Unbreak This Heart

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Unbreak This Heart Page 7

by Betty Shreffler

  “That’s it, baby.” Letting out a moan of pleasure, he eases his grip. I must look like I’m in shock. His expression twists and he seems angry. “What’s wrong?”

  I’m stunned into silence.

  Letting out an annoyed breath, his brows furrow. “I don’t know what your problem is. You used to gobble my dick like it was a gourmet dessert.”

  Zipping his jeans, he gets out of the car. I sit there, holding back tears, trying to find composure before entering Elizabeth and James’ home. Todd opens my door and puts out his hand for me to take it. Stepping out, he pulls me into his arms and caresses my cheek.

  “I’m sorry for snapping at you. I thought you wanted it as much as I did.”

  “I did. I’m sorry. That was the first time since—”

  “It’s okay. That probably wasn’t the best time to do that, it’s just, I’ve wanted you to touch me like that for the last few weeks. I shouldn’t have rushed you.” With tenderness, he kisses my lips, nose, then forehead. “You okay? Ready to go inside or do you need more time?”

  I shake my head. “I’m ready.”

  “If it’s any consolation, you’re just as good as I remember.” Smiling, he lifts my chin for another kiss.

  As soon as we enter, Elizabeth squeals then runs to her brother. Being his twin, she’s just as gorgeous as he is but a female version. She outstretches her arms as far as she can to make room for her round belly. Todd’s smile goes ear to ear.

  “Okay, okay. Enough of that.”

  She tilts her head and frowns.

  “Elizabeth, you remember Alexandria?”

  “I do. It’s so good to see you again. I’m so glad you came.”

  To my surprise, she leans forward and pokes me with her big belly as she hugs me. Raising the gift bag, I ease out of her embrace.

  “I brought you something.”

  “That’s so sweet. Bring it out back. That’s where everyone is hanging out.” She motions for me to follow. I glance at Todd and he bobs his head.

  “I’ll be there in a minute. Elizabeth will take care of you.”

  Taking off into the kitchen, I hear several male voices greet him.

  “How are you?” she asks, guiding me through their massive house. Sadly, my apartment could easily fit inside their family room.

  “I’m good.” My voice betrays how nervous I am.

  “You look incredible. I love the long hair and you look really fit.”

  “I’ve been taking kickboxing classes twice a week.”

  “It shows. I miss my toned belly. As soon as this baby is out, it’s gonna be back to the gym.”

  “I’m sure it won’t take long. I remember you were always super fit before.”

  She opens the sliding door onto a patio and my nerves bunch at the number of people spread throughout the three-story deck with a bar, catered buffet, cake table, seating areas and a giant swimming pool. I feel more out-of-place than a freshwater fish in the ocean. Anxiety creeps along my neck, and I wish Todd would’ve stayed by my side, at least until I was introduced to a few people.

  Elizabeth guides me to the gift table and I set the present down next to at least fifty others. Taking my hand, she pulls me along and introduces me to several of her friends, then leads me again to a couple who look like older copies of Elizabeth and Todd, their parents. It’s too late to flee as Mrs. Livingston’s eyes are already locked on me.

  “Alexandria.” Her expression is indiscernible, and I can’t tell how she feels about seeing me. “You look well.”

  Really? I suppose the last time she knew, I wasn’t well, so seeing me now must be a huge surprise for her.

  “Thank you. It’s nice to see you both again.”

  Mr. Livingston, having always been the nicer of the two, takes my hand and places his palm over the top of it. “You look lovely dear. It’s a pleasure to see you here. Where is my son?” He glances behind me, and as if by cue, Todd steps up behind me and places his arm around my waist. Everyone watches me, no doubt expecting me to freak out, but instead, I lean further into Todd’s embrace.

  Mr. Livingston and Elizabeth smile with approval and what seems like genuine delight, but Mrs. Livingston’s mouth contorts before she looks at her son.

  “How’s work, darling?”

  “Good as usual. After the weekend I have a client I need to meet with, but if he follows my instructions, his zoning compliance should come through fine.”

