Colton Family Showdown (The Coltons 0f Roaring Springs Book 10)

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Colton Family Showdown (The Coltons 0f Roaring Springs Book 10) Page 4

by Regan Black

  “I should’ve thought of that.” Proving he wasn’t the father might light a fire under Trey to launch an investigation into the baby’s real parents.

  “Hard to see clearly when you’re up to your eyeballs in a problem,” Kelsey said.

  “True.” He smoothed a hand over his beard. “I’ll get the ball rolling on the DNA testing first thing tomorrow.” He’d have to call in a favor with the lab he used, but that wasn’t much of a hurdle. “Unless one of my brothers owns up to this, I can strong-arm all three of them for a cheek swab.”

  “And a finger-stick,” she said. “The blood test could rule someone out right away.” Color stained her cheeks. “Not to imply your brothers would lie about the baby.”

  “No offense taken.” He stood, pacing over to bank the fire for the night. “Going solely off his note-free arrival on my doorstep, it’s a good guess the mother didn’t tell the biological father about the baby.”

  Deputy Bloom’s theory echoed in his head again. There was a murderer on the loose in Roaring Springs. What if the mother had in fact been taken by the Avalanche Killer? Unnerving to think a killer might have been at his door. Then again, why would a cold-blooded murderer bother to spare a child?

  He felt Kelsey’s gaze on him as he moved about the room, but she didn’t say a word. The quiet was such a relief. For Baby John as much as for him.

  “I do like kids,” he blurted.

  “Good to know.”

  “I’m just better with them, more comfortable, when the parents are around.”

  “I understand that,” she said with a soft chuckle. “Babies are demanding, even if the list is a short one.”

  “Thanks for giving me a pass.” He wasn’t sure he deserved it. But he didn’t want her to think poorly of him, especially since he was going to be her boss.

  “Thanks for giving me a job,” she replied. “Two, really, along with great accommodations.”

  Her smile lit up the room, easing the exhaustion and burden of not knowing how to help the small human now resting peacefully in the hay-bin cradle in the other room.

  “I know it’s not what you came for,” Fox began, “but would you help me unravel the DNA trail and find his father?”

  “You want my help on that, too?”

  He was asking too much. “It was your idea,” he reminded her. “Not as fast as blood tests, but far more conclusive. Please?” he added. “With a certified nanny on board, the sheriff will give me more time before forcing the foster care issue.” If Trey knew about his dad’s lousy habits with kids, he’d be watching for Fox to screw up.

  “Your lab downstairs can handle that kind of sampling?” she queried, her eyes bright with excitement.

  “We can run preliminary tests at the office, but a full DNA panel would need to be sent out for a confident result.”

  “I see.” The sparkle in her hazel eyes dimmed just a bit.

  He felt ridiculous pressure to bring it back. “I’ll get the samples and the blood tests of course.” He’d need to talk with each of his brothers privately. “It’s outside the scope of what brought you here—”

  “Working alongside you is what brought me here, Fox. If finding the father is where you need my help in the lab, I’m game.”

  What star had he wished on to have this beautiful woman, so eager and assured, show up on his doorstep exactly when he needed an ally?

  “We might be able to get help from the FBI lab,” he said, thinking out loud. “I don’t have any proof that the baby is tied to a major case, but they can’t prove he’s not.”

  “You don’t mean the Avalanche Killer?” She curled into the corner of the couch, wrapping her arm around her legs.

  “You’ve heard about the case?”

  “Hard to avoid it,” she said. “It’s national news.”

  “And you walked around alone out here anyway?”

  “I’m small but mighty.” She raised an arm and flexed her biceps. The effect wasn’t as impressive since any muscle on her trim frame was hidden by the chunky sweater she wore.

  “Have to take your word for it,” he said gruffly.

  “You’ll see. We didn’t go over this yet, but will I be helping you with the horses directly?” she inquired.

