Unbreak This Heart

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Unbreak This Heart Page 13

by Betty Shreffler

  I giggle, and he glances over his shoulder, shining a grin, then winks. That does me in. Arousal tingles at my center and I nibble my lip and watch the more entertaining show in my kitchen.

  “Over easy?”


  Grabbing his phone, he turns up the music. Kane Brown’s “There Goes My Everything” pours out of the speaker. Carter’s voice is an unanticipated match and that sexy voice of his shoots electricity straight through me. Singing along, he carries the plates of food to me and sets them on the coffee table. His doesn’t miss a beat as he takes my hand and raises me from the couch. Placing his other hand around my back, he moves our hips. Staring into my eyes, with playful affection, he sings the lyrics to me.

  As the song ends, his movements slow and he cups my face and kisses me with incredible passion. I’m left breathless and mesmerized.

  “It’s true, beautiful. I can’t believe you’re mine.”

  Tears pool at the corner of my eyes. The emotion emanating off him reaches deep in my core and leaves me with my own feelings of intense adoration.

  “Believe it, because I am.”

  “That’s what I’ve wanted since I met you.”

  Lips pressed to mine, he ends the moment in a tender kiss. Taking my hand in his, he leads me to the couch and hands me my plate. With my legs dangling over his lap, I dig into the delicious breakfast he prepared.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” I ask.

  “I’d love to spend the whole day with you, but I’ve got work to do for my upcoming MMA fight. You still coming to that?”

  “I still don’t want to see you get hurt, but yes, I’ll be there to support you.”

  Carter’s hand touches my knee and rubs affectionately. “Good, it means a lot to me to have you there.”

  Taking my empty plate, he returns the dishes to the kitchen. Knowing he’s leaving soon, already has my stomach in a knot. “I’m gonna miss you today.”

  “Yeah? You wanna come over to my place tonight?”

  Sitting up on the arm of the couch, I watch him as he comfortably moves around my kitchen. “Yeah, I do. I haven’t got to see your place yet.”

  “I’ll give you the address. Wanna come over around six?”

  “Works for me. I’ll bring dinner.”

  Carter joins me at the couch. I take his outstretched hand and he pulls me into his arms. As he brushes a stray hair behind my ear, his eyes settle on me, admiring my face. The affection I see looking back at me fills me with immense joy.

  “You make it hard to leave.”

  “Then don’t.”

  “Got to, beautiful.”

  My lip juts out as he gathers his things and puts a t-shirt on. Returning to me, his finger swipes my chin and raises it slightly.

  “This morning was incredible. I’ll miss you too.”

  His goodbye kiss causes a tantalizing sensation to rush over my skin. “See you tonight.”




  With my legs outstretched beneath my desk, I twist my pen in my fingers and laugh at Jane’s high-pitched squeal through the receiver of my office phone.

  “You little hussy! Twice?”

  “Yes, and that was just yesterday morning. Jane, he’s amazing.”

  “You owe me something big. I found him and knew right away he would be perfect for you.”

  “I do owe you. You know me better than I know myself sometimes. You’ve been an incredible friend and sister to me this past year.”

  My conversation is cut short when Melanie pops her head into my office.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt. Your eleven a.m. is here.”

  “Gotta go, call you later.”

  Disconnecting, I wave my hand, indicating she can let them in. Standing to greet them, my stomach quickly churns with nausea. Todd, with his usual confident swagger, walks into my office. He looks impeccable in a black tailored suit, his hair perfectly gelled, and there’s even a sparkle in his eyes when his gaze sweeps over me.

  “What are you doing here?” My tone sounds sharper than I intended.

  “It seems an appointment is the only way to get you to talk to me.”

  “You made an appointment under a fake name to see me?”

  “Alex, baby—”

  My hand goes up. “I’m not your baby.”

