Malice's Possession

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Malice's Possession Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  But here they were now, neither saying anything as this heavy feeling moved between them. Adrianna supposed she could have been in the main room with everyone else, but the truth was she liked being alone with Malice. He was the only one right now that made her feel safe.

  “Seeing as all this shit went down, Adrianna, I can’t let you just walk away,” Malice said. He was hard, unyielding, and stared right at her. “I want you to come to Colorado with me. I can find you work, make sure you’re safe, and most of all I want you close.” He said the last part just as hard as the rest, but she heard this vulnerability in his voice that she never had before. She could still fell the anger that surrounded him from what had happened earlier. His lip was split, and she could see some bruising starting to form on his cheek and jaw. He had looked like he had gotten into a fight when he came back from town, but the bruise was from when he had taken her down to the ground to protect her.

  Adrianna knew there was nothing for her in Fairview, and knew she had always planned on leaving with no set destination in mind. There wasn’t anything tying her down, and many things that pushed her to follow through with what she truly wanted to do. Staring at Malice, she really didn’t need to let his offer sink in. Going with him, getting a job that she could actually put herself into, work hard and make something for herself sounded very nice. But of course on the heels of that positive thought were the negative one—the wary ones—that pointed out all of the bad things that could happen. She wanted to leave, but was scared of what was out there, and especially since all of this other stuff had happened. She felt like she was walking on a tightrope and was seconds away from falling to her death. “I want to so badly, but I’m scared.” Those words came from her on a whisper.

  “Anyone in your situation would be scared, Adrianna. Hell, there are women out in the main room that are in tears, so what you’re feeling is totally understandable.”

  She nodded and kept her gaze with his. “I am so glad no one was hurt, well, aside from Phillip, but I hate to say he deserved what he got.”

  “I hope you’re not scared of me.” He said it almost like an afterthought, or at least that’s what it sounded like.

  “I am not scared of you.” Her throat felt so dry and almost like it was closing in on itself. “I’m just scared of what the next day holds, and what will happen in Colorado.”

  He didn’t say anything for several seconds, but he also didn’t look away from her. “I can understand your hesitancy, and although you don’t really know me, I am glad that you feel safe with me.” He ran his palms up and down his thighs, and she couldn’t help but watch the way his biceps and forearms flexed. “If I had to do all of this over again, I would, Adrianna, in a fucking heartbeat.”

  She felt her pulse race at his words. There was so much heart and determination in them that she didn’t doubt the sincerity of what he said. “I can never thank you enough.” They stayed silent. It could be dangerous leaving with him, but honestly it couldn’t be much worse than what she had lived with. Look at how things had played out in the last twenty-four hours. She hadn’t realized she was looking at her feet until she lifted her gaze and stared at Malice again. He seemed to be the master at not showing his emotions or what he might be thinking. She on the other hand didn’t even try hiding how she felt. “Okay.” She saw the way his shoulders relaxed as if he had been tense.

  He nodded. “Good. I’m glad, because believe me when I say I think this is the smartest and safest move.”

  Maybe she wasn’t as strong and independent as others out there, and feared what the world held, but she liked to think of herself as strong in her own right. She had survived, and wasn’t that what mattered? Before she could respond to what Malice had said he started speaking again.

  “We’ll leave in the next few hours. Once we get to River Run I’ll have you stay at the clubhouse since I’d rather you do that than stay in a hotel. It’s safer, too, and I want you close.”

  She smiled at the last part he said. Her throat clogged from emotion, anticipation, and of course a little bit of fear of the unknown.

  “I’ll need to talk all of this over with my club seeing as you’re an outsider.”

  “Do you think they will be okay with me staying there?”

  “I’m not about to back down if they aren’t.” Again, he said that last part hard and unyielding. “Tomorrow we can get you situated at a different place, and we can talk about that job. Sound good?” He said the last part a little more gently and even offered a small smile.

  “Okay.” Her palms were sweaty, her heart rate picked up pace, and she actually thought she might pass out from the information overload and everything that seemed to be falling into her lap. Malice stood and turned, but before he could leave she called out. “Malice?”

  He stopped and turned around.

  “Thank you so much for being there.” It was like this heavy silence filled the room.

  “You’re welcome, Adrianna.” He said her name so softly, so gently, that even after all of this she felt the tendrils of desire move through her.

  And then he left her alone in the room, and all she did was think about what would happen in the future. Things couldn’t get any worse, right?


  The ride to River Run had been long, but Adrianna had fallen asleep for the majority of it. She didn’t even think it was possible to sleep after all the shit that happened, and with the adrenaline that was a steady flow through her, but once she closed her eyes she had been out. Thank God those protestor people hadn’t been waiting for them when they left, because that was the last thing they needed right now. But if they were smart they would keep low given the fact they had rundown someone in their haste to escape. With six other women in the van it was a bit crowded, but with Malice driving instead of riding on his Harley with the other two guys, he had insisted she ride up front with him. She didn’t know any of the details about why they had a van full of women, and frankly didn’t want to know. But given the fact on how they were dress—like they were selling their bodies—and the fact she heard some of the hateful things those protestors were saying.

