Angel Of Mercy (Cambions #3)

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Angel Of Mercy (Cambions #3) Page 10

by Dermott, Shannon

  Leaning over to me, with a gentle two finger tug, he pulled my chin over so our lips connected. It was a soft kiss that spoke of reluctance and trepidation. Pulling away only a little so that we were still eye to eye, he said, “Know that I love you and only you. Sara means nothing to me.”

  His ocean blue eyes were clear but worry filled them. He’d opened the door to questions about my own worry. “So what does she want?” I asked. She wanted him, of that I was sure. But the girl wouldn’t have come to our school just for him, would she?

  Before she could answer, my door banged open. Filling it like no other boy could, bare chested with drawstring knee length shorts, Flynn said, “You guys are loud.” Knowing we weren’t, I glared at him. “Your mom would have cut his balls off if she’d been here.”

  About to give him a nasty retort when I asked, “My mom’s not here?”

  Stepping into the room not bothering to shut the door, he said, “She’s on midnights.”

  “What do you want?” Luke asked, frowning at Flynn.

  Shrugging, Flynn said, “I’m on babysitting duty. Do you know the hell I got when I didn’t come home with her?” He pointed at me but spoke like I wasn’t in the room.

  As he got closer, I felt a tug toward him not of my own making. Sure Flynn was the god of beauty, there was no denying that. And having him stand before me half-dressed was a test to keep my eyes on his. But I didn’t want him. He made me so mad. He was crass and mean. The only thing I could offer him was friendship, but he didn’t want that. I was so over it. And I squashed whatever force was trying to get me to my feet and to him. Threading my fingers with Luke’s, I tried to stop from making a fool of myself.

  Clean bandages were wrapped around Flynn, but I looked away. Luke’s eyes shot to mine in questions. I squeezed his hand and leaned into him. “Okay, you two. Get a room,” Flynn quipped.

  Not stating the observable, I said, “Get out of mine.”

  The space in front of me becoming the shooting range, Flynn’s eyes looked like pistols aiming at me. “Stop being a brat.”

  Giving him a look that clearly said ‘What’ more than saying the word, I got to my feet while Luke still held my hand. He yanked me to a stop before I could get in Flynn’s face, though I said, “Stop being an asshole.”

  The air grew charged between us. Flynn looked me over with a very appreciative slide that sent a shiver over me, he said, “Stop being a—”

  Luke moved so quickly my hair lifted in the breeze he created. Getting between us, he raged, “What the hell? This isn’t the time for this.”

  I moved to the side of Luke, but not in time to see the looks pass between them. Flynn spoke. “What it’s not the time for is doll face over there to play disappearing act with Rat because some chick is into you while people are after her.”

  “Sebastian’s not going to hurt her,” Luke said calmly. “He wants her just as much as you do.”

  Flynn’s jaw dropped as did mine. But Luke’s gaze was steady on his. Flynn sputtered a bit before he said, “I’m done. She’s all yours. Bros before hoes.” He held his hand wide open for a second.

  Flynn stepped back out of arm reach just as Luke’s fist met air. Flynn laughed and said deadpan, “I’ve got all I need.”

  And as if on cue, Blondie ducked her head into my room. “I’m sorry. I woke up with all the racket.”

  My jaw was still open. But Luke’s jaw tightened. His deadly look wasn’t just about me. He was hiding something. Her appearance, her hair sleepy tousled, in my room as Flynn stepped back and wrapped an arm around her shoulder bothered more than just me.

  What kind of girl was she? She clearly had been interested in Luke and had so easily made the switch to Flynn. Maybe he’d met his match. Maybe she was a Cambion.

  When he kissed her forehead and gave her a squeeze, it looked more like a budding relationship than a fuck buddy. How could that have happened in less than a day?

  “No, I’m glad you’re here,” Luke said, all eyes focused in his direction. Why would he be glad? “I think it’s time we tell Mercy why you came here.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  You could hear a feather drop, if that were possible. The smiles died from Sara and Flynn’s faces. Her expression that eerily reminded me of Amanda was gone. Thinking of Amanda, I wished Flynn was still with her. Amanda didn’t like me, but she was real. I always knew where I stood with her. This girl looked like she hid a million secrets behind her high wattage grin.

