Love Me, Master Me (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 6)

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Love Me, Master Me (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 6) Page 11

by Anya Summers

  The next evening, Delilah stood in the conservatory as the pastor ran through the wedding details with Declan and Zoey. It was interesting to watch all the couples present and their interactions with one another. Even though this was the rehearsal, Zoey shed a few tears as she walked down the aisle. Her maid of honor, her sister Ophelia, sniffled a bit as well, as did her other bridesmaid, Lucy.

  Even the men seemed to take the rehearsal in stride with an aplomb and reverence. And the testosterone from all the alpha Doms present was damn near palpable. Declan was the first of the DFC owners to get hitched. Well, except for Tyler, but that had been years ago, before Delilah had met him. And from what she'd heard through the grapevine, Ashley had never fit him. But looking at Tyler now, the way he stood in the audience with the willowy beauty, Elise, who leaned back against him with his arms around her middle while she rested her head against his chest, was a comforting sight to see.

  The united front Zeke and Chase made, flanking either side of Kara, each with an arm around her, made Delilah sigh. They made quite the threesome. Jesse, with his rakish charm, and Hunter, with his trademark hunky smile, stood off to the side in their duties as ushers. Jared had been made Declan's best man, and Tobias his second groomsman. There should be laws against having this much beefcake present in one place. Every man here was a specimen of exemplary manhood in his own right.

  Declan's cousin, Veronica McGinnis, stood in the audience next to the prima ballerina Katarina Roberts. Delilah didn't know either woman well, although she'd seen Katarina perform a few years back, and the tiny blonde was magnificent at her craft. And Veronica had inherited the same electric blue gaze as her cousin, which complimented her copper locks. She seemed nice enough, if a bit shy. Then there was a friend of the Mills sisters, Will Evans, who was this giant of a man. He had to be at least six and a half feet, and reminded Delilah of a defensive lineman with his ripped thickly muscled build.

  She caught sight of Bastian with his band members, stationed near the entrance to the conservatory. From her perch near the front with the orchestra players she had an eagle-eye view of the group.

  There would be others at the wedding, of course, but this was the nuclear group that made up the wedding party. Seeing everyone present brought a surge of longing up inside her chest so intense it stole her breath. She wanted that type of permanence in her life. Wanted it with a fierceness more potent than any wine.

  When it came time for her to run through the Ave Maria and she stood up, Delilah's gaze zeroed in on Bastian. It was as if the rest of the room fell away and she sang to him, for him, with a wistful yearning filling her voice. After the scene last night, she didn't think it was possible for her to want him even more—but she was wrong. Watching him now, the way his gaze focused on her like she was the only woman in the room, with a mixture of emotions on his face, made her tremble.

  Bastian had become her addiction. She wanted him more now than she had before, if that was possible. He had literally screwed her brains out at the DFC the night before. In all her years as a submissive, she'd never been shot so high into subspace that she lost consciousness. And deep in her heart, she knew it wasn't the scene but the man.

  The heated look on Bastian's face made her blush as the song ended and she sat. She avoided looking at him. She had to, since all she wanted to do when he looked at her that way was drag him to the nearest bed, bench, couch, you name it, and proceed to fulfill all of her fantasies.

  When the rehearsal finished, the large group moved into the formal dining room for the rehearsal dinner. Since Declan had brought in outside catering for the wedding reception in the form of Zeke Driscoll, his cook, Mrs. Stewart, had taken over charge of the rehearsal dinner.

  It was a rather boisterous affair, with laughter and conversation flowing between the guests. There was an assortment of appetizers already on the table that everyone availed themselves of, from cheese boards to pan-seared scallops, and crusty, steaming loaves of French bread.

  As the cook and an army of helpers served the main course, a slow braised lamb shank with roasted garlic mashed potatoes, smoked shiitake mushrooms, and sautéed baby carrots in a red wine glaze, Declan rose from his seat at the head of the table, getting everyone's attention.

