she'd be on pins and needles awaiting our return—so when I reached her cottage and opened the door I didn't bother being quiet about it.

  “Lucy, I'm home!” I said, with a strange accent, mocking the infamous show as the door banged shut behind me.

  A pair of shrieks sounded from the kitchen and two bodies came barreling through the white, saloon-style doors.

  Kit was the first one to reach me. She flung herself at me with such force I could barely stand. “Oh my goddess we were so worried!”

  I regained my footing and hugged her back tightly. No sooner had I righted myself did Kiarra barrel into me. “I know time moves different here then back home, but holy shit we were scared!”

  I gave both of them a pretend look of dismay. “You didn't think I could handle it?”

  “What? Oh no, we—” Kiarra began, her eyes wide.

  I laughed. “Kidding. It only felt like about fifteen hours or so to us.”

  “How is that possible?” Kit mused. She threw up her hands and shrugged. “Oh hell I don't think I'll ever understand it.”

  “We don't even understand it,” Kiarra replied, and the two giggled.

  “I see you've made new friends,” I said to Kit who I noticed was looking well. Her wavy dark blonde hair was pinned up at the sides and trailed down her right shoulder in a stylish, thick fishtail braid. She'd traded her sweats for a long, pale pink skirt, flowing white blouse and long asymmetrical black vest. The pink in her skirt matched the healthy blush in her cheeks and I grinned at her appearance. I didn't think she'd had her own clothes here, but with the talent of those damn seamstresses, Hildie and Becka, I was positive they whipped up something for her in no time flat. “You look much better.”

  Kit slapped her hands together and let out a little squeal. “Oh, I do feel much better! In so many ways too!” She did a little curtsy in her skirt and twirled around. “Kiarra and I went back—with Finnian—and got some of my things.”

  “And retrieved some cats,” Kiarra said with a laugh, and on cue one of Kit's stray tabbies—a gray striped male with light green eyes—wandered in and plopped himself on a pillow on the floor.

  “I see that. Who'd been feeding them all that time? Had to of been Madison or Emily, huh?” I asked. “I did ask Madison to look in on them while I was gone before, but, she knew I'd been back, so…”

  Kit shrugged. “Oh, they're resourceful, they know how to find food if they need it. Just glad to have them back.” She pulled me by the sleeve—or started to—before wincing at the clammy state of my clothing. “Damn girl, what happened to you?”

  “Ugh. Finnian's little return portal dumped us in the Lake. Maxxus had been shifted and was butt naked after getting out of the water.” I snickered, recalling his backside fondly.

  My two friends nudged each other knowingly and I frowned. “What?”

  “The Leo boy drama continues, I see,” Kit retorted.

  I let out a huff. “Oh please.”

  Kiarra waved us off. “So, tell us what happened? Did you get anything out of Nicodemus? Did you kill him?”

  “Ha. No. But I'll explain more later. When everyone gets here. I need a damn shower or I'm going to start smelling like lake here soon.” I made a gagging noise. “Don't talk about me until I return, dammit.” I said, pointing at them both. They offered innocent smiles and giggles as I turned to the bedroom.

  “I unpacked all your clothes and put them in the bottom dresser drawer for now!” Kiarra called. “We didn’t have a ton of time to grab everything but we at least got a little to make you more comfortable.” I called back my thanks and headed towards the bedroom I'd been sharing with her.

  I noticed that the damage caused by the boys' little skirmish was mostly fixed, aside from a scar remaining on the far wall. The furniture that had been smashed was removed, though. I made a mental note to have Maxxus help replace that.

  My eyes fell on my pack as I scanned the room and I grinned. “Sweet!” That meant Maxxus' was probably there too; he hadn't lost all his clothes after all. I didn't have one of the official Finnian enchanto-sacks, but I had a pouch—I guessed that was all I needed.

  I grabbed some sweats and a tank from the dresser and new undies and went next door to the shower where I locked myself in. Not that it really mattered; just about everyone I knew could unlock it magically, but it made me feel better.

  The hot water felt divine on my lake-chilled skin (hey—dragons can tolerate cold, but it doesn't mean we all like it much!) and Kiarra's raspberry scented bath gels and lotions did the trick to help perk me up some afterwards. I smiled triumphantly at my reflection when I didn't have to do a thing to my hair and it still looked decent after merely towel drying. I noticed the brown had faded —a downfall of being a shifter—and my strawberry tone was peeking through. Oh well.

  After I dressed and did the bit of primping I was going to do, I opened the door and was immediately met with a cacophony of passionate voices.

  I groaned nearly silently to myself. “It begins.” I'd hoped Maxxus had already arrived and was at least mostly finished regaling the crowd on what had happened in Anarach.

