Unbreak This Heart

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Unbreak This Heart Page 9

by Betty Shreffler

  “I’ll be there in a minute. Kevin this is my friend, Alex.”

  Eyeing her, he moves in and lifts her in a bear hug. She’s too shocked to react and goes limp for a moment until he releases her. He ruffles his giant hand over her head and hair, and she laughs, wiggles free, and backs up to me for safety.

  “Welcome to the family, little bird.”

  She glances at me, confused. I caress her arm and she moves into my chest.

  “Everyone is little to him.”

  “Carter Maxwell!”

  “And that would be his wife, Carrie. Be prepared for another hug,” I whisper.

  “Oh!” Carrie’s mouth makes the shape and her big, brown eyes narrow in on Alex. “Gimme, gimme.” She stretches her arms out for Alex. Alex slides into them and she laughs as Carrie rocks her back and forth. “Carter never brings anyone to dinner! He must like you.”

  My cheeks get warm, but Alex doesn’t see. My mother hands her the glass of wine and Alex drinks enthusiastically. No doubt my affectionate family is already overwhelming her.

  “What is going on in here?”

  My younger cousin, Phillip walks into the kitchen with my aunt, Annalise behind him. They look at me, then Alex, and back to me. Before they can say anything, my mother breaks up the crowd. “Everyone out of the kitchen. We’re overwhelming her. She hasn’t even got her jacket off yet.”

  My eyes meet my mother’s. “Thank you,” I mouth.

  She winks and takes Alex’s jacket and hangs it by the door, as I do mine. Alex hugs her glass of wine and lingers, unsure of what to do with herself.

  “Would you like to help me with these biscuits, hun?”

  “Yes.” Alex sets the wine glass down and awaits instructions with an expression of relief. I lean against the kitchen island and watch her and my mother interact.

  “C, get in here man. You’re missing this.”

  “I’m good. I’m gonna chill here for a minute.”

  Alex looks over her shoulder and smiles. Her eyes soften as she notices me watching her.

  “You can join them. I don’t mind.”

  “I’m enjoying this view better.”

  Her smile widens, and her cheeks flush. She joins me at the island and sits on the stool next to me, placing the biscuits on the cookie sheet. Moving closer, I take a couple biscuits and help her place them. Her gaze raises to me and I can see the attraction in them. I can’t stop myself from leaning in and kissing her cheek. She giggles and nudges me with her shoulder before taking the cookie sheet to the oven.

  With her wine glass in hand, my mother is grinning ear to ear as she watches us.

  Alex retrieves her own glass. “Go on in. I’m gonna hang with your mom for a while.”

  “All right. I’ll be in here if you need me.” I grab a beer from the fridge and pop the top before heading into the living room. I glance over my shoulder and catch her staring. With rosy cheeks, she looks away.




  “This is my sister, Annalise.” Sandy points to her look-alike with the same jet-black hair but in a pixie cut.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Alex.”

  She shakes my hand and joins us at the kitchen island as Sandy pours her a glass of wine.

  “Are Carter and Kevin twins?”

  Sandy shakes her head. “They’re a year apart but might as well be twins. Been inseparable since Carter was born.”

  “They seem to have a special bond.”

  I watch Carter and his brother chat and laugh like they’re best buds. Every once in a while, Carter glances up to check on me and gives me that sweet smile of his that makes my heart flutter.

  “How long have you and Carter been friends?”

  “A little over a month.”

  “How did you meet?”

  “He’s my kickboxing instructor. My best friend paid for me to have private lessons and hand-selected Carter as my instructor since he’s friends with her husband.”

  “She made a wise choice,” Annalise chimes in. “Carter is very disciplined. Always has been. If only Phillip was as focused.”

  Carter walks in and grabs a chip and dunks it into the melted cheese. “Don’t you worry, Phillip will find his way.”

  “I appreciate you being there for him and motivating him. You’ve been a great influence on him.”

  “It’s not easy without a father figure around. He’s doing good. His grades have improved. I’m proud of him.”