  Todd’s father smiles proudly. He always did love that his son had become a lawyer like him, keeping the trade in the family. As they talk business law, my mind drifts off. I’ve always found these conversations boring. Mrs. Livingston seems to notice and strikes while she has her opportunity.

  “Alexandria, why don’t you come with me.” Taking my hand with an uncomfortably tight grip, she guides me to the bar. “You look like you could use a drink to loosen up. I’m sure Todd would like it if you brought him one too.”

  I can’t argue with that logic, even if it did sound condescending.

  “What do you do these days?” Without having to say anything, she raises her hand and the bartender starts making her a drink. Damn, she’s got him trained already.

  “I’m an operations specialist for Kevlar and Kline.”

  “That’s a man’s field. What on earth are you working there for?” She takes her drink and sips from her pretty pink straw.

  The bartender looks to me. “I’ll take a Scotch and a glass of Moscato.” My attention returns to her look of disapproval. “They have great benefits and I feel like I’m giving back to those that helped me.”

  As she leans in closer, her expression twists into one of discontentment. “While you’re here, try not to mention anything about that incident. I want my daughter’s baby shower to be pleasant and joyful.”

  She might as well have punched me in the gut. It would’ve been less painful. “My incident isn’t something I discuss with anyone. Don’t worry. I won’t ruin your daughter’s baby shower.”

  She’s more vile than I remember. Taking my glass of wine and Todd’s Scotch, I leave immediately. I have no interest in having another conversation with her anytime soon.

  Todd notices my change in mood instantly. He takes his Scotch and kisses me, then leans into my ear. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m pretty sure your mother thinks I’m a freak.”

  “What’d she say?”

  “She wanted to make sure I didn’t talk to anyone about my incident, so I didn’t bring down the mood of your sister’s baby shower.”

  Todd rolls his eyes. “For fuck’s sake. Go find us a place to sit and eat. I’ll join you in a moment.”

  I watch as Todd pulls his mother and father aside. I feel like garbage for already starting family drama. Mrs. Livingston glances my direction and scowls. It’s clear she’s not happy about whatever Todd said. All three of them come to my table, and I sit upright, nervous and unsure of what to expect. Todd sits next to me, then his parents take the seats on the other side of me, with his mother taking the seat directly next to me.

  She forces a smile my direction. “I apologize, Alexandria. My comment to you was inconsiderate. I may have had a few too many margaritas.”

  Blame it on the alcohol. Nice game plan.

  “I appreciate the apology. I’ll forget you mentioned it.”

  “Thank you, dear.”

  With his arm around the back of my chair, Todd slides me closer. He kisses my temple. “Feel better?”

  Not at all.

  “I’m sorry if I caused any problems.”

  “Never, baby. You ready to eat?”

  Any appetite I might’ve had left me, but I don’t want to drink on an empty stomach, so I nod and follow him to the buffet. Placing a few items on my plate, I return to my seat.

  In an attempt to rid my anxiety, I quickly nibble on my food and drink more wine. The music quiets down for an announcement. After everyone is done eating, James and Elizabeth are going to cut the cake a
nd reveal the baby’s sex. My stomach knots. The invitation had been in blue and I assumed that was on purpose. My gift was intended for a boy. I now have a fifty-fifty chance that my gift will be a disaster.

  Raising the wine glass to my lips, I finish it off, feeling miserable and alone even though Todd is sitting next to me caressing my leg. Thankfully, he’s busy chatting with extended family and unaware of how terrible of a time I’m having.

  Plates are taken away before the cake is rolled out to the center. Elizabeth and James look ecstatic as they hold the knife together. I’m envious of their bliss. The knife slices through, then squeals of joy erupt before the cake slice is raised revealing; pink.

  Tears prickle the back of my eyelids. This trip couldn’t be going any worse.


