Harlequin Heartwarming May 2016 Box Set: Through the StormHome for KeepsThe Firefighter's RefrainTo Catch a Wife

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Harlequin Heartwarming May 2016 Box Set: Through the StormHome for KeepsThe Firefighter's RefrainTo Catch a Wife Page 23

by Rula Sinara

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. This edition published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.

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  Preserving nature. Growing love. Can they do both?

  Grace Huber has no interest in taking over the reins of her father’s successful development company. Instead, she’s busy building a dream of her own: a “green” housing community in Wisconsin’s Sparrow Lake. Educator and conservationist Caleb Blackthorne is not only on the same page, the handsome single father tempts goal-oriented Grace to take time out to smell the flowers. But Caleb’s rebellious teenage daughter keeps throwing obstacles in their path. And when Caleb’s long-gone ex-wife shows up, along with rumors of ghostly sightings that threaten the future of Green Meadows, Grace fears she may lose all the things that matter most to her.

  Caleb looked at Grace. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You won’t.” She smiled, but he still felt the tension between them. It had been a long day.

  “Things might get even messier,” he warned. “I hope you’ll bear with me.”

  Grace stepped toward him. “If you’re honest about your intentions, you won’t be able to get rid of me.”

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” And he drew her closer to kiss her.

  Her lips were soft and she wound her arms around his neck. For a moment, the day’s problems and irritations melted away. Grace felt so good in his arms. He wished they never had to return to reality.

  Dear Reader,

  In Home for Keeps, a couple characters are frustrated by parents who don’t support them in working at what they love in life. Both of us, the coauthors of this story, were warned by our protective parents that making a living in a creative profession was impractical.

  Patricia wanted to work in theater...then in television production...then as a romance writer. Because she’d had similar youthful desires, her mother empathized. Even so, she urged Patricia to get a teaching degree so that she always had a job. Patricia didn’t exactly follow that dictum, but she did work in educational television for nearly two decades, even as she wrote romances and became a published author...and eventually, a college-level fiction writing teacher, as well.

  Linda wanted to be an artist and a writer. Although nobody else in her family had graduated from college, they urged her to pick up a teaching degree as a backup plan. She started out as a high school art teacher, went on to write romances and then got into teaching writing at the college level. Throughout, she has done artwork and used the creativity she developed in art classes to make life more interesting.

  We believe that people should do what they love...and that it never hurts to have a practical option to earn a living. Hopefully, you’ll see something of yourself or someone you love in Grace and Caleb’s story.

  Good reading!

  Lynn Patrick

  Home for Keeps

  Lynn Patrick

  Lynn Patrick is the pseudonym for two best friends who started writing together a few decades ago. Linda is a professor with a reading specialty, and Patricia writes as Patricia Rosemoor. Together they enjoy creating worlds that are lightened by the unexpected, fun and sometimes wonderful vagaries of real life.

  Books by Lynn Patrick

  Harlequin Heartwarming

  Shall We Dance?

  The Marriage Assignment

  Home to Sparrow Lake

  A Forever Home

  The Long Road Home

  Harlequin Superromance

  Good Vibrations

  Visit the Author Profile page at Harlequin.com for more titles.

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  JUST AS NELLIE MARTIN opened the kitchen door to empty her garbage, her glasses slipped down to the tip of her nose. Stopping to punch them in place, she jerked when a ball of fur streaked through her legs. Her fifteen-year-old cat had just gotten out! There she went, all twenty pounds of her tottering straight into the dark.

  “Olive!” Trying not to panic, Nellie dropped the garbage bag and followed.

  She’d moved from a two-story home to a first-floor apartment in Sparrow Lake’s new green community only a week ago, and her cat had never been outside here. Oh, dear, what if she got lost?

  Her pulse pounding, Nellie yelled, “Olive, you naughty girl, you come back here!”

  How could such a rotund cat move like that? With her arthritic knees complaining, Nellie couldn’t move fast enough to catch up to the old girl. And where did Olive think she was going anyway? The area outside the apartment building was woodsy. Wisps of fog rose from the ground, making it a little scary at night. Imagining a coyote darting from the dark and snatching her beloved pet for dinner, she forced her legs to go faster. Even so, the cat slinked around a tree and then simply disappeared.

  “Olive, sweetheart, please!”

  Where had she gone? Nellie’s heart was in her throat as she slowed to scan the area. Nothing! Then through the fog, she saw movement.

  “There you are,” she muttered, heading in that direction.

  But the shape ahead turned into something other than a cat. A pale, floaty figure shot from one tree to another.

  Oh, dear, it looked like...like a...a...!

