Loving Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Loving Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 13

by Julie Shelton

  “You mean ever?” she asked in total disbelief.

  “Ever.” He nodded. “You belong to me now, Sarah. Your orgasms are mine—to give or withhold. I own you.”

  Shock sent the breath gusting from her lungs in a series of shuddering gasps. “That’s crazy, Jesse, you can’t own me,” she protested. “I’m my own person.”

  “Of course you are,” he agreed, covering one breast, his palm abrading her nipple with circling motions of his hand. She moaned as tingles shot throughout her entire body. “Everywhere but in this bedroom. Here you are mine, Sarah. Here I decide what happens to you and when. Here it is up to me to give you pleasure or pain, as I see fit. And it is up to you to accept what I give you without question or complaint. Either one will get you punished.”

  Too shocked to speak, she could only watch helplessly as he lowered his head to rest his forehead against hers. “I’m a Dom, Sarah. That is who and what I am. I need to be the only source of your pleasure.” His lips curved upward in a slight smile. “Since you are a born submissive, that works out well for you, because I intend to give you lots and lots of pleasure.” His black gaze bore into hers until she felt like she was sinking into a bottomless abyss, drowning in waters so dark she could no longer see the sun. “Now, I’m gonna tie your hands and feet to the bed.”

  Her eyes widened in alarm as she sucked in a sharp, hissing breath. “Jesse—”

  “Don’t be afraid, Sarah. I’m not gonna hurt you and I’m not a control freak. At least not in the way you’re thinkin’. Not like Phillip Fuckin’ Newgate.”


  He shrugged. “Whatever. What he did to you was abuse, pure and simple.”

  “It wasn’t—”

  His jaw tightened. “Did he ask your permission before he hit you? Did he give you a choice about bein’ raped? That’s not what Dominance/submission is about. It’s about choice, and it’s about trust. You choose to give up your power to me, because you trust me to use it to give you pleasure—pleasure so deep you won’t want to live without it. D/s is all about freedom—the freedom to accept and embrace who you are in the deepest levels of your soul—a profoundly sexual bein’.”

  Unable to speak, she could only suck her lower lip between her teeth, her gaze flickering beneath his. She chewed so hard, Jesse feared she’d draw blood.

  “What, baby?” he asked gently, watching her struggle to beat back her terror. “What are you afraid of?”

  Of disappointing you. Of not being the woman you want—the woman you need. Still hesitant, she opened her mouth, but no words came out.

  “Tell me, Sarah.” No longer gentle, it was a command. “If this is to work, we need to be totally honest with each other.”

  “I—I’m not—I’ve never—” She gulped, her cheeks blazing with color and heat as embarrassment took over. Her gaze faltered. “Um—I’m not a very sexual person, Jesse, I mean I’ve never been very responsive…you know, sexually.”

  His eyes narrowed and he fought the urge to laugh. “You can say this? After last night?”

  “Last night was a complete and total aberration,” she huffed indignantly. “I’ve never done anything like that in my life!” She drew a deep, calming breath. “I’ve never, you know, had sex all that often and I’ve never really…enjoyed it. I mean, up until last night, I hadn’t had an orgasm in two years, and I haven’t even missed them that much, really.” She couldn’t seem to meet his eyes. “My, um, Phillip always said that making love to me was like fucking an ice cube. I, um—I know you want someone who—I’m not sure I can be—I’m afraid I’ll disap—”

  His fingers covered her mouth, interrupting her ramblings. Christ! She is serious! She has no idea! “Sarah.” He was struggling not to laugh out loud at the sheer absurdity of her notions. “Look at me.” He moved his hand to cradle the side of her head, lifting her gaze to his.

  “I don’t know who you’ve been havin’ sex with, lady, but it has obviously been the wrong guy. You? Not responsive? That’s the biggest boatload of crap I’ve ever heard.” He shook his head. “Sugar, you’re the most responsive woman I’ve ever met. Your submission to me last night was out-of-this-world glorious and completely instinctual since you know absolutely nothin’ about D/s. You climaxed in a fuckin’ restaurant, for Chrissakes! You are a sexual, sensual, extraordinary woman, and your ex-fiancé is a goddamn fool. He didn’t know what the hell he was talkin’ about.”