  Todd’s shoulders slump. “Alex, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything. I made the mistake of thinking we could pick up where we left off. I made the mistake of pushing you too soon. I want you back. I haven’t stopped thinking of you. Not a single day in over a year. The last couple of weeks…” The emotion in his voice is raw. “I feel like I’m losing you all over again.”

  The dejection in his eyes is tearing me apart. I remember seeing the same broken-hearted stare when I turned him away time and time again after my attack. My exterior is shattering to pieces.

  Todd steps closer and takes my hand in his. “You know no other woman has ever meant as much to me as you do. You were going to be my wife—Mrs. Todd Livingston. Do you remember how happy we were?”

  Reaching into his jacket pocket, he removes a white gold, diamond engagement ring. He bends to one knee, and the hopeful emotion in his eyes penetrates me deep.

  “I love you, Alexandria DeMarco and I believe you still love me. We can still have the future we planned. Will you give us another chance? Will you be my wife?”




  Raising the bouquet of assorted lilies and daisies to my nose, I take in the fragrance of the colorful flowers that reminded me of Alex the moment I saw them. The elevator to her floor dings and I step off, carrying our lunch in my other hand. I’m arriving a bit early, hoping to catch her before she takes off for her own lunch.

  After waking up to her in my arms, in my bed, I want her to know how much this weekend meant to me. Hell, if I'm really honest with myself, I want an excuse to see her again, to kiss her delicious lips and hear her giggle when I squeeze her ass.

  I nod to Melanie when she comes into view. Melanie looks at me frightened. Her gaze switches to Alex’s office, then back to me. She jumps out from behind her desk.

  “Alex is with a client right now. Take a seat. I’ll let her know you’re here.”

  Her tone startles me and I glance in the direction of Alex’s office. What I see through the window has an all too familiar ache burrowing its way into my chest. I set the flowers and bag of food on Melanie’s desk.

  “Mr. Maxwell.”

  Melanie’s voice is distant compared to the pounding in my ears. With heavy thuds, my feet cross the floor and I swing the office door open. Alex’s tear-filled eyes raise to me and she withdraws her hand from Todd’s.

  Todd stands and barely gets a chance to speak before my fist is slamming into his face.

  “Carter!” Alex screams.

  “You think you’re gonna walk your ass in here and win her back with a proposal? Stay the fuck away from her.”

  “Do I need to call security?” Melanie’s small frame is shaking in the doorway.

  Alex waves her hand. “No, it’s ok, thank you, Melanie.”

  Todd moves his jaw and his hazel-green eyes darken as his glare attempts to slice through my exterior.

  “You’re gonna pay for that.”


  Knuckles rap the door behind us. “Alexandria, is everything all right?”

  Alex’s eyes widen and she swallows before composing herself in front of an older, gray-haired man in a suit. “Yes, Mr. Kline. Everything is fine. These gentlemen were just leaving.”

  Mr. Kline nods, eyes us both, then departs as silently as he came.

  That confidence she displayed moments ago fades the moment she looks at us. “Our conversations will have to wait until later. Right now, you both need to leave before you get me fired.”

  Eyeing Todd with contempt, I motion for him to walk out first. He pockets the engag
ement ring and looks to Alex. “Think about what I said. I love you.”

  Once he’s out the door, I turn to Alex. “What the hell was that?”

  Palming her face with her hands, I can see her fighting back tears. “Carter, I can’t do this right now. Please, can we talk about what happened later?”

  “You really want me to leave after what I just saw?”

  Tears pool at the corner of her eyes. She hesitantly nods. “I can’t do this, not here, not now. I don’t want to argue. Please, Carter. We’ll talk when I get off work.” She retreats closer to her desk and I follow.

  “If I hadn’t interrupted, what would you have said?”

  The tears escape her eyes and trickle down her cheeks in slow droplets.

  Behind me, I hear shuffling feet and turn to see Melanie looking at us with a concerned expression.

  “Alex, Mr. Kline would like to see you.”

  Alex wipes her cheeks and straightens her shoulders. “We’ll finish this later. Melanie, please see him out.”




