The Celebrity Cat Caper (A Klepto Cat Mystery Book 6)

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The Celebrity Cat Caper (A Klepto Cat Mystery Book 6) Page 18

by Patricia Fry

  Damon took the carrier and grinned. "I don't think I can get my own renovation show on TV yet, but it seems to be a serviceable shelf."

  "Walter's on the plum chair in the living room," Michael said. "Can you put him in that carrier?"


  Michael deposited two more carriers in the living room and then walked down to the nursery. "How's the packing coming, hon?" He asked when he saw Savannah stuffing things into Lily's diaper bag. He grabbed her around the waist and said, "Ready for an adventure?"

  "I guess, but I'm scared."

  "Just get us packed. I'm gathering up the animals. I'll meet you in the living room."

  "Who's here, Michael? I heard you talking to someone. Or was that my aunt you were talking to."

  "Dang, I forgot to call her. I'll do that now." He placed the call and then picked up Buffy with one hand and carried her to Damon. "Can you put her in the small carrier? Then see if you can find Rags. I think he's upstairs." He turned away from Damon and said into his phone, "Oh, hi, Maggie. We have a problem. Craig wants us out of the house. We're on our way over with the menagerie. Can you make room for us? Great, thanks. I'll tell you all about it when we get there. Gotta go, Maggie."

  Michael looked up in time to see Damon hurrying down the stairs with Rags in his arms. He opened the door to the third carrier and Damon pushed him inside.

  "Better get their food," Michael said, rushing toward the kitchen. "Oh heck, Maggie and Max have cat food." He headed out. "Not dog food, though," he turned and went back into the kitchen to retrieve Lexie's bowl and food.

  Lexie climbed out of her bed, shook herself, and walked over to Michael, ready to be fed.

  "No, you had your dinner. This is for later. But we'd better take your bed. Gads, this family requires a lot of stuff," he quipped, trying to keep the mood light.

  Once he'd deposited Lexie's belongings next to the cat carriers near the front door, he reached out and shook Damon's hand. "Hey, thanks for the help. Really appreciate it. But I think you should get out of here. Craig thinks it's some sort of danger zone tonight."

  Suddenly, the two men noticed headlights shining through the stained glass windows framing the front door. "That's probably our police escort," Michael said. He covertly pulled back an edge of the drape and peered out.

  "Is it them?" Damon asked.

  "Yeah, I think so. There are two of them and they're coming this way. Oh yeah, it's them. I can see the sheriff's car. Savannah, let's go," he called.

  "I need help," she said.

  "Of course she does," Michael said. "She has two bags and the baby…" he started down the hall.

  "I'll help her," Damon said. "You let the cops in and then we can load the cats in your car."

  "Okay. Thanks."

  Once the Iveys' SUV was packed with the entire family and their belongings, Damon drove off in his own car. Michael followed him out of the driveway and down the road as far as Margaret's and Max's place, a sheriff escort accompanying them.

  When the couple exited the car, Max and Margaret greeted them in the driveway. "What's going on, Michael?" Margaret asked breathlessly.

  "Let's get everyone inside and we'll tell you all about it," Michael said. He turned to Deputy Ben. "So will you be watching over us here or watching over our house?"

  "Both," he responded. "We know he's out there somewhere and we're pretty sure you're his next mark. So we are looking for him wherever he shows up. We have a bead on his acquaintances here and the car he's driving. He's on the radar of departments in three counties. We will get him. As soon as we do, you folks can go home and relax."

  "Come on, Savannah," Max said, putting his arm around her and the baby and walking them into the house. He called over to Margaret, "Maggie, take care of her. I'll help Michael."

  "Vannie, you're shaking like a leaf," Margaret said when she approached her niece.

  "I'm so scared, Auntie. So scared."

  "You're safe here. And you heard Ben; they will stay here until he's caught." Once inside, Margaret turned to Savannah and asked, "Who are they looking for, anyway? Michael didn't give me any details on the phone."

  "I don't know much yet, either, but I'm pretty sure it's Lance Grayson."

  Margaret gasped. "Holy Cow. He's still after you?"

  "No, he's after Michael."

