by Dana Swift




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  ©Dana Swift - 2017

  Blurb: Liza stepped out of her apartment to visit her neighbour Ted who is observing her from time to time without speaking to her.

  Is he playing a game or is he shy to make the first step?

  That's what Liza will discover after a couple of drinks with him.

  Ted Barns was alone at home, watching the latest episode of The walking dead on TV, when he heard knocking on his door. Not expecting anyone that late on a Saturday night, he considered pretending like he wasn’t home, but figured whoever was waiting outside of the door could hear the screaming and the gun shots on the TV. Furthermore, for all he knew it could be an emergency or something. He stood up and went towards the door.

  Peeping out the bull-eye hole, he could recognise one of his neighbors from the other part of the building, Liza, wearing absolutely nothing but a little black cocktail dress. His heart suddenly started throbbing in his chest. Since he stood in front of the closed door, trying to guess what she was doing there, he heard one more knock.

  “I know you’re inside” Liza said. “I noticed you through your terrace door a couple of minutes ago. ”

  Ted opened the front door. On an impulse, he decided to go on the offensive instead of playing safe. “You were spying on me through my patio? ” he said, smiling just a bit to demonstrate her that he was just joking with her.

  Liza smiled and offered him a little wave. “What would I say? I was feeling lonely tonight. Do you mind if I come in and hang out with you for a moment?”

  “Not at all, ” Ted said, keeping the door open for her even though he wasn’t sure what this was exactly about. “It would be my pleasure. ”

  Ted gazed at Liza’s butt as she entered his residence. He couldn’t help himself, it was just so big, round and gorgeous. And the short, tight dark dress she was wearing revealed it off perfectly. They’d already been neighbors for more than a year now, yet hadn’t shared anything more than a couple of glances, maybe a head-nod here and there or perhaps a little smile from time to another. Ted had absolutely noticed her and he was pretty sure she noticed him. However he’d never expected anything such as this to happen.

  Twenty minutes later they were on his terrace, smoking cigarettes and drinking a few beers. So far they’d just made small talk; Ted wasn’t any nearer to finding out why Liza'd made her way over to his place. And also to be honest, he didn’t really care. The fact that she was here had been good enough for him.

  Liza finished off her fourth beer then grabbed another cigarette from the pack on the table. Ted lit it for her then lit another one for himself.

  “You mind if I ask you something? ” Liza said.

  “Be my guest, ” Ted said, his stomach whirling a little bit at the woman's tone. For some reason he had the feeling Liza was going to get personal real quick.

  “How come you’ve never said anything to me before? ” she asked.

  “What do you mean? ”

  “Come on, Ted, don’t play silly. I’ve seen you staring at me before. At the pool. At the health club. As I’m coming and going from the building. And don’t even try to tell me you don’t stroll past my patio on purpose every chance you get. ”

  Ted’s face began to blush. He only hoped that the balcony light didn’t provide enough illumination for her to see it. He opened his mouth to complain but Liza beat him to it.

  “Don’t even try to deny that, ” she said.

  “I wasn’t going to, ” he lied.

  “No Way!. ”

  “Fine, ” he confessed with a self-deprecating chuckle. “You caught me. ”

  Liza took one more drag of her smoke and turned towards him, dropping her elbows on the table and leaning forward. “So, ” she said. “What’s your excuse? Do I really appear as unreachable? ”

  “You wish to know the truth? ”

  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t. ”

  He laughed and shook his head.

  “What? ” she asked.

  “You don’t want to know the truth, ” he said.

  “Yes I do. ”

  “Then yeah, ” Ted said. “You do come off as unapproachable. ”

  She laughed and took another drag of her smoke. The woman expression was one of disregard. “You men, always afraid to talk to beautiful girls. ”

  “It’s not your looks, ” he said, the alcohol providing him with the courage to speak his mind. “It’s your attitude. The way you carry yourself. ”

  “And how is that? ”

  “Like you think you’re better than anybody else. ”

  “I do not! ”

  “See? ” he said, “I knew you didn’t want to hear the reality. ”

  “But it’s not the truth!” she said, more irritated than angry. “I don’t believe I’m better than anyone else. ”

  “I’m not saying that you do, ” he said, dragging on his smoke and then blowing it up in to the air. “I’m just saying that is what it looks like. That’s how people can perceive it. ”

  Liza shook her head. “I don’t buy this version, ” she said. “I think you’re full of shit. ”

  “You think I’m just creating this up as I go along, don’t you? ”

  She shrugged.

  Ted giggled humorlessly. “I knew that wasn’t worth the hassle, ” he said under his breath.

  “What wasn’t? ” Liza asked.

