To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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To Catch a Witch [Spells of Seduction 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Jessica Frost

  “Then why did she appear to me in the glass and say that?”

  “Because it wasn’t her.” Merlin combed his fingers in his hair, contemplating the possibilities.

  Jacob gave him a sideways glance. “Then who could it be?”

  Merlin placed his hand on the handle and unlocked the door. “I don’t know, but whoever it was is connected to Pondora in some way, and they will be coming to free her soon. It was a warning.”

  “A warning?”

  “Yes, and we need to find out who it is and how to defend ourselves.”

  “Brilliant. How will we do that?”

  As Merlin pushed open the door, he replied as he looked at Pondora, “By asking her.”

  Jacob’s mouth fell open in disbelief. How could Merlin believe their archenemy would tell them? She would instead use trickery and deceit. But it was too late now to stop his brother.

  From the frightened look on the beautiful sorceress’s face, she had heard every word of what he and Merlin discussed behind the closed door.

  Before Merlin could speak, she interrupted. “You must give me back my powers.” She looked at Jacob, not Merlin when she spoke.

  Jacob looked at Merlin before replying, “No, we will not.”

  The look of fear changed to one of anger. She crossed her arms. “Then we will all die.”

  “Who is it that is coming here?” Merlin asked.

  “A powerful and evil sorceress who seeks revenge.”

  Merlin laughed. “We figured that out, my lady.”

  “But why is she coming to save you?” Jacob asked as baffled as ever.

  She snarled. “Did you not hear me? Did I not say we will all die? Where did you get the idea she is coming to save me?”

  Merlin looked at Jacob, then at her. “Then why does she come to harm you?”

  “Because she comes to settle a score that happened over two decades ago. She will not rest until I am dead.” She looked at Jacob, then back to Merlin. “Once she kills me, she’ll kill you.”

  “Not if we vanquish her first.”

  “Then you are bigger fools than I thought you were a few moments ago. Her powers far exceed mine. You cannot vanquish her. Only a sorcerer whose powers equal hers can do that.”

  Merlin shook his finger in the air. “Ah, but you are wrong. We took your powers away, and you are the powerful sorceress Pondora.”

  Her eyes widened in shock as if her deep-hidden secret had been uncovered. But she didn’t say a word.

  Merlin laughed. “I bet you didn’t know we knew who you were.”

  She remained silent, transfixed on the wall behind them for a few moments. Her thoughts seemed a million miles away.

  A shudder passed through her, as Jacob could plainly see. It appeared as though someone had passed over her grave.

  She sighed and looked at Merlin. “Now I know how she knew I was here.” She pointed her finger up at him in anger. “You imbecile. You opened up the portal. The connection has been resurrected. She knows exactly where I am now. We cannot stop her.”

  “Yes, we can. We just have to look for a spell in our books,” Merlin said in a sure voice.

  Jacob looked at Merlin. His voice may have sounded confident, but the way he rubbed his thumb and forefinger of his right hand together told Jacob Merlin was nervous. It was a type of twitch Merlin had whenever he was very scared.

  Jacob felt exactly the same way. They were in over their heads.

  Merlin darted for the door without saying a word. Jacob shouted to him, “Where are you going?”

  “To check the books on spells and incantations.”

  “And what should I do, Merlin?”

  “Look after her and see that she doesn’t run away,” Merlin said as he gave her a quick glance before exiting.

  When the door closed behind his brother, Jacob focused on Pondora, fearing she would try to escape.

  Her bewitching blue eyes entranced him. She was quite breathtaking, more so than when he first glimpsed her in the spying glass. “A rose in perfect bloom” was the best title to describe her. But roses had thorns that if not handled carefully would prick people and make them bleed.

  Pondora’s thorns were dipped in poison. If he wasn’t careful with his every step, he would get pricked and die either a slow death or a fast one, whichever she saw fit.

  Gulping, he stood unwavering as she took sly, slithering steps toward him. Her gaze looking him over as if she were deciding which part of his body she would prick first.