  Tugging my other hand so that we faced each other, Luke said, “Sara came to kill you.”

  Gale force winds would have been easier to deal with than the sparkler of truth. I felt like dynamite with a short fuse. I was going to blow in T minus two. My head snapped to take in the girl Flynn protectively hugged. Now was a good time to show how much I could handle myself.

  Trying to get to her would prove harder. Luke wrapped me in his arms and spoke in my ear. “She’s not going to anymore. She had no idea who you were.”

  Looking away from him, I snarled in her direction. “What are you and why would you want to kill me?”

  Either she was innocent or a damn good actress because she looked truly wounded at my anger. Really? “It was a job.” She paused like the next part was really horrible. “And if I did it, it could save my life.”

  I looked around for the studio audience and podium because her performance was Oscar worthy. Really? And the two dumb guys looked sympathetic. “Who’s after you?” I asked.

  “I did something long ago and I’m trying to make up for it.” It was almost as if violins were playing.

  Flynn chimed in, “When we met her, Luke had to…” He waved his hands around wildly. “And vanquish her attacker. She might have died had we not shown up.” He frowned then like he remembered something. He looked up at Luke. I didn’t turn to him in time to see the silent communication. By the time I looked back, Flynn had adoring eyes on Sara. She on the other hand was looking at me. Her facade cracked. For the slightest moment, I swore I saw her smirk.

  “She’s telling the truth. I’ll tell you the whole story later,” Luke uttered to me, garnering my attention.

  The next thing I knew, she was standing before me. Luke let me go. Again I was struck with the urge to kill her. I wasn’t sure what she was, but that dagger Sebastian gave me would not only kill demons, I was sure it could kill other beings if stabbed in their hearts. I would have to give her my back for a moment to get it and also reveal it to Flynn and Luke. And what would Sebastian do then? I stayed rooted in my spot, but I did keep it as an option if things went south.

  “I’m really sorry,” she said in a syrupy sweet voice that was sticky as the crap she was feeding me. “And Luke promised to help so I won’t have to kill you.”

  Goodie, I wanted to say with a fake smile and to jump up and down with clapping hands. Instead, I looked at Luke. “How can you help her?”

  “In whatever way I have to, to ensure you’re safe.” His sincerity was honorable. The declaration of his love was clear. But I didn’t trust this girl. She was stunningly beautiful. Her blonde highlighted hair, doe eyes, and natural ruby lips along with a face that rivaled Kathy, the Elven girl that used to go to our school, were hard to ignore. Was I just jealous or insecure?

  “You never answered me. What are you?” I asked. My voice still held a hint of my disbelief.

  Her face relaxed and she looked at me with all genuineness. “I guess a little like you.” Did anyone else hear that non-answer?, I wanted to say. Instead she said, “I really like you better than that Adelina girl.”

  Hold the presses. How did she know Adelina? I turned my attention back on Luke. “It happened two years ago,” he said. What he was really saying is that it was long before we’d gotten together; not that I really wanted to hear about him and the evil twin.

  “Fine,” I said, looking over at the clock. “It’s late, I have school tomorrow.” Well, we all had school, but I was tired and wanted this girl out of my

  “Yeah,” she said. “I really should be going too.” She walked back over to Flynn and kissed him. “Later,” she said and strolled out of our room.

  Curious, I followed behind her to my door and looked out. I couldn’t believe Flynn would just let her have the run of our house and stroll out the front door. David slept like the dead, but even he would hear the alarm chime in the silence.

  When I peeked in the hall, she was nowhere to be found and there’d been no alarm noise. Whirling around, I asked, “Where did she go?”

  Flynn’s eyes flicked over to Luke before he said, “She can move like Rat.” This was his second time he called Sebastian that. But that question wasn’t pressing.

  “People are trying to kill me and she even told you she was trying to kill me and you bring her home for a sleepover,” I said breaking all kinds of grammar rules. I pointed at the culprit.

  The asshat in question smirked. “We weren’t sleeping. And you were never in danger.”