  “Trying to tell you the truth, ” he said. “I knew you wouldn’t hear the things I was saying. ”

  “I hear you, ” she said.

  “No you don’t. You’re listening but you’re not hearing, ” he said. “Everything I’m telling you is simply going in one ear and out the other. Just as I figured it would. ”

  He pushed the seat back and started to stand. To his surprise, Liza put her palm on his leg.

  “Hold on, ” she said. Her eyes were discouraged and she had a contemplative look on her face. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’ll listen. I promise. ”

  “Really? ” He whispered.

  She nodded. “I need to know. I want to see it. ”

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  He considered it for a moment, then declared, “OK. But not out on the balcony. We need to go inside and have a few more drinks. It is sometimes easier to talk when you’re drunk. ”

  Two bottles of wine and one hour later, they were discussing. Liza had been true to her word. She was listening to everything he had to say. And she’d had a few observations of her own, ones that irritated Ted a little bit, but were just as correct as the things he’d told her.

  Just about all was going really fine, better than Ted would have ever thought. And then things started going even better.

  He was in the kitchen disposing of the two empty bottles of wine, when Liza suddenly made her appearance right beside him. She was standing a foot away from him, their bodies almost touching, way too close for it to be a coincidence.

  “Hey there, ” he said, not wanting to assume too much. Yet from the glance in her eyes he was pretty sure he knew what was going to happen next.

  “Hey yourself, ” Liza answered, offering him a nutty, more-than-a-little-drunk smirk.

  “Can I help you with anything? ” he asked, grinning back at her in the same way.

  “Oh, I think you can, ” she whispered, moving even closer to him. She was within inches right now, her face directly in front of his, her boobs brushing up against his muscular chest.

  “I don’t know if this sounds such a good idea, ” Ted declared.

  “Come on, isn’t this what you really want? ” Liza asked. “What you’ve wanted since the day you first set eyes on me? ”

  “Maybe, ” Ted answered, trying to play it cool.

  “Don’t give me this shit, ” she said, rubbing her thigh up against his leg. “After all the truth you’ve been dispensing tonight, don’t start lying right now. It doesn’t become you. ”

  “OK, ” he said. “It is what I want. But I don’t know if it is a good idea. I’m not really good in relationships. They’re not my thing. ”

  “I’m not speaking about getting into a relationship with you, ” Liza said. “I just want to fuck. Maybe just tonight, maybe more frequently, depending on how it goes, but at least this one time tonight. Right here, right now. What do you think? ”

  Ted laughed almost silently and shook his head. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was.

  “Can I consider that as yes? ” Liza asked, massaging his chest with her hot hand.

  “Yes, it is. How can I turn down a request like that from a pretty lady? ”

  “Wonderful, ” Liza said, smiling up at him. “But before we get down to serious things, I have to inform you about something. ”

  “Let me guess. You used to be a guy. ” Ted said while laughing.

  “How’d you know? ” Liza said, playing along.

  “Just a guess, ” he replied, trying to keep his serious.

  He was unsuccessful.

  “Seriously though, ” Liza said, pushing her body tighter against his. “I need you to know that I like to get a little wild in the sack. I’m not necessarily into regular, boring old sex. I hope you’re okay with that. ”

  “Oh, I think I can handle this, ” Ted said.

  “We’ll discover that, ” she said, grabbing his cock through his slacks and giving it a squeeze. “Hummm... Not bad, ” she said. “But the real question now is: Do you know what to do with it? ”

  “I’ve had some experience. ”

  “I figured as much. With your look as well as your body, you probably have to beat all of them away at the door. ”

  “I don’t know about that, ” Ted said.

  “Don’t be shy, ” Liza said while she continued to fondle his cock. “I’ve seen that hot little blonde coming and going before. ”

  “You noticed her? ”

  “Of course. Why do you think I dared over here? ”

  “I hadn’t actually thought about it, ”he said. “And I certainly didn’t realize the two facts were associated. ”

  “Well they are, ” Liza said. “I figured if this hot young chick keeps returning for more you must be doing something right with her. ”

  Ted laughed.

  “What’s so funny? ” Liza asked.

  “Nothing, ” he answered. “I just think it’s hilarious that some girls notice things like that. ”

  “Most of them don’t, ” Liza said. “But as you’ll shortly find out, I’m not like other women. ”

  “You’re not? ”

  The young lady shook her head. “Nope. I’m even better. ”

  “How so? ”

  “I’m nastier, I’m filthier and I’m also dirtier, ” Liza whispered. “I’ll take you places you may have never been before. ”

  “That’s good to know, ” Ted said. “Because I’m not like other men neither. ”

  Liza looked at him sideways. “Really? How that? ” drawing out the word.

