Dropkick My Heart: Powerhouse M.A. Series

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Dropkick My Heart: Powerhouse M.A. Series Page 19

by Winter Travers

  Stars exploded behind my eyes as my orgasm slammed into me. I chanted Kellan’s name over and over as he continued to thrust his fingers in and out, drawing out my ecstasy.

  One last tremor coursed through my body, and Kellan laid his head on my thigh. “Holy fuck, Molly.”

  I opened my eyes and looked down at Kellan. “Is that a good holy fuck?”

  Kellan’s eyes crinkled around the edges, and a smirk crossed his lips. “Your pussy milked my fingers so fucking hard, I swear to Christ, I was close to coming myself.”

  Relief swept through me, and I laid my head back. “Thank God.”

  “You need to stop doubting yourself, Cookie. That was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.”

  I laughed and sat up, leaning back on my elbows. “Think they’ll make me the eighth wonder of the world?”

  “You damn sure deserve it.” Kellan glanced over his shoulder. “Fuck, I have class in twenty minutes. Kids are going to start showing up any minute.” Kellan grabbed my bra and shirt and pulled them down.

  “What?” I shouted. “Kellan, I’m half naked. Get off of me.” I bucked my hips, trying to shove him off. The man was acting like it wasn’t a big deal that twenty kids were about to see me naked with their teacher draped over me.

  Kellan rolled off me and stood up. “Relax, Cookie. I’m the only one who gets to see your gorgeous body.” He held his hand out to me and pulled me off the couch.

  “Well, that’s not going to happen if I don’t get my pants back on.”

  “Yo, Kellan?”

  I dropped down to the floor and slapped my hand over my mouth.

  Kellan walked to the door and leaned out. “Give me five minutes, Ro.” He shut the door behind him and leaned against it.

  “Kellan, I’m half naked,” I whispered. “And he is right out there.”

  Kellan grabbed my pants and sat down on the couch. “Come here.”

  I shook my head and reached for the pants. “No. I’m not touching you. My clothes seem to start falling off when that happens.”

  He held my pants behind his head and crooked his finger at me. “Come here, and I’ll help you put them on.”

  I rolled my eyes but gingerly stood up. My legs were still a bit jello-y, and I stumbled over to Kellan. I put my hands on his shoulders, and he wrapped his arms around my waist, my pants now behind me. “Can I see you tonight?” he asked, looking up at me.

  “Can we discuss this after I put my pants on?”

  He shook his head no and tossed my pants behind the desk. “Not until you tell me I can see you again.”

  This man was absolutely crazy. Did he not care that one of his friends was not even ten feet away? “You can see me right now.” I tried to pull out of his arms, but he tugged me into his lap, and I straddled his waist. “Kellan, I don’t have any panties on,” I protested, pushing at his chest.

  His hands glided over my thighs, pushed up my shirt, and grabbed my ass. “I know, Cookie. That’s how I like you.”

  “I’m starting to think you only have sex on your brain.”

  He shook his head and pressed a light kiss to my lips. “No, baby. I’ve got you on the brain. I haven’t been able to focus on anything this whole damn week because no matter what I was doing, it was you I was thinking of.”

  I slid my hands up his chest and wound my arms around his neck. I guess if Kellan didn’t care that I didn’t have pants on, then why should I? “I think we both had the same problem.”

  “Oh, is that right? All along the cure to our problem was just next door.”

  I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead against his. “I really need to get my pants on, but you’re not helping me.”

  “That’s because I’m half tempted to lock the door, and not let you out until I’ve tasted every inch of your body. The hell with classes.”

  I pressed my body into him, wishing that were really a possibility. “Raincheck?” I whispered.

  “Definite raincheck, Cookie.”

  I planted my hands on his chest, and his arms loosened around me. “And yes, by the way,” I mumbled as I stood up and grabbed my pants from behind the desk.

  Kellan ran his hands through his hair. “You’re gonna have to remind me what the question was again.”

  My pants became my enemy as I struggled to untangle them. “I guess if you don’t remember the question, then it wasn’t important.” I managed to work my pants up my legs and realized I didn’t have underwear on. Son of a bitch.