  I joined everyone in the kitchen; Kiarra looked visibly distraught and was trying to distract herself by preparing food at the stove. Kit was helping her by squeezing lemons for lemonade. Maxxus, Gabriel and Daniel were arguing over something—what, I did not understand. Finnian was tappin
g his pencil against his lower lip, leafing through a book and oblivious to the noise. I grinned to myself; to an outsider we almost appeared like an actual, functioning family unit.

  Well look at that, I thought to myself, pleased. Maybe that's exactly what we were.

  I hated to interrupt; watching everyone was sort of strangely fascinating, but we needed a new game plan.

  We'd attempted to capture Nicodemus and failed. But, we had learned that the threat against the Court was very real. It wasn't just limited to the black dragon. We hopefully had given the Court enough time to act and minimize the damage. It’s too bad we couldn’t save the three that had perished, though—Kiarra’s boss especially. I wondered if she knew; judging by the crestfallen expression on her face I assumed she did. Nyzare was insufferable and boring, but kind generally. Kiarra had a certain affection for the eccentric dragon, I assumed.

  We learned that my magic was powerful enough to give him a run for his money; with Gabriel it just might be possible to take him on and win. At least, for now.

  Finnian was the first to notice my presence. His eyes lifted from the book along with his eyebrow and he nodded. “Leo. I hear your magic worked quite well over there. Glad to hear it.”

  Everyone silenced and turned to look at me.

  “It didn't work that well, Nicodemus is still free,” I replied dimly, trying to decide where I wanted to sit.

  I didn't feel like dealing with more boy competition so, I pushed Daniel over next to the chair near his brother and took the empty between him and Finnian.

  I ran my hands through my hair, shaking out more of the water. Finnian chuckled as his book was sprinkled lightly.

  “Sorry,” I said, not really sorry at all.

  “It's fine. It's no big deal, actually.” He lifted up the book, revealing a trashy romance book, complete with shirtless male and bodice being ripped off of the female's insanely ample bosom on the cover.

  I scoffed. “Oh hell no. We need to get you some better books, and stat!”

  “Leo!” Kit leaned over the table and grasped my right hand, fingering the gold and gemstone ring that Maxxus had made for me. “Oh my, that is so pretty, where did you get that?”

  “Um...” I blushed, exchanging a look with Maxxus who appeared equally as uncomfortable.

  Kiarra joined us and Kit pulled my hand toward her and she let out a little squeal. “It's a promise ring isn't it? Wrong finger, but—oh Leo!”

  I shot her a pointed look and she slapped her mouth. “Oh shit. Sorry.”

  Maxxus shifted uncomfortably in his seat and avoided everyone's gaze—especially Gabriel's.

  But he was looking at me expectantly. “What sort of ring is it, Leo?”

  I sighed. “It's a promise ring, essentially. Like Kiarra said.”

  He lifted a brow and set his mouth in a firm line. “And, who gave it to you. Finnian?”

  Finnian gazed at the sorcerer dully. “Cute, Gabriel. You're making it worse, you know.” I smiled at the Loremaster thankfully. The prick really was growing on me.

  Gabriel snorted, drumming his fingers on the table top. “Worse? How could it be any worse?”

  Finnian coughed pointedly and stood tall, resting his hands on the table. “Well, the Shadows. That's what makes it worse, okay?”

  Gabriel relented, frowning shamefully. “Fine...” he said under his breath, irritated.

  “You know what this means, right?” Finnian said, looking at everyone at the table in turn.

  “Nicodemus is attacking members of the Court. Elder Aleron—Leo's grandfather. Her brother.” Maxxus spoke grimly, hesitating to look towards Kiarra. “Countess Nyzare. It's not just limited to him, I'm afraid.”

  “Which means we're all going to need to go there, and take him out, and heal up the Court members that we weren't able to get to or evacuate them totally,” I said, cradling my face in my hands with a sigh. Back to Anarach... again. “Where we'd take them, I don't know.”

  “Castle Danger, of course,” Finnian replied flippantly.

  I eyed him suspiciously. “You're ready to open up the town to a bunch of dragons?”

  “Of course. That's the entire point of Castle Danger; solace for those who need it.”

  “They will go back and talk about it, though,” Kiarra pointed out. “It won't be secret any longer.”

  Finnian shrugged. “Sometimes, things change.”

  “That's very admirable of you, Finnian,” Maxxus said, appraising.

  “Think nothing of it. Hopefully it won't be a massive influx; I still think we have time to get to Nicodemus before it gets much worse. Even if it is, we'll deal with it. We'll need time to prepare; get a game plan going. Yes?” Finnian spoke. “I've been trying to find more research on how to best defeat the Shadows, however, it's slow going.”

  “Meh. Of course it is.” I sighed.

  “Um... guys…?” Daniel spoke hesitantly before he slumped in his seat, neck going slack and his head rolling on his shoulders.