  She put everything else to the back of her mind and just focused on what concerned her. She was awake now and watched the large cabin-like compound come into view. It resembled a lodge, and Malice pulled the van up to a gate and waited for two guys to open it for him. Malice then drove the van up the unpaved dirt road. She couldn’t help the way her belly tightened and her heart raced the closer they got. This was a totally new experience, and she was doing it with a man she hardly knew, but one she realized she felt more comfortable with than anyone else in her life. But for as strange as all of this was she felt that it was the right thing for her to do. Besides, it couldn’t be any worse, right?

  Malice pulled the van to a stop in front of the cabin and cut the engine. It was still dark out, but the sun would be rising soon. Adrianna felt dirty and gritty from being in that car for so many hours, and from not bothering to shower after the Phillip and cop situation. Sleep sounded much better right now than getting cleaned up anyway. Besides, she was curious to see what this place looked like on the inside, and was nervous to see how Malice’s friends and the members of his club thought of her staying there. Before she could exit the car there were a few bikers coming out of the front doors of the cabin. They looked just as intimidating as Malice, and the closer they got she noticed the patches they wore on their leather vests. Of course they all said The Brothers of Menace MC, but the two men that were in front of the other bikers had patches that read PRESIDENT and V. PRESIDENT stitched into the chest part of their cuts.

  “That’s Lucien, our club’s president, and Kink, the VP.”

  She turned and looked at Malice.

  “Don’t worry. They look meaner than they actually are.” Malice smiled, but even Adrianna could tell that his words weren’t entirely true.

  The one named Lucien opened up the back door and the girls got out. There were a f
ew low murmured words from the bikers and then responses from the women. But Adrianna hadn’t been able to really gauge what was going on by what they said. When the last woman was out Adrianna glanced over her shoulder and locked gazes with Lucien. He was a big man, just as big and imposing as Malice. His hair was short and dark, and he had these eerie silver colored eyes that made her feel like he knew what others were thinking without anyone saying anything.

  “The trip went off without any more shit happening?” Lucien asked.

  “Surprisingly, yeah.”

  She looked over at Malice after he had spoken, and she could see he was now tense when just moments before he had been relaxed. He had since moved to the passenger side of the door, and before she could roll down the window, Lucien had her door opened. The breeze blew by her face, rustling her hair and bringing the scent of booze, marijuana, and motor oil.

  “And you’re good?” Lucien asked her.

  She looked at him, and nodded. There was a very dangerous air around him that seemed charged with this deadliness. Malice was the same way, but she couldn’t quite explain why she felt so comfortable with Malice and not this man. “Yes, for the most part. Thank you.” Adrianna didn’t miss how he scanned her face with his gaze, and then looked at her neck. She knew how she appeared, knew the bruising and marks on her face and throat were nasty and telling.

  Lucien didn’t say anything else to her, and lifted his gaze to Malice, who still sat right beside her. “Once everyone is settled in and had some rest we need a meeting.” There was this cryptic quality to Lucien’s voice.

  Malice didn’t verbally respond, just nodded, and then Lucien did the same. She saw the way Malice still had his hands on the steering wheel, and how tightly his hands were clenched around it. Lucien left her door open and turned to walk back into the cabin where the rest of the men and women had gone. The silence descended upon them, but this wasn’t the comfortable kind they had shared before.

  “You can rest up here for the time being, but I am going to look for other accommodations for you.” He turned and looked at her. “You’re safe here, and no one will hurt you.”

  “Okay, thank you.” She looked over at the cabin again. “Just as long as it isn’t an inconvenience to anyone—” Before she could finish her sentence Malice had a hold of her hand. Adrianna glanced down at where he had his much larger hand over hers, and then looked at his face.

  “It isn’t an inconvenience, and if I didn’t want you here I wouldn’t have even suggested it, Adrianna.” There was this hard, angry edge to his voice.

  “Okay.” That was all she could say. She knew that her attitude was timid and standoffish, but this whole situation was different from what she had ever known. Someone was going out of their way to make sure she was safe. Maybe it was her being a doormat, or not standing up for herself and thinking more highly of what others were doing? She might not be able to fully express how much all of this meant to her, but it meant the world. “Malice?”

  He was still holding her hand, and now ran his thumb along the back of hers. He didn’t answer, but looked up at her.

  “Thank you for helping a total stranger.” She might be saying “Thank you” a lot, but she would keep saying it. She really was grateful. She felt the heat in the van increase and felt perspiration start to dot the area between her breasts.

  “You don’t have to keep thanking me, Adrianna.”

  “I know, and I’m sure you’re getting sick of hearing it, but I’ve never had anyone do the things you’ve done for me.” Whatever was happening right now was intense and potent. She felt the hairs on her arms stand on end, felt everything inside of her race to the surface and heat her skin. They continued to stare at each other, and even with the shadows of darkness moving through the interior of the vehicle, Adrianna could clearly see the way his pupils dilated. This need to open up to Malice moved through her and filled her in a comforting, real way. As strange as it sounded, it really did feel like there was this magnet pulling her toward him in the literal and figurative sense. Adrianna had never believed in happily-ever-afters, never thought soul mates or true love were real. And although she still didn’t know if she believed in those things, she did have faith in what was real and right in front of her. Malice was those two things, and she knew she wasn’t the only one that felt this connection either.

