Eric's Savior (Paranormal Nanny Services Book 2)

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Eric's Savior (Paranormal Nanny Services Book 2) Page 3

by Jadyn Chase

  “I thought you could use a pick me up,” I say.

  He grins. “Thanks!”

  I nod, and before I can do anything else, something I might regret, I turn and hurry through the door.

  Within ten minutes of getting home, right after I’ve taken a hot shower and thrown on some PJs and collapsed into bed with a book, my phone buzzes. It’s a text from Eric. I eagerly open the message.

  I liked the kiss.

  I grin. I grin for a long time. Jesus, I think I feel like some sort of high school girl with a crush. I haven’t felt that way in a long time.

  I reply, thinking about it carefully.

  I’m glad. I did too.

  He messages me back quickly.

  What are you doing?

  Lying in bed. You?


  I think for a long time. I don’t know how to reply. I don’t want to be too forward. I don’t know what he thinks of me, or what he wants. I take so long, he texts before I have a chance to respond.

  You rushed off…

  I didn’t want to cross any lines.

  Some lines are meant to be crossed.

  LOL. Yeah. I agree.

  My kids really like you. I don’t want to take you away from them, if something happened. I don’t want you to feel weird about kissing me. I liked it. I won’t hold it against you, and I don’t expect it to happen again.

  What if it does?

  Then I’d be glad. We’re going to King’s Park tomorrow. Do you want to go? Not as a work thing. Just a… friend thing?

  My breath sucks into my chest audibly. A sort of date? His kids will be there, but still, it’s something outside of just being the nanny. King’s Park is the local amusement park, full of rides and games.


  Great. Be here at one!


  Are you going to sleep?

  I think I better.

  Okay, Good night. Sweet dreams.

  Good night. Sweet dreams.

  I hold my phone for a long time to see if Eric will text again, and he doesn’t. It’s a mild disappointment, and my mind keeps racing as I think about tomorrow. So far, it’s just been the kids and me, and when Eric gets home, we exchange a few pleasantries, and out I go. Now I’m going to be spending the day with him.

  I reach over and set my phone on my nightstand, and then turn the lamp off. In the dark I can’t stop thinking about Eric. I think about how handsome he is. I think about his muscles. I think about what Nancy said, about his cock. His big cock. That’s what my mind, in the dark, in my bed, keeps going to. I picture myself feeling every inch of his body. I picture Eric there, above me, lowering himself down and pushing himself into me. I pull off the lime green PJ pants I’m wearing and kick them out from under my blanket and to the floor. It’s really hot in my room all of a sudden.




  The kids and I are eating lunch when I tell them Angel is going to come to the theme park with us.

  “Yayyyyy!” Brad shouts.

  “Is she really?” Samantha asks me excitedly. I’m happy to see they both adore the nanny, but it makes me a little worried. The girl kissed me, and I liked it. I want to kiss her more. I want to do more than kiss her. If it ends up like all my other relationships, they’re going to miss her.

  “Yep,” I say, as my cell rings. It’s Jim. I get up and take the call out on the back patio.

  “That fucker has done it again,” Jim says as soon as I answer.

  “What did Hugo do now?” I ask. I know exactly who he is talking about. “Is anyone hurt?”

  “No, but five of our machines are fucking trashed. Set on fire.”

  I narrow my eyes. “You’re fucking kidding me.”


  I take a deep breath. The kids are inside. I try to remain calm. I’m an angry guy, or at least, I can be. My wife, she tempered that side of me, or at the very least, shielded the kids from it. Not that I would ever hurt my family, but I would bring work home a lot. This sort of shit happens a lot when you’re at the top. My wife, she didn’t let the kids see it. She knew when to get them into another room, or even out of the house altogether. And then, when I calmed down a little, she would ease me down the rest of the way. I miss that. I miss having her here to do that for me. Now, there’s no barrier, and I don’t want my kids to have the same anger they have inside. They may have the dragon within them, it’s too early to tell, and even that would be bad enough.