  My foot is bouncing anxiously as I await Jane to meet me at Louego’s Bar. The high-top table I chose gives me a perfect view of the front door. As soon as I see her walk in, I lower the wine glass from my lips and wave to get her attention. Still in her work attire, like I am, her blond locks are in a tight up-do and her black skirt hugs her thighs and stops just above her knees. Hanging her black leather purse on the chair, she slides into it.

  “What is going on, Alex? Carter is blowing up Kyle’s phone, so of course Kyle’s blowing up mine.” Her brows pinch inward as she awaits my explanation.

  “Order your drink, then I’ll explain.”

  Twenty minutes later, she finishes her mimosa as I finish sharing what happened during work earlier in the day.

  “He seriously proposed?”

  “Yes, and the look on Carter’s face…he flipped. He punched Todd, demanded I tell him what I was going to say. He looked horrified. Mr. Kline heard the yelling. He gave me a warning that my personal life needs to stay out of the workplace.”

  “What are you going to do?” Jane slides her empty drink to the center. “Why haven’t you answered Carter’s calls?”

  I thumb my nearly empty glass before meeting her gaze. “They both started calling me incessantly since I got off work. I had to turn off my phone so I could be alone to think.”

  Jane’s forehead develops wrinkles. “What do you need to think about?”

  I let out a breath. “How to handle this situation.”

  “What do you mean? You want to be with Carter, right?”

  My fingers pinch the bridge of my nose together as I close my eyes and try to settle my whirlpool of emotions. Lifting my head, I return my gaze to her worried expression.

  “I do. I’m in love with him. He’s swept me off my feet, but I feel guilty. When Todd was confessing what I mean to him and how much he wants to be with me, when he pulled out the ring and asked me to marry him, I had a moment, one single moment where I thought about it. How can I face Carter now? He asked me what I was going to say? I know why he asked me that. He walked in the very moment I had that thought. I know he saw it in my eyes and it was more than that. He looked crushed. We just had an amazing weekend where he made me feel beautiful, safe, and desired, and the very next day this happens. I’m afraid he’ll harbor doubts now. I’m afraid he’ll walk out on me too. Why did Todd have to do this?” Tear droplets slowly slide down my cheeks, and I wipe at them, feeling lonely and scared.

  Jane reaches over and rubs my hand. “You and Carter took major steps forward this weekend, and I know that alone has created significant emotions. Then Todd’s confession, his proposal, then Carter’s outburst, you’re emotionally overwhelmed. I get it. I understand why you needed time to clear your head.”

  Thankful, I meet her gaze. “I am overwhelmed, and I want to talk to Carter, but I’m emotionally exhausted, and I feel the longer I go without talking to him the more upset he’s going to get.”

  “I think you’re right. He finally got you, and the threat of you being taken away by another man you have major history with probably terrifies him. You need to call him soon.”

  Letting out a breath, I tip the remaining wine to my lips. Swallowing it down, I let some of the day’s tension go.

  “I know, I’m going to go to his house and talk to him.”

  “What about Todd?”

  “I don’t know,” I shake my head. “It’s like he has a hook so deeply rooted in my heart, all he has to do is tug on the strings, and I’m reminded of the feelings I have buried away.”

  Jane’s eyes narrow on mine. “After all he’s done to you, how can you still have feelings for him?”

  My finger runs along the rim of my glass as the memories dance across my mind. “For the longest time, it was always him. He was my everything.”

  “What about now? What about Carter?”

  A smile raises the corners of my lips at the thought of how he makes me feel. “Each time I’m with him, he puts the pieces of my shattered heart back together.”




  I’m pacing. Actually, fucking pacing. Pretty soon I’m going to wear a mark through my hardwood floor. She’s not answering my calls or texts. It’s going straight to voicemail. I glance at my phone again. Nothing. My temper unleashes and I throw my phone toward the couch. It bounces off the arm and disappears somewhere on the other side of the room. “Damn it!”