  What kind of a boss did she think he was? “Managing the baby and getting up to speed on the breeding program should keep you busy enough to start,” he said. “We can take a full tour of the office and barns in the morning.”

  “I’m up for anything.”

  He could tell she meant it. If only he could promise her that anything didn’t include looming family drama as they tracked down an unsuspecting father.

  * * *

  Careful not to break out into a happy dance, Kelsey took her glass to the kitchen. What a difference twenty-four hours made. Her feet and legs were achy from the long walk and she was running on fumes, but nothing could dim her bright inner glow as she prepared a bottle for the baby’s next feeding.

  She floated through the kitchen, moving baby laundry from the washer to the dryer on a cloud of accomplishment and pride. The great Fox Colton wanted her—unknown geneticist Kelsey Lauder—to assist his famous breeding program. This sort of collaboration would define her career.

  Actually being hired was better than any of the positive-outcome scenarios she’d envisioned time and again on the long, solitary drive to Roaring Springs. Every step of the process between sending her introductory email to Fox to leaving her last assignment to standing on his doorstep had been worth it.

  The baby had helped her cause, no doubt. While Fox wouldn’t have invited her to stay in his wonderful house without the baby, deep down she was confident that he would have still hired her based solely on her academic merit. That realization eased the small sting of being a nanny yet again. Every time she found herself in the child care role she told herself it was the last time.

  One of these days it would be true.

  As much as she enjoyed children, babysitting jobs tweaked her old insecurities. Still, she reminded herself that her brain wouldn’t shrivel, her knowledge wouldn’t go unused simply because she kept this sweet baby happy and fed for a few days or weeks. Fox had given his word that caring for the little guy was temporary. She believed him. His heart was in the right place, taking in the child when he could’ve handed over the baby to an agency. That decision only reinforced her opinions of his character.

  “You look ready to drop.” Fox’s deep, masculine voice snapped her out of her thoughts. “I guess that was rude,” he added.

  “I’m sure it’s true.” Even her hair felt weary. Shaking her head, she smiled. “I’m tired, yes, but more than thrilled to be here. I’ve admired your work for years and can’t wait to get started.”

  He raised his beer in a toast. “Here’s hoping reality isn’t a crushing disappointment.”

  “Not a chance.” She’d survived crushing disappointment and changed her entire life to overcome it. She didn’t expect Fox to be a saint. If he’d been cruel to the animals in his breeding program, word would’ve gotten out by now.

  “We’ll do great work,” she said.

  “I’ve never shared the office with anyone.” He picked at the label on the bottle. “You’ll have to speak up if I hover or mutter while I read or whatever.”

  “I can do that.” She wasn’t sure how to fix the sudden awkwardness rising between them. “Many siblings, remember? I know how to express myself and ask for what I need.”

  He lifted his head and nodded slowly. “I preferred to fly under the radar.”

  “Ah.” She knew the type, had lived with brothers who went about their chores intentionally avoiding any praise or criticism. Just do the work and move on to the fun stuff. “Better to ask forgiveness than permission?”

  “Something like that.” His lips kicked up in one corner. “Don’t feel like
you have to stay up and entertain me.”


  “Okay.” He rinsed out the beer bottle and dropped it into the recycling bin under the sink. “I’m up at dawn with the horses. I’ll try not to wake you.”

  She smiled. “Same,” she said. At his confusion, she added, “I’ll try to let you sleep when the baby gets me up in the night.”

  “Thanks. Good night.”

  For a several minutes she just stood in the kitchen, reveling again in how things had turned around for her. Tonight she’d sleep in a comfy bed at the ranch rather than in a low-rent motel room with a questionable lock on the door. Baby duty or not, she could actually let down her guard and rest.

  She wanted to do a back flip or let loose a victory shout. Tomorrow, she promised herself with a smile, turning out the lights on her way to the bedroom.

  Fox stepped into the hallway from the bathroom and nearly ran into her. She took a quick step back, stifling a startled cry.