  Carter gently caresses my shoulder as he moves past me to the fridge and a warm sensation spreads through me. Grabbing another beer, he pops the top and glances at his mother. “Need any help setting the table, ladies?”

  “Yeah, that’d be great.”

  “I’ll round up the boys.”

  Carter leaves the room to get his brother and cousin. Sandy leans closer to me. “Don’t tell Kevin, but Carter is my favorite.” She winks, and I smile before raising my glass to my lips.

  I hand the mashed potatoes to Carter, and he carries them to the dining room table. It’s the last of the dishes and he returns to retrieve me. Sliding his hand into mine, he walks with me to the table and pulls out a chair for me, then sits in the one next to me. Everyone takes a seat around us, and Sandy raises her glass for a toast.

  “I’m thankful to have my family together once a month for dinner. I’m thankful for my boys and all the laughter and joy you bring into my life. I’m thankful Alex could join us this evening, and I hope she’ll join us again. Cheers everyone.”

  Our glasses clink against each other’s and Carter smiles at me with glistening blue eyes. Our moment is broken when Kevin passes a dish of meatloaf his direction. Carter places some on my plate, then his and passes it on. The food makes its rounds, and before long, the room is filled with chatter and laughter.

  With our stomachs full of delicious food, we quickly clear the table and move into the living room to relax. On the couch, I fill the empty seat next to Carter, and he reaches behind me and rests his hand on the cushion. His fingers graze my hair before he finds a loose strand and winds it around his finger repeatedly. He doesn’t seem to notice he’s doing it, and it feels so good, I have no desire to stop him. My lids get heavy, and I nearly purr with every gentle tug of his fingers. My body eases into his, desperate for his warmth to surround me. He places a soft kiss on my head and I rest my eyes as my body slips into complete relaxation.

  “You tired? Want me to take you home?” he whispers.

  I shake my head. “Yes, but I don’t want to leave.”

  Carter smiles against my temple before kissing me. “Then we won’t.”

  Unsure of how long it’s been, I startle awake with a couch pillow on Carter’s lap and my head against it. Carter caresses behind my ear and I quickly settle. “I’m sorry I fell asleep.”

  “It’s okay. You weren’t out long. Fifteen minutes maybe.”

  Turning on my back, I look at him. He searches my face, staring at me affectionately.

  “I’m glad you came tonight.”

  “Me too.”

  Looking around, I notice no one is left in the living room, but us. “Where’d everyone go?”

  “Outside. They’re gonna start a fire in the fire pit.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “Because you looked too peaceful to wake up.”

  “You wanna go outside with them?”

  “Only if you do.”

  I rub my hand along his hand and wrist. “Why are you so sweet to me?”

  “I think you know why.”

  “Because you’re a nice guy.”

  “I am,” Carter chuckles, “but that’s not the only reason why.”

  “Because you think I’m pretty?”

  “I don’t think you’re pretty. I think you’re gorgeous.” Carter caresses my hand. “And you’re still wrong.”

  “Because I’m crazy and entertain you?”

  “You’re not crazy, but you do ente
rtain me.” He takes my hand in his and raises it to his lips. “I’m sweet to you because I care about you. I want to spend all my spare time with you and kiss you as much as you’ll let me.”

  His words and the affectionate touch of his lips against my skin sends a tingling sensation through me.

  “Do you want to kiss me now?”

  “I do.”

  “Will you?”


  Placing his hand under my head, he raises me into his arms. His kiss is tender and passionate, warming me head to toe. Our kiss lasts for what feels like minutes and I’m filled with a yearning desire that numbs my mind and throbs at my core. With his hands caressing my body, I feel myself drifting into pleasured bliss. I don’t want his kiss to end and neither does he it seems. When his lips part from mine, my breath is heavy and my need for him excruciating.

  He rests his forehead against mine. “I want this. I want us, but I don’t want to be your second choice. I want to be your only choice.”

