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Teacher's Pet - The Complete Series: Books 1-4

Page 31

by Avery Phillips

  “Good morning, my pet,” he said with a sideways glance and a wicked sideways smile that told me if I got up there was a chance he would attack me again.

  “Victim is more like it.” I pulled the duvet up over my breasts. I didn’t want to give him any ideas and have his sexual havoc interrupt my current moment of Zen.

  “I guess that means no round two.”

  “To be continued, big guy.” I moved to slip my feet out of bed and my inner thighs protested, so I fluffed up the pillow behind me and decide to lie back and relax instead.

  Dane walked over to sit next to me. The bed yielded to his weight like my will was yielding to temptation. “How did you sleep?”

  “Does ‘coma’ mean anything to you? All I remember is falling onto the couch, and…well, all I remember is falling onto the couch.”

  Dane scooped my hand into his and gently squeezed. It felt warm, slightly damp but comforting. He moved forward to caress my lips with his and then parted them like he’d parted my other lips last night. I felt myself surrendering into his arms. His skin under my hands, as I ran them down to his arms and he pressed his torso against mine, felt satiny and feverish.

  “Okay, wait, wait.” I gently pushed him away. “You can at least feed me first before you lead me to the slaughter, mister. I’m famished, and you’ll want me at my best. Keeping my energy up is important when it comes to messing around with you.”

  “I’m two steps ahead of you. I ordered breakfast for us right before I—”

  “Made enough noise to make sure I’d wake up?”

  He laughed. “Exactly. Sorry, you look so peaceful when you sleep, but I think I like you better when you come.”

  “Easy, big boy. You don’t want to get the party started before the band is ready to play.”

  “Yes, I know, you’re right.” He got up and the bed responded with a springy bounce. Watching his bare ass walking away made me moist, and I thought perhaps breakfast could wait.

  “Ahem.” I tried to shake the thought from my mind. “Last night, before we got tangled up, there was something you wanted to talk to me about?”

  Dane turned, a contemplative look on his face before he spoke. My eyes dropped to his semi-erection swinging between his thighs.

  “Can you put on some clothes, please? A towel or something? If you want to have a serious discussion I can’t have your…distraction swinging around like you’re trying to hypnotize me with it.”

  He looked amused. “Is it working?”

  I felt my face flush. “Yes, a little. Anyway, there was something you wanted to say?”

  “Yes, there was.” He paused. “So I might as well say it directly. I’m moving to New York, Lynn, and I’d like you to come with me.”

  My breath caught in my throat. All the sherbet on a summer afternoon feelings I had melted to my feet, spilled off the bed, and pooled on the floor. I was totally caught by surprise.

  I fiddled with my hair. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You can say yes, for starters. That would help.”

  “But Dane…”

  His shoulders slumped, and he stared at his feet, shaking his head. “Look, I need to take a shower. I have a few meetings I need to attend with Dad. Can you at least let the waiter in when he comes? He should be knocking on the door at any minute.”

  Watching him walk away this time was a totally different feeling. It wasn’t his ass I was focused on but the stiffness in his back and how tight the muscles in his shoulders seemed to be, the way he looked—I don’t know—defeated.

  I looked around the room with all its fanciful décor, its bright cream interior colors, magnificent king-size bed, and ridiculous square footage. I felt unbelievably small. Here I was in a room with a man who wanted to spoil me, treat me like a princess and play to my every whim, and I had to “think about it” for far too long.

  Dane was offering to sweep me off my feet and possibly change my life forever. I wouldn’t have to worry about a thing. I’d be taken care of either way, whether I wanted to work or start a family; the choice was mine.

  So why was it hard to simply say yes? Why was I resisting such a tempting and generous offer? Most girls would’ve jumped at the chance and said yes in two seconds flat, if that long! I slumped back into the fluffy pillow with a confused sigh.

  There was something in my soul I wasn’t admitting to myself, an itch in the back of my head. Something I couldn’t allow to move to the forefront of my mind, because if I did, I would have to do something about it. I sat up and let the duvet slide down, brushing over my sensitive nipples. I swung my feet out of bed and headed toward the bathroom with one thing on my mind and one thing only.

  I turned the knob and cracked the door open, and warm, moist steam hit me in my face. It felt like the most gentle of kisses, and reminded me of his lips. As I pushed forward, I could hardly see a thing other than Dane’s silhouette under the spray of the showerhead.

  I paused to take in the width of his shoulders and strength of his muscular physique. I thought about last night when he was plunging deep inside my pussy, and I felt guilty for making him feel I didn’t want to leave with him. He hadn’t noticed me yet, so I slipped quietly into the shower behind him and slid my hands down his hips. True to form, Dane didn’t flinch or even appear to be startled.

  “Did you know the part of the brain called the amygdala is responsible for your response to fear but also your sex drive?”

  That sounded like something Simon would say, I couldn’t help but think. I shook my head, trying not to think of him. “Nope, I sure didn’t. You must have yours under control pretty well, because I didn’t scare you when I snuck up on you.”

  “You assume I didn’t know you were there.”

  “You knew I was there?”