  “Sorry!” he whispered. “It just occurred to me you don’t have your things. What do you need for tonight?”

  “I can manage until we get my suitcase,” she replied.

  He arched an eyebrow in disbelief.

  “Fine.” No sense arguing, the man needed sleep as much as she did. “It would be great if you had a spare toothbrush.”

  When she’d first left home, she kept a small toiletry kit in her purse, just in case she had to run. She’d given up the habit about five years ago, once she was confident she could hold her own if her brothers or anyone they sent found her.

  Fox turned back to the bathroom and opened the bottom drawer. After a moment, he stood up and handed her a toothbrush still in the dentist’s packaging.


  “Make yourself at home,” he said. “I mean that sincerely. You have no idea how much you’re helping me. Good night.” He disappeared into his room.

  Kelsey brushed her teeth and then walked into bedroom she shared with the baby. The hay bin crib had been inspired and the soft baby snores were calming. The little guy was so content. “Your temporary daddy has that effect,” she whispered to the child.

  She’d seen Fox in interviews and every animal he met seemed to fall in love with him. People, too. More than once she’d watched a reporter take aim with a hard question, but Fox never failed to diffuse any angst or tension with a thoughtful answer and that self-deprecating smile.

  He was smitten with the baby even if he was overwhelmed by all the things he didn’t know about caring for a child. From what she’d learned by following his career, he took pride in doing things right.

  A shadow blotted out the faint light from the hallway. Fox held out a T-shirt. “So you don’t have to sleep in your clothes.”

  “Thanks.” Here he was, seeing to the details. The shirt was soft and she could already smell the faint scent of him on the fabric.

  He shuffled his feet, hooking his hands in his back pockets. “You should let me take the night shift,” he said.

  “Absolutely not. You hired me for baby care and I’ll handle it.”

  “You just got here,” he protested.

  “There’s a first day with every job.” She smiled when he frowned. “You’ll be the first to know if I need a hand.”

  He stared at her for a long, tension-fraught moment, as if weighing her sincerity. “I suppose that works.”

  She slipped into the bedroom and closed the door before he could find another argument. Tomorrow she’d have her suitcase and the fresh start she’d been after would be completely underway.

  Undressing, she pulled the T-shirt on over her head. The hem fell to her knees, but it was the scent of the man, masculine and clean, lingering in the fabric that put a zing in her blood. She nipped that feeling in a hurry. She might have idolized Fox and his successful breeding program, might have fantasized about a relationship with an honorable man like him, but he was her boss now. She couldn’t afford to let her hormones screw up her perfect job.

  Oh, that had a nice ring to it. A real job. With pay and benefits and, for the duration of the nanny portion of the program, room and board, too. No more temporary situations that meant relocating in three to six months. She would give him two years, minimum. Take a break from the constant search for the next post.

  Slipping into bed, Kelsey sighed with contentment. This might well be her best night ever. Definitely her best night in recent months.

  She was well and truly safe. The Crooked C ranch had clear boundaries and if a couple of her brothers, strangers in this area, showed up asking questions, they’d be noticed and reported. Wouldn’t that be fabulous?

  Tonight was better than her first night in the college dorm. Back then, thanks to keycards and security officers, she’d known her brothers couldn’t come in and make a scene or drag her back home. Walking through the campus had felt less secure, but daylight and crowds of people had been her buffer.

  They’d tried to isolate her more than once during her college years. Only her quick thinking, her reputation and the self-defense classes she chose enabled her to follow her dreams. Lying here now, she realized every restless night, every uncertainty had been worth it.

  She curled to her side. Still free. And staying that way. Smiling, she closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep before the baby woke up again.

  * * *

  Fox heard the baby crying and rolled out of bed, more awake than asleep. He padded over to where the makeshift crib had been under his window. The baby wasn’t there. That’s right, he had help now. He had a nanny.

