Lost and Found

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Lost and Found Page 11

by Breanna Hayse

  “Damn things out of batteries. Shit.”

  “You said a bad word, Daddy,” Noelle observed slyly. Lance raised an eyebrow at her and she lowered her face, trying not to smile and pretending to kiss Bunny.

  “Don’t you be a smarty pants. I’ll be right back,” he scolded. He returned in a few minutes carrying a glass thermometer and a small jar of Vaseline.

  “What’s that for?” Noelle asked suspiciously, as he shook the thermometer down.

  “I need to take your temperature and I don’t have a working digital. It won’t hurt, I promise,” Lance said, patting his lap. Noelle scooted away from him as he beckoned to her, shaking her head. “Noelle, I’m not going to chase you down. Come over here, now and don’t make me upset.”

  “But it’s embarrassing!” Noelle protested, realizing what he was going to do.

  “I’m a doctor. It doesn’t mean anything to me. Let’s get this done with.”


  “Do you want a spanking right now, too? I’m tired and am not in the mood to argue with you. I’m going to count to three and if you don’t get your little bottom over my lap, there will be some serious consequences. One… two…”

  Noelle scrambled to obey, draping herself across his knees and hugging Bunny tightly.

  She closed her eyes as she felt him slowly lower her PJs and panties past her thighs and rest his large hand on her bottom, patting it affectionately. Very gently, he spread her clenched cheeks apart to expose the little pink rosebud and her silky smooth pussy. Lance forced himself to maintain his focus on the task, but her sweet fleshy lips kept trying to grab his attention. He carefully inserted the tip of the thermometer into her tight hole, pushing it in until it reached the hilt. Noelle whimpered, squirming.

  “Keep still. This does not hurt,” Lance ordered, holding her over his lap with his hand on top of her bottom. He held the tip of the thermometer between his index and middle finger to keep her from trying to push it out, all the while admiring her perfect hind end. He noticed she was finally starting to fill out a bit, and the extra weight on her did wonders to her figure. He enjoyed the little extra padding that was starting to form on her fanny, giving her a round, rather than angular, appearance. Her pussy cried out for his devotion, begging for his fingers, his tongue, his cock. Sighing, Lance reluctantly returned to the matter at hand and slowly removed the thermometer, wiping the Vaseline off before reading it.

  “Hmm, 100.5 Fahrenheit. I got your blood test results back and it looks like you have pernicious anemia. I….”

  “NO SHOTS, Daddy!” Noelle yelled, trying to slide off his lap as she saw him reach for his bag.

  Lance held her in place. “Easy now. That’s why you’re so pale, tired and don’t eat much.

  It’s also why you’re running a low-grade fever, honey. I’ll be as gentle as I can, I promise, but you need these.”

  “NOOOOOO!” Noelle screamed, biting his thigh. She yelped as Lance popped a loud spank across her bottom.

  “Stop the fits, right now. And don’t ever even think of biting me again. If you just relax, it will hurt less.”

  “Please don’t, Daddy. Please!” she begged, unable to escape as he held her in place with his leg.

  “Shhh, baby.” Lance prepared the syringe and placed it on the bed to prep her hip.

  Noelle screamed again, louder and with an ear-splitting shriek, she began to kick wildly. She then started to swear as she jerked and twisted to get away. Lance lifted his hand and administered a no-nonsense swat to her bottom. He repeated the gesture ten more times to gain her attention and shift her screaming about the injection to one about a sore backside.

  “OWWW, Daddy, that hurts! Stop,” she cried out, trying to cover her bottom.

  “Then stay still and let me do this,” he ordered with frustration, dabbing alcohol on her right hip. He gently pinched the skin and plunged the syringe deep into her muscle, massaging as he injected the cold fluid. Noelle shrieked, bucking. He was too strong for her.

  “That hurts! Daddy, no more! Pleeeeeeease,” she sobbed, trying to block him. Lance finished quickly and then gently massaged the area.