  * * * *

  How can Merlin have a twin older than he? The question haunted Velona as she analyzed Jacob’s features. There was no doubt he was Merlin’s twin.

  She crossed her arms as her gaze took in all of him. “You cast an aging spell, or did Merlin use a youth spell?”

  “Merlin used a spell, not I.”

  A smile almost broke her lips, “So he is the same age as you?” It was a rhetorical question. The thought that Merlin was closer to thirty and five rather than twenty and five appealed to her. A young man is a fancy, but an older man is a charm. That had always been her saying, and it couldn’t hold truer than with Merlin. He was quite a charmer, and age and experience were a big factor in this, as is almost always the case with people.

  “Yes, thirty years and eight.” His brow lifted as if he were proud of his age.

  She had to admire that in Jacob. She wondered what he’d think if he knew she was actually a hundred and four. But the less the handsome sorcerer knew about the real her, the better for him, Merlin, and herself.

  She wondered how alike and how different these two sorcerers were. From his physique, Jacob was as muscular as his brother. They were also the same height. Their hair was quite similar, except Merlin’s was a tad longer, just past his shoulders. But from what she had seen so far of Jacob’s behavior, his character was the complete opposite of his brother’s. He was the serious one, the worrier, the one who seemed to overanalyze situations. Merlin, on the other hand, was the carefree twin, the one who looked at things with an air of optimism and enjoyed life to the fullest. His charm and the attraction she had with him told her that much.

  When he first played his charade, making her think he was Serona’s servant, she had found it odd that Serona would have him as her aide. He was too self-confident and strong willed to be serving her. And now that Velona knew he was a sorcerer, his odd and sure behavior made sense. She thought that, as well as his good looks, were what attracted, or rather pulled, her to him.

  Yet here she stood with his brother, and that same strong attraction cried out to her, too. It was a bizarre feeling indeed, one she never experienced before.

  No one had ever stripped her of her powers, so perhaps that was the cause for the insatiable need she had to be close to them, close enough to smell their manly scents and their...fear.

  Yes, she smelled that emotion in Jacob as he stood close to her in the tower. The scent spilled out of his pores. If she still had her powers, then his fear was merited, but she was powerless. Yes, he indeed was a worrier.

  Taking a deep breath, she then stared him in the eyes. “How did you do it?”

  “Do what?” He frowned.

  “Remove my powers. What spell did you use?”

  A fake laugh was uttered. “Do you think me a fool, Pondora? Why would I tell you that? So you could reverse the spell and then kill us both?”

  “No, so I could reverse the spell and save us all. Time is running out, and she will be here soon. We have no line of defense against her powers.”

  “Ah-ha!” He pointed an accusing finger at her. “You see how you lie? First you said this sorceress was invincible, and now you say if we give you back your powers, you can stop her.”

  “No, I didn’t say that.” She wagged her finger at him as anger rose in her. In a raised voice, she corrected him. “I said I can save us. I cannot vanquish her.”

  “Why not? You are Pondora. The mighty and evil sorceress who has terrorized this country
for years. Why can’t you?”

  He had stabbed her right in her most vulnerable organ, her heart. The words cut into her like a sharp blade cutting to her soul. “I am not happy of what I did. It will haunt me for all eternity. My past is irreversible. I know that. But it’s futile to harp on what cannot be changed. We need to focus on the present. And you must believe me when I tell you the evil sorceress coming cannot be stopped.”

  Velona had never broken eye contact with him when she spoke. She saw his soft side come forth when she spoke of regret for what she did in the past. His heart was softer than he let on. He did believe people should get second chances. There was still hope.

  Now she needed to target his compassion and pull on it and him as if he were a puppet whom she could control. It wasn’t something she wanted to do, but she really didn’t have a choice. Only she knew who they were up against. Merlin and Jacob had no idea.