  "Michael," she said thoughtfully. "I didn't know Lance had changed…persuasions…"

  "No, Auntie, he wants to…hurt Michael. Or at least Craig thinks he does. Lance thinks Michael has information that will incriminate him."

  "What kind of information?" she asked.

  Just then, Max and Michael carried in the three cats. Michael asked, "Where do you want them, Max?"

  "Well, we have an empty pen out in the cat house, or they can roam the house with our group. It's up to you."

  "Savannah, what do you say we put the cats in the pen tonight—okay with you?"

  "Yes, I guess," she said.

  "Here's your dog," Deputy Ben said, leading her in by the leash.

  "Just drop the leash," Savannah said. "Come here, Lexie." She petted her reassuringly and commanded her to lie down while the men finished unloading the car.

  Eight minutes later, Michael and Max joined the women in the living room. Savannah sat on the sofa, cradling Lily in her arms.

  "So Michael, what is the rest of the story?" Margaret asked. "Why are you here?"

  He sat down next to Savannah and took her hand. After clearing his throat, he said, "They think Lance Grayson killed Chris Sparks and Julie." He squeezed Savannah's hand. "Today, they found Leslie Sparks strangled to death in her room at the institution."

  Savannah gasped. "Oh no," she said.

  Michael continued, "Someone there identified Grayson. Now they think he's after me."

  "Good gosh," Max said. "That videographer?"

  "That womanizer?" Maggie said, anger apparent in her voice.

  "That poor woman," Savannah said. "She was sure he would come back, but I don't think she thought he would kill her."

  Everyone looked at Savannah. She continued talking quietly in monotone, "She was waiting for him. All those years, she waited."

  "Honey, are you okay?" Michael asked.

  "Oh Michael," she said, bursting into tears, "she waited four years with that disfigured face and he finally came…and he killed her?" she asked, shaking her head.

  Margaret reached over and took sleeping baby Lily. Michael folded Savannah into his arms and rocked her while she sobbed.

  An hour later, Michael emerged from the spare bedroom. "My girls are sleeping soundly," he announced to Margaret and Max, who were both sitting in their recliner chairs reading. Layla, Margaret's tangerine faux Persian lay next to her on the leg rest. Two additional cats were curled up in kitty beds here and there and Lexie looked comfy in her favorite bed.

  "Wait, do you hear that?" Michael said.

  "What?" Margaret asked, her dark-brown eyes wide, her brows disappearing under her bangs.

  "Sirens," Max said. "Yeah, I hear them."

  "They're getting closer. Do you think they're coming out here?" she asked.

  "I just hope they don't wake Savannah," Michael said.

  Margaret looked toward the hallway. "Too late," she said.

  Everyone turned and saw Savannah walking into the living room carrying Lily wrapped in a blanket.

  "Did she wake up? I'm sorry, I didn't hear her," Michael said.

  "No, she didn't. I just couldn't leave her there out of my sight. I heard the sirens. Are they going to our house?"

  "Maybe we should have gone to Iris's," Michael said.

  "She doesn't have room for all of you," Margaret said. "You'll be safe here."

  "Michael, walk out with me to the pens to check on the cats, will you?" Savannah said.

  "Um, okay, I guess it's safe."

  "Yeah, you don't have to go outside," Max said. "Just take that side door and you'll walk right into the cat house."

don't look too upset," Savannah said upon seeing the three cats. "I might take Buffy back with me, though. She would be more comfortable near Lily, don't you think?"

  "Whatever you say, hon. Sure, let's take her and her bed in the house and see how she does."

  "Michael, the sirens are coming here. My gosh, they're close. Let's get back in the house."

  "Look, guys," Margaret said, from her living room window. "Your house is all lit up."

  "It's not on fire, is it?" Savannah asked, fear in her voice.

  "No, car lights and spotlights. They must think he's lurking around over there." She turned to Savannah and Michael. "I'm so glad you came over here. Craig really had your back." She hugged Savannah and the baby in her arms and started to cry.

  Bang! Bang!

  Bark! Bark! Bark!

  "Settle, Lexie," Michael said, gently petting the dog's head.

  "Dear God," Max said. "Let's go to the center of the house—the hallway. Hurry," he said, herding the two women in that direction.

  "Oh no," Savannah said.

  "What?" Margaret asked.

  "They woke up the baby."