  To answer her, Ted reached down, unzipped his pants and struggled to get his cock out of his pants. It wasn’t yet hard but it was chunky, and already it was nearly seven inches long and the girth of a flashlight.

  “Holy molly, ” she said. “It’s even bigger than I was estimating. And I had my sights set quite high. ”

  “I try always to please,” he said.

  “It certainly seems like it, ” she answered.

  Liza laughed and shook her head. Her eyes were full of excitement and nothing else. Which was odd. Ted was used to seeing a little stress mixed in on a woman’s face the very first time she got a good look at his dong.

  “It’s fucking colossal, ” Liza said.

  “I tried to inform you without shocking you. ”

  “I know you did, but shit! ” she said, laughing. “I’ve never seen something like that before. At least not live and in flesh and blood. ”

  “Is it too much for you? ” Ted asked.

  “Hell no, ” she replied. “I can take it. ”

  “Are you sure? ”

  “Affirmative, ” Liza said. “I've got toys that size. Some even larger than that. ”

  “Toys aren’t exactly the same, ” Ted said.

  Liza showed off a furtive smile. “How would you know? From experience? ”

  “Ha, ha, ha, ” Ted laughed. “You’re a regular comedian. ”

  Liza laughed, showing him it was in good humor.

  “No, I haven’t tried the difference between real dicks and dildos inside of me, ” he said. “But I’ve been told by many women that it’s really different. ”

  “And they would end up being right, ” she said. “There is a difference. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t handle your large cock inside me. ”

  “Are you sure? ”

  “Yes, ” she said. “Size is size. And besides, I’ve handled larger cocks than yours before easily. And not just the fake ones. ”

  Ted chuckled under his breath.

  “What? ” Liza said. “You don’t think I can? ”

  The young man shrugged. “I’m not saying that you can’t, I’m just saying that I’ve yet to come across anyone that can easily. ”

  “Then you haven’t been hanging out with the right woman, ” Liza said, showing him a dirty smile.

  “Apparently not, ” Ted answered, laughing.

  Liza dropped to her knees then grabbed ahold of his dick, which was getting harder by the second. “Let me show you what you’ve been missing out on. ”

  Ted started to response but Liza wrapped her lips around his dick and took the entire thing in her mouth, shutting him up immediately.

  Liza deepthroated his shaft for nearly ten seconds before backing off to take a deep breath. Once she got fresh air back in her lungs, the young woman spit on his dick and began masturbating him.

  “Wow, ” Ted said. “That doesn’t happen often. ”

  “I told you I can handle your cock, remember ” Liza said, smiling up at him.

  “You certainly did, ” Ted responded.

  “Did you like that? ” she said, still playing with the big rod. “Do you like it when I swallow your hard cock? When I take the whole fucking thing down my throat? ”

  “I love it, ” he declared.

  “Damn right you do, ” Liza said, her hand still fondling his cock, her eyes locked on his. “You want me to do that again, don’t you bastard ? ”

  “Oh yeah! ” he said with a big smile.

  “How do you ask? ” Liza whispered as she undid the buttons on his pants and pulled them as well as his boxers down until they were around his ankles.

  “Will you please take my cock back in your throat? ” he sighed, stepping out of his pants in order to free up his legs.

  “With great pleasure, ” she replied. “As long as you return the favor later. ”

  “It would be more than happy. ”

  She smacked Ted’s dick against her tongue two or three times then went back to business, sucking and jerking him off all simultaneously.

  Sloppy noises escaped from the young woman mouth as she took his dick deeper and deeper. After which and before Ted knew it, she’d taken the whole thing down her throat once again.

  “Holy cow, ” he said as she held the huge cock in her throat for what seemed like an eternity.

  Finally Liza began to gag and cough and pulled off his dong. She took a couple of deep breaths then changed position, sliding her body further beneath Ted’s.

  While continuing to wrench him off, Liza took care of Ted’s balls, licking and sucking and rinsing them with her saliva. The man grabbed the counter and pushed his upper body forward, enabling himself to better watch the whole scene.

  Liza saw him looking straight down at her and let his balls slip out of her mouth for an instant.

  “I guess you like what you see, don't you? ” she asked, a smutty grin on her lips.

  “Fuck yeah, ” he replied.

  “The view from down here is pretty nice as well, ” she said before returning to work on his delicate flesh.

  Ted roared and shook his head. It wasn’t long ago at all that he’d been on the couch alone, watching TV and getting ready to go to bed. And now he was having his balls licked and his penis sucked by a sizzling lovely woman who’d been all but a complete stranger until two hours ago. It was a funny situation.


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