Angel Of Mercy (Cambions #3)

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Angel Of Mercy (Cambions #3) Page 8

by Dermott, Shannon

  “Yes, a lawsuit would be no good,” she said compliantly. Her stare was vacant and off. It was too weird. “I’ll just go find the janitor for cleanup and patrol the halls.” It was just that easy and she left us in her office.

  Flynn stood and directed his gaze at the girl. “Who knows about Mercy?”

  The girl squirmed. “How can you stand her? She’s evil.”

  I bristled at this. If she just said it because she wanted my boyfriend, it wouldn’t have bothered me. However, knowing a demon lived inside me, I had to believe that was partly true.

  Her stick and stone words weren’t directed at Flynn. Instead, she was looking above her to Luke. To her shock, he answered, “The only thing evil in this room is you.”

  The betrayed expression painted on her face was priceless. “Let me go,” she said.

  Flynn moved in front of her and took her chin in his hand. He made her face him and I saw the moment she slacked, no longer putting up resistance. “Who knows about Mercy?” he repeated.

  “Everyone,” she said. The way she said it made all the hairs on my body stand on end.

  “What do you know about her?” he asked.

  Luke had stepped away and the hands that previously held her in place, rubbed soothingly at my shoulders.

  “That’s she’s demon spawn of course.”

  “Who told you that?” he asked.

  “It was on the net,” she answered like it was so obvious.

  “The net?”

  Her face never left his. It was creepy how she looked at him like he was the only person in the world. “The website that lists all known demons.”

  “Am I there?” he asked.

  “No, silly. You may have an unclean soul but you’re no demon,” she said with adoration on her face.

  I rolled my eyes. She went all fan girl. Of course he was overlooked. He had what I didn’t, rock star appeal.

  “Who is in charge of this group?” he asked, continuing to prod her for information.

  She frowned. “An angel of course.” That raised my eyebrows.

  “What’s the angel’s name?” Flynn asked.

  “We aren’t given that information. All I know is that each area has a minor angel in charge.”

  Luke, Flynn and I all looked at each other.

  “Who is the angel in charge in this area?” he asked taking a different approach with his question.

  “I don’t know. My parents might know. We’re given instructions and tips through the net and that’s it.”

  “What is the website?

  She rattled it off. Luke scrambled to write it down on paper. It wasn’t a simple demon hunters r us kind of web address.

  “Are there more of you here in school?”

  She looked thoughtful. “Not yet. But we are recruiting.”

  Flynn and Luke exchanged looks. For me that meant Flynn’s new girl toy wasn’t currently a member.

  “Where does your group meet?”

  “Different places,” she said.

  “The next time they meet, I want you to tell me.”

  Her head shook slightly. “If they found out that I spoke to you, with your reputation, I would be kicked out of the order.”

  Quick on his feet and not taking his eyes off her, he said, “Okay, post a status update on Facebook and say that you’re going to church.”

  With another tiny movement of her head, she said, “Then they will know that I’m giving out information and I’ll be kicked out.”

  Sighing, Flynn looked exasperated. Luke said, “Tell me the time and place of your next meeting.”

  When she didn’t speak, Flynn asked, “Can you tell Luke?”

  “Of course, he’s an angel of mercy and goodness.”

  “He’s my angel, alright,” I said sarcastically but without humor.

  Flynn shot me a look that said “shut up.” Then quickly he focused back to her. “You will tell them that Mercy isn’t a demon. She fights like a human and if someone hadn’t broken it up, you might have killed her. Then you will tell them the real demon girl got away.”

  “Yes,” she said, unable not to agree.

  “You should go home and explain that your wounds came from the real demon girl, not Mercy.”

  “Yes,” she nodded.

  “You will let Luke know when the next meeting is and that is all you will remember from this conversation.”

  She nodded again. Luke let go of her. She looked at us wearily and said, “I have to get home.”

  She left the room and Luke closed the door behind her. Flynn then got in my face, rage coming off him in waves. “What the hell happened?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Luke stepped in front of me. “Don’t talk to her that way,” he growled and there was no mistaking the threat in his voice.