  Savannah moved to the back of the small hallway and began bouncing and walking a little in an attempt to calm the baby. "Let me take her," Michael said.

  Savannah handed her to him. "Now stay back here away from the front of the house!" she said sounding near hysterics.

  Margaret looked over at her niece and rubbed her arm with her hand. "You know, kiddo, I've seen you in several seriously dangerous situations and I've never seen you so upset."

  "You've never seen anyone threaten my baby. It's not just about me, anymore, you know. I have Lily to think about and Michael," she wailed.

  Max walked up to Savannah and hugged her. "We'll be okay. Don't you worry."

  "Thanks Max. You're a rock," Savannah said. She smiled up at him through tears and patted the hand that hugged her shoulder.

  "My phone," Michael said. "Who would be calling in the middle of a shootout?" He looked at the screen and announced, "It's Craig." Into the phone, he said, "Craig. What's going on?"

  "Lance Grayson is on his way to the morgue."

  "Thank God," Michael said, releasing what felt like an enormous amount of tension in one giant sigh. He said out loud to the others, "They got him." He then asked Craig, "So was that you guys shooting outside here?"

  "Yeah. You're at Maggie's, are you?"


  "Well, he showed up here at your house and our guys confronted him. He pulled out a gun. When he wouldn't drop it, the officers responded by firing. He won't be hurting anyone else in this lifetime."

  "Thanks, Craig. Thanks so much."

  "Doin' my job. That's all." His demeanor changed when he asked, "How's Savannah?"

  "Pretty shook up. But she'll be fine now that you've taken care of the threat."

  "Tell her, I still think she and her cat make a good detective team. 'Night Michael."

  Michael tucked his phone away and looked around at everyone. "Well, we can go home, now. It's safe." When no one spoke, he said, "Or, I guess we can have a…what do you call those sleep parties?"

  "Sleepover," Savannah said quietly, a hint of a smile emerging through tears.

  "Slumber party," Margaret said. "Yes! Spend the night. Max and I would love the company." She addressed her husband. "Imagine, Max, waking up to Lily's sweet smile in the morning."

  "Yeah, that would be a treat," he said.

  "Well, what do you say, Savannah?" Michael asked. "You and Lily are already in your jammies."

  "I guess so. I would like to go to bed in a house full of family tonight. Only…"

  "Only what, Vannie?"

  "Only, I miss Rags."

  "What?" Margaret said. "He's about five steps from you. What do you mean you miss him?"

  "He likes to put me to bed. And I miss him."

  Michael smiled. "She's right, guy. Rags almost always follows Savannah into the bedroom at bedtime. Once she's tucked in, he may stay or he may leave for the night."

  "Awww, we can't separate the slumber-twins, can we?" Margaret said. "I'll go get Rags." She turned and said, "But I can't bring Rags in without Walter. He probably misses his best friend, Lexie."

  "Probably," Michael said. He smiled over at Savannah, who still stood in the hallway. "It looks like everyone has somebody in this household tonight."


  "Good morning, honey," Michael said snuggling up against his wife.

  "G' mornin'," she said stretching and yawning. Suddenly she sat up and looked around. "Oh, I forgot," she said lying back down, "we're at Auntie's." She raised up again and said, "Lily! Where's Lily? Her bed's empty!"

  Michael lifted himself up and looked over at the portable crib. "Well, she didn't crawl away. She must be with Maggie."

  Savannah leaped out of bed and rushed through the open door, down the hall, and through her aunt's living room. "Auntie?" she called. When she entered the kitchen, she stopped and took in a welcome breath. There, all smiles, sitting on Margaret's lap, was Lily, hugging her calico kitty to her chest with both pudgy hands. Max sat on a stool on the other side of the room waving a feather wand across the floor, engaging a couple of young cats in play. The baby laughed each time one of them ran, jumped, or scooted across the floor. Buffy and Layla sat on the kitchen table watching the activity.

  "Just go back to bed, you, two," Margaret said when she saw Michael join Savannah at the kitchen door. "We have everything under control, right Max?"

  "Sure do," he said smiling.

  "I didn't even hear you come in," Savannah said. "Was she fussing?"

  "Just started. I grabbed her before she woke you up."