  I grabbed the soap off the dish and started lathering up my hands. “So, it’s safe to say I can’t surprise you?” I knew I had to make up for hurting his feelings with my reluctance to go to New York.

  Dane said, “Maybe, but it’s not so easy to—”

  I quickly wrapped both of my hands around the base of his cock and stroked toward the tip using the lather for assistance. The stroke was long and slow, with a twisting motion I had learned from talking with the girls. I caressed the head, being careful of the soap near his opening. He turned around so we were face to face, giving me greater access, and I could see the reactions on his face as I pleasured him.

  He started smiling ear to ear, but with the stroke of my hands, his face transformed with ecstasy. “I’m supposed to be getting clean, not dirty,” he hissed through clenched teeth, and inhaled sharply with pleasure. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he let out a deep groan.

  “A little dirty never hurt anyone, Mr. Foster, but I’m getting you clean where it counts. A girl’s gotta be careful of what she puts in her mouth.”

  “Your… Wait, what?”

  I stepped back to let the water rinse the soap off his hardened cock. Then I knelt and licked his rod with my tongue. I teased him until he begged, circled around the tip, took his balls gently in my mouth while I hummed, moving them in and out one at a time.

  “You’re killing me,” he said with a grunt, jerking in anticipation of me taking him into my mouth, but I didn’t. I wouldn’t. Not just yet. I wanted him to squirm and beg me for it, and it only took a moment before he did. “Lynn! Oh my God! It feels so good.”

  Right then I took his cock in my mouth. I took him in as deeply and as exuberantly as I could, and tried to move my mouth to the hilt. His girth forced me to widen my mouth and move my lips up and down the length of his shaft as I swallowed him inch by inch. I sped up the pace with my mouth and my hands, making him moan and cry out.

  I twisted and sucked, looked him in his eyes, anything and everything I could do to blow his mind and make it a memorable experience. I wanted Dane to know I was with him, in this thing for good. If not for good, I’d give it my best until there was no more
of me left to give.

  He must have felt my feelings of commitment, because he jerked and pushed himself forward, shook, and called my name. His essence was spilling all over my chest right before I said, “Yes, Dane…yes, I’ll go to New York.”

  Lesson # 16

  The best of opportunities come along but once

  “Whatever you want to do, you can do it…” -Dane Foster


  I was dripping wet, mouth tingling, trailing behind a man who was happy enough to be skipping, though he refrained from it, of course—too self-restrained. I had to settle for the jumps and jerks, animalistic, pleased growls that escaped from his mouth when he was coming. I grinned, satisfied with effectively returning some peace to our morning.

  Dane looked so damn good with the water glistening on his skin, rolling down his back, with a towel around his waist, reminding me of a Spartan or a Greek god. After the oral sex, I hadn’t let him have me, and I was proud of myself—not that I didn’t want to have sex. It was just that my inner lips were rather tender from last night, the consequences of keeping a man like Dane at bay for any longer than a couple of days.

  So I guessed I’d be moving to New York, getting away from California, the trees, the sun, the beaches I never took the time to visit. It was easy enough to say, and had slipped out of my mouth, easier than slipping in his cock. I figured, why not? There was nothing keeping me here, and no prospects I was particularly excited about.

  Sure, my parents were close by, but they would be okay without me, especially with their renewed interest in each other (that as yet wasn’t making any sense to me, but it was their lives). I wrapped a towel around my head and one around my chest as Dane went on and on about how I’d love New York and its culture, the people, the opportunities… “You could work for us, if you wanted. With your economics degree, I’m sure we could use you, or if you wanted, you could go to NYU to achieve your masters, whatever you want to do, you can do it…” So on and so on.

  I admit, I hadn’t thought about all of that. Actually, I hadn’t thought about much of anything before I said yes, except that I knew I needed a change and he deserved my loyalty. I needed to get out of this quasi-atypical life I was living and build my own destiny. I had graduated from school, as I was expected to, and it was time to build my career. What better place to build it than New York? At Foster Capital Ventures, no less? It was a dream opportunity!

  I was sure it would be quite a change and take a whole lot of adjustment, but I’d be moving under the best of possible circumstances. I’d have a handsome man to lean on, a rich one at that, who could provide me with a way of life I could only dream of before meeting him. I could go back to school, work, or do both. It was my choice, as he said, and that was something I had always lacked: a choice.

  My life had been mapped out for me from the day that I was born. It wasn’t that my parents were tyrants, but they had expectations, and when I was younger, I’d felt like my mother was just filling a quota of important life events. Her main priority was work. I was just one bead on an abacus to be slid over to the side, along with her marriage, her house, how much money she had in the bank.

  Everything she planned came to fruition, until my parents had gotten separated. That was quite a surprise. After that, she poured her interest into being the ideal mother, and that meant I was subject to her hovering at every twist and turn of being a kid. I had gone to college like she wanted, even though it wasn’t where she thought I would, and I had gotten a degree like they insisted. And both my parents loved Dane. I could go to New York with him and fulfill their wishes, and my own to take control of my life.

  There was a knock on the door. Dane had just thrown off his towel to dress for a meeting he had later in the day. “I guess I’ll get it,” I said.