  His gaze lingers over me. The weight of his question slows my heavy heartbeat. Before I can answer, Kevin walks in, and a grin smears his face.

  “Looks like I have shitty timing.”

  “You do, bro,” Carter laughs quietly, “but it’s all right. You guys waiting on us?”

  “Yeah, mom sent me in to see if you guys were joining or leaving.”

  Carter looks to me for an answer.

  I kiss his cheek and smile. “We’re staying.”




  Jane pokes her fork at her chicken salad and glances at the dozen roses in my office trash can. “Have you heard from him?”

  Finishing the bite of my sandwich, I nod. “He started texting me after I ignored his calls.”

  “What’s he saying?”

  “He’s sorry. Really wants to talk to me in person and explain. I replied there’s nothing for him to explain that will change my mind, and I don’t want to see him. I told him it was over.”

  “I’m proud of you. Todd is an insensitive prick. You deserve better.”

  Dropping my sandwich into the styrofoam container, I sigh as my emotions form a tight knot in my stomach.

  “He’s not as terrible as you make him out to be. He wants intimacy back in our relationship, but I wasn’t ready, and that upset him. I get that he felt rejected, but what broke me was how he handled it. He walked out on me again like I meant nothing to him, and I didn’t hear from him for two days. I thought we were done, that he’d left me just like last time, and I refused to let it crush me again.”

  Jane tosses her empty container into my trash can and covers the broken roses.

  “And that shows how far you’ve come. The old Alex would have locked herself away and fallen apart. You got through it. You didn’t even need me.” Jane pouts, and I smile, but it quickly fades.

  “I turned to Carter, and I’m not sure that was the right thing to do.”

  “Why not?”

  My stomach swirls in response to my confused emotions. “He’s made it clear he wants more. He kind of gave me an ultimatum.”

  “And the problem?”

  “I’m not sure I should jump into something with him when things between Todd and me are still muddled.”

  “You just said you told him it was over between you two.”

  I rub at the headache forming between my temples. “I know, but…”

  “You still have feelings for Todd.”

  I nod, and she frowns.

  “It doesn’t feel right to start something with Carter when I’m not sure I’m completely over Todd.”

  “How do you feel about Carter though?”

  My cheeks heat up, and Jane grins. “He’s incredible. Every time I’m around him I feel comfortable, relaxed, but also worked up.”

  “What do you mean? Oh!” Her lips form the word, then she giggles. “That’s a good thing. Does he get you more excited than Todd does?”

  “The last time we kissed, yes, but thankfully we were at his mother’s house, and it couldn’t turn into anything more than a kiss because that’s the part you know I’m worried about. I couldn’t relax and give myself to my ex-fiancé. Why put Carter through the same thing? Why lead him on?”

  “Carter isn’t Todd. I don’t think he’d push you if you’re not ready.” She glances at her phone. “I gotta get back to work, babe. We on for tonight?”

  “Is Carter coming?” My stomach flutters, hopeful he is.

  Jane grins. “He is. So, you’ll come?”



  My bathing suit is hidden under my shorts and tank top, my towel over my shoulder as I walk out onto the deck. Jane jumps out of their swimming pool as soon as she sees me.

  “Alex!” She opens a cooler and grabs Jell-O shots on her way to me. She hands me one. “I made your favorite flavor this time.”

  She hugs me, then walks with me to the pool as I slurp down the shot. Anna’s boyfriend, Joe is trying to pull her off her floatie, and Kyle and Carter are both holding beers, chatting. When I approach the pool, Carter’s eyes lock on mine, a smile curling the corner of his mouth. My stomach flutters. I’m about to strip down to my bathing suit in front of him and it’s causing a mixture of excitement and unease. Smiling, I wave back, and he continues his conversation with Kyle.

  Jane leans in close as I remove my shirt. “He’s been anxiously waiting for you to get here.”


  “Yes, asked me twice if you were for sure coming.”