  Luke pulled me to his lap when I was about launch myself at Flynn. Luke said, “It’s done. You know how he is.”

  “And how’s that?” Flynn retorted.

  Raising a hand, Luke said, “It’s late but we need to tell her all of it.”

  I stopped squirming and listened to the story of how they met Sara. After hearing it, I could tell that he’d left some parts out. It all sounded so clinical.

  “So, let me get this straight. You,” I said pointing at Luke, “found her in the woods after looking for a demon.” He nodded. “She was hurt and you brought her home like a wounded bird.”

  Luke almost sounded sorry for her when he said, “You say that like I should have left her to die.” I didn’t respond; at the moment I wished he had. And that was mean.

  “Then she stays for a party and demons show up. You,” I pointed to Flynn, “save her from Luke’s angel light.” Flynn nodded, still standing there half naked. I closed my eyes for calm to cleanse myself from his visual. Opening my eyes again, I said, “Then she blinks out when you guys start asking questions.”

  Like the dumb ass bobble heads they were, they nodded. I rolled my eyes. “And you guys didn’t think she was the demon?”

  “Yeah, I thought about it.” Luke said. Supposedly, we Cambions could feel something when we were in the presence of full demons. I was the odd man out. I felt something around Sebastian, but I hadn’t felt anything around Blondie.

  I still couldn’t believe these two. “And you never bothered to ask Sebastian about her?”

  Luke said, “That was two years ago. We met her for a day and then she was gone. I thought she was probably dead or something.”

  In my head, I said, Sebastian I need you. I waited a beat and nothing. He’d been selective lately when answering my call. Luke shifted and pulled out his phone. He’d taken my silence that I had tried reaching out to the demon. Dialing, I waited while his call got nothing either. A computer generated voice barked out that the person we were calling was unavailable and hadn’t set up a voicemail.

  “You should get some sleep,” Luke muttered.

  Flynn added, “You can’t stay here dude. If Mercy’s mom finds you, we will all be castrated—me, you and my dad too.”

  Luke nodded. “I’m leaving in the morning anyway.” And to me he said, “I’ll see you later.” He kissed me hard, pulled me underneath him and I giggled.

  “Look, I’m all for watching, but Mercy needs her rest,” Flynn said, sounding pensive.

  Luke took his time pulling away from me. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “I’ll be down the hall if you need me,” Luke said moving towards the window instead of the hall. Confused, I watched until he pulled it closed and locked it. Winking at me, he left before Flynn.

  I looked up because my door hadn’t closed. “You’re welcome,” Flynn said. Then he stepped out of my room and pulled the door shut in his wake. What should I be thanking him for?

  Chapter Twenty

  The next days at school were pretty uneventful. It had been hard to say goodbye to Luke that morning. He was off on his quest to neutralize the stain I’d put on his soul. He left on his own because we still hadn’t gotten in touch with Sebastian. Maggie was out with Brent and I was on alone. Lying on my bed, the TV hadn’t been enough to keep me out of my own head.

  A crash in the hall had me bolting upright. After a couple days off, in which she watched me like a mother hen, Mom was back to working the overnight shift. For someone who had me on punishment, she wasn’t home much in the evenings. And when she was, she was always so angry, I’d been avoiding her wrath as much as I could.

  Another crash and I headed for my door. A demon hunter could have gotten, maybe even two or three, but I wasn’t afraid. Since the house was warded against them, I’d ruled out demons and left the dagger where it was. I’d kick ass without it. And if it came down between the humans and my family, I’d do what I had to do to protect my own. There was no other choice.

  Stepping into the hall, I saw a lump of a figure on the floor. Beating feet in time with a staccato of my heartbeat, I was crouched in front of the lying figure in a matter of seconds.

  A bubble of laughter wafted me with an unpleasant bouquet of liquor and smoke—what I imagined a pool hall smelled like. Sitting back on my heels, I looked down at him. He wore no coat but a faded blue tee shirt that said She Wants to Sleep With Me, with arrows around the words pointing in all directions. Right, what more should I have expected except it was most likely entirely true. And his jeans-clad legs were sprawled out in front of him.