  Flynn’s eyes narrowed and he wasn’t backing down. For a second I thought I might have to jump in between the two. “Well, if she would feed her demon, I wouldn’t have had to do this. She could have handled it herself,” he spat.

  Glancing off to the side biting back anger and humiliation, I knew he was right. At least that I should have been able to handle this on my own and not, once again, relied on rescue. Surely in the back of his mind he was thinking about how he’d nearly died to save me.

  “You’re right,” I said pushing to my feet.

  Luke turned to look at me with sad eyes. He too likely thought about Flynn’s near death. Yet he said, “No, he’s not. He’s being a douche.”

  “No, he’s right. He’s not healing and he had to use whatever power he had to protect me… again,” I defended.

  Flynn said nothing. But I hadn’t expected him too. I did feel his eyes on my back as I faced Luke. I wondered what mysteries were in them. Spinning around, I moved to face Flynn. Luke grabbed my arm bring me to a halt. “You’re not going to kiss him.” The air seemed to vibrate with past hurts.

  Not wanting to escalate anything, I didn’t yank my arm away. That would have sent the wrong message. “I’m not.” But I looked at his grip until he let go. Then I turned to Flynn and I stepped closer to him. I felt Luke’s heat ratchet up behind me. Ignoring it, I opened my mouth a little as if I was going to speak and pushed. Not my physical body, not my air, but power, my life force and whatever else that would help Flynn. His need was palpable whether he wanted to admit it or not.

  He opened his mouth to protest, but was assaulted with what I was giving him. Knowing only Flynn and I could see the vapor matter transfer between us, I watched as it seeped into his mouth and nose. Like water being force down his throat, he had no choice but to breathe it in. And immediately he looked healthier for it. His eyes didn’t look as tired and his face filled with color, no longer pale.

  I’d never done that before, not like this at least. Flynn was conscious this time and my knees buckled when I’d given far more than I had to offer. A wave of dizziness took over me as I gave him from both my human and demon side. Somehow I knew I could give my life to him if I desired.

  Just when my legs gave way, Luke caught me and cradled me in his lap as he sat on the chair the demon hunter girl had vacated. “You can’t keep doing that,” he pleaded, all traces of anger gone.

  Yes, I could and would. No one would sacrifice their life for me anymore. But I couldn’t say that to him, not now at least. He wouldn’t understand and he might mistake that to mean there was more between Flynn and I than there really was. “Flynn nearly died for me once. Not again,” I said focusing the truth of my words at Flynn.

  “Are we done here?” Flynn asked, not bothering to acknowledge what I had done or what had been said. He barely looked at me and then he avoided direct eye contact altogether.

  When Luke nodded, Flynn bounded out. “Can I take you home?” Luke asked.

  I shook my head. “I’ll just go to class.” I was given another opportunity with school. I wasn’t going to waste it.

  “Just because she said there is no one else in school doesn’t mean there
isn’t. You need to be careful and on alert,” Luke warned.

  Nodding, I got up and found I was still unsteady. Luke held me around the waist. Then when he gave me what should have been a simple kiss, it wasn’t. He pushed a little of himself into me which gave me a boost. “Luke,” I protested.

  Putting his finger to my parted lips, he said, “If you are bent on going to class, you need it.” His smile was warm and my Luke was here. I loved him for it.

  Smiling back at him, I let him walk me back to my class hand in hand to get my things before heading to the next one. “Be careful,” he said before heading off to his own. Hating the bipolar personality that was now my boyfriend, I too was going to see what I could do to help reverse the damage I had inflicted on him. I would put all my wrongs right, even if I had to die to do it.

  Walking to class, I realized I hadn’t gotten a chance to ask how they’d found out about the fight. Although, if my classmates’ stares were any indication, I imagined someone had texted, tweeted, facebooked or gossiped what happened. Maybe someone had walked by and heard the fight or saw my walk of shame with the vice principal. I slunk into my seat. I would ask Maggie and Luke at lunch.

  This day would prove not to get any better halfway through. It only got exponentially worse.