  “I’m done. I can’t believe the fuss you make. Here, let me kiss it and make it better.” Noelle sniffed as he put her on the bed and softly kissed the injection site, rubbing his hands over her naked hip, waist, and thigh. He felt his cock starting to awaken and he stopped himself.

  Now was not the time. Not yet. Oh, but he wished it were!

  Chapter Eight

  Alan was silent on his drive home, glancing occasionally at his two daughters in the backseat through his rear view mirror. Kelly still looked upset, looking out the window, while Keren had a perpetual dirty look on her face. She was so much like her mother, Alan thought. I love Maggie, but this has gone far enough.

  “Girls, you are to go to your rooms until I call you,” Alan ordered when they pulled into the driveway.

  “Dad? Am I in trouble?” Kelly asked, looking up at him.

  He shook his head, leaning down to kiss her temple. “No, honey. I just need a few words alone with your mom. Be a good girl and mind me.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Kelly said, trotting after her angry, silent sister. Alan took a deep breath and walked into the living room where Maggie was reading a magazine.

  “You’re home early. How was your day?” she smiled, scooting over to make room for him.

  “We had some problems at Lance’s. What have you been saying to the girls about him and Noelle?”

  “Nothing in particular. Why do you ask?”

  “Somehow I find it hard to believe that my nine year old comes up with comments about sick sex on her own, Margaret. She laid into poor Noelle today with no provocation.”

  “How can you believe anything that stranger told? You barely know her.”

  “Todd and Kathy were there and Kelly witnessed everything. Keren is going to have a very sore backside this evening and then you and I are going to have another talk. Like it or not, Noelle is part of this family now and I am tired of you treating my family so poorly. My kid sister was in the hospital last night after a uterine hemorrhage and you did not even call to see how she was feeling. That is unacceptable.”

  “I really don’t care, Alan. You know we don’t get along.”

  “Because you choose not to, and you are teaching that to your daughters. My family has been nothing but nice to you since the day you all met and you’ve been rude, insulting, and just plain juvenile. That must stop.”

  “So your perfect sister and your brother’s whore take priority over my feelings?” Maggie’s Irish temper started to rise along with her faint brogue.

  “Noelle is not a whore and your insults will cease immediately. Mary Katherine is not perfect, but she has some manners and she knows how to treat people decently. I helped raise her to be that way. What exactly is your problem with her?”

  “It’s always Mary Katherine this and Mary Katherine that. I’m SICK of hearing about how well Mary Katherine cooks and cleans, how she treats her men… she can’t even have kids and you still compare me to her,” Maggie yelled.

  “You will lower your voice and calm yourself this minute, Margaret Faye Callahan.

  Another sound out of you and I promise to get the cane out. I’m trying to have an adult conversation with you, but you are making it impossible.”

  “I have nothing to say to you! Why don’t you just move in with your brother and his slut and stay there,” Maggie hissed, shoving Alan away.

  He grabbed her upper arm, pulling her towards him. “It’s been too long since we’ve had a disciplinary session, wife. I’ve let you get away with too much for too long. Get upstairs, strip and stand in the corner while I take care of our daughter and her smart mouth.”

  “Alan, honey, I’m so sorry,” Maggie suddenly withdrew, fear in her eyes. She knew she had pushed him too far this time.

  “You certainly will be. Grab a ginger root on your way upstairs.”

sp; “No! Not that! Please…”

  “Too late for showing manners, young lady. Get moving,” Alan said sternly, standing and looking down at her. “I would strongly suggest you think about ways to make things right with Kathy and Noelle while you stand in that corner waiting for me. Maybe after you see Kelly, you’ll think twice about bad mouthing your family.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You’ll see later. Obey me, wife. Leave the door cracked.” Maggie’s stomach rose in her chest at his tone. She loved her husband and never understood why she would push him to this point. Grabbing the ginger root he stored in the refrigerator, she raced upstairs. Trembling, she removed her clothing, and stopped to look at herself in the mirror.