  Max chuckled. "Yeah, she stood in the hallway for an hour waiting for the baby to make a sound."

  "Did not," she said, defensively.

  Savannah walked toward the baby, bent down, and kissed her cheek. "Well, I'm ready to get up. Want me to fix breakfast for us?" she asked.

  "It's under control," Max said. "I made a breakfast casserole. I'll put it in the oven as soon as you're ready to eat."

  "Cool," Michael said. He moved closer to the window and peered out toward their house. "Everything looks okay. I'll be glad to get home," he said. He turned toward Margaret and Max. "Not that this hasn't been fun. Sure do appreciate you guys being here," he said.

  "Yes, we do," Savannah agreed. She then said, "I'm going to get a quick shower."

  "So breakfast in, what…" Max asked, "…an hour?"

  "Naw, she's pretty speedy," Michael said. He studied his watch. "I'd say she'll be ready for her juice and coffee in seven minutes flat."

  Margaret raised her eyebrows. "Really?"

  "Yup," he said. "Now get going, hon, you're being timed."

  Six minutes and fifty-four seconds later, Savannah emerged dressed, smiling, and with her wet hair in a side braid. "Well, I'll be; she did it," Max said. "You must be a unique woman. It's been my experience that women spend a lot of time in the bathroom."

  "Oh, I can do that, too, when I want," Savannah said. "But this morning, I'm hungry. Is that casserole ready yet?"

  "Oh, my phone. It's Craig," Michael announced. He walked out into the cat room to take the call. When he returned, Savannah was pouring juice and coffee, Max was just taking the casserole out of the oven, and Margaret was playing peek-a-boo with Lily.

  "Anything new?" Savannah asked when she saw Michael step back into the kitchen.

  He shook his head. "Not much. Craig wants to come over this morning and look around in case there's something they missed last night. He still has some puzzles to solve."

  "Are you going to work today?" Savannah asked.

  "Naw, I asked Bud if he could handle things today. I told him I'm needed by my family."

  Savannah reached out and caressed his neck for a moment. "Always," she said.

  "So what puzzles does Craig want to solve?" Max asked.

  "Like, how did Grayson get the heavy fr
eezer out of that basement room and down the ravine," Michael said.

  "Yeah, how in the heck did he get it up those stairs?" Margaret asked.

  "I suggested that maybe he paid a couple of strong teenagers or homeless guys to help him."

  "Sure, that makes sense," Max said.

  Michael continued, "I told him a lot of young boys have trucks these days, so Grayson might have put gas in a truck in exchange for some kids driving up into the canyon and dumping it."

  Max nodded. "Good thinking, Michael."

  Margaret placed Lily in her cradle swing and then said, "So the sunken room did hide a mystery. I guess the reason the room was closed up was actually to hide the body, huh?"

  "That's what Craig figures," Michael said. "But he says you can't solve a murder by assumption."

  Margaret scrunched up her face. "What does that mean?"

  "He doesn't think Lance Grayson murdered Chris Sparks?" Max asked.

  "He's pretty sure he did, but I don't think he has evidence. Just like he doesn't have conclusive evidence in Julie's murder," Michael explained. "I guess he didn't get a confession from Grayson before he died."


  The Iveys arrived home later that morning. After putting Lily down for a nap, Savannah joined Michael on the wrap-around porch. She set the baby monitor on the railing and picked up a section of the newspaper Michael was reading. Just then she noticed Rags looking at them from the kitty perch at the kitchen window. "Oh Ragsy," she said, "do you want to come outside?" She spoke to Michael. "It is a pretty day; I think I'll bring him out."

  Michael smiled. "Sure, he'll enjoy that." He peered over the paper at her and said, "But make sure you leave his leash on this time. I don't feel like climbing any trees today."

  Savannah led the lanky cat out the door on his long tether and then let him take the lead.

  "Where's he taking you?" Michael asked with a chuckle.

  "I don't know," she said. "I think we're going to the corral."

  Just then, Savannah heard a car approaching the house. She squinted in the direction of the driveway and called out to Michael, "I think Craig's here." She then waved and hollered, "Hi Craig! We're out here!"

  "Good morning," Craig said as he walked toward her. "Is he taking you for a walk?" he asked, grinning down at the cat.


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