  Chapter Sixteen

  As I stood twenty five paces from the lunch table I shared with Luke and his friends, the senior elite, I felt frozen in my spot. A girl with long, dirty blonde hair strolled up to my table, and planted herself in my boyfriend’s lap. Before I could blink, her lips were on his. Yet, he didn’t push her away. Yes, he looked shocked at least from what I could tell from his eyes, which popped wide for a second. However, beneath the kiss, it looked like he was possibly smiling.

  Flynn, who sat a seat away, glanced over at the girl. He didn’t look surprised to see her either, maybe that was recognition I saw in his gaze. Instead, he turned back and locked eyes with me. Was there amusement there? I had a moment of indecision. The old me would have walked out in quiet fashion. My concrete legs took much effect to move, but I pressed on.

  A gentle shove from behind pushed me forward a few steps. “Mercy, what are you doing standing here,” Maggie said coming to my side. I didn’t look at her but knew when she gasped that she’d seen. We were like statuettes, immortalized in inactivity. I had to get going or I was going to lose my nerve.

  What felt like hours were only seconds. When Blondie put her hands on Luke’s face, he captured her wrist and pulled them away. By this time, I was only a few strides behind him. Forest green eyes locked on me causing Luke to turn his head to notice me. Urging her off his lap, Luke had the decency to look sheepish.

  Clearing his voice, which only made him seem guilty, he said, “Sara, this is my girlfriend, Mercy.” His long reach clasped my forearm and pulled me the final few inches to the table. With his other hand, he took my tray and set it on the table next to him. Soon, I was sandwiched between him and Blondie, a place I wasn’t sure I wanted to be.

  Faking a smile, I said, “Hi.”

  Maggie had other ideas. My fiery Irish best friend wasn’t having any of it. “Oh, no. You,” she said pointing at Blondie, “have crossed a line.”

  Blondie raised her hands and said, “Look, I didn’t know.”

  Maggie said, “You didn’t bother asking either.” She handed Luke a napkin. He just looked at her with querying eyes but took it. “Don’t you need to wipe your mouth? Brushing your teeth and mouthwash is important too.” If I wasn’t torn as to what to do or say, I might have laughed.

  Blondie put her hand on my other forearm. Luke’s hand had slipped down to intertwine with my fingers. Turning, I speared the girl with my no bullshit stare, glancing quickly at her hand on me to give her the hint.

  She let go. “Look, I’m really sorry. Honestly, I didn’t know he was taken.”

  I studied the spray of freckles on her face while I deciding on what to do. Her words didn’t ease my mind. Had Luke been seeing this girl on the side and not told her until now that he had a girlfriend? No, he wasn’t that type of guy. I ground my teeth with the urge to make my palm connect with her cheek. I gave myself a quick reality check. If she really didn’t know, then my anger was misplaced.

  Continuing, she said, “It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen them. And I know this isn’t the right time, but could I borrow him and Flynn?” Why did she have to look so damn sincere? It made it hard to imagine her flesh being peeled away from her skin.

  “Mercy, you don’t have to put up with this,” Maggie said flexing her fingers like she planned to rumble. Then she twirled her plastic knife like it was a viable weapon.

  Not willing to play jealous girlfriend in front of the whole lunchroom, I said quietly, “Maggie, I can’t tell him what to do.”

  “The hell you can’t,” she furiously whispered giving me stink eye and all kinds of you have to be crazy looks.

  Luke sliced up the silence with his this is none of your business look and handed it out as everyone waited. And when I say everyone, I meant the immediate area that was focused in on us like MTV was filming our table. A shifting sound broke up the empty noise; I glanced at Flynn who now stood. He held a hand out to Blondie. Smiling at him, she took it and was pulled to her feet. “How about you handsome? Are you taken?”

  Flynn appraised her whole body through hooded eyes and smirked.“Nope.”

  Standing on her tiptoes, she locked her mouth with his in a scorching open mouthed kiss. My stomach tightened. Looking away, I caught Luke moving to stand. He was watching Flynn with intense eyes; the bottom fell out of my stomach. Was he jealous?

