Loving Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Loving Sarah (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 19

by Julie Shelton

  Christ! He had to get the fuck outta here! He was so goddamn hot, he was gonna die of fuckin’ heat stroke! His head was poundin’ like a son of a bitch. He grimaced, then winced at the pain. Sweat dripped into his eyes, burning them, blurring his vision.

  Okay. Change of plans. Get the fuck outta this inferno. But first…He grinned. First, he’d leave her a message. A little souvenir of his visit. Something to remind her that he was back…and he had big plans for her.

  * * * *

  When she came to, she was slightly disoriented, but she knew that the furnace warming her back was Jesse.

  “Hey, sleepyhead.” His arms tightened and he raised his head to kiss her cheek.

  “Hey, yourself.” She smiled. “What time is it?”

  “It’s oh three hundred.”

  “No, I mean human time.”

  He chuckled. “The little hand is on the three, the big hand is on the twelve.” One of his big hands came up to cradle the underside of her breast. “How do you feel, sugar?”

  “Great.” She turned in his arms to face him. “Ooof.” Her leg and thigh muscles protested at the movement. The scrape of her supersensitized nipples across his chest sent pain shooting through her. “Ow. Um, on second thought, can I have a little more time to reconsider that answer? Like, say, a week?”

  “Take all the time you need.” He kissed the top of her head. “Is there anythin’ you’d like to discuss?”

  “Hmmm.” She pretended to consider. “You mean like the current administration’s policy on illegal immigration? Or the psychosexual dynamic between Hamlet and his mother, Queen Gertrude? Or the legal ramifications of—”

  Jesse laughed. “No, brat, I mean about our session in the Play Room. I want you to describe in detail exactly how you felt about everythin’ I did to you. Start with the nipple clamps.”

  “Oh, God, the nipple clamps.” Her body tightened with the exquisite memory. “What sadist invented those? At first I thought I was going to die, the pain was so excruciating. But then, when the pleasure took over and the two sensations became all mixed together, it was so intense that when I came, I thought the top of my head was going to come off.”

  “That’s the general idea.” His lips quirked in a smile. “How about the collar?”

  The collar. Her hand lifted to touch the place where it had encircled her throat. “It made me feel…I don’t know…safe. Protected in a way I’ve never felt before. Like, as long as I was wearing it, nothing could ever harm me. I felt beautiful. Honored to be chosen by you. As if I truly did belong to you.”

  “You truly do belong to me,” he reminded her. “And, trust me, sugar, the honor is all mine. A collar is a symbol of the unique bond between Dom and sub. I had that one made especially for you, but it’s only temporary. Just a trainin’ collar. Eventually, I want to design a permanent collar for you—a gold or platinum necklace that you would never take off. I’d like to present it to you at a formal Collarin’ Ceremony, where I accept you as my sub, and you accept me as your Dom.”

  She was quiet for several minutes, trying to picture such a thing, hardly daring to think the word that was forming in her mind. “You mean, like—a wedding?”

  Whoa! Did she actually say the W word?

  Jesse held his breath, waiting for his body to break out in a cold sweat. Even as little as a week ago, the word wedding would have filled him with panic. But now…In a blinding flash of revelation, he realized that, as much as she belonged to him, he belonged equally to her. She had crawled into his heart and stolen his soul. She lit the darkness within him and chased all his shadows away.

  And he realized something else. Something so searing it closed his throat and stung his eyes. He never wanted to live without her. She made his heart complete. And he would do whatever it took in order to keep her with him for the rest of their lives.

  Burying his face against the nape of her neck, he pressed a kiss to the damp silk of her skin.

  She knew he was struggling, but she wasn’t going to settle for less than she herself was willing to give. She wanted him. But she wanted all of him. Heart hammering in her breast at the chance she was taking, she drew back, lifting both hands to frame his face. Looking him square in the eye, she asked, “Are you asking me to marry you, Jesse?”

  He cleared his throat. “I—”

  “Do you love me, Jesse?”