  She’d use his vulnerability and that strong attraction that pulled her to him. She was sure it pulled him to her, as well. The spell they cast to strip her of her powers saw to that. Whether he and Merlin liked it or not, they had indirectly cast a bonding spell the other day when they made the enchantment to remove her powers and bring her to the tower. And until they reversed that spell, the attraction they had for one another would continue to grow.

  If she couldn’t fight this iron pull to them, then at least she would try to control it and use it for the greater good and to save all their lives.

  Playing the part of the weak damsel, she let her fake tears spill as she purposely made her voice quiver. She leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder, and cried. “Please do not let my horrible past blind you to the danger at hand. I am scared. More frightened than I have ever been. I have never been without my powers.”

  At first he moved back with her physical contact, but when she leaned more forward and the tears flowed, he then wrapped his arms around her and held her. “It’s all right. Merlin and I won’t hurt you.” He rested his chin on her head.

  She could hear his heartbeat and feel his strong muscles as she wrapped her arms around his broad chest. His manly scent whiffed into her nostrils and made her want to nuzzle her nose to his neck. She lifted her head and stared into his eyes. She could see green specks swimming in an ocean of hazel that captivated her full attention. They were the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen. His full lips were just a mere inch away from hers. Her lips tingled with the electrical attraction between them. She licked her lips and saw his eyes fix on her mouth.

  She saw the desire in his gaze. He wanted to kiss her as much as she wanted to kiss him. In a whispered voice, she said, “I know that you both won’t hurt me.”

  And that wasn’t a lie. Deep down, she sensed and believed that. She may be a fool for believing it, but somehow she did feel it just the same.

  Before she could say another word, he interrupted her while moving his lips closer to hers. “Having you in my arms like this...I find all my thoughts have vanished, and all I can think of is that you are so beautiful.”

  When his lips touched hers, a shock of energy sparked in their contact and travelled through her lips down her neck and body, making her nipples pucker and her clit and pussy lips throb. Her legs weakened as a result of the bombardment of sexual excitement building in her. His arms wrapped around her waist, and he pulled her closer to him, making the burden on her legs to hold her up much easier.

  Her chest crushed against his strong muscular one, and the pressure of her breasts, her tight nipples against the rough wool tunic, aroused her, and she sighed. She wanted to rub her breasts harder against him. His hard cock got bigger and erect as they clung so closely. She could feel its growth as his pelvis pushed against her. His hands around her waist slipped to her ass, squeezing her cheeks closer to his pelvis as his tongue sneaked into her mouth.

  She let out a pleasing whimper as she allowed her tongue to dance in a mating play with his. She lifted her hurt foot and wrapped her leg around his hips, wanting to be closer still to him as her hands combed through his blond hair.

  What had started out as a ploy of seduction now turned into a yearning for possession. The desire to fuck Jacob had taken over not only her body but her mind and soul, as well.

  Breaking free of his mouth and lips, she whispered, “Make love to me, Jacob. I need you.”

  She meant every word. She needed him to the point that she would die if he didn’t fuck her right here and now. Their world was crumbling around them, as she knew the sorceress was coming. She could be in the abandoned castle this very instant, climbing the stairs and planning her kill.

  But that didn’t stop Velona’s yearns, her need for him. If anything, it made their seduction play all the more dangerous and exciting.

  He didn’t speak but kissed her harder, moaning his pleasure. He pulled down his tights with one hand while he lifted her loose tunic with the other and squeezed her ass cheeks and pushed her to his erect, long, and thick cock that now stood free of its constraints. Pre-cum coated the tip, and as he rubbed it on her bare abdomen, her pussy became wet with arousal.

  He lifted her by the waist and moaned, “Wrap your legs around me.”

  Kissing him hard on the lips and gently biting his full lower lip, she did as he asked. While holding her up with one hand, he moved her pelvis a little to the left so her cunt was in line with his cock and then rubbed its head up and down her pussy. She whimpered and slipped her tongue into his mouth, demanding satisfaction. Her lust took her where she had never before ventured. She liked and needed to be here with Jacob, in his arms. She needed him deep inside her. When he slid his cock once more over her pussy lips, she contracted them and then pushed onto the tip.