  "First, I want to thank you all for making the trip here to help celebrate our wedding. It means the world to us that you have done so. Second, I'd like to raise my glass to Mrs. Stewart and the purveyor of our excellent meal. You have outdone yourself. Thank you for making tonight so special for us. Zoey and I can only hope you will be with us for many years to come. And last, to my bride on the eve of our wedding. Zoey, I never knew how empty my life was before your unorthodox entry into it. That I had been waiting all this time to meet my best friend. But I thank the heavens every day that they sought fit to bring me you, and would give up everything I have just for another day with you. I love you more than you will ever know, and am honored that you have chosen to marry me. So if you will all raise your glass and toast my Zoey."

  A chorus of cheers erupted around the room. "Cheers."

  Zoey had tears in her eyes as Declan embraced her with a brief kiss.

  Delilah felt herself sniffle as she dabbed at the wetness leaking from her eyes. Hers was not the only non-dry eye in the audience.

  "Let's eat," Declan said to the room as he resumed his seat.

  Conversation ebbed and flowed as people ate, the crowd exclaiming over the stupendous meal. And through it all, Delilah felt Bastian at her side. She found herself leaning closer to him as the meal and evening progressed. It was like he was her own personal north star, her own internal compass detecting him as her true north.

  "You are coming tonight, right?" Amaya asked, seated on her right.

  "Yes. For a little bit, at least." Zoey had cornered Delilah earlier, pleading that she come to the bachelorette party in the pool room. Instead of worrying over the reasons why she shouldn't attend, she'd accepted the invitation, jumping in feet first. Delilah had lived so much of her life on the sidelines, it was more than past time she allowed her world to get a little messy and shaken and see how it all played out.

  "Oh, thank goodness. I didn't want to be the only outsider," Amaya said.

  "Well, you won't be."

  Funny, Delilah didn't feel like an outsider anymore.

  The meal ended shortly afterward with Solomon, Elizabeth, Olivia, and Ian departing the dining area first. All of the remaining men were members of the DFC, with the exception of Zoey's friend Will, who had apparently been welcomed into the club with open arms. Delilah would have to ask Zoey about that when she got the chance. At a signal from Jared, the Doms headed out en masse to the club for Declan's bachelor party.

  "Will you come to the club after the party?" Bastian asked, lingering back momentarily, his hand brushing strands of hair off her shoulder before trailing down her back.

  The act of familiarity and possessive nature of his touch startled her. It made their relationship more than just a tumble and scene in the club. She'd not necessarily wanted it hidden, but until she understood herself what was happening between them, she'd hoped for some discretion on his part. Not that they had even discussed that.

  Uncertainty filled her. They'd been living a fantasy the last few days. What happened when the real world intruded? Making plans with him implied further entanglements and she wasn't quite certain she was ready for that. Delilah had been on this cloud all day because of last night, and reality just hit her. So she deflected. "As long as I'm not too tired. Tomorrow's a long day and I want to make sure my vocal chords are well rested."

  "Then I'll hopefully see you there." He gave her a smoldering glance that made her knees tremble.

  "Now that the boys have vacated the area, it's time for our own little private party," Lucy proclaimed. "Everyone go get your suits on and we'll meet at the pool.'

  Delilah took her time as she changed into a bathing suit, wrapping herself up in one of the manor robes. When she descend
ed the stairs into the pool room, feminine laughter surrounded her. No one had actually entered the pool just yet but were all reclining on loungers and chairs.

  There had been a long table set up and draped with ivory linen. It was practically groaning with the volume of finger food delicacies for them to munch on.

  "Can I interest you in a Bellini?" Lucy asked. As Zoey's best friend and bridesmaid she seemed to be in charge of the whole shindig. Gosh, did Delilah envy the woman her stunning figure, and the fact that she could wear a skimpy, cerulean blue bikini. She was curvy, to be sure, but with her five foot ten height, she filled out nicely.

  "Sure. That sounds lovely. Thank you."

  "Here you are." Lucy served her with an efficient flourish. She'd be a handful for Jesse. Then again, he had always been in need of a little direction.


  "I've been meaning to ask you… I know you've been a club member for a while now, and I'm sure this sounds like a jealous girlfriend, but did you and Jesse ever…" Lucy trailed off.

  Delilah choked on her drink a little bit. Feeling her eyes water, she said, "Gosh, no. By the time he and I met, I was in a relationship."

  "Thanks. I realize he has a past. I do too, it's just…" Lucy took a swig of her Bellini.