  “I don’t know, Sarah.” Anguish twisted his features, roughening his voice, making it sound…rusty. As if it had been left too long out in the rain. He shook his head. Honesty, remember? “I don’t know what love is. What I do know is that I want to cherish you, protect you, spend the rest of my life with you. I know you’re afraid that this is just about sex, but, trust me, this is wa-a-a-ay more than just sex. You are the very air that I breathe. I need you, sugar, not just for sex or companionship, but for my very existence.”

  He swallowed hard, lifting his hand to caress the side of her face. “You make me whole, sugar. I can’t live without you. I don’t want to live without you. I don’t know what you call that, but I don’t think it’s love. What I feel for you is so much deeper than that. It goes all the way to my soul.”

  She held herself very still, hardly daring to breathe as hope blossomed inside her. Hope that illuminated the shadows in her soul and led her out into the healing sunlight. Jesse Colter was not the boy next door. In fact, he was as close to being the boy next door as the Terminator was to being Ward Cleaver. And that’s precisely what made him the man for her. A man she needed as much as he apparently needed her. Not just, as he said, for sex or companionship. But for her very existence.

  “Jesse…” Lifting her hand, she touched his cheek reverently. “Those feelings you just described? That’s love, sweetheart. True, deep, abiding love. The rare kind of love that builds and grows over a lifetime.”

  His eyes narrowed. He looked at her appraisingly, one black eyebrow raised. “So, what’re you tellin’ me? That this heart-stoppin’, soul-destroyin’, all-consumin’, I’m-gonna-die-without-you feelin’…?”

  She laughed as pure joy exploded inside her, making her feel as though she were flying. “Is love, Jesse. The Happily-Ever-After kind of love. The kind of love I’ve felt for you since I was thirteen years old.”

  He stared at her, his eyes flickering with the stunning power of her revelation. The love he saw in her eyes leveled him. It soaked into his battered soul like spring rain soaking into parched winter earth. Threading his fingers through the silk of her hair, he cupped the nape of her neck. He drew a ragged breath deep into his lungs. “Then I do love you, Sarah Madeleine Marshall,” he said hoarsely. “I love you to the bottom of my heart and soul. And yes, I am askin’ you to marry me.”

  “Don’t you think this is a bit sudden?” she teased. “A proposal after only one date?”

  “Not after only one date,” he corrected as he moved his big body to roll her over onto her back. “After eight long, excruciatin’ly lonely years.”

  “And the date’s not even over yet,” she continued as if he hadn‘t spoken. “That has to be some kind of new world record.”

  “I’ll check with the Guinness people first thing in the mornin’,” he promised, spreading her thighs wide as he came up onto his knees between them. He rose over her, a roguish grin on his face. Placing his hands flat on either side of her shoulders, he braced himself above her, never taking his eyes off hers. His black gaze drilled into her as he flexed his hips, notching the head of his cock just inside her entrance, preparing to penetrate her. “So, is that a yes I hear?” he prompted.

  “Yes!” She threw her arms around his neck, nearly choking him in her enthusiasm. “Yes, yes, oh, ye-e-e-es!” It turned into a scream as his cock head opened her up and drove into her. Deep. So deep. Stretching her, filling her as no other man ever had. As no other man ever could. Except possibly…Slamming the lid on that traitorous thought, she gasped as pleasure rocketed through her. “God, Jesse, I love it when you’re inside me!” />
  She lifted her legs to circle his waist, shifting the angle of her body to take him even deeper, intensifying the pleasure for both of them. Clutching at his shoulders, she met him thrust for thrust as he pounded into her, his tongue dueling with hers, matching the movement of their hips. The pressure of her orgasm built so quickly, the subsequent explosion shattered her. The only thing keeping her together was Jesse’s arms around her as he poured himself into her welcoming sheath.

  This time the birds woke her up, chirping and singing their cheerful dawn chorus. A shaft of sunlight streamed in through the skylight, lighting her as if she were center stage. For a long time, she just lay without moving, trying to get her bearings. She was in Jesse’s bed. Still. Again. She wasn’t sure which, and it didn’t really matter. It felt like home, more than Marshall’s Hill ever had, and that was a feeling she could definitely get used to, she decided.