  Kellan had the offending My Little Pony panties hanging from his fingers with a smirk on his lips. “I think you forgot something.”

  “Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to get these damn pants on?” I complained.

  “I guess I’ll just keep these then.”

  My jaw dropped as he stood up and shoved them into his pocket. “Kellan, give me back my panties.”

  He shook his head and moved to open the door.

  “Kellan, what are you doing,” I protested. “I don’t have my shoes on. Everyone is going to know what we were doing in here.”

  He looked over his shoulder at me and laughed. The damn man laughed at me again. “I hate to break it to you, Molly, but nobody else has shoes on out there, and I didn’t just have my hands down their pants.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “I see we’re back to being an ass. And I would hope you haven’t had your hand down Roman’s pants.”

  He winked at me and opened the door. “Try not to look like I just rocked your world, Cookie.”

  I snapped my mouth shut and glared at him. He disappeared out the door, and I heard him talk to Roman.

  “Shit,” I muttered. I dashed out of the office, not making eye contact with Roman and Kellan who were standing next to the front desk, and grabbed my shoes. I forgoed putting my socks back on and shoved them in my pockets. I didn’t have underwear, so I might as well buck all undergarments. My feet slid into my shoes, the backs of them bent down under my feet, and I shuffled towards the door.

  I was mid-shuffle of shame when Kellan called my name, but I decided escape was more important.

  “Molly,” he gripped my arm, but I managed to grab hold of the door, and pulled Kellan out with me.

  “I need to get back to work,” I mumbled.

  He spun me around, wrapped his arm around my waist, and pulled me flush against him. “You gonna leave without telling me where you live?”

  “403 Clarence Place. Apartment 278.” My head was pointed at the ground, and I was trying not to die of embarrassment.

  He hooked his finger under my chin and raised my head. “Now, kiss me goodbye.”

  My eyes frantically darted around, and I shook my head. “Are you crazy?” I hissed.

  His hand stroked my cheek, and he leaned in, his lips a breath away from mine. “You’re gonna have to get used to me touching you, Molly. I could care less who sees.”

  “Seriously, Kellan, this is a little too much for me right now.” I could barely wrap my head around the fact that Kellan was talking to me, let alone what he had just done to me on the couch.

  “Well, you’ve got about four hours to get used to it before my hands will be all over you again.”

  “This is actually happening, isn’t it?” I whispered more to myself than Kellan.

  He pressed a kiss to my lips, and I melted into him, wrapping my arms around his neck. His tongue swept through my mouth, and I figured four hours was enough time.

  “I’ll be there at seven,” he mumbled against my lips.

  I’m pretty sure I would have agreed if Kellan wanted to wage war against Mars and ride off in his rocket ship with him. “I’ll be there.”

  The smile that was more than panty melting graced his lips, and he ducked back inside.

  I closed my eyes and pinched my hand. “Well, that just happened,” I sighed. I lifted my foot to head back to the cafe, and almost fell on my ass when I remembered I barely had my shoes on.

  I continued my shuffle o
f shame around the building with a goofy ass smile on my face, because I had gone and got my man.

  Bess and the Moaners would be proud as hell. I even managed to give him some pow pow.



  “So, I heard you finally got your head out of your ass.”

  I finished pushing the punching bag in the corner and wiped my hands on my pants. The last class of the day had just ended, and I was ready to get out of here.

  Dante and Tate had shown up halfway through the first class, and apparently Roman had opened his mouth about Molly being here. I didn’t care if they knew about Molly, but from the way she acted when she had left, she wasn’t too keen on people knowing.

  “We talked.”

  Dante chuckled and bowed off the mat. “I gathered that from what Roman said.”

  Tate was sitting behind the desk and slowly spinning circles. “So, does this mean we get free cookies for life now?”

  Dante reached behind the desk and grabbed the box of cookies Molly had brought over. “It’s already started, my man.” He lifted the cover and held it out to Tate. “Not as good as those brownies she brought over, though.”

