The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1)

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The Organisation (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 1) Page 12

by Claire Merrington

  “ Who are all these girls why are they on a board I don’t understand what’s going on I thought you wanted us to look at photos of men you thought could be involved in the case?”

  “Mrs. Brooks I understand your confusion but please take a seat and we will explain everything. Can I get any body a drink at all a glass of water this may be upsetting to hear?”

  Each of the parents all shook their heads but Amy placed a jug of water and some paper cups on the table at any rate as well as a box of tissues. She was determined that if these parent’s even had an inch of a soul or conscience there would be at least a few tears shed.

  “Let me start from the beginning the first girl on the board is Abigail Han 17 years old from North Yorkshire. The second girl is 22-year-old Rachel Wise also from North Yorkshire. The third girl is 18 years old her name is Chloe Donahue. All three girls were murdered and found in North Yorkshire three months ago buried. Our next victim is again 17 years old Kelly Manson, we then have 21-year-old Hannah Barr and then 19-year-old Lilly-mae Pearson. All three were murdered and found in their home county of Norfolk two months ago half buried half exposed. We then obviously have your daughter’s 17-year-old Jennifer York and 22 year old Valerie Brooks. We have managed to tie all these murders together. Now the photos of the men can you tell me if you recognize any of them?”

  “ I cant say that either me or my wife do if that is everything we have found this new news rather upsetting and we would like to leave.”

  “Mr. York I understand how upsetting this new revelation must be but as for leaving I would prefer if you could stay there is still a few matters I wish to discuss that I could really use your help with.”

  “Fine, but make it quick my wife really needs to lay down the stress of this has been too much for her to bear.”

  “I’m sorry Mrs. York I’ll try to make this as quick as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks do you recognize any of the men in the photos?”

  “I’m not sure I wouldn’t like to say no for definite but I couldn’t name any of them so I suppose it is a no there is just something about that first one that seems so familiar.”

  “Thank you that was helpful. Now we have another question I am just a little shocked and confused by your reactions if you could help me understand all of you belong to the same organization. A meeting that has been taking place in the area about how to help your children and yet you all act like strangers can you explain?”

  “Well you see those meetings are very informal you only ever know the persons first name and most of it is done one on one with the organizer plus we thought it would seem suspicious if we acted like we knew each other I mean both our children were murdered and…”

  “Patrick please stop talking you are not helping.”

  “I’m sorry Mr. York did you feel the need to explain because I would rather like to continue hearing Mr. Brooks take on the matter and if you could be so polite to refrain from interrupting again that would be great.”

  “I do feel the need to take charge I am the lawyer in this room and Patrick and Stephanie only just found out about their daughter. Now when we realized that there was a connection between our daughter and the next victim with my legal experience I dismissed the connection, as should you. The organization had nothing to do with the murders of our young girls they were helping with personal matters. And I believe we would all appreciate it if you did your job rather than wasting time.”

  “Well Mr. York as you have managed to insult my policing skills let me be frank perhaps you shouldn’t have dismissed the connection to the organization so quickly. That organization is how we found our other six victims across two counties. The organization that you all belong to and have donated so much money too has many different websites all set up with the same information but with a different title and name as founder. But each victim has been a child discussed at these seminars. Now if you would like more proof let me point out this. The first victim from both North Yorkshire and Norfolk were both 17 as well as your daughter Jennifer. All three girls were in the early stages of pregnancy when they were murdered, your personal matter you were referring to. Each second victim two being 22 and one being 21 at time of death were three girls who were all struggling with their sexuality. And the third victims have been two girls of 18 and 19 with a form of addiction. Now whether you chose to believe it or not there is a tie to your beloved organization that has killed your daughters. It is either the person running it or a person that belongs to the organization. They know too many details about your personal situations with you children now please all we want are names.”

  “ I’m sorry all we can tell you is names of the members and the name you have probably already got of the website of the organizer. And I hope in your brass manor of dealing with this situation your not suggesting that any of us in this room had anything to do with the disappearance and murder of our own daughters. Because I warn you Detective that will not do your career any good.”

  With that right on cue Jane’s supervisor busted through the door and told a rather shocked Mr. York that he would take no more threats towards his detective or inference of incompetence at her work on the case. Mr. York was escorted from the room back to the waiting area to cool down as he was told his intolerable attitude wasn’t a help to solving his daughter’s case and that he should be more mindful of his manors towards Essex police finest. As the door to the interview room was being closed they could hear Mr. York…

  “This is preposterous they can’t be left in a police interview room without a lawyer I need to be in there with my wife.”

  “None of you in this station are under arrest so they can be interviewed without the presence of a lawyer and so far your actions have caused more upset then anything else so perhaps your wife would do better on her own for a while.”

  “But, but, but”

  “Now, now Mr. York there’s no need to argue take a seat in the waiting room I’m sure the Detective will be done soon.”

  Jane was quite shocked by her supervisor’s tone Jane was sure he would of acted more accommodating towards Mr. York because he was a lawyer.