  "I understand. Really, no explanation needed. You're good for him. I don't think I ever recall seeing him so happy."

  "Yeah?" A tenuous smile hovered over Lucy's lips.

  Delilah found herself wanting to reassure her, especially since the same could not be said of her relationship with the groom-to-be—even though it had been eight years ago, and she and Declan were nothing but friends now. She swallowed. Zoey must know, otherwise why would Lucy broach the topic? Sweet Christ, it made Delilah uneasy. She already felt crappy about being the only plus-sized woman in the bunch.

  "Uh huh," she murmured.

  "Thanks, sorry to be a heel. Go, enjoy yourself."

  Amaya waved Delilah over. Spying an exit away from the uncomfortable conversation, Delilah gave Lucy a small grin and headed over to the lounger where Amaya was seated.

  "What was that all about? You look like you swallowed bleach water."

  "Nothing. Just clearing things up." And making her want to do nothing but crawl in a hole and hide away.

  Lucy stood amidst the group. "Can I get everyone's attention!"

  Zoey's sister Ophelia stood, wearing a two-piece black bikini displaying the slightly rounded bulge of her abdomen, and joined Lucy in the center.

  "Thanks, Luce. All right, Lucy and I put our heads together, and have a few games that we came up with. First up is naughty mad libs, which Lucy is handing to you now. You'll have fifteen minutes to answer them all. We have a deluxe rabbit vibrator for the winner."

  "I didn't think Tobias would like that kind of competition, sis." Zoey snorted.

  "You'd be surprised," Ophelia said with a chuckle.

  "Okay, on my mark… go."

  And that was how much of the evening proceeded. They played pin the penis on the model, and pass the lubricated dildo, which was just like the game hot potato but with a pink jelly dildo covered with lube that made it one slippery little sucker. Delilah laughed and enjoyed herself more than she thought she would have.

  As the evening wore down, after the games had been played and the appetizers eaten, they all crowded together on the chairs in a circle.

  "Where is Declan taking you for your honeymoon?" Kara asked.

  Zoey was flushed from too many Bellinis, in fact, they all were, except for the two pregnant subs. "Well, some of it he is keeping a surprise. What I do know is that we are starting out in the Mediterranean, I think southern France and then, I have no idea. And he won't tell me more."

  "Have you and the guys set a date for the wedding, Kara?" Lucy interjected.

  "Yes and no. Because of my pregnancy, Zeke wants to make it formal at the courthouse as soon as we return to Manhattan. He wants to make sure that if something would, god forbid, happen to him, the baby and I are taken care of completely. So probably sometime in January we will go to the courthouse, but Chase and I want the full enchilada, so we will likely wait until after the baby is born so I can lose some of the baby weight and have a big wedding."

  "That's what Tobias and I did," Ophelia said, looking rather guiltily at Zoey.

  "I still can't believe you did it that way without me," Zoey said, without a lot of heat behind her words.

  "We'll have a shindig out in LA but decided to wait until the baby arrives," Ophelia said.

  "Do you know what you're having?" Veronica asked.


  "What?" Zoey said. "You didn't tell me that. Why didn't you say something?"

  "Well, I didn't want to take the spotlight away from you. This week is about you and Declan."

  "Christ, Lia, don't leave us hanging! What color party decorations do I need to start stockpiling for your baby shower?" Lucy asked, setting her hands on her hips with a flourish.

  "Pink," Ophelia said, rubbing her hand over her baby bump.

  A round of 'aws' filled the space. Tobias was having a little girl. It struck a chord inside Delilah. He would be such an incredible father, and while she didn't know Ophelia well, if the expression on her face was any indication, that little girl would want for nothing.

  "Do you have a name picked out?" Elise asked.

  "Yes, we do in fact. Meet Lily Marie." She patted her bump.

  "Lia, you're naming her after Mom?" Tears welled in Zoey's eyes, which were mirrored in her sister's.

  "Yeah, I thought she would have liked that. And her name is for both of our mothers actually. Marie is for his mom, Mary."

  Zoey hugged her, both of them blubbering a bit. "It's perfect."

