Storm Boys

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Storm Boys Page 14

by Davis Lavender

  He wasn’t going to last much longer. Pausing, he tested Airech to see how ready he was, the first finger sliding in easily. He followed it with two others, trying to take his time. He moved them in and out and around, curving them inside Airech, making him groan as they hit their target.

  “I’m not exactly new to this,” Airech panted. “Please, Devin, don’t make me wait any longer.”

  “Where’s the lube?” Devin said, his own breath ragged. “Or do I have to summon some from your vast reserves in the Otherworld?”

  “Silly boy. As if I’d ever leave home without it. Leather satchel. Over by the bench.”

  Devin moved quickly, finding the lube and bringing it back to Airech in record time. As he got them both ready, Airech huffed with impatience.

  Kneeling up, he took Airech’s arse firmly as the god pushed back against the sensitive head of his cock, sending a bolt of pure pleasure shooting along his spine. He slid inside with no resistance, feeling himself filling Airech, the god pressing close to him, taking him eagerly. Slowly Devin slid in and out of the tight warmth of Airech’s body, making his insides tingle. Taking a firm hold of Airech’s cock again, he heard his sharp intake of breath.

  Airech hit him with a sudden charge of exquisite magic, making his whole body tremble and quickening the speed of his thrusts.

  “Stop using your magic on me, unless you want me to come now,” Devin gasped, as he began fucking Airech harder and faster.

  “I’ve been using it on you this whole time. I want you to come. I want you to come like you’ve never come before.”

  Devin found himself struggling to stop. “Can you not turn off the hocus pocus for five seconds?” he said. “I want to know how you make me feel without it.”

  “Not a chance, fickle human. My fragile ego couldn’t handle the potential rejection.”

  Airech jolted him with another burst of delicious feeling and Devin lost all control, coming so powerfully every muscle in his body seemed to contract as he gripped Airech’s thighs and cock. Thrusting into his hand, Airech came moments later, crumpling onto the furs with a final shudder.

  His knees weak, Devin flipped Airech over. Collapsing on top of his sticky body, he took the god’s striking face in his hands. The sight of it made his heart take a tumble, landing hard against his chest.

  “Look.” Airech’s dark eyes stared past his head. “The sky. It didn’t fall.”

  “Read my soul,” Devin said quietly.

  “What?” Airech frowned.

  “Read it! Like you read Bren’s. Tell me what you can see.”

  Airech gave a small laugh and pushed against him. “Stop messing around, Devin. You’re heavy for a puny mortal.”

  “I mean it,” Devin implored him. “Please, Airech.”

  Airech’s gaze latched on to Devin’s. “Alright. Relax. Let me in.”

  Taking a breath, Devin obeyed him, his eyes widening. Time seemed to stand still as he lay hypnotised under the expanding black pupils of Airech’s unrelenting stare. A sudden shadow passed over Airech’s face, making him flinch, and Devin’s panic spiked.

  “What is it?” he demanded.

  “Ah, yes, I see.” Airech shook his head, his face solemn. “Oh, it’s very bad. Terrible. Critical, I’d say.”

  Devin felt his bones turn liquid. “What?” he whispered.

  “Your soul is in desperate need of another passionate fuck from the sexiest, most gorgeous god that ever existed.” Airech gave him a saucy wink.

  Devin slid off Airech and stood up, reaching for his jeans.

  Airech’s forehead creased. “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to find Fintan.”

  “Come here,” Airech growled. Sitting up, he grabbed a laughing Devin and pulled him back onto the furs.

  Chapter 22


  Cap came to a sudden stop in the long shadow cast by the dolmen. He tossed his mane, signalling to Devin, and felt him slide off his back. Making the air quiver, Cap shifted rapidly into his human form. It was surprising how comfortable he was becoming with this version of himself.

  Before, each time Fintan forced him to take the form of a man, he felt impossibly constricted, squeezed too tightly into the fragile skin. But whenever Cap was close to Devin, he also felt closer to being human.