  I growled and bowed off the mat. I was still pissed those two idiots had eaten all of the brownies she had brought over when I was out of town. “That’ll be the last of the cookies you get if you fuckers don’t share them with me.”

  Dante chucked a cookie at me, and I grabbed it mid-air. “Fuck, these things really are good,” I mumbled as I stuck it in my mouth, and headed to the bathroom. My bag was tucked in the corner, and I turned on the water in the shower. I had twenty minutes to get showered and head over to Molly’s, and I didn’t want to smell like a sweaty gym.

  After a quick five-minute scrub down, I let the water run over me and looked down at my semi-erect dick. I couldn’t stop thinking of how her body reacted to just a simple touch from me. The way her tight pussy milked my fingers drove me crazy, and I could still feel the vise-like grip she had on me.

  I flipped off the water, toweled dry, and was out of the bathroom in record time.

  Dante, Tate, and Roman were on the mat, sparring back and forth. Tate was sitting out, waiting to spar the winner. “You really fix shit with her?” he asked.

  I grabbed my shoes and slipped them on. “Yeah. I was wrong.”

  “Kind of figured you were, but you’re a stubborn bastard.”

  I couldn’t really argue with that. I had bumped heads more than a few times with the guys because I wasn’t about to budge. Mostly because I normally was right. “Yeah, but I figured it out.”

  Tate leaned back and looked up at me. “You gonna fuck it up again, or are you actually in it this time?”

  I slung my bag over my shoulder and shook my head. “You know when we walked in this place, and we knew that this was where we were meant to be?” Tate nodded. “That’s what I feel when I’m with Molly. I know that she’s the one to call me on my bullshit, and also have my back. If I fuck this up, I know I’ll be miserable without her.”

  “Pretty strong fucking words, man.”

  I slid my sunglasses on my face. “That’s cause I’m not fucking around, man.”

  Tate raised his hand, and I slapped it. “Treat her right. You deserve each other.”

  Dante and Roman both tipped their heads at me when I hollered that I was leaving. Roman had decided he was going to get back on the circuit a bit, doing local tournaments, and Dante had decided his training would start tonight.

  The door to Powerhouse closed behind me, and I looked at the setting sun. Pretty soon, it would be summer, and I couldn’t help but think of spending time at the beach with Molly. Then, I thought about Molly’s lush body in a bikini, and my dick came to attention.

  I jogged to my car, tossing my bag in the backseat, and took off to Molly’s. She only lived five minutes away from the studio, and before I knew it, I was parked outside her apartment.

  “Don’t fuck it up, Kellan,” I murmured to myself as I jogged up the stairs, and then strode down the hallway to her apartment.

  I knocked twice, and the door swung open to Molly looking fucking hot. Her long hair was framing her face, falling on her bare shoulders, while the black tank top she had on hugged her body, and the tight jeans she wore showed off her long, sexy legs I couldn’t wait to wrap around me.

  “Hey,” she mumbled. She pushed her hair behind her ear, exposing the slight curve of her neck, and something snapped in me. I couldn’t control myself.

  I grabbed her around the waist, pushed her into her apartment, slammed the door shut behind me, spun her around, and pinned her against the door. “I fucking missed you,” I growled as I buried my face in her hair. She smelled like a fucking field of flowers, and I never wanted to come up for air.

  A moan escaped her lips as I pressed kisses along her jaw, my hands moving over her body, needing to feel her all at once. Her arms wrapped around my neck, and her lips found mine. Her tongue eagerly swept in my mouth, her need was as strong as my own.

  “Kellan,” she gasped.

  “I need to be inside you, Molly,” I confessed as my hands roamed over her ass.

  A light flashed behind us, and I heard what sounded like a bag of chips crinkle.

  Molly’s eyes were closed, and I leaned my forehead against hers. “We’re not alone, Kellan,” she whispered.

  Son of a bitch.



  “Don’t stop now, fella.”

  “I think I’ll need my inhaler if he keeps going.”

  “Mama, who’s that man kissing Molly?”