  The party dies down, and as expected, a cleaning crew comes in and returns the deck to its former glory. Presents are carried into the home and taken to the nursery. Evening has turned to night and Elizabeth slinks upstairs to sleep. Following her to the room I’ll be staying in, she hugs me goodnight and thanks me again for my present even though I know the basket I made with all boys clothes, hats, booties, mittens, and toys won’t be used. Well, maybe the toys will be.

  Setting my luggage bag on the bed, I dig through it for PJ’s. Todd enters the room with his bag over his shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, baby. We’re sharing a room. My cousin Dallas is too drunk to make it home. I gave him my room to sleep in. I hope you don’t mind if I bunk with you.” His smile couldn’t get any wider and I’m too exhausted and tipsy to argue.

  “That’s fine.” Entering the bathroom, I get cleaned up, then change into my silky shorts and tank top.

  When I walk out, Todd is already laying under the comforter. Lifting it, I slide under and see he’s stripped down to his boxers. He outstretches his arm for me to lay against him. Wrapping his arm around me, he holds me close, and I lay there, breathing in his scent. Beneath my hand, his chest is muscular and smooth, but the image of Carter’s tatted chest is what slips into my mind. My cheeks flush, but I have no time to think on it. Todd raises my chin and kisses me.

  Sliding his hand down my stomach, he lifts the top of my shorts and continues further down. My body heats up as he caresses me, numbing my mind with his kiss. Heat and need burn between my legs. Soaking wet and breathing heavy, I moan into his mouth, igniting his own need. He slides a finger in and strokes as his palm presses against my clit.

  “You feel incredible, baby.”

  With his arm holding me against him, he turns us, putting me on my back. Sliding in and out against my wet folds, he moves faster, thrusting deep. “Will you come for me? I want you to come for me.”

  Tension builds in my abdomen, but it’s just out of reach. Todd strokes harder and faster. When I don’t reach my orgasm, his strokes ease and he withdraws from me. Tears sting my eyes as I hold them back.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I just, it’s been an overwhelming day, and it’s been a long time since I’ve…and we’re at your sister’s house. I’d feel better if we were at my house or yours.”

  “It’s okay. As soon as we’re back home, we’ll pick up where we left off.”

  Lying on his back, he pulls me into his arms. “Get some sleep.”

  Tucking myself into the nook of his arm, he kisses my hair. I lie there, my mind and emotions in a whirlwind. I can’t understand how even when I’m with him, I still feel so alone.




  Jane walks out the sliding door with two fresh beers for Kyle and me, sets them on the table, then takes a seat for herself.

  “So, how’s Alex’s weekend getaway going?” I press.

  “Awful. She texted me and said everything that could go wrong did.”

  Part of me is relieved to hear she didn’t have a wonderful time with her ex, but the other part feels bad that she’s miserable.

  “Does that mean they’re done?” I ask, hopeful.

  Jane frowns. “No. They’re still seeing each other. I don’t understand why. He broke off their engagement and left her. I don’t know how she’s able to forgive him.”

  “Because he’s a manipulative son-of-a-bitch.”

  Jane’s brows pinch inward. “What do you mean?”

  I tug on my beer. “Nothing.”

  Jane leans forward over the table. Her expression heated. “If you know something, you better tell me, right now!”

  “I have no proof of anything, only what I saw.”

  “Start talking.”

  I point my beer towards Kyle at the grill. “Kyle and Todd used to come to the gym together. There was a chick that had been coming too. I thought she was cute. Thought about asking her out. Well, one day I see Todd flirting with her, then the next day he comes to the gym alone, without Kyle, and an hour later he’s walking out with his arm around her. That was over a year ago, so I assume he was still with Alex. And I have no proof that anything happened between them.”

  Kyle glances at Jane who’s fuming at this point. He looks uncomfortable with what he’s about to say. “Her name was Lana.”

  Jane’s eyes bulge and she glares at Kyle. “You knew about her?”

  “Todd started seeing her right after he and Alex broke up. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to tell Alex. She was going through enough already.”

  “I’m calling her, right now!”

  Kyle steps forward and takes her phone. “No, you’re not.”