  “Could you? As you can see, I’m a little indisposed.”

  “Where’s my dress? Have you seen it?”

  “I wouldn’t worry about that. It’s just room service bringing us breakfast.” The first thing he put on was the watch on his wrist. He turned it over, checking the time. “He sure has taken his sweet time getting here. I hope for his sake the food isn’t cold. I’m already pressed for time, and that would be the last thing I needed. I hope he saves himself the potential embarrassment.”

  I sauntered over to the door, thinking naughty thoughts of smacking Dane on his perfectly round ass. He had on his game face, and when that face was on, it was all about business. Playtime would have to take a firm back seat. I couldn’t resist looking, though. I got to the door and opened it wide without looking.


  I turned around. Shit! It was my dad.


  He had come looking for Dane to see if he had heard anything from me, because Dad had apparently called me a dozen times and got no answer. Opening the door, I was basically naked, with a towel tucked around my breasts, which only partially covered me. Dane sitting on the bed without a stitch of clothes on was evidence enough of what was going on behind closed doors. My father’s face was crimson red as he stammered an apology and quickly disappeared up the hall. I flashed Dane an anxious look and quickly dressed. “Let me deal with this,” I told him.

  I got to my parents’ room to find my mother ashamed to look me in the face. My dad had obviously told her what he’d seen next door.

  My dad didn’t curse in any way shape or form, but as soon as he let me in, he blasted me. “What the hell was that, Lynora? Is this the kind of daughter we raised? Is this the kind of woman you plan to be? In a hotel room doing God knows what right next door to your parents?”

  I tried to plead my case. “Dad, I—”

  “I don’t want to hear it!”

  “Carl,” my mother admonished gently.

  “I’m so ashamed of you!”

  “Carl!” my mother said firmly.

  “What, Elizabeth…what?”

  “Simmer down before you give yourself a heart attack. Dr. Collier has already warned you about getting too excited with your blood pressure so high. Besides, she’s had enough…she gets the point.”

  My dad glared at my mother for a second before making an obvious effort to calm himself by taking a deep breath, and I released the breath I was holding as some of the tension dissipated.

  “We weren’t looking for Lynora to yell at her, Carl,” said my mother. “You’re a grown woman now, and it’s time we stay out of your business. I will say that I don’t disapprove of what you’re doing.” My mother gave me an understanding smile, and I felt a greater sense of relief.

  “Thanks, Mom,” I murmured, but I still felt a bit ashamed. It was embarrassing to have them find out like this. It was clear they at least suspected Dane and I were physical with each other, but for them to know-know made me want to disappear into the floor. However, I squared my shoulders and faced them. What was done was done, and mother was right about me being an adult. I was so happy she was giving me the space to be my own woman.

  “If your father could manage to find his peace, we have something important to tell you.” My dad waved around his hand to signal her to continue. “As you know, your dad and I have been spending a lot of time together…more than just these past few days, and, well…” She looked at my dad and smiled with all her teeth, like a teenage girl with an undying crush on the star quarterback at school. “Your dad and I have decided to give it another shot. We’ve decided to get back together.” She blushed. “Well, we’ve already gotten together biblically, but I’m sure you know what I mean.”

  “That is absolutely gross, and too much information for my taste.” I pretended to gag, but I was pleased if they were happy with each other.

  “Well, you wanted to be talked to like an adult,” my dad grumbled.

  “Yeah, but I’m still not adult enough for that stuff. In the future, let’s just all remember I’m still your daughter, so you can keep the icky details to yourself. But I’m confused. You two were miserable together. What’s changed?”<
br />
  “I have,” my mother said matter-of-factly. “And your father has. We’ve both made significant changes in the way we deal with each other and…”

  “Your mother had a scare,” my dad interjected.

  I scrunched my face in confusion. “What kind of scare? Mom, are you okay?”

  “Yes, sweetie, I’m fine. It was just a little thing. The doctors were concerned there was a lump in my chest, but the biopsy showed that it was benign. Your dad was very supportive during that time, even though he had no reason to be. I was a very inconsiderate wife in the past, and I know he never wanted to separate, but I prioritized my wants over his. Coming face to face with your mortality tends to lend perspective on what’s really important in life. For me, the most important things were you and your dad.”

  “You were sick? Mom, why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve come home!”

  My mother explained, “That’s exactly what we didn’t want. There was no reason to worry you unless we were absolutely sure there was serious need for concern, and it turned out there wasn’t. We decided to wait until after graduation so you could focus on school. Most importantly, we felt this was something that needed to be discussed face to face, considering the nature of the conversation.”

  “Wow.” I put my hand on my forehead. “This is a lot to take in all at once.”

  My dad said, “We know it is, sweetheart, but we had to tell you now, because when you move back home we didn’t want you to be shocked to see the both of us living there again. You won’t have to hop from my apartment to your mother’s house to visit. We’ll be one big family again, as it should’ve been all along.”

  “And we’re sorry we put you through that, the trauma of our separation,” Mom said. “Regardless of our differences, your dad and I felt really terrible we couldn’t make it work before, but we promise you we’ll try harder this time.”


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