  Devin followed him soundlessly under the overhang of rock as the vibrations of Cap’s low hum reverberated off the surrounding walls. Slowly, a passage revealed itself and taking Devin’s arm, Cap led him into it.

  “Where are we going? The Otherworld?”

  Shaking his head, Cap hauled Devin forward impatiently. For so long, he had been haunted. Now for the first time, he wanted someone else to see his ghosts.

  They emerged into an impenetrable fog, and Cap kept a firm hold of Devin to stop him from coming to any harm. As an extra precaution, he crooned softly to veil them in féth fíada and protect them from the wild weather. Carefully, they picked their way forward. A sudden gust of wind cleared a path through the mist and revealed the shelf of rock they were standing on and the cliff face rearing up behind them.

  “I’d recognise this place anywhere. We’re at the bottom of Aill Na Searrach.” Devin’s shoulders gave a sudden twitch, and his face betrayed his discomfort. “This is where they found me.”

  With a soothing sound, Cap enveloped Devin in one hefty arm. He spun him so they faced the sea to their left and nodded again. The mist was patchier out over the ocean, and gradually a faint shadow appeared out of the vapour, becoming more substantial.

  The shape resolved itself into a wooden craft, sitting low in the water. It pitched and tossed, the wind sending bursts of squally rain slamming onto its deck. As they looked towards it, a dark head appeared over the side, making Devin gasp. Cap slapped a hasty hand over Devin’s mouth before he could cry out again.

  The figure wore a black robe, the hood pulled up, covering his hair. But there was no mistaking the handsome face peering out over the churning waves. Airech.

  Removing his hand, Cap looked at Devin sternly, putting a finger up to his own full lips. His eyes wide, Devin tipped his head in understanding. Cap pointed to Airech and the boat, his way of telling Devin to keep his eyes on them. He felt his memories seize him in their brutal grip, as he waited with gritted teeth for the screams he knew were coming.

  It wasn’t long before a squeal rent the air over their heads as something came plunging towards them at breakneck speed. Cap heard Devin’s sharp intake of breath as the body struck the edge of their narrow platform before bouncing into the waves with a resounding splash.

  And then it was raining death, the shrieking dark forms thumping on the rock and careening into the water. Cap felt Devin recoil beside him, and stealing a glance, he saw his soft face frozen in horror. He turned back to Airech, who was looking out over the water, taking in the carnage, his expression troubled.

  A chant rose in the air and Airech’s arms rose with it. As another body came rushing towards them, Airech’s song grew louder. The melody, carried on the wind, seemed to bind itself to the rapidly approaching form, arresting its descent. As it slowed, it was possible to make out what the creature was—a foal, with a deep red coat and flowing black mane.

  Arms shaking, straining with effort, Airech lowered the young horse inch by agonising inch onto the deck of his ship. The sky rippled, and a smaller, finer Cap appeared as if out of thin air beside the Milesian. They circled each other warily. Airech spoke, his silken voice sounding severe. It was impossible to hear what he was saying from where they stood. It didn’t matter. Nearly two thousand years later, the words were still burning in Cap’s mind.

  “That’s twice you owe your life to me. There had better not be a third time.”

  The other Cap glared at Airech fiercely and with an abrupt bound, he swung himself over the side of the ship and into the water. Diving, he disappeared under the giant waves.

  Beside Devin, Cap shook himself out of his nightmare, meeting the
mortal’s questioning eyes.

  “We’re in the past? You can travel back in time?”

  Cap gave a brief nod.

  “Why don’t you stop them all from going over?” The young man’s face brightened, his voice breathless with sudden hope. “Could you take me back, so I can—”

  Shaking his head violently, Cap crushed Devin’s dreams, feeling no remorse as he did so. However hard he tried to change his destiny, he had never been more than a helpless observer during the journeys into his many yesterdays. It didn’t take him long to learn that hope was dangerous. It was best to extinguish it as ruthlessly as he’d once despatched his victims.

  “I understand. You can go back, but you can’t change anything.” Devin’s gentle hand stroked his arm. With a sigh, Cap leaned closer. He wasn’t yet accustomed to the warmth Devin’s touch sent spiralling through him. It almost made him squirm, but as soon as it was gone, he always yearned for more.