  He stood up and rummaged around in the nightstand drawer, pulling out several items she couldn’t see. “Okay, sugar, listen up. I am about to prove to you just how wrong your way of thinkin’ has been. And, Sarah? When I’m done, if you ever try to spout any of that bullshit you tried to spout at me just now, you will be punished, do you hear me? Because that’s all it is. Bullshit. You are beautiful and sexy and I never want to hear you put yourself down again. Understand?”

  Slowly she nodded.

  “Your only acceptable response is ‘yes, Sir.’”

  “Yes, Sir,” she parroted as equal parts excitement and terror sparkled through her veins like the champagne they’d had at dinner last night.

  “Good girl,” Jesse said approvingly, sitting down on the edge of the bed near her head. “Now, give me your hand.”

  Her gaze never wavering, she placed her hand trustingly in his. She watched as he raised it to his lips and kissed her palm tenderly before turning it over to kiss every single knuckle. He picked up a soft, brown, leather cuff and buckled it firmly around her wrist, locking it with a tiny padlock. Lifting it up over her head, he snapped a hook into the D-ring on the cuff, tethering her hand to an eyebolt screwed into the scrolled wrought iron headboard.

  Holy Moley! Now that she looked around, she could see eyebolts all over the place, not just in the four heavy wooden posters at each corner of the massive bed, but in the ceiling beams as well. Good Lord. The breath skipped from her lungs. This was no longer just a fantasy. This was real! It was actually happening! She was being tied up! She tried to quell the panic that rushed through her like a flash flood.

  Seeing this, Jesse touched her cheek with one finger. “Don’t be afraid, sugar. I’m not gonna hurt you. Last night I gave you a safe word. Do you remember it?”

  “Um, ‘red’?”

  He nodded. “Anytime you get scared, all you have to do is say that word and I’ll instantly stop what I’m doin’. If you just want me to slow down, or you’re close to comin’ and I haven’t given you permission yet, say ‘yellow.’ Otherwise, your status is ‘green.’ Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Um…green. Sir.” I think. She drew in a shuddering breath and watched him walk around the bed to cuff her other wrist, securing it to the other bedpost.

  For a long moment he simply stood there looking at her, his gaze dark and smoldering, watching her carefully. Her color was heightened, her breathing labored, but not from distress, thank God. From excitement. From arousal. From anticipation. Jesus. She has no earthly idea how sexy she is. How completely submissive she is. Sucking in his breath sharply, he walked around to the foot of the bed. “Spread your legs for me, sugar.”

  She hesitated briefly, then did as he commanded, quivering uncontrollably as he slipped similar leather cuffs around her ankles and secured her feet to posts at the foot of the enormous bed, leaving her spread-eagled before him, almost painfully wide. She felt the pull in the muscles of her inner thighs, stretched nearly beyond endurance. Heat spread to every cell of her body, igniting her in a conflagration of sizzling flames. Holy Moley! I’m tied to a bed! Spread wide for his pleasure.

  And more excited than she’d ever been in her entire life!

  Climbing up on the bed, he crawled over her leg and sat on his knees between her spread thighs, eyeing her the way a jungle cat eyes potential prey. His cock was an iron rod, rising from its thicket of black curls, hard and throbbing with fierce arousal. Leaning forward, he slid a thick throw pillow beneath her
buttocks, lifting her hips obscenely.

  Sarah jerked her hands and feet, testing the restraints he’d clamped around her. The leather was lined with thick, soft fleece, so they weren’t uncomfortable. Even so, there was no give to them. She was completely at his mercy, her pussy and anus wide open, exposed to his gaze, his touch. In this position, he could do anything he wanted to her and she would be helpless to prevent it. Goose bumps raced up and down her back and arms, making her shiver uncontrollably. The very thought filled her with terror. And a thrill of lust so intense she couldn’t seem to drag enough air into her lungs.

  “Turn yourself over to me, Sarah,” he said, staring at her with eyes that probed into the deepest recesses of her soul. “Give me your power and trust me to use it to give you intense pleasure. Trust me to look after you and keep you safe. Can you do that, baby?”


  “Your only appropriate response is…”

  “Y-Yes, Sir.” She lay immobile, her gaze never leaving his. Sobs shivered from her lungs as she nodded once, a swift jerk of her head. “Yes, Jesse, I trust you.”