  Delilah wanted to be happy for them. All of them. She didn't begrudge them their happiness in the slightest. But, blinking back wetness, she couldn't keep the despair from piercing her heart. Because deep down, Delilah was terrified that it was something she would never have. Maybe she had too many scars from a lifetime of feeling inferior due to her appearance.

  It didn't help that Ethan had said just that to her on more than one occasion. That she should feel lucky because not everyone loved a fat girl, but he did in spite of her appearance. And how that should say something as to the strength of his love and devotion.

  "As much as this has been a hoot, ladies, I need a hefty dose of testosterone so I don't go do something silly, like toss out my birth control. Zoey, I hope you have enjoyed your party, but this girl is heading to the club and my man. Ya'll are welcome to join me," Lucy proclaimed, belting her robe and giving Zoey a quick hug.

  There was a murmur of assent from the rest of the group at the mention of intruding on the bachelor party. Delilah wondered how many strippers they'd brought in for it. Even Amaya seemed primed and ready for the club.

  "You coming?" she asked.

  And that was just it. After tonight, Delilah didn't want to just have a good time and feel like she was nothing more than an indulgence. Gah! She truly needed her head examined.

  "No. It's been a long day and I'm going to bed."

  "Okay. Sleep tight," Amaya said, joining the rest of the chattering group.

  "Coming?" Lucy asked Delilah as they all clambered onto the elevator.

  "No, you guys go on ahead."

  Lucy saluted her as the doors slid shut. The hallway became deafeningly silent with their departure. It always amazed her how she could stand in a crowded room and still be alone.

  Unsettled by the direction of her thoughts, Delilah belted her robe and wandered the manor halls.

  Chapter Eleven

  Chaos descended into the Dungeon as the bachelorette party invaded. Bastian looked for her. Excitement and need rose in incessant waves. He couldn't seem to get enough of Delilah. Thinking of their scene the previous night, his cock twitched. She was the most passionate woman he'd ever had the good fortune to encounter.

  She was soft and supple in all the rig
ht places, just thinking of the way his body sank into her comforting warmth made him hotter than a stadium show in the dead of summer. When the doors closed with no sign of Delilah, he left his seat at the bar and strolled through the arena to make sure he hadn't missed her entrance.

  Declan had already corralled Zoey into a scene with Jared at the cross. Zeke and Chase were towing Kara into one of the private rooms. Jax and Lachlan had cornered the sexy violinist, Amaya, and were making a play for her attention. Eric had already left with two of the strippers. Tobias and Ophelia were cuddling on the couch as they talked to Jesse and Lucy, with Declan's cousin seated nearby. Bastian didn't know Veronica that well but she seemed very skittish and would likely bolt at the first opportunity, especially since whenever she glanced at Hunter, there was fear in her eyes.

  Collum and Hunter were still at the bar where he had left them. Tyler had Elise over on the spanking bench. Everyone else was here and accounted for—except Delilah.

  He stopped over at the group on the couches. "Did Delilah not come with you?"

  Lucy shook her head, the waves of her red hair spilling over her shoulders. "No. She said she was tired and was heading to her room."

  "What's going on with you and the little songbird?" Tobias shot him a look.

  Bastian liked Tobias just fine, but when it came to his business, be it music or who he took to his bed, he preferred to keep things to himself. He'd never been one for sharing, or holding hands and singing Kumbayah. "Nothing I can't handle."

  "Sure about that?" Jesse chimed in.

  When did the DFC Doms become a bunch of mothering hens? Bastian scowled at his friends with a 'fuck off' expression.

  "Yep. I'm out. Later."

  His ears burned when Tobias and Jesse bust a gut as he strode to the elevator. Laugh it up, fuzz balls. He was on a mission to find the sub who had all but ensorcelled his attention while he'd been at the manor. Who cared if they thought he was in over his head? Maybe he was precisely where he wanted to be.

  As much as he'd kept from Jesse and Tobias, maybe they were on to something. All night long during the bachelor party, he'd been watching the clock, wondering if Delilah would come join him in the DFC. He'd had to pretend interest in the strippers, when really all he'd thought was their hips were not as lush as Delilah's, or their tits, while attractive enough to tempt most men, paled in comparison to Delilah's dusky areolas and heavy globes. The relief he'd experienced when the elevator had opened and the ladies had streamed into the club had been immeasurable.


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