  “Airech saved you.” Devin’s voice was almost a whisper. “Is that why you’re always so angry with him? Because sometimes you wish he hadn’t?”

  Cap stared back at him with tormented eyes. He had lost his words many years ago, but Devin had a way of finding the right ones to speak for him, almost as if they shared the same mind.

  “I know how you feel,” Devin said. “I know how that feels, to be the only one left. But I’m very glad you’re here.”

  When Devin’s lips gently touched his, Cap sprang away, the unfamiliar feeling startling him.

  “I’m sorry.” Devin backed away. “I thought—”

  Cap pushed his mouth hard against Devin’s, silencing him. Taking him in his massive arms, he kissed him ferociously, until Devin struggled against him, pulling away.

  “Easy,” Devin said, gasping. “I still need to breathe.” He looked curiously at Cap. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? When was the last time you were with someone?” He gave a regretful smile. “Of course, you can’t answer me.”

  Shaking his head vehemently, Cap’s eyes pierced Devin, willing him to realise. He felt a rush of sweet relief as understanding dawned on the mortal’s face.

  “Wait. Are you saying you never have? With anyone?”

  Cap gave a brusque nod. He felt uncharacteristically fearful. He wouldn’t blame Devin for being repulsed by someone like him. A brute, a monster, who had never known human love. Or any love at all.

  “It’s okay,” Devin reassured him softly. “You’re in safe hands with me.”

  Reaching up, Devin ran his hands over Cap’s broad chest, making him shiver. Moving to the buttons of his shirt, he began to undo them. As soon as Cap realised, he made the shirt disappear.

  “That certainly speeds things up.” Devin grinned at him. “But don’t stop there.”

  Obediently, Cap magicked away his jeans, leaving him standing naked before Devin.

  “Wow,” Devin said breathlessly. “That’s all I can say. I’m nearly as speechless as you are.” He stood back, his stormy eyes caressing Cap from head to toe. “I’m not even sure where to start.”

  He may have sounded uncertain, but Devin’s hands seemed to know exactly what to do as they explored the mat of fur on Cap’s chest. With Cap towering over him, he barely had to dip his head to take one of Cap’s nipples in his mouth, biting down on it and flicking it with his tongue. A low growl of pleasure tore through Cap’s throat as Devin’s hand moved to tease his other nipple.

  He felt himself tensing, every nerve ending singing. His large cock was rock hard, his head spinning each time Devin’s body brushed against it. Devin’s hair was startlingly bright against his dark hand as Cap stroked his head.

  His hand dropped as the man moved lower, kneeling before him, running his hot wet tongue along Cap’s inner thigh. He responded with a guttural moan as Devin licked his cock with long, slow strokes, taking his time around the sensitive skin crowning it.

  “You’re delicious, my little pony. And much more than a mouthful. I’m going to have to take it easy, to make sure we both get out of this alive.”

  Curling his fingers around the base, Devin took the god’s cock into his mouth, making Cap twitch all over from the unfamiliar and exquisite feeling. His head moving up and down, Devin slid him in and out, taking him a little bit further each time. Instinct made Cap thrust against him, but Devin held him back, pulling himself away.

  “Easy, now. How’s that for you?”

  Cap nodded, his eyes fierce with longing, and Devin slid him back into the pleasant warmth, making him cry out as he glided along Devin’s tongue. He felt a finger wriggle in beside his cock, and Devin sucked on it briefly. Cap gasped as the slippery finger moved towards his arse, teasing him, inching its way inside.

  The blonde head moved faster as Devin sucked relentlessly on him, making Cap’s powerful thighs tremble and his balls tighten. With a sudden roar, he came, feeling it gush into Devin’s mouth, leaving his burly body standing helpless, unable to move and barely able to breathe. After one last flick of his tongue, Devin leaned back, wiping his chin and grinning up at him.

  “You taste as good as you look, Capall Donnrua.”