  So why was the baby still crying?

  He padded out of his room, following the hiccupping cries, the hardwood floors cool under his bare feet. The bathroom light was on and the guest room door was open. In the dim light he found Kelsey on the floor, singing a lullaby as she changed the baby’s diaper.

  The words slowly filtered through his sleep-hazed brain and he recognized an old church hymn.

  She had a sweet voice, even at a whisper. He didn’t want to scare her, but he didn’t want to interrupt, either. He leaned against the doorjamb and listened.

  The baby was running out of steam and Kelsey cuddled him close as she rolled to her feet. Tucking the pacifier into his mouth, she swayed side to side, keeping his face out of the light as she sang another verse.

  He could watch her for hours. Days maybe. Time slowed down, and Fox savored every precious moment until she had the baby nestled into the bed once more.

  She came toward the door, and Fox stepped out of her way. She wore the T-shirt he’d loaned her over the jeans she’d arrived in. The fabric was thin enough that he could see she hadn’t put on her bra, and he averted his gaze. She was his employee twice over and being half-asleep wasn’t an excuse to ogle her.

  He was suddenly aware he didn’t have anything on but an old pair of flannel pants.

  “Sorry we woke you,” she whispered.

  His body was more than willing to have her wake him anytime. He ignored the flash of heat. Employee. It became a chant in his head. “You look different.”

  She twirled her finger in the air as if turning him around. “Go back to sleep before you can’t.”

  It was her hair. Her hair was down and flowing loose around her shoulders in glossy strawberry-blond waves. “You’re good with him.”

  She smiled, then pressed her finger to her lips in a sign for silence. “Sleep now, employee evaluation in the morning.”

  She turned out the bathroom light and disappeared into the darkness of what would be her bedroom while the baby was here.

  Leaving Fox alone in the dark hallway. If he went back to bed, he’d dream of her, assuming he could get back to sleep at all. If he dreamed of her, it would be even more awkward between them in the morning.

  He returned to his room, grabbed his reading glasses and the
latest veterinary science magazine.

  Chapter 3

  A few hours later, Kelsey heard Fox leave to tend the horses and dozed off until the baby started stirring. If Fox meant to take care of the infant for some time, a baby monitor would be a good investment. It wasn’t exactly her business, but DNA tests took time. Unless someone claimed the baby right away, he needed some proper baby gear just to make things run smoothly.

  She rolled out of bed and pulled on her jeans. Today, once the baby was settled, she’d get to see the Colton breeding operation live and in person. Grabbing her bra, she darted down the hall to the bathroom, taking a few minutes for herself before the baby got wound up.

  Perfect timing as Baby John was testing out sounds and degrees of fussiness when she returned to the bedroom. The moment he saw her he grinned, kicking his feet. He was such a cute little guy, all smiles in the morning, though he was surely hungry and in need of a clean diaper.

  When he was all set, she carried him out to the kitchen and saw a note from Fox. Morning chores. Back soon. Bottle ready in the fridge.

  “Well, isn’t your temporary daddy the best ever?” she cooed to the baby. When the bottle was warmed up, she found a spot in the family room to feed Baby John.

  Fox walked back in just as the infant finished eating. “Perfect timing,” she said to the baby, making him giggle.

  “You two are up early,” Fox said.

  “It’s a baby thing,” she said. “You understand.”

  “I do, actually. Baby horses and baby people keep crazy hours.” He walked over and the tyke reached for him. Fox tickled his tummy and they both grinned. “I was going to start on breakfast,” he said, his gaze still on the baby.

  The man was charmed whether or not he’d admit it. “I can make breakfast,” she offered. “You fixed dinner last night.”

  “Nah, let me. It serves as a nice mental transition from chores to office work.”

  With a thousand questions about the horses circling in her head, she let him go. She could ask about horses at the barn or the office. Right now, she needed to broach the subject that the baby needed some additional supplies if they were going to make this arrangement work.


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