  “I’m sorry fro the disturbance and I’m sure that was quite upsetting for you Mrs. York but I could still really use your help if your willing to continue?”

  “Of course Detective carry on.”

  “ Now Mrs. Brooks you said that you recognized the picture of the first man can you tell me where you think you know him from. Even if your not one hundred percent sure it may just give us something else to go on.”

  “Erm well I’m sure he looks like a man that came to the seminar on the first day. It looks like him he came on his own without a partner and wanted to discuss his son but he wasn’t invited back to the group after that so I couldn’t be sure. I’m positive though that when he introduced himself he said his name was Sam and that his son was Lewis as to whether it is that man or not I don’t know. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help.”

  “No that’s fine Mrs. Brooks. Now Mr. Brooks please continue with your explanation from earlier please.”

  “Well I’m not sure what else to say really. You already know that we belong to the same organization. You know why we went along to them. I’m sure you know all the names of the other members of the organization and the same name that we all know the founder by.”

  “Which is?”

  “ Thaddeus, such a different name I once asked him how his mother had come across such an unusual name. He told me it stood for a courageous heart and that his mother had once told him he was destined to do great things. He also said that Thaddeus was usually identified as Jude the apostle that was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. I told him that his name suited him as he had made such a difference in helping us deal with Valerie and her situation that his mother definitely was right about him making a difference. And as you probably noted me and my wife have taken on quite a religious side since losing our son it helped us cope with the loss, so Thaddeus himself app
ealed to us personally on a deeper level. The organization is about helping I can’t seeing anyone there wanting to harm our girls.”

  “ We received some letters throughout the case and certain parts of the letters corresponds to the message on your organizations website. Let me show you for instance there was

  I must cleanse her spirit, her body as lovely as she is I’m sure she is riddled with dirt.

  I will wash her clean from the inside out I will make her burn for the sins she has committed.

  And then she will be ready for her reveal.

  Does any of that sound familiar? The organizations page it talks about washing away your children’s sins. How the spirit must be cleansed as the youth of today has been so sorely corrupted. How they are riddled with dirt. The mantra of this organization is creepily similar to our letters wouldn’t you agree?”

  “Look I understand the connection you have made but I’m unsure how else we can help you. Yes it’s similar but now days it must be a common opinion to have of the youth, there is so much more sin in youth with underage drinking, drugs too much sex and straying from nature and what God intended. Our young girls needed help and the organization was helping. He told us of a way to cure Valerie I only wished it would of worked before she died. My belief says that Valerie cannot rest in the afterlife because of her sins against nature that is what I find truly disturbing by all of this. Now please my wife and I have had a very long day we just want to go home.”

  “Ok Mr. and Mrs. Brooks I’ll have an officer drive you home.”

  With that the Brooks left the interview room and Jane was left alone with the one person she really wanted to talk to.

  “Mrs. York would you be able to tell me what Thaddeus looks like please?”

  “I’m sorry Detective I only met him the once I only went to the first meeting. He spoke to us all gave us his message I made friends with a few of the other wives and we went for coffee while the men had their meetings with him. I would never speak out of turn about my husband it’s not proper to do so but he was the one that sort the organization out. I believed that we should have offered our support to Jennifer and guided her into making the right decision about the baby my husband was outraged at the embarrassment and just wanted it fixed. I can tell you he was white, early thirties tall with dark hair. Wore a nice suit and spoke as though he was highly educated. My husband was rather impressed with this he had an assistant a young Chinese girl Fo I believe her name was. Didn’t speak a word of English I always thought she looked scared but maybe that was just lack of understanding I don’t know. I cant tell you if the organization had anything to do with it or not I really cant help and I know my husband wont like me talking to you without him here.”

  “I understand Mrs. York but tell me was your husband acting more out of the ordinary before your daughter went missing.”

  “He seemed his usual self I suppose a little tightly wound maybe I thought it was just stress and concern for Jennifer.”

  “Tell me six days after your daughter went missing your husband went out for an hour or so maybe more did he tell you where he was going.”

  “I don’t remember when exactly that was to be honest the only time James has left my side was to pick up some groceries and again a few nights ago he had to meet a client. Otherwise James has been at home with me. He went to the organizations meeting still he said he was hoping it would help him deal with his grief. Why do you ask about my husbands movements and whereabouts?”

  “Six days after your daughter was murdered your husband was in the same pub as Valerie Brooks the day she went missing. We have photographic evidence that puts him there. Can you explain that at all?”

  “Show me?”

  Jane reached inside the folder of extra papers she had taken in with her and slid out the photo of Mr. York staring right at Valerie. Mrs. York looked shocked taken aback and scared by the image.

  “I’m sorry but I really can’t explain this and I really must be leaving now he will wonder why you have kept me here so long and he is not a patient man and this has been a lot to take in. I hope you find who done this. No child no matter what perceived sin they do not deserve to die.”

  Jane and Amy sat there in silence for a few moments trying to process everything. It had been a stranger day than what Jane first suspected it was going to be. She actually wished Darren had stuck around for this last part to see everything and hear what the parents had to say he might have had some insights. Jane would make it part of her plan to ring him tomorrow and discuss.