  Slowly, they both started to move closer, and it was like this cord was being tightened. Her breathing increased, and Malice’s chest rose up and down, hard and fast. God, she had never met a man that was so ruggedly masculine, and so intoxicating that she felt this growth of life spring up inside of her just from being in his presence.

  When there was only an inch between them she had to force herself to keep her eyes open as arousal pounded through her veins like an angry drum. She was wet between her legs, and there was no doubt that her nipples were pressing against the material of her shirt. “Malice, do you feel this, too?” She could have kicked herself for saying out loud what was supposed to be an inner thought. But he didn’t respond and instead groaned deeply, took his other hand and gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger, and held her in an unmovable hold. And then his lips were on hers, and he stroked his tongue along the seam of her mouth. A gasp left Adrianna on its own, and Malice took that time to delve his tongue inside of her mouth, and fuck her like she wanted him to do between her thighs. That thought and filthy image slammed into her head and made it spin with desire.

  It was clear he was being gentle with her as he held her chin between his fingers. But the sting from her tender lip speared through her, and a gasp of pain left her. Malice pulled away instantly, and lowered his gaze so he was looking at her lip.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry.” He still hadn’t moved away from her, and his minty breath from the gum he had been chewing moved along her face.

  “Why?” She breathed that word out.

  “You’re hurt, and I shouldn’t have been so forceful. I shouldn’t have even kissed you.” He went to pull away, but as if on instinct she reached out and placed her hand over his that was still holding onto her chin. He stilled, glanced into her eyes with his gaze, and she swore he stopped breathing.

  “I don’t want you to stop.” Licking her lips and feeling the tender spot on her mouth, she wanted him kissing her again so that discomfort could be erased with how good he made her feel. Malice leaned in close and pressed his mouth to the corner of hers. The kiss was gentle, comforting, and not at all how it had been just seconds before—how she actually wanted it. He pulled away far too quickly, but she knew it was for the best. This was not the time or place for any of this, and although she didn’t want to let go of these feelings moving through her, or away from Malice for that matter, things were moving so fast.

  He let go of her chin and shifted in his seat so he was facing out the front windshield. “I’m sorry about that again.” When he ran his hand over his hair and breathed out, she felt very uncomfortable. Of course she didn’t want him to be sorry for what they had done, because she wasn’t.

  He looked at her then, and she saw the way his throat worked as he swallowed. “But I’m not sorry you did it, or that I really enjoyed it.” They stared at each other for several seconds, and then he breathed out and climbed out of the van. She sat there alone and in silence, watching him through the front windshield as he walked around the front of the vehicle and stopped at the passenger side. Grabbing the handle and twisting it, she pushed it open before he could, because she knew that was what he had been going to do. Malice wrapped his hands around her waist when she went to climb down, and easily lifted her off the seat and set her on the ground. For a second he kept his hands on her, and stared down at her with this half-lidded, barely restrained look on his face.

  “After we have rested up we can talk about that job and where you can stay until you get on your feet.”

  Talking wasn’t what she wanted to do, but she nodded regardless. In fact, she was still aroused, even though he had
gotten cold so quickly.

  “Come on. You have to be beat.” He turned and stared walking forward the front of the cabin, and she had no choice but to follow. Even after everything that had happened, and the sudden arousal and awkwardness, Adrianna knew that this was still the best choice she had made. At least that was what she kept telling herself. Even though she felt this very good sensation because she was moving on with her life, she also knew that jumping into all of this with both feet and her eyes closed could very well end in disaster.

  Chapter Nine

  Kink pulled his Harley into Sarah’s driveway, cut the engine, and willed himself to calm down. The last thing he wanted to do was piss her off, because she was a mega bitch as it was, and he was willing to talk this out with her instead of going ballistic like he wanted to. Taking off his helmet and hanging it from his handle, Kink sat there for a moment and stared at the small ranch style house on the outskirts of River Run. He thought about the conversation he’d had with her a few days ago, the one that had sent him into a ballistic rage and had him taking out three guys before Lucien stepped in and told him to take it easy. It wasn’t just about kicking those fuckers’ asses, but making money for The Brothers. Those bare knuckle fights might have helped relieve his anger and tension, but it didn’t help his MC if no one bet against him. He pushed those thoughts out of his mind and made his way toward Sarah’s front door. He hadn’t called and told her he was coming over, because the cold hearted bitch would probably leave just so he couldn’t see Callie. Seeing his kid every other weekend and once a week was a load of horseshit, but he had toed the line and kept straight with the agreement. Seeing her those few days a month was better than nothing at all.

  Once in front of the door he brought his closed fist down on it three times. He was still pissed, and being here, so close to Sarah—the woman trying to keep him from his child—didn’t help his anger. He was about to pound on the door again when it swung open. Sarah stood on the other side, her clothing looking like she was heading out to the strip club to make a few bucks. But then again that was where he met her out, where he’d fucked her, and what her entire life had been about.


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