  “Eric, what do you want us to do?” Jim asks.

  “Nothing,” I say.


  “Hugo did this on a Friday night. He knows we’re waiting on a few things, I think he thinks he’s safe until Monday, that we wouldn’t see it over the weekend since we’ve slowed down a bit. He’s sitting pretty right now. I’ll take care of him tonight.”

  Jim pauses for a long while. “What are you going to do?”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  My foreman knows not to question me when I say something like that.

  “You got it, boss,” he says, and he hangs up.

  I must take care of Hugo, and I have to do it soon. But right now, I try to push the worry from my mind. I think of Angel, and the kids, and I focus on that.

  She comes right at one, and it’s awkward for a moment as I let her in. The kids are upstairs getting ready, and we’re alone.

  “Hi,” she says.

  I smile. “Hi.”

  I look her over, she looks beautiful. She’s so young, so bubbly, and I think about being with her. I’m older than she is, I know that, and might be by about a decade. I’m… who I am. I’m rough. If I hadn’t gotten into the business I had, there’s a chance I’d be some sort of two-bit thug, breaking kneecaps over unpaid loans for cheap mobsters. I’m a fighter. I can’t not be a fighter, it’s who I am.

  Angel is… beautiful. Soft. Wonderful and caring and kind. She would never fall for a man like me, not if she really knew me.

  “Thanks for the invite,” she says.

  “We’re all glad you could come.”

  Angel steps toward me. I think she’s going to kiss me again, but then she’s just stepping past me and moving down the foyer because the kids have arrived. I turn and watch her kneel down and hug each kind in turn.

  “Ready?” I ask them.

  King’s Park is a massive place full of families, and as soon as I pay at the gates the kids take off, running ahead. “I don’t want to ride anything scary!” Brad is calling after his sister as she makes a beeline for the highest, most twisty coaster in the place.

  “I do!” Samantha says, and I hear Angel giggle beside me.

  “She’s an ass kicker,” Angel says quietly, and I nod. I agree, and I’m glad my daughter kicks ass. It’s a good trait to have, especially for a woman. She won’t take shit from a man when she’s older. Kathy sure didn’t take any of my shit.

  Brad is my sensitive one, the scared one. I admit that at first I hated it. I guess I’m a bit too macho for my own good. The boy, that’s who I wanted to be a hard-ass, that’s who I wanted to be competitive. But it’s Samantha who folds her arms over her chest if she loses at checkers and won’t talk for an hour. Brad will let you win, just because he thinks it will make you happy.

  Maybe that’s for the best. I don’t want him to end up like me. I think again of Hugo and try not to scowl.

  The day passes quickly, we’re all having fun. We eat funnel cake, and we play games, and it’s Angel who wins a stuffed tiger for Brad by popping balloons with darts and a stuffed pony for Samantha by ringing a glass Coke bottle. The kids are over the moon being around Angel, and I have to admit that I feel the same.

  As we’re leaving the park I reach over and take her hand. She smiles over to me, and we stop for a moment, and I pull her in close for a kiss. It’s not something I planned, it’s not something I rehearsed in my head, it’s just something I do. I like it, and I know she does too.

sp; Back at home, it’s late. The kids are tired, and I carry an already sleeping Brad from the car. “Let me get the kids in bed,” I say to Angel, and she nods and sets up shop in the kitchen, pulling a bottle of water from the fridge and leaning against the counter while I carry Brad and Samantha upstairs.

  The kids go down easily, and I even let them skip brushing their teeth. I realize it’s because I’m eager to get back down to Angel. I want her to stay the night. I’m going to ask her to.

  She must have the same thing on her mind, because when I walk into the kitchen she smiles at me and speaks.

  “I want to stay with you, tonight,” she says. I smile, and then she goes on. “So I think I have to go.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “I don’t think I should stay, since I really, really, want to.”