  She was average. Maggie couldn’t say much more about herself than that. Average height, average weight, average intelligence, average looks. Except for her flaming red hair and bright green eyes, there was nothing special she could see in herself to have attracted a handsome, tall, intelligent, and sexy man like Alan Callahan. Even her temperament did not line up with a man who needed to exert his dominance. He should have had a quiet, submissive and obedient wife, one like his sister, instead of a woman that would scream like a banshee when angry. Maybe he saw her as a challenge? He certainly never allowed her to ‘get her Irish up’, nor did he tolerate the nonsense from her that her doting father had permitted. She knew she needed the boundaries he set upon her, and somewhere deep inside, she liked the forcefulness with which he ordered her to cease her ridiculous behavior.

  She was jealous of Kathy. Tall, stunningly beautiful, talented, loving, submissive, and the perfect homemaker. Alan never directly compared them, but she heard enough about how well Kathy cared for everyone to make her feel inadequate. And now Noelle. She never had even met the girl, but the whole thing was just plain weird. And, making it worse, Alan went along with it!

  Maggie, naked and embarrassed, shuffled to the corner of her bedroom, and planted her nose in place, hands on top of her head. She hated that Alan made her strip for punishment. She felt so vulnerable and well… unprotected like this.

  Maggie soon heard the telltale sounds of her daughter being lovingly but firmly spanked, and she was filled with a deep sense of guilt. Maggie knew that it was her fault, and a tear dripped slowly down her cheek. She should not have said those ugly things in front of the girls.

  Finally, the sounds stopped and Maggie knew that the spanking was over. Maggie closed her eyes, knowing her husband was now holding their daughter close to his broad chest, kissing away her tears and telling her how much he loved her. She knew Keren was curled on his lap and feeling very penitent. It was her turn next, and she knew Alan would show no leniency. Not this time.

  Minutes later, he entered their room and paused to gaze at her as she stood in silence, admiring the contrast of her naked, pale skin against the chocolate brown wall. He hid his smile, glad that he had won the argument about the colors to paint their bedroom. Cream carpeting, rich brown and camel colored walls, distressed cream oak wood, and dark brown and gold fabrics. It was classy and very sexy, especially with his gorgeous little redhead standing in her

  ‘special’ corner with her bare, plump bottom waiting to be firmly and thoroughly chastised by a stern, but loving, husband.

  Alan stripped and walked into the shower, turning on the massage unit. He stood, feeling the nozzles hitting the full length of his neck, shoulders, and lower back. It was so wonderful not to jump with pain as the high-pressure spray pounded the area where his injury had been. Noelle had truly ‘fixed’ him. And now Kelly wouldn’t have to be teased for the rest of her life, either.

  Maggie had no idea how that young woman had touched their hearts. Lance was happier now than he had ever been and if it were really true, Kathy might have been ‘fixed’ as well.

  He thought of the strange message he received from his secretary. There was a man who demanded an emergency appointment to discuss Noelle. It was scheduled for tomorrow and he had no idea where it would lead. Alan turned off the shower and grabbed a towel, slowly driving off and enjoying the ability to lean forward without the horrible bite down his leg. He owed Noelle, and promised himself that he would do everything he could to protect her. If only he could make Maggie understand.

  He slipped on some sweats and loafers, then walked back out into the master bedroom.

  Maggie still stood shivering in the corner. Silently, Alan turned on the gas fireplace and then sat down on the bed to watch her as she shifted nervously, with good reason. She knew that she would be a very unhappy woman in a few minutes and had no one to blame but herself.

  “I’ll be right back. Stay where you are.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Maggie whispered, feeling his eyes on her. Alan gathered his daughters and brought them downstairs to the family room. He ordered them pizza for dinner, with instructions to save him a few slices, and informed them that he was having some alone time with their mom.

  He was very specific that they were not to be disturbed under any circumstance. Both girls nodded, knowing better than to question him. They were no strangers to the way he ran their home.

  Alan closed the solid wood door behind him and locked it. He had built the room for maximum privacy and very little could be heard outside, unless there was an ear pressed right under the doorway. He tapped the stereo and Ravel’s Bolero started to play. Maggie winced.