  Sensing Jesse’s presence beside the bed, she opened one eye cautiously, letting her gaze find and roam over him. Oh, God, just look at him! Mentally she was drooling. He was bare chested, his well-defined pecs and sculpted abdominals hard and smooth as if chiseled from a slab of living marble, like a Renaissance masterpiece. Except she’d never seen Renaissance masterpieces wearing unbuttoned jeans that rode low on their hips and cupped their asses so lovingly.

  Yep. Definitely drooling. And not just mentally.

  He was a masterpiece, no argument there, big and hard and so powerfully masculine he didn’t even seem real. And all that undiluted male intensity was focused directly on her. He was looking at her as if he wanted to eat her up.

  Tightening all her muscles, she curled up into a tight little ball, before straightening and stretching languidly, each movement making her acutely aware of the soreness in all her muscles and how sensitive she was in all her erogenous zones. And the fact that she was still wearing the butt plug! Holy crap! When she finished stretching, she lay sprawled on her belly, all tangled in the sheets, too exhausted to move. “I need a vacation,” she said in a low, accented growl.

  He laughed. “Good mornin’, sunshine. Get that gorgeous butt outta bed and grab a shower. Take your time. When you’re nice and clean, call me, I have a new plug I want to put in your ass. A larger one.”

  Grumbling and groaning, she dragged herself naked off the bed. As she tried to move around him, he grabbed her arms and pulled her hard against him, claiming her mouth with his, invading her with his tongue, kissing her with an intensity that was volcanic. How could she retain even a glimmer of herself when he consumed her? Obliterated her? When he finally released her, she just stood there, staring up at him, blinking owlishly. She could barely breathe, and thinking was clearly beyond her. Gently he turned her in the direction of the bathroom, giving her a swat on the bottom to get her going.

  She stumbled into a shower that was bigger than her office, with an enormous rainwater showerhead and lots of auxiliary jets mounted in the walls. She stood in close-eyed stupefaction as the scalding water pounded the soreness from her muscles. She shampooed her hair with a peach-scented shampoo she found on the bench and washed her body with the coordinating bodywash. Unless Jesse routinely walked around smelling like a fruit salad, he’d obviously chosen those items for her use. Smiling to herself, she turned off the water, plucked a luxurious towel off the heated rack and dried herself briskly. She was sorely tempted to wrap herself in it, but Jesse wanted her naked. And she was coming to realize that, when it came to her, what Jesse wanted, Jesse got. Swiftly, she blow-dried her hair and brushed her teeth with the new, unopened toothbrush he’d left on the counter for her.

  “I’m ready, Jesse,” she hollered down at him, even though she knew she wasn’t. Who was ever ready to take a big fat plug up their ass? When he appeared in the doorway, his wide shoulders filling the opening, she swallowed nervously, unable to take her eyes off him as he moved in behind her. Nerves coiled and tangled in her stomach, making her squirm.

  “Bend over the counter,” he ordered as he opened one of the drawers in the vanity, withdrawing a tube of lube and a black plastic plug that looked to Sarah as big as the Eiffel Tower.

  “Um, Jesse…?” She bit her lower lip and her cheeks flamed as she started to back away. “I don’t—”

  His eyes narrowed, signaling, more effectively than words, what would happen to her if she didn‘t obey.

  She stood for a long moment, dithering, until finally, with an aggrieved sigh, she bent over the counter, arms tucked in against her sides, her cheek resting on the cool marble surface.

  “No. Look in the mirror. I want you to watch it go in.”

  She raised her head, hissing in a sharp breath as he grabbed the existing plug, turning it around and around before slowly pulling it out. The scent of strawberries hung in the air as two thick fingers stroked cold lube into the depths of her nether hole. Without a word, Jesse lubed the new plug then bent to insert it. “Relax,” he instructed as he slid it inside, inch after endless inch, thrusting it remorselessly in and out, jerking every nerve ending in her anus to agonizing life.