  With one massive hand Cap scooped Devin off his knees and dragged him into his arms. Holding him close, he nuzzled his neck with a rumble of contentment.

  Here he had lost his brothers. And here he had found Devin. It had been a long time coming, but it seemed like the Goddess was finally willing to give him something, instead of taking it all away.

  Chapter 23


  With a few snatches of song, Airech pushed back the new gate he and Fintan had forged to block the portal to the Otherworld. Sweeping out his arm, he waved Devin through, trying to mask his anxiety with a wink.

  Ever since he’d made the mistake of reading Devin’s soul, Airech had been feeling off-kilter and on edge. He needed answers to ease his troubled mind, and he wasn’t going to find them in the mortal realm. It was more important than ever to discover all he could about Devin, and unlike Fintan, he didn’t have the patience to comb through thousands of dusty manuscripts. Anyway, there was no need. Someone already had the answers. All they had to do was find her.

  “I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Devin muttered.

  “I’m here. What’s the worst that can happen? Don’t answer that,” Airech said quickly, catching Devin’s pained look. “I’m not sure why you’re so worried. You don’t mind travelling to the Otherworld with Fintan.”

  “I thought you were over the whole jealousy thing.”

  “Oh, you’ve cured me.”

  Airech grinned. He and Devin had proven definitively that the sky wasn’t going to fall in, no matter how many times they slept together. They’d conducted some rigorous testing, just to be sure. As far as Airech was concerned, Fintan could have his “research” trips, and Cap his wild canters into the sunset. When Devin was with him, he was there. And that was enough. Taking a deep breath, he tried to focus so he wouldn’t be tempted to drag Devin back into the cavern for another round of shake the sky.

  “The last time you talked me into something,” Devin said grumpily, “I ended up with a woodland creature for a mother.”

  Airech shook his head slowly, clicking his tongue. “You’re going to have to wrap your pretty blond head around the concept of shapeshifting.”

  “Are you blond shaming me?”

  “Shut up and listen, sweetheart,” Airech ordered with a smirk. “Your mother’s no more a deer than Fintan is a hawk and Cap is a foal. Actually, scratch that last one. Cap is definitely more horseflesh than anything else. He lived as an animal for far too long. But Fintan, and your mother as well, are supernatural beings who take animal forms. They keep their consciousness the whole time.”

  They walked out into the Otherworld, Airech’s senses on high alert, scanning for danger. The clifftop was deserted and peaceful, the calm ocean almost purple under the darkening sky at Aill na Searrach, the destination Airech had chosen.

  “If we’r
e going to find her anywhere, it will be here. This is where you saw her, didn’t you, in your dreams?”

  “But you told me her human body is gone.”

  There was a note of sadness in Devin’s voice, and Airech couldn’t help but be reminded he was the cause of it.

  “You’ll still know her. She may be in her animal form, at least for a little while longer, to gain her strength. Or she may be a goddess. But you’ll always recognise each other.”

  Devin looked doubtful. “I’m not sure Fintan would—”

  “Let me worry about Fintan. I think he secretly loves me causing trouble. He likes to fight so we can make up.”

  Remembering their most recent clash, Airech’s heart quickened and his body stirred. He shook the thought away.

  Taking a small box out of his pocket, Devin began to rosin the bow, while Airech looked on impatiently.

  “You’re not playing for a symphony orchestra,” he said, sighing.

  “This fiddle’s been through nearly as much as I have, these last few weeks.”

  “It’s not the only one.” Airech tapped his foot in a nervous rhythm until Devin was ready, fiddle under his chin and bow poised.

  “What should I play?”

  “Whatever your mother would want to hear.”

  Without hesitation, Devin sent frantic notes screaming into the sky. Airech swore he could feel the frenzied cries of the fiddle physically jabbing at his nerve endings. This song was a story of chaos, of turmoil and bitter tears.

  “That’s her favourite tune?” he said in disbelief.

  “It’s my Dad’s song. She used to play it for him.”

  “I hate speaking ill of the dead, but I don’t think much of your Dad’s taste in music. That’s not a song. It’s a war cry.” Airech winced as Devin played on.


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