  Normal people made love to that piece. Not Alan. His punishments increased as the piece crescendoed. Boy, was she in for it tonight!

  “Maggie? Why are we here?”

  “Because I have a big mouth and have been incredibly rude to you and your family. I’m sorry,” came the quiet answer.

  “I love you, but I don’t like this part of you. It must change. I’ve put up with it for too long. No more of it will be tolerated. You will find a way to be nice to my sister and Noelle.

  That will start tomorrow, do you understand me?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You will also provide a better example of grace and open-mindedness for our daughters.

  We take them to church and you seem to delight in undoing everything they are taught there.

  That will also stop.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Maggie whimpered, the music playing quietly in the background.

  Alan stood. “Come to me, Margaret.”

  Maggie obeyed, trembling as she stood in front of her tall, well-muscled husband. He lifted her chin to face him.

  “I love you. I want you to be all you were meant to be, and a mean-spirited, rude brat is not who you are. Bring me the strap.”

  Maggie felt tears coming as she walked into the large closet and pulled the antique leather razor strap off the hook on the far wall. She picked up the bottle of oil and the soft cloth and handed it all to him.

  “Oil it, Margaret,” he ordered, arms crossed. Maggie silently poured the oil on the cloth and slowly rubbed it into the entire length of the wide strap, trying to hide her shaking hands as she did so. Well-oiled leather hurt a hundred times worse and Alan was planning on her feeling this for days.

  He took the strap from her to inspect it and then laid it on the bed. He pointed to the root.

  “Peel it,” he commanded.

  Maggie looked at him with pleading eyes, silently begging him to reconsider. No, he was determined to teach her a final lesson this time. Maggie held her breath, using the potato peeler he kept in their bathroom to shape the edges of the thick-fingered root. She handed it to him and he shaped it more, narrowing the base to fit her securely.

  “Go wash your hands. I don’t want this getting in your eyes. Then get on your knees and spread your bottom for me.” His low, commanding voice echoed through the room, the music still playing in the background. Maggie groaned, realizing that he had put on his ‘special’

  rendition of the Bolero. It played for over an hour with the quiet introduction extended, giving him plenty of time to concentrate on preparation.

; Alan watched her fearfully obey and then washed his owns hands, putting the ginger on a towel. He also grabbed a bar of soap, chuckling. Maggie had changed from Ivory to French milled, probably after the last time he soaped her mouth. Brat.

  She was on their large bed, hands holding her cheeks wide apart and exposing her little brown pucker. Her neatly trimmed pussy with shocking red fur made him wish he could forego the punishment and just drive his cock deep inside of her and listen to her beg for more. She was a passionate lover, and exhausted him thoroughly, but not tonight. He had serious business to take care of.

  Walking behind her, he brushed his hand across her thighs and then down between the cheeks of her backside, lingering for a minute on the anxiously waiting hole. She shivered. Alan picked up the plug, seeing the juice already seeping from the plant and pressed the tip against her anus. Maggie gasped. This was a particularly thick one. He had bought it for the most serious of punishments and was planning on using it tonight to make sure his position was understood.

  It already started to burn the rim of her bottom hole and she tried to squeeze tightly to prevent its entrance. Alan did not relent, instead pressed it slowly and firmly. The harder she clenched, the more juice was released. She started to whine, the burning was growing. He did not stop. Deeper and deeper, he pressed the thick root into her rectum until the base was seated well, the narrow neck holding it in place. Maggie felt tears, wiggling to try to relieve the burn.

  “Please, Alan, take it out. I can’t stand it!”

  “No, you deserve this. Just remember, the more you fight it, the more it will burn. Let go of your bottom and raise it high in the air for me.”

  The music was starting to grow. Maggie lifted her bottom high, hugging a pillow to her chest as she tried to push the ginger root out away from her tight hole. It was pure agony, the burn and the horrendous sense of being filled at the same time. She listened as Alan picked up his strap, knowing he was going to double it.


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