  He moaned and thrust his tongue deeper into her mouth, touching her palate and caressing her tongue. He directed both hands to her ass and began to lift her pelvis and brought it down, making his thick cock slip into her tight passage. Thankfully, her pussy juices had well lubricated her. Otherwise, having his huge cock impale her in one quick thrust would have been overwhelming.

  When he lifted her off of it, she wrapped her arms around him and started to bounce with his movements, thus pushing his head deeper into her cunt with each thrust in. And whenever he slid out, the ridges of his well-defined cock enticed her, making her clit throb and her nipples harden and swell.

  Her heartbeat rose as blood flowed more quickly throughout her body and centered on her pussy.

  When he gently nibbled on her lip and at the same time sunk into her cunt fast and deep, her climax came suddenly. It started from within and came over her entire body, making her shake and cry out in satisfaction. Almost that instant, Jacob moaned deep in his throat, and his cock jerked and throbbed within her. She could feel this warmth build deep inside her and soon spread to the outside of her pussy as his cum poured into her.

  He panted, staring at her. Light perspiration had formed on his brow. She wiped it away as he dipped in to kiss her lips gently while still holding her in his arms. Neither of them spoke. Words didn’t need to be uttered to convey what they both felt—deep and utter satisfaction physically, sexually, and emotionally.

  As they looked at one another, Velona heard the door creak open and Merlin’s voice. “Jacob, I—”

  She turned to see Merlin gaze at them both, embraced, Jacob still impaling her. Merlin’s jaw fell, and he did not move.

  Chapter Ten

  What in the world...

  Merlin’s jaw just hung open and refused to shut. He wanted to rub his eyes to make sure that what he saw actually happened.

  In a swift movement, Jacob slipped out of her and gently placed her on her feet while she quickly pushed down her tunic and he pulled his tights up.

  Merlin’s brow lifted with his curiosity. He certainly didn’t expect this when he opened the door to the tower. He thought she would be eating and Jacob quietly surveying her. The surprise was on Merlin, indeed.

  Making a movement with his hand,
he said, “I need you downstairs, Jacob.”

  His brother glanced at her, giving her an apologetic look, and walked over to Merlin.

  “Each minute you wait could be our last, Merlin,” Pondora said.

  Merlin turned, frowning, expecting to see her anger. Instead he saw her fear, and he wanted to hold her then just like Jacob had been. He also wanted to make love to her as Jacob did. He envied his brother so much right at this moment.

  In a calm tone, he replied, “We won’t be long and will come back up here to protect you.”

  He stepped out the door with Jacob following his tail. He heard Pondora say, “How many times must I say it? You cannot protect me from her, but I can save us if you give me back my powers.”

  Merlin didn’t reply as he shut and locked the door behind him. He closed his eyes and waved his hands in the air and chanted the words he memorized in his room downstairs.

  Opening his eyes, he saw the door beam with red light. “Good.”

  “What sort of spell is that?”

  “It will stop anyone other than us from opening the door.”

  “If Pondora is right about this sorceress, our powers and enchantments will not hold her back,” Jacob reminded him.

  Merlin nodded. “True. The spell cannot stop her, but it can buy us time.”

  “Time for what?” Jacob frowned.

  Merlin began his descent of the stairs two at a time and spoke behind him, “Come quickly with me, and I will tell you. I’ve come up with a solution to all our problems.”

  * * * *

  The minutes that passed until they reached Merlin’s room felt like an eternity to Jacob. His mind wandered to a million thoughts that centered on what Merlin could have uncovered to save them all and also what was going through Merlin’s mind when he saw Jacob and Pondora making love.

  When they arrived at Merlin’s door, his brother pushed it open. The chaos that greeted them made Jacob’s lungs freeze.

  He laughed when he responded to the mess, “Yes, you have been busy.”


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