  “Well that was some useful information but not exactly what I had expected. So we can assume from Mrs. York’s statement that the mothers have nothing to do with anything and that it is the father and the founder of the organization. Or are we just being led round in circles. What we really need to do is find this Thaddeus. Ok Amy stay here do the prep for the press conference. I am going to go to my meeting with Dr Tad Woodrow. Also check in with our Supervisor find out who the most lenient judge is that I can ring to find out what else were going to need for a warrant. I’d really like one for the organization so that they have to surrender over all paperwork and everything so we can make more of a substantial case against them and so we can have more of a nose around the hall that they have hired for their stint in Essex. Also sorry giving you a lot to do here but check in with Ian and see where the DVLA are with finding the owner of that car. Get Ian and Jack to help wherever you can and leave the info on my desk I’ll pick it up after the press conference. Once you have gathered the info and prepped for the conference you can head home Amy you done a great job today thanks for all your help.”

  “Not a problem Jane I’ll get all that sorted for you. I’ll see you again in the morning meet here again for seven thirty or you want to make it eight?”

  “Seven thirty good if that ok with you. Thanks again Amy you’re a star.”

  With that Jane headed out the door to her car. Jane stepped inside the cab and quickly switched all the heater on it was really starting to drop in temperature and there was a light frosting on her windscreen. While Jane waited for it to clear she decided to check in with Perry.

  “Hi you all ok how did you meeting go today?”

  “Yeah really good thanks I gave them some information on how all the operations worked so hopefully they will be able to clear up some of the holes in their sting. I did manage to give them a few names but low life guys ones that my old boss wanted out of his hair any way so nobody that will get me in any trouble don’t worry.”

  “Good I’m glad it went well and I hope you do stay safe. Did they offer you a job or say if there is anything coming available?”

  “I’ve got some training courses they want me to do first which I willing all though it going to be strange learning again at my age but I’ll get there. I dropped your name for character reference he said he will email you just to confirm but he seemed pretty positive. How your day go babe?”

  “Interesting is one way to put it. Ok I will look out for his email I’ll reply straight away and if you need any help with the courses I know what they can be like just let me know. I am on my way to that Dr Tad Woodrow I told you about. My supervisor set up a meeting with him because of the incident last night.”

  “How are you doing with that babe I hope your not to freaked out I promise I will keep you safe. You still coming back to mine tonight after you have finished work.”

  “Yeah I’ll be there if it still ok. And I am fine about last night angry and a little confused. I mean before this case it’s not as though I have worked on anything big before so how does this guy know me so much to call me out. It’s the first time any of the police departments have received anything or the main Detective to be singled out so I’m just thrown at the moment but fine no need to worry.”

  “Good well were discuss more tonight yeah I’m going to go check in find out about your mob guys I got one connection who should be a good source for the information you need. I’ll let yo
u know if I get anything urgent otherwise I’ll just fill you in when I see you. You’ve got a lot to do tonight already.”

  “Thanks Perry that’s great I cant wait to see you feels like a lifetime ago since last night but I’ll see you soon. Bye for now.”

  “Take care my sweet little skirt.”

  Jane couldn’t help but smile at his sweet little endearment that seems to have stuck from the first time they met. Jane couldn’t believe how far in a relationship they had come for how little they had known each other. But Jane did not doubt their relationship for a second. As Jane tucked her phone away she slipped her seatbelt on and pulled away from her car park space and headed to the psychologists office wondering what this interview was going to bring to light. One thing was for sure Jane was still in doubt as to whether her supervisor had set the meeting up it is not his usual style. Bringing to question how did the good Doctor know about the tongue.

  Chapter 16

  Jane arrived at the same bleak building but unlike before when she was filled with hope that he may be able to give her a good prospective, today when she pulled up she had a nervous edge that she couldn’t explain. She stepped into the reception area and again was greeted by the warm and friendly receptionist. Jane was told to take a seat and wait for the Doctor he was just finishing of paperwork from his last client. The uneasiness that Jane felt hadn’t dissipated but had almost gotten worst as if anxious for what was going to happen. Jane scolded herself for being silly as much as it was strange how this meeting had come about the Doctor had never come into question before so there was no reason for him to now. Although before she stepped out of her car Jane did send a quick text to Amy asking her to drop the message to their supervisor that she was attending her meeting with the psychologist that he had set up. Jane asked Amy to let her know what his reaction to that was. Jane thought back to the first time she sat in this waiting chair and how she had been confounded by how warm and light the inside of the office building was compared to the bleak exterior. She had felt so comfortable and warm that her thoughts couldn’t help but drift towards Perry. Today she felt like even the thought of her new love interest could calm or settle her. Dr Tad Woodrow stepped out of his office and greeted Jane with the same warm smile but for some reason Jane felt the warmth didn’t reach his eyes. Behind those pale blue eyes Jane picked up on the hint of distain with almost a calculating quizzical expression. Once inside his office the door closed behind them with a harsh snap that made Jane jump.


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