  Now that I knew who it was, I looked around; a table that used to sit in the hall with a decorative vase was toppled on its side due to a missing leg. The vase, however, had survived. It had rolled across the hall—probably one of the thuds I’d heard. The heavy thing was made of strong stuff and would make a good weapon. I wondered quickly if that’s why David had it out here. It looked harmless enough, but could take someone out with a crack over the head.

  “Meerrccyy,” Flynn slurred, still laughing to himself, like he’d made some inside joke.

  “Flynn, get up, you need to sleep this off.” I took his bicep in my hand, intending to help haul him to his feet. His skin was ice. “Flynn, get up, you’re really cold. You need to get in bed.”

  Looking up at me with innocent eyes, he said, “You know how long I’ve waited for you to say that?” Then he busted out laughing again.

  Sighing and rolling my eyes, I tried to have patience but failed. He was drunk and prone to anything. And with Flynn that meant the crude remarks would only get worse. He pushed up on to his elbows but slid back to the floor. If I were looking in the mirror, I would have surely seen my face go ghostly white. His movement triggered a memory of him dying on the floor not too long ago. Sucking in a breath, I got angry. “Flynn, get up. Stop your tomfoolery. You can’t sleep on the floor.”

  His eyes too had lost the drunken lunacy and in its place I saw fear. “Webster, I can’t, I can’t get up.” He sounded way more sober. At first the sudden reappearance of that nickname didn’t register. My words quickly replayed in my head. I’d meant to call him foolish, instead I used a word from my SAT studies which meant the same. Shaking my head, in any other circumstance I might have relished his pet name for me. In most ways, I preferred it over doll face. But fear lanced through me. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I feel numb, paralyzed.” His words rang out a little garbled, laced with a healthy dose of distress and a dash of dismay. Flynn certainly wasn’t a coward and he sounded afraid. He had to be telling the truth. To admit he was weak in any way wasn’t in his nature.

  Adrenaline allowed me to strong arm him in a tug of war. Taking control, I realized he had moved. So he wasn’t paralyzed. “Where were you tonight?” I asked. I needed to understand what caused this. I wasn’t a doctor, but being around my nurse of a mother had taught me a few things.

  “Where do you think
I was?” he asked. Some of the humor was back in his eyes.

  “Just tell me without giving me the gory details,” I said, before rolling my eyes. He was breathing, so I allowed the back and forth of words. Although he claimed paralysis, he didn’t seem like he was on the edge of death.

  “Nothing I do is gory. Every girl except you loves it when I give them my attention,” he said, with a wicked grin that would in fact stop many hearts. I ignored it.

  “Apparently, you only spend time on planet Moron. Because the girls you deal with are clueless.” We weren’t getting anywhere. I couldn’t get him to his feet. I took Flynn’s wrist in my hand. With two fingers on his pulse point at his wrist, I tried to count beats.

  His head flopped from side to side, like he was dizzy on his feet only he was flat on the floor. “Your right, I am a moron for falling for a girl I can never have.”

  Closing my eye, I breathed through the riot in my heart. I loved Luke. But I couldn’t deny the tiny thrill of his words. Was he admitting again that he loved me? I tamped that down. Tomorrow, he would blame it on being drunk. And it didn’t matter anyway; he was right. We could never be together.

  Yanking my hand away, I realized I hadn’t really felt his pulse at all. His neck was preferable but I hadn’t wanted to go there. In his irrational state, he would most likely pull me down on top of him and that wouldn’t be good. Just because I wouldn’t ever do anything with Flynn that would jeopardize my relationship with Luke, didn’t mean that I was totally unaffected by him. Still I leaned over and placed my finger on his jugular vein at his throat. This time, he sat still only watching me as I tried to find something. Very faintly, I did. It wasn’t strong. If he’d been human, he probably wouldn’t be conscious.

  Pierced through with trepidation, I moved both my hands to the hem of his shirt and pushed up with as much detachment as I could. What I did notice beside the hard plains of muscles was that his skin underneath his shirt was just as cold as his uncovered arms. Uneasy goosebumps crawled over my skin from more than the chilliness under my hands. “Well, if I knew you wanted me naked, I would have helped you out,” Flynn said. His voice held flippancy but lacked volume.


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