  Starting, Nellie couldn’t take her eyes from the vision, not until her foot hooked on something hard and heavy. Then she went flying, arms waving, but unable to regain her balance.


  Landing on both hands and knees, Nellie saw stars from the pain. She couldn’t see anything else because her glasses had flown off her face and everything was a big blur. She gasped for breath. Tried to move. Sobbed from the pain as she felt around for her glasses.

  Sobbed some more for the loss of her cat.

  “Oh, Olive, how am I ever going to find you now?”


  Nellie’s eyes widened. “Olive?” She found her glasses and put them on just as her cat strolled up to her and gave her a full-body rub.

  Grabbing Olive, Nellie kissed her head and clung to her furry companion with all her strength. Now all she had to do was figure out how to get to her feet without letting go. If she put Olive down, the naughty girl might take off again.

  Fog swirled around them both, reminding Nellie of the distraction, the cause for her fall. She knelt there, cradling a now-purring Olive, her gaze scanning the area. She saw nothing amis

  Could the rumors be true?

  Did a ghost really haunt the new development?


  RUMOR HAD IT that Walworth Builders was responsible for Nellie Martin’s fall while chasing down her cat the night before, and there was speculation that Nellie was going to sue.

  Sue for what? Grace Huber wondered, zooming out of Sparrow Lake proper and heading for Green Meadows. She hadn’t heard the nature of Nellie’s injuries, but the woman was up in years and a little frail. Concerned that Nellie might be more hurt than she’d let on, Grace wanted to make sure she was all right in person. And she wanted to take care of Green Meadows, as well. She’d found a new passion in building with the environment in mind, having talked her father into developing the “green” community, which combined condos, rental apartments and semidetached homes, all constructed with sustainable materials and heated with solar energy.

  So it was no wonder that she wanted to deal with the problem herself.

  Green Meadows didn’t need bad publicity, and she didn’t want her perfect community ruined by a lawsuit. She needed to work this out so Nellie was properly taken care of without the development being in jeopardy.

  Turning off the main road, she entered Green Meadows and headed straight for the community center, where Nellie had agreed to meet with her. She was almost there when she realized a crowd had gathered outside in the parking lot. Because Nellie had been badly hurt? Worried, she pulled into the lot, left her car and made her way through the throng, only to stop when she saw the reason for the commotion. Taking a good look at the previously blank side wall of the building, Grace started. The community center had been constructed using repurposed wood plus stone from the local quarry, and the stuccoed side wall now boasted a large mural. In it, a woman walked away from prison bars separating her from the girl who was reaching for her.

  “You ruined our community center!” a man cried.

  “You two ought to be arrested!” a woman added.

  It took Grace a moment to realize residents had surrounded two teenage girls. One looked like a wild punk rocker with dyed black hair, black eye makeup and lipstick. The other appeared more subdued, naturally dark hair pulled back from a makeup-free face that hinted of a Native American heritage. She held a paintbrush in hand.

  “C’mon, let’s get out of here,” the punk rocker said. “They don’t appreciate your talent, Summer Storm.”

  The girl did seem stormy when Grace stepped closer for a better look.

  “Talent?” a woman said. “She defaced our property! Someone call Police Chief Novak!”

  “What’s so wrong?” the young artist protested. “The development will look better with a mural! And they don’t even have to pay me for it.”

  The sound of a truck squealing to a stop made Grace turn away for a second. She watched as a man with a rugged profile and blue-black hair worn to his shoulders jumped out. He was probably six feet and appeared powerful, if not broad. His tan shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealed arms roped with the muscle of someone acquainted with hard work.

  “Grab the girl,” a woman called out. “We can bring her to the police ourselves.”

  That pulled Grace’s attention back to the situation. “Wait a minute, no one is grabbing anyone!”

  Now that she was closer to the artwork, she was stunned by the ferocity of emotion in the mural and knew it had nothing to do with beautification. The teenager herself wore a defiant expression, but Grace couldn’t miss the haunted look in her eyes. What had happened to make her so angry?

  Before she could do anything to find out, the man from the truck stepped in. When he took the girl’s arm, she protested, “Dad!”

  She struggled, but he didn’t free her. His dark-eyed gaze aimed straight at Grace when he said, “Don’t worry, I’ll be back later to make sure this mess is taken care of.”

  “Mess?” Summer Storm jerked her arm to no avail. “Taken care of? What do you mean, Dad? You’re going to ruin my mural, aren’t you?”

  As he hauled his daughter off to his waiting truck, the man said, “I’m not the one who has explaining to do.”