  I kept my eyes closed and again wished I would disappear. Except Kellan could disappear with me, because I didn’t want him to stop.

  “I think we’ll all just be going,” Sage decided.

  “But that man has Aunty Molly pressed against the door,” Sam announced. “We can’t leave.”

  The bag of chips Bess had been eating crinkled. “I’m okay with that. I told you these two were like a romance novel come to life,” she proclaimed.

  I peeked open my eyes and was greeted with Kellan’s stunning eyes staring back at me. “Hi,” I whispered.

  “Shh,” Gretchen hissed. “They might start going at it again.”

  “Hi, Cookie.” His voice was light, and I could tell he was smiling.

  “If you keep talking, they won’t do anything,” Bess snarled.

  “Me?” Gretchen shouted. “I wasn’t the one who took a damn picture. That’s what spooked ‘em.”

  Oh Lord, they were talking about us like we were some exhibit on display.

  “I think we need to move,” Kellan muttered. He pressed a kiss to my lips, and his hands left my body as he pushed off the door.

  I leaned on the door, because I was pretty sure even though I was embarrassed, I was going to melt into a puddle on the floor from Kellan’s kiss.

  Bess pointed at me then clapped her hands. “That, right there,” she marveled, “is the just been-fucked look, ladies.”

  Sage clapped her hands over Sam’s ears and glared at Bess. “Do you think you could keep it PG for two seconds?”

  Bess grabbed her purse off the chair. “Sorry, hon. I lose all sense when I see a man handle a woman like that. I need to head on home to Joe so he can, um,” she glanced down at Sam and cleared her throat. “I need him to check my pipes.”

  Gretchen and the Moaners cackled, and Sage swatted her hand at them. “You guys are shameless,” she scolded. She grabbed Sam’s hand, shaking her head, but she had a smile on her face. “Call me later, Molly.”

  I nodded my head, unable to form a coherent thought. Kellan grabbed my hand and peeled me off the door. He tucked me under his arm, and Sage beamed at me.

  “Much later,” she muttered. She opened the door and tugged Sam behind her. “Move it, Moaners. The shows over,” she called over her shoulder.

  “Kids these days,” Gretchen complained. “Always ruining my fun.”

  The Moaners filed out one by one with Bess bringing up the rear. She leaned into Kellan and crooked her finger at him. A smirk crossed his lips, and he tilted his head down to her.

  “You should know that I also read murder mysteries. I know at least fifteen ways to get rid of a body without evidence. Hurt her, and no one will know where to look for you.” She patted him on the cheek, winked, and strode out the door.

  Kellan’s head was still tilted, and he rubbed his cheek. “Did I just get threatened by a seventy-year-old?”

  “I’m sixty-five!” Bess hollered.

  I giggled and managed to swing the door shut.

  “Throw the lock. Who knows if they might try to sneak in later,” Kellan ordered.

  I slid the lock and turned around. I leaned against the door and realized Kellan was in my tiny apartment. “Hi.”

  He shook his head and chuckled. “I think we covered that already, Cookie.”

  “Oh, yeah,” I whispered.

  “You look gorgeous, by the way.”

  My cheeks heated, and I ran my fingers through my hair. “I kind of figured you approved.”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. “More than approved,” he whispered.

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him. “You look more than okay, too.”

  “More than okay?”

  I licked my lips. “Sexy as hell?” I elaborated. Kellan was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen, and I couldn’t find a word good enough to describe him. He was sexy, plain and simple.

  He threaded his fingers through my hair and tilted my head up. “I missed you,” he whispered before he touched his lips to mine.

  The kiss started gentle, my lips loving the feel of his. His hands gripped my hair, gently pulling my head back. “Legs around me,” he ordered.

  “I think that’s your catchphrase with me.”

  Kellan’s body shook against me, and a smile curved on his lips. “I can’t seem to get enough of you, Molly.” He pressed a quick kiss to my lips and patted my ass. “Now, wrap your legs around me.”

  “So demanding,” I whispered but did as he said. “Where are we going?” I asked as he moved through my apartment like he lived here.


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