  Every fucked up thought possible is going through my head. Did that son-of-a-bitch say something that pulled her back to him? Does she want to give them another chance? Is this why she’s not answering my calls? I stop pacing and grip the edge of the bar in my kitchen. My knuckles are shining white. This can’t be happening again. Alex is different. She’s not Lindsey. Lindsey was the kind of woman that would stab a man in the back and twist the blade right through his heart.

  It tore me to shreds when I discovered she’d been dating another man while she was dating me, and it was his proposal that won her heart. The memories flood me and the heavy thuds of my feet pound the floor as I walk to my fridge and pull out a beer. Popping the top, I down several swigs, trying to shake the sting of what that bitch did three years ago.

  It’s like it was yesterday, walking up to her house, the night black, the stars bright, the cool breeze easing the heat prickling across the back of my neck when I see his car in her driveway. Reaching the stairs of her porch, the light in the living room is on. On the other side of the window, he’s on his knee, holding a ring. She jumps into his arms and kisses him before he puts the ring on her finger. A year and a half of my life spent loving a woman who never loved me the way she’d made me believe.

  Lindsey I could let go of, but Alex—I can’t let go of her. I won’t let go. And one thing I’m not is a coward. I’ve fought for everything I’ve ever wanted in my life and I’m not going to stop now. Slamming the beer on the counter, I head to my door, grabbing my motorcycle keys and jacket on the way. Swinging the door open, I nearly knock Alex over as I charge out.


  “Alex.” I grasp her elbow to steady her. Her pretty green eyes shyly lower to the ground then raise to meet mine.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t answered your calls. I needed some time to decompress and deal with everything that’s happened in the last few days.”

  The last few days. Does she regret the weekend? Does she regret sleeping with me?

  Standing in jeans and a sweater, I notice her shiver, so I pull her inside. Closing the door behind us, I toss my jacket on the nearby chair and drop my keys on the end table. She nibbles her lip and shifts her feet. She’s nervous. Fuck. This can’t be good.

  “Please don’t be mad at me.”

  Here it goes. Back into the friend zone. Not. Fucking. Happening.

  “Today was overwhelming. I’m sorry—”

/>   Closing the distance between us, I gather her by the waist, pull her to me and crash my mouth to hers. She stiffens for a split second, then melts into my kiss. A moan escapes her between our breaths. Sliding my tongue between her lips, I dive in and out, putting the need I have for her into the kiss. She moves with me as I back her to the couch. I place her on the cushions and lay above her only removing my lips for a moment to adjust myself.

  Her hands roam beneath my shirt and trace along my abs and chest. My fingers get lost in her hair as I hold the nape of her neck and place my other at her waist. Her hips push against my hardening erection and I growl into her mouth.

  “I want to be inside of you.”

  “Then stop talking and fuck me.”

  My cock is now upright and rigid at the sounds of her whispered words. Wasting no time, I tear at both our clothes, removing everything in my way until she’s laying bare beneath me. Those bright green eyes watch me with seductive want as I lower myself down to her soaking wet folds. With my thumb, I rub along her clit, and her head falls back.

  “Look at me, beautiful. I want to see it all.”

  My eyes stay locked on hers as I lower myself and place my tongue where my thumb was. In circular licks, I toy with her clit and suck the little nub until she’s sputtering profanities in her sweet voice.

  Her body arches when my tongue lowers and dips inside. She bucks against my face and I can see her orgasm building. Sliding my hands under her ass, I hold her steady as I tongue-fuck her into ecstasy.

  A pleasured chorus of moans and words spill out of her mouth, she claws at my chest, pulling me to her. With one gentle thrust, I fill her tight, wet hole. Bending her knee, I hold her leg in place for me to go deeper in. The sounds of my thrusts mingle with our satisfied moans. I can’t get enough and the incredible feel of her is taking me over the edge. One more thrust and we both ride our high, one after the other.


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