  Closing his eyes, he let the breath he’d been holding whoosh from his lungs in an enormous sigh of relief. Brushing the tears from her cheeks, he came up on his knees and loomed over her, pressing his full, wet lips to hers in a kiss so soft, so tender, she was soon moaning and writhing beneath him. But he didn’t deepen the kiss. Instead, he sat back on his legs and smiled at her, the look in his eyes so hungry, so feral, it snatched her breath away. “Are you ready, darlin’ girl? Ready to let go and discover who you really are?”

  She could only stare up at him and nod as she curled her fingers around the leather straps of her restraints, holding on for dear life.

  Leaning forward, he bent his head toward her, touching the tip of his nose to her throbbing clit and inhaling deeply. Exactly the way he had done it the day of her eighteenth birthday party. She let out a yelp, trying to drag air into her burning lungs. If she hadn’t been restrained, she would have come up off the bed.

  Jesse slid from his knees to lie flat on his belly. He spent a long minute just looking at her. Looking at the wet, pink flesh glistening with her thick syrup. “Christ, sugar, you’re breathtakin’.” And she smelled so good, like a piece of ripe, succulent fruit. Sticking out his tongue, he traced a line up the inside of one swollen pussy lip. The sweet/tart, slightly acidic taste of her essence coated his tongue, making him want to bite into her the way one would bite into a firm, juicy peach.

  Spreading her swollen outer folds with his thumbs, he pressed the flat of his tongue hard against her, licking up and down between her vagina and her clit.

  “Jesse!” She went rigid with pleasure.

  He proceeded to devour her, circling his tongue around that little nubbin of flesh as Sarah jerked and thrashed, her body once again clenching and releasing, preparing her for orgasm. Her breathing became harsh and erratic as her body tightened, like the tension on a thick rubber band, pulling until it was stretched so tight there was no more give. One more touch. Just one more touch and she would snap.

  She sucked in her breath, filling her lungs to capacity, pushing her hips against his face. Her body arched, went rigid, ready for that rubber band to snap and slingshot her into an explosive release. Yes! Yes! Ye—


  Jesse lifted his head and removed his tongue and she collapsed back down onto the bed with a deep shudder and a scream of sheer frustration. Air scoured from her lungs in a series of broken little sobs and incoherent murmurs as yet another climax receded, leaving her adrift in a sea of unfulfilled lust. Her body jerked as though an electrical current were being jolted through her. “Jesse.” Her whisper was barely audible. “Let me come. Please, Jesse, I need to come.”

  “I know, sugar, I know. But not quite yet.”

  “Oh, God, when?” she begged, opening her eyes wide and looking at him pleadingly, speared by the passion glittering in his obsidian eyes.

  “Soon,” he promised. “Very soon. And it will be that much sweeter for havin’ to wait for it, I promise.” He smiled indulgently. “And to make it even more worthwhile, I’ll let you come as many times as you want.”

  Hoo boy, that sounds like absolute heaven! “Okay,” she said, giving him a tremulous smile.

  His own smile became wicked as he lowered his head once more. Pushing his tongue inside the opening of her ripe sheath, he felt her inner muscles grip him tightly before he pulled back out. “Christ, Sarah,” he said against her quivering flesh, his tongue glazed with her sweet nectar. “I’ll never get enough of you, baby. Not if I live to be a hundred.” He thrust his tongue back into her and began fucking her with it, thrusting it in and out. His thumb settled over her clit, circling around and around over the throbbing bud, swollen and hard with need.

  She bucked her hips against his face as ecstasy swept through her, forcing the breath from her lungs in short, sharp gasps. Her head thrashed back and forth across the pillow, her back arched as her body tightened with pleasure.

  Jesse removed his thumb from her clit, replacing it with his tongue, then his lips as he sucked the trembling flesh into his mouth, driving her to yet another delirious peak before retreating, leaving her stranded once again, her entire body shuddering with frustration and the desperate need to come.

  She was sobbing, still trembling with her near-orgasm when Jesse thrust two fingers deep into her cunt and began suckling her clit once more. Her body tightened instantly, arching her hips as far up off the bed as her restraints allowed. Wildfire raced through her, destroying everything in its path. She soared upward, dizzy with the need to climax. A need that was so hot and fierce, she was ablaze with it. Consumed by it. Bombarded with sensations so exquisite, she couldn’t stop the ragged little cries of desperation tearing from her throat. “Jesse…Please…” It was a plea from the edge of insanity. “Please, may I come?”