  God, the burn is excruciating! She let out a sharp cry as the widest part stretched her sphincter almost beyond endurance. “Jesse!”

  Her hips bucked wildly until he stopped her with a painful slap to one cheek. “Be still,” he growled. “Push back against me.” She did and the plug finally, thankfully, slid home. She collapsed onto the counter, her breaths coming in short, choppy bursts, her hips writhing as she tried to adjust to the excruciating fullness in her ass. She was sure she was pierced up to her eyeballs. Struggling to catch her breath, she listened to the water running in the sink beside her as he washed and dried his hands.

  “This is my ass,” he reminded her, smoothing his hands over the ripe fullness of her cheeks, stroking and kneading, heating her skin until her blood was flowing like fire through her veins. “Here for my use and pleasure. Just as you are here for my use and pleasure. And if I want to fill you with plugs, then you will wear them proudly.” He pressed up against her and leaned over her back, allowing her to feel the thick ridge of his denim-clad erection against her ass crack. “No more false modesty, Sarah. That is no longer who you are.” He turned to leave. “Take a moment if you need it. Come down when you’re ready.”

  She straightened gingerly. Holy Moley! How did he expect her to walk with this thing up her ass? She stared at herself in the mirror, amazed at how normal she looked, considering the circumstances. Taking several deep breaths, she squared her shoulders and went downstairs.

  He looked up as she waddled into the kitchen. Lord, he loved watchin’ a woman walk with a plug up her ass! Especially when he was the one who’d put it there. “Mornin’, sugar.” He smiled, bending to kiss her before turning to place two large plates on the round glass table. Each was piled high with cheesy scrambled eggs, strips of crispy bacon and hot, buttery grits.

  She inhaled, moaning in appreciation as she reached out and snagged a bacon strip. “Oh, God,” she groaned, rolling her eyes appreciatively as she bit into its crispy goodness. “That’s so delicious. I’m starving.”

  She sat in her customary place, legs spread as per the rules, trying to ignore the enormous plug in her butt that seemed to move with every breath she took. And, yet, in spite of her discomfort, every time it moved, her pussy clenched, sending a fresh gush of cream out onto the chair. Cream that she was eventually going to have to clean up with her tongue. God, she couldn’t believe how aroused she was! And Jesse knows it, too, the bastard. She could tell by the way he was watching her with that superior smirk on his face!

  Trying to appear nonchalant, she picked up her fork and speared it through the steaming grits. Before she could put the bite in her mouth, however, her entire anal passage began to tingle as the plug suddenly came to life inside her. She gasped as her fork clattered back down into her plate. Oh my God! It is a vibrator! Her gaze ripped to Jesse’s. His grin was pure evil.

  “Enjoy your breakfast, sugar.” He picked up hi
s fork, waiting patiently for her to do the same. “I know I’m certainly going to.” He turned off the plug before scooping up a humongous bite of fluffy eggs and putting them in his mouth, chewing as if breakfast were the only thing on his mind.

  Mercifully, he allowed her to chew and swallow several bites before turning on the plug again, this time at a higher speed that took her by surprise and had her yelping out a cry of pleasure. “Oh, yeah, and one more thing. You’re not permitted to come.”

  Apparently, the vibrator had at least seven speeds, from a mild buzzing to a turbulent throb that jolted every nerve below her waist, sending her spiraling nearly out of control. Jesse experimented with every one of them, chuckling at her squeals and squirms, and always, always, stopping just short of allowing her to climax. She thought breakfast would never end.

  Finally, mercifully, the vibrations stopped just as she swallowed her last bite. She slumped in exhaustion, struggling to catch her breath.

  “Well, now, that was fun, wasn’t it?” he asked gleefully.

  She just glared at him. “You’re a sadist, you know that?”

  An eyebrow soared as he tipped his chair back onto its two back legs. “The lube I used is edible, so clean your chair, little sub. Then the kitchen. Show