  Finally, he placed a hand on my shoulder and dipped to speak in my ear. “I’ll be right back.” Where my head had slightly angled to listen to him, I moved away when he made as if to kiss me. I heard his sigh before he stood, giving me a sad smile and left the lunchroom with Flynn and Blondie. What I didn’t say was that Maggie had the right idea. There was no way I was kissing him after she did. He’d let that happen.

  Maggie took Flynn’s seat. “Eme, why didn’t you say anything?”

  Shaking my head, I said, “I trust him.” It wasn’t the total truth. Luke had changed. And everything that I witnessed gave strength to my doubts. But there were ears. Nina and her crew were nearby. Never show weakness, I’d learned that over the last few months.

  My best friend had more to say but all I could do was push down the bile that threatened to shoot out like a projectile missile. Forcing small bites of my burger in my mouth, I finished about half without ever touching my fries before Flynn came back alone.

  “Red, move over,” he said planting himself next to her on the bench seat. Somewhere along the way, the conversation at the table had started up again. Flynn’s presence brought back total silence as everyone waited to hear his next words. It was apparent to everyone who didn’t return. Luke and Blondie. Voices changed to whispers discernibly discussing the latest developments. School was worse than gossip magazines. Closing my eyes, I picked up a cold fry and shoved it in my mouth. I didn’t enjoy the taste of rubbery food but swallowed it anyway.

  “Eme,” Maggie said. The sensation of my eyes filling with tears had me taking deep breaths. I would not cry in front of everyone. Luke was probably just talking to her. Yeah, right, I chided myself. Who was I fooling?

  Not speaking, Maggie took my hand. Standing up, she pulled me to my feet and shoved the remnants of her lunch on my tray while I looked on. Stacking our trays, she held them with one hand and took my hand with the other.

  “Maggs,” I said with a whisper.

  “Luke is outside if you’re looking for him,” Flynn called out.

  Snapping my head in his direction I saw he had a satisfied expression on his face. How could he be so cruel? I turned away while Maggie led me out. I mentally counted to ten so I could pull myself together.

  Ending up in front of our lockers, I spun the tumblers not remembering my combination. “Luke wouldn
’t do that to you.” Her quiet voice had fat tears spilling from my eyes. Quickly wiping them away with the sleeve of my shirt, I was grateful for the navy color that hid the dark wet stains.

  “Maggs, he’s not the same,” I managed to choke out.

  Pulled into a hug, I only had moments before the lunch bell rang. Standing straight, wiping my face again, I dialed my combination, reality snapping my memory back into place.

  Still no Luke; Maggie walked me to my next class. Not making my runaway imagination any better, I didn’t see Luke the rest of the day. Thunderstorms, canceled softball practice. I wasn’t sure what to do after school because there was no way in hell I was riding with Flynn again. His practice was mostly likely canceled as well, but I didn’t care. The rain was coming down in sheets, melting the remnants of snow faster than the sun ever could. No one was milling around. People stood under the awning, inside buses or in cars headed out. The hulking Hummer, however, was there along with Luke’s BMW. Stepping outside, the rain was cool, chilling my skin on contact. I hadn’t brought an umbrella. Luke’s car door opened and he popped his head out to wave me over.

  My feet moved in his direction until his passenger door opened. Blondie got out and hurried over to Flynn’s Hummer. As she hopped in, I stumbled to a stop. Luke had only partially gotten into his car; now he closed the door and strode over to me, drenched in the steady rain. I was dripping wet, too, by this point. Any tears that could have fallen from my eyes would have been disguised by the rain.

  “What?” he asked. “You’re soaked.”

  Shaking my head because that didn’t matter, I asked, “Who is she to you?”

  “Nobody,” he said earnestly. Why was it so hard to believe him? I wanted to desperately. “I’ll tell you about it. There is so much you need to know.”

  Reaching for my hand, I pulled it out of his reach. We stood letting the rain pour on us. His eyes narrowed and he pushed back his wet hair. “You’re mad at me for something she did?”


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