  My lips part into a wide smile. Sliding off my shorts, I can see Carter watching me in my peripheral. Jane and I climb in, and Kyle is like a water ninja waiting to attack. He grabs both our ankles and yanks us under. I pop back up like a bobblehead doll and splash water at him.

  “You girls needed to get wet. Jane’s been laying on that floatie thing since we got in here.”

  “I didn’t want my hair wet,” Jane pouts.

  Carter looks at me and there’s an awkward tension between us. It’s been a couple days since his mother’s dinner, and it’s obvious we’re both unsure of the other’s thoughts or feelings. I gather my courage and swim over to him. He puts his arm up on the pool edge and I move into it. Gaze lingering on my face, I feel as though he wants to kiss me but doesn’t want to make the wrong move. Instead, he reaches forward and smooths a few strands of wet, sticky hair off my face.

  “Thank you.” I touch his hand as it lowers, and he keeps hold of it beneath the water. “I had a really good time with you and your family Tuesday night.”

  “That’s good because my mother is already asking when you’ll be back.”

  The corners of my mouth raise. “Your family is amazing. I wouldn’t mind having dinner with them again.”

  Carter’s eyes glisten and he adjusts our hands so our fingers intertwine. “Yeah?”


  “What about dinner with just me and you? Would you be up for that?”

  His eyes search mine carefully, worried he’s treading water in my own emotional pool. I push my nerves down into my gut. This is a moment I need to decide if I’m going to open up to Carter and give him the chance he’s asked for twice or slink back into my shell and make excuses. I take a breath.

  “I think I owe you an authentic Italian dinner.”

  Carter pulls me closer and gently places my hair behind my ear. “Is tomorrow too soon?”

  I chuckle, and Carter smiles unabashed.

  “No, it’s not too soon. It’s perfect.”

  Thumb caressing along my cheek, I lean into his touch as he nears for a kiss, then jump when cold water splashes my direction. Carter’s hand releases mine and he catches the beach ball before it hits my head.

  “Sorry,” Anna says with a scrunched face.

  “It’s okay.”

  Carter tosses the ball back to her and looks to me. “I think that was our cue to join in.”

  “I think so.”
  Propelling forward, I feel Carter’s hand graze along my leg. His grip tightens, and I’m gently pulled beneath the water. His hand holds me by the neck and brings me to his lips. I’ve never been kissed beneath the water and it sends a thrilling sensation through me. The kiss is quick and tender before he releases me. My head lifts from the water and I suck in air. Carter comes to the surface with his handsome smile spread wide. Winking at him, I swim off to join Jane and Anna.


  With the evening light gone, Kyle stacks a couple more logs onto the bonfire as we all relax around it, full from our hotdogs and s’mores. Jane nestles into Kyle’s arms when he returns to her on the blanket. Anna has her head in Joe’s lap, staring into the fire, watching me roast my marshmallow. I’m waiting for it to get burnt and crispy on the outside.

  “Any longer and it’s going to be crisper than the logs.”

  I glance back at Carter’s playful grin.

  “I like it crispy like a log.”

  Pulling it back from the flames, I scoop it into my fingers as it melts off the roasting stick. Carter laughs at me as I tilt my head to catch the dripping marshmallow. I gobble it down and Carter raises his hand and wipes at the corner of my mouth. Bringing his finger to his lips, he licks it clean.

  “You taste good.”

  “I taste like marshmallow goo,” I chuckle.

  Carter leans back on the blanket we share, resting on his bent elbow. “I like marshmallow goo.”

  Laying on my side, I face him, leaning on my own bent elbow. “Nah, I think you’d like whatever flavor I had on my lips.”

  Carter grins mischievously. “You’re right, and if everyone wasn’t here now, I’d want to kiss those lips.”

  Fingers linking with mine, he stares at me, his gaze hypnotizing. I wish we were alone. Kisses from Carter always leave me breathless and feeling sexy and desired.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “How good it feels to be around you.”

  “We can make this a permanent thing.”

  I glance down as my nerves tickle the back of my neck.


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