  I laugh. Not in a malicious way, but I laugh. I just can’t help it. Angel doesn’t seem to mind though. I see her smile, and she rolls her eyes.

  “I know,” she admits. “It doesn’t make sense, but I work for you.”

  “I pay your company, not you,” I argue.

  “You know what I mean,” Angel says, and I see her waver. “The kids really like me, and I really like them, and if I stay over that can be ruined. It can be over, you know?”

  I nod. I know she’s right. She takes her purse and then comes to me. She kisses me, pressing her full lips to mine, and I want to wrap my arms around her and hold her and carry her upstairs, but I don’t. I just kiss her, and then she pulls away.

  “Thanks for today, it was awesome,” she says, and then she turns and leaves.




  I drove home with a conflicted heart. I felt sad, I felt relief. I wanted to stay with Eric of course, but I knew it wouldn’t be right. No matter what he said, I was basically his employee. There was a reason most workplaces had a rule against people dating each other.

  I get home and park in my driveway making my way up to the front door. It’s dark and I still have my mind on Eric, so I’m embarrassed to admit I don’t even realize my door is open a crack until I push my key into the lock and it swings open with just that slight touch.

  “Shit,” I mumble to myself. I step into my living room and reach over, flicking on a light switch, so my two lamps will turn on. Only one of them does, since the other is broken, laying on its side on the floor.

  The whole room is trashed. I quickly step outside onto my porch. What if someone is still here? Was I being robbed?

  I hurry back to my car and climb in and lock the doors. I call the police. Within ten minutes, two squad cars pull up with their lights flashing, red and blue blinding my eyes in the rearview mirror as they pull behind me, blocking my driveway. I speak to them but can hardly think of what to say. I feel like I am in a haze, I feel violated.

  One cop stays with me while the other goes through my home. When he comes out, he speaks in a gentle and kind voice to me.

  “Looks like whatever happened, the perpetrator is gone.”

  I nod my head, and he carries on.

  “It doesn’t appear as anything was stolen, I mean you’ll need to go through thoroughly and double check, but the TV’s are there, your laptop, jewelry on your dresser, all of that. Usually, those things are hit. So, someone could have taken something more specific of course, but it honestly doesn’t look like a robbery at this point.”

  I tilt my head. “Someone just trashed the place?”

  “Well, you’ll have to check, like I said. But, it might be good if you could provide us with a list of enemies. People you could think of who would want to… trash your place.”

  “I don’t have enemies,” I say, but then it dawns on me. Randall. I know who did this. It was my ex.

  “My ex-boyfriend,” I say. The cops nod and glance at one another. I guess they get this sort of thing a lot. I spend the next half hour giving a statement. Eventually the police leave, and I’m left with my trashed house and a broken door.

  I think the officer is right though, as I pick through the rooms slowly. It doesn’t look like anything was taken. Everything is just simply trashed. Thrown about. Broken. I burst into tears.

  When I stop crying, I come to realize that I can’t stay there. My door is broken. I close it then shove my heavy couch in front of the door. I leave through the back door, locking it behind me. I hurry out to my car, feeling scared in my dark backyard, rushing to get to the front. When I’m in my car with the doors locked and the motor running, I call Eric.

  I spend ten minutes crying and telling him what happened. He says to come over, he tells me I can sleep in the guest room. I hang up, and head right over.

  When I get there, he gives me a long hug. It makes me feel better. I half expect him to kiss me, to try something, to start peeling my clothes off, but he’s just there for me. That was a Randall thing. My ex always tried to turn any sort of affection into sex. When my grandmother died, and I was crying, he was hugging me on the couch, and then moved my hand to his crotch. He was already hard.

  But here was a man just being there for me. A man who hardly knew me. It means more to me than Eric could ever know. He shows me upstairs to the guest room and leaves. I’m tired, but I feel dirty after my home was violated. I move out of the room and head down the hall to the nearest bathroom (There were eight complete baths in this massive house!) to take a shower. Afterwards, I head back to the room and realize I’ve brought nothing with me. I’m nude, wrapped in a towel, and with another one wrapped around my damp hair, and I have nothing to wear other than the clothes I was wearing.