  “Kyle’s right,” I tell her. “I already told Alex I hope Todd fucks up. He was right when he said she wouldn’t believe me. She’ll think I’m trying to sabotage their relationship for selfish reasons.”

  “She’s my best friend! She deserves to know what a dick Todd is.”

  Jane snatches her phone back from Kyle and he wrestles it from her and shoves it in his pocket. “Calm down. I don’t know if he cheated on Alex. All I know is he started dating the chick right after they broke up.”

  “How in the hell could he be over Alex that quickly? They were engaged!”

  “She was a rebound, Jane. Someone to get his kicks with.”

  “Because Alex wouldn’t give him any, he found it somewhere else?”

  “I’m not defending him.”

  “Sounds like you are!”

  “Calm your ass down. I’m not the problem here.”

  Jane sits back in her chair and huffs, then snatches the beer from Kyle’s hand and chugs. “She deserves to know what he did.”

  “You need to stay out of it is what you need to do. Let Alex decide what’s best for her.”

  “What do you think?” Jane’s gaze cuts directly to me.

  Sitting back in silence, I chug my beer, not wanting to antagonize the dragon waiting to spit fire at me if I speak.

  “So, you agree, I should tell her?”

  Isn’t she clever?

  “Of course, I want you to tell her. I hate seeing her with him, but I want Alex to be happy. What happened between them is in the past. Maybe he really wants their relationship to work and who am I to ruin that?”

  Jane’s foot swings over her other leg anxiously. “He’s a dick,” she mumbles, before chugging more of Kyle’s beer.




  As I enter my office, I see my assistant, Melanie, leaning over and smelling a vase full of red roses sitting on my desk, next to a white box wrapped in a gold bow.

  “A delivery guy dropped these off for you this morning,” she explains in her sweet, sing-song voice.

  Pulling the little card from its clear holder, I read it.

  Thinking of you. Hope you’ll wear this for me tonight.


  “Who’s it from?” she asks enthusiastically.

  With rosy cheeks, I grin. “My boyfriend, Todd.”

  “Are you gonna open it?”

  With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, I pu
ll the bow and unravel the box. I tip it open privately, unsure of how risqué the contents may be. Seeing something black, I slowly open the top. Moving the tissue paper to the side, I lift the black dress out of the box.

  “Oh my gosh! It’s stunning!” Melanie raves.

  My cheeks swell as I admire the soft, fine fabric of the strapless, knee-length dress.

  “It is. He must be taking me somewhere tonight.”

  Melanie stares at the dress mesmerized. “I’m envious.”

  A knock on my office door turns our attention to the entrance. A young man walks in with a smaller box similar to the one I just opened.

  “Miss. DeMarco?”


  “Delivery for you. Please sign.”

  I scribble my signature on his clipboard, and he hands me the small box. I glance at Melanie and grin as my anticipation builds.

  “Hurry! Open it,” she beams.

  Tugging at the bow, I open the box. Inside is two tickets to a play at the theater.

  Melanie peeks into the box. “Oh, my gosh, Alex! This is so romantic!”

  Our weekend trip wasn’t as good as we both hoped, but Todd is obviously trying to make up for it. Butterflies flap in my belly as I giggle with excitement.

  My office phone rings and I wave at Melanie. It’s time to get to work. I answer, and Todd’s voice carries through the phone, tickling my skin across my neck and shoulders.

  “Hey, baby. Did you get my gifts?”

  “I did. Thank you.”

  “I’ll see you tonight, then?”

  “Yes, you will.”

  “Good. Can’t wait to see you.”

  He hangs up, and I spend the rest of my day trying hard to focus on my work, but it’s useless. Todd has me so distracted I’m getting nothing accomplished. When lunchtime arrives, Melanie calls my desk.

  “Hey Mel, what is it?”

  She giggles into the phone. “There’s a really hot guy here to see you.”

  My stomach flutters. “That’s probably Todd.”

  “Uh, nope. His name is Carter.”


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