  Grace stared after them, wondering why she’d never noticed the attractive man around town before. He was definitely unforgettable.

  “Are you going to let her get away with this atrocity?” someone in the crowd asked Grace. “Do something!”

  Grace sighed and tried to muster a smile. “It’s time for everyone to go about your business. Don’t worry, I will get everything in hand.”

  As the group dispersed, another person muttered, “You need to have both of those girls arrested.”

  Girls. What happened to the other one? Grace wondered as she looked around. The punk rocker was nowhere to be seen. She’d disappeared while the going was good. Pints of different-colored acrylics that Summer Storm had used to paint the mural had been left behind in a carry carton, along with painting knives and brushes on a tray.

  Several of the residents remained, undoubtedly waiting to see how she would solve the problem. Not knowing what to do with the girl’s paint supplies, Grace gathered them together and set them on one of the outdoor tables.

  “Do any of you know the girl’s father?” she asked the onlookers.

  “Name’s Caleb Blackthorne,” a man said. “He and his daughter live a half mile right down the road.” He pointed east. “They have one of them fancy new type A-frames set back from the road. Look hard to the left. You can just see it through the trees.”


  The Blackthornes lived so close, she would deliver the supplies in person. And maybe get a bead on what was troubling the girl. Painting that mural on the development’s property made it Grace’s business. Then she spent the next several minutes rounding up a couple of workers and a neutral-color paint. Her chest tightened as she watched the men start to obliterate the mural that obviously must have meant something to Summer Storm. Once again, she wondered what had made the girl express her unhappiness so publicly.

  Not that she had long to think about it. A van pulled up, its side scribed with Kenosha Journal in fancy lettering. Oh, great. What a terrible time for a reporter to show up. It took everything Grace had to smile at the man who alighted from the vehicle. She assumed the reporter was interested in the green community—it had already been featured in news reports in southern Wisconsin. Surely no one had called in the story about the mural.

  “Hi. I’m Grace Huber with Walworth Builders. Green Meadows is our development. Can I help you?”

  “Hope so. You can tell me about the latest ghost sighting.”

  Grace had to scramble mentally to change subjects. “Ghost sighting?” She’d heard the rumor about there being a ghost flitting around the complex at night, but of course that was ridiculous. Why would a newspaper be interested?

  “Nellie saw it last night,” an elderly woman stated. “That’s why she took a tumble.”

  Nellie? The name jarred Grace into remembering why she’d come to the community center in the first place. She managed to sputter, “Nellie didn’t say anything to me about seeing a ghost.”

  “Well, she did!” the woman’s companion added. “That’s why she fell on that rubble your crew left in the area. She told me she was distracted by something weird moving through the trees and her foot caught on a piece of discarded flagstone.”

  The reason people were talking about Nellie suing Walworth Builders.

  “Maybe Nellie has a few problems with her sight,” Grace said, remembering the older woman’s large glasses. “She’s probably confused if she thought whatever startled her could be a ghost.”

  “How do you know?” another man asked. “There were rumors about the old farmhouse that used to be here being haunted.”

  “Really,” the reporter murmured, ze
roing in on the man.

  Grace got between them. This was ridiculous. “There’s no story here. One of our residents had a little mishap chasing her cat last night. That’s all.”

  “That’s all? I’d like to talk to her myself.”

  Holding back a moan of dismay, knowing she couldn’t stop the annoying reporter, Grace forced another smile. She’d wanted to speak to Nellie alone, to get the whole story without an audience to egg her on. Now that was out of the question.

  “All right, then. Come with me.”

  Though reluctant, she led him inside the community center, where she hoped she could run interference if the situation got out of hand.

  * * *

  CALEB BLACKTHORNE WAS royally ticked at his daughter getting into a mess again with her edgy little friend Kiki Johnson. He might feel sorry for the foster kid, but he wished Angela would stay away from her and what he saw as a negative influence. Kiki was always getting into some kind of trouble, and lately, so was Angela.

  “Are you ready to explain yourself, young lady?”

  He gave Angela a quick glance, long enough to see her mouth tighten before she turned her head away from him to stare out the side window in silence.

  “What were you thinking, defacing private property?” Surely she would have something to say in response to that.

  But no, the silence continued.

  “And why would you go to Green Meadows in the first place? You don’t know anyone there.” The development was so new that only half of the units were even in use at this time.

  More silence. Obviously his daughter didn’t mean to speak to him. Something that was becoming very familiar lately. This talk would have to be continued. She couldn’t go around doing whatever she wanted. He would be lucky if she didn’t get arrested this time, a distinct possibility. Something he would do anything to avoid.


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