  Oh well, I can sleep in the nude. I dry out my hair the best I can and then toss both towels towards the corner of the room. I’ll take care of them in the morning. The sheets are silk, and they feel great on my nude body as I slide into bed. I lie here for a long time. Ten minutes, twenty, maybe an hour? It’s hard to tell. I’m having troubles sleeping, I can only think of Eric.

  I slide out of bed and move down the hall. I sneak past the kid's rooms and turn a corner. This shorter hall ends at the master bedroom. The door is open, the room beyond dark. As I near the room, I can just make out the bed with Eric lying in it. I can’t tell if he is asleep. I’m standing in the doorway, framed from a soft light from behind when Eric speaks.

  “Is everything okay?” he asks me.

  “You can’t sleep?” I ask. I wonder if he can see that I’m nude.

  “No,” he says.

  “Me neither,” I say, and step forward. I pass through a shaft of moonlight and hear Eric suck in a breath, a gasp, and I realize that he hadn’t been able to see that I was indeed naked, but he’s surely seen now. I go to the opposite side of the bed and climb in. Eric turns onto his side to face me. He’s shirtless, and I run my hand along his strong chest. I press my lips to his, and he kisses me back.

  His mouth is hungry for mine, and his tongue pushes past my lips to explore my mouth. Our tongues dance. My nipples harden, and a heat grows in my loins. I want him. I want him, and I’m going to have him.

  We don’t speak, no words between us, the whole time. Just breathing, hot breaths and gasps and groans.

  We’re kissing still, my hand on his chest, his hand on my hip. His fingers slide down my back until he’s touching my ass, groping me, grabbing one cheek tightly. I move my hand downward, feeling his abs, letting my fingertips run over them teasingly. Then I’m at his pelvis, and my fingers slide into his short trimmed pubic hair. It is now that I realize that Eric also sleeps in the nude.

  Before touching his manhood, I can feel it. It’s throbbing, and there’s a heat radiating from it. In fact, there’s heat all over Eric, like something I’ve never felt before. A massive heat, his skin blazing to the touch. It’s tantalizing, I want to feel it more. I’m wet, slick, my womanhood pulsing, and yearning. His hand is still on my ass. I have a big bubble butt, most guys I’ve been with focus a lot of time and energy on my ass. I’m still kissing Eric as I move my
hand down and finally touch his cock. It’s so hard. The heat is intense and feels like he has a fire burning within him. I wrap my hand around his manhood and he groans into my mouth. The cook was right. His dick is huge. It’s almost scary. I want him inside of me, I need him inside of me.

  I break our kiss and put my hand on his chest again and push Eric back so he’s lying down, facing his ceiling. He looks over to me, his hands reaching for me, finding my breasts as I shift and straddle him.

  I’m sitting on his pelvis, my wet slit drenching his pubic hair, his hard cock pulsing against my ass, right along my crack. I slide down, flattening his penis as he groans and squeezes my breasts tighter. His cock slides along my wet lips now, I work my way down the shaft, my pussy engorged with passion, the lips sliding along the sides of his manhood. I bend and kiss Eric again. He kisses me. I bite his lip and then pull away.

  I lift myself up so that his massive cock is directly under me. I reach down and grip him firmly, and bring my hips down guiding him into me. His hands fall away from my breasts and go to my hips. I’m a big, curvy girl, and he seems to love it. His eyes go from mine to my breasts, to my tummy, and then back again. He’s drinking me in. He’s making me feel wanted, and sexy.

  I have to take him slowly. I’ve never been with a man so large. I close my eyes and moan. As his cock pushes into me, I can feel that heat. It seems to transfer to my pussy, then the pit of my stomach and beyond. It fills me, and I love it.


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