  “Yes. Yes. Come for me, baby.” He growled against her quivering flesh. “Come for me now.”

  She fought for breath, struggling to pull as much oxygen as possible into her lungs. For a second, she just hung there, suspended in the stratosphere, every muscle straining for release. Then, with one hard swipe of his tongue across her clit, she let out a scream as her body exploded like a nuclear blast, detonating in wave after wave of the most excruciating pleasure she had ever known. Pleasure that was not a sensation of drifting tranquility, but a violent, tumultuous drowning. Every muscle clenched and spasmed as each new wave crashed over her, battering her, lifting her, catapulting her headlong into ecstasy.

  Throughout her convulsions, Jesse kept his tongue against her clit, kept his fingers moving gently inside her, prolonging her pleasure for long, endless moments.

  As soon as she let out a deep, shuddering sigh and collapsed back against the mattress, he increased both the tempo and force of his movements, fucking her with three curved fingers, once again suckling that tiny bit of swollen, quivering flesh, opening his mouth wide and covering it completely to palpate it with lips, tongue, and teeth.

  “God! Jesse! God! I can’t—I can’t—Oh, God!” Her body tightened. Pleasure consumed her anew, surrounding her, filling her, flowing through her like a river of molten lava as his mouth ravished her, rasping across nerve endings that screamed once more for release. He scoured her clit, devouring it greedily, lapping up her hot, gushing juice as he brought her inexorably to another explosive climax.

  Lights and swirling colors burst behind her closed eyelids as she blasted out into the universe, shattering into a million white-hot shards of blistering flame. She collapsed back against the bed, gasping for breath as sobs ripped from her throat. Her entire body jerked as spasm after spasm of pleasure continued to roll through her.

  When her tremors finally began to slow, Jesse removed his fingers and sat up on his knees. Retrieving the foil packet he had placed on the mattress, he ripped it open with his teeth.

  Sarah’s eyes jerked open at the sound.
“No, Jesse.” She was shivering so hard she could barely talk through her chattering teeth. Shivering with pleasure, not cold. “No condom. I want to feel you. Just you.”

  “I’ve never fucked a woman without a condom, Sarah. Never. And I’m not about to start with you, the most precious thing I own.”

  To his astonishment, she merely smiled up at him, a smile that tucked itself deep inside his heart and sent his soul soaring. His chest constricted painfully as liquid heat spilled through him, swamping him, making his cock grow even thicker and harder.

  “First, you don’t have to worry about catching anything, Jesse, I’m clean, as I’m sure you are. I’ll be happy to be tested if you want. Second, I’m on the pill, so there’s no risk of pregnancy. And third, I’m the last woman you will ever fuck. You may think you’re not a forever kind of guy, Jesse Colter, but I’m definitely a forever kind of gal. You’re it for me. I’m here to stay.” She paused to catch her breath. “You say you own me. Fine. But I claim equal ownership of you. You’re mine, and I want to feel what’s mine. I want to feel your hot cum shooting into me. So, I want you bare, Jesse, nothing held back. I want all of you, everything you have to give.”

  The breath gusted from Jesse’s body in a loud whoosh! as he sank back on his heels. Her words stunned him. He’d always hated condoms, even while recognizing their necessity. Fucking a woman without one was an invitation to disaster. Until now. Until Sarah. To be able to make love to this woman—his woman—without a shield or barrier of any kind between them, blew him away. It was the most magnificent gift he’d ever been given. “Are you sure, Sarah?” He sounded like he was being strangled. “I want you to be absolutely sure about this.”

  “Yes, I’m sure. Fuck me, Jesse. I don’t want to wait another minute to feel you inside me.”

  Tossing the condom over his shoulder, he rose over her, bracing his weight on his elbows just above her shoulders. Fisting his hands in her hair, he stared at her, holding her head immobile for the onslaught of his mouth. His eyes blazed, black pools of need. Endless, raging need. The wild darkness she saw there told her what he wanted from her. What he expected from her. What he needed from her. Submission. Total surrender. With the unspoken promise of the sweetest, the purest, the most excruciating pleasure she would ever experience. Could she do it?


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