  “Daniel! Shit!” Gabriel was at his brother's side in a heartbeat. He looked at me pleadingly, though he hadn't needed to; I was there in a half a heartbeat, helping hold Daniel upright so he wouldn't hurt himself. I stood behind him and rested his head against my stomach, gently stroking his cheek. He wouldn’t notice it, of course, but it made me feel better.

  “What's happening?” Kit gasped from across the table. Maxxus set his hands on her shoulders comfortingly.

  “He's a Seer, he's having a vision,” he explained calmly, though there was worry in his eyes.

  “Vision? It looks like a seizure! Are you sure—”

  “We're sure. It's happened before, many times,” Gabriel explained.

  I nodded reassuringly at my friend meaning yes, it happened. She relaxed slightly, but didn't appear exactly convinced.

  Daniel wheezed out of his mouth, his blue eyes rolling back in his head awkwardly. He seemed to choke slightly, but cradling his head, I carefully helped stretch his neck out for him to allow proper air.

  Finnian deftly leaped across the table and pushed his hand on Daniel's cheek. I watched him questioningly as his eyes flipped to muddy yellow when he stretched out his other hand and placed it on my cheek.

  “What are you—” but I couldn’t finish my statement; instead I was transported to the scene inside Daniel's mind.

  It was like viewing something through the opposite end of a telescope. It seemed blurry and far away, but it was clear by the red, brown and burnt orange banners with fruit and pumpkins and golden maple leaves on them where we were: the Court palace, on Mabon. We rarely put up the celebratory seasonal banners until the specific day of the Sabbat/Esbat we were celebrating.

  The walls were cold and stone like. Behind me there were rows of wooden chairs; along the walls were dozens of tables full of food of all kinds. Torches lit along the walls every five feet or so dimly lit the surroundings, and that's what I saw a foreboding image of something very large, almost misshapen... a dragon almost, entirely veiled in a muted black. Whatever it was seemed to almost have bite marks taken out of him. Or her. The figure turned, and eyed me with muddied, blood red eyes, that glowed an ominous purple as they looked in my direction. I knew what it was in that instant. Or who.

  Nicodemus. But, he appeared much different than he did just a short while ago. I remembered the time moved differently in Anarach than it did here. Whereas Mabon had passed a few days ago here, clearly it was happening back home. It was probably enough time for whatever what going to happen to him... to happen. Clearly somehow he'd strengthened.

  Nicodemus cackled quietly. He stomped one very large appendage and hundreds of slimy Shadow tendrils came shooting out of his foot. They snaked and slithered along the ground, quickly engulfing anything they encountered. Dozens, maybe even a hundred dragons in the Court enjoying the festivities were quickly overcome with the tendrils, shrieking and screaming in terror and pain as they were engulfed.

  Nicodemus was standing strategically o
ver something; a large object. I tried to peer around his huge dragon shoulder, but the vision wasn't allowing for it. So, I waited for Nicodemus to stand out of the way and when he did, I must have screamed in real life as well as in Daniel's vision.

  He shifted into his human form, which was generally ugly to begin with but now resembled somewhat of a red-eyed, skeletal reaper with a dark robe covering all but his menacing blood colored eyes. He turned to me and smiled; it was disturbing because where there should have been teeth, only a hole remained. Like… a black hole. Empty and soulless. He stepped aside slightly and I saw him shooting hundreds of Shadow tendrils from his hands over a form slumping uncomfortably in a large chair.

  Not a chair. A velvet maroon-colored, golden scribed throne. One that belonged to King Athalos.

  He was crying out in obvious pain and terror as the tendrils wrapped around him, starting with his feet and sliding upright, asphyxiating him by squeezing his chest and finally, his throat. The king fell sideways in the throne and tumbled onto the ground, where hundreds of more tendrils slunk across the stone floor and finished the job: he was totally covered, screaming and writhing in agony.

  Nicodemus said nothing, he only cackled. The only thing he did say finally: “Dead.”

  I gasped for air, my eyes flying open. I nearly fell to my knees, but someone was there quickly to catch me; the strong hands of Maxxus grabbed one arm, Finnian the other.

  I glanced over at Daniel, whose eyes were snapped shut, but he was breathing peacefully. I peered over at Gabriel questioningly, who nodded, knowing precisely what I would ask.

  “He'll be fine.”

  Maxxus helped me to sit on the nearest chair. He pulled my hand, the one with the ring on it close to his chest and gazed at me with concern. He rubbed it tenderly between both of his own and looked at me expectantly. “What is it, Leo? What did you see?”

  I swallowed nervously, after glancing at everyone gauging to see the level of panic on their faces. They already seemed to tell it was dire; even Kit, with very little knowledge of dragon dealings (though I expected Kiarra had filled her in a little bit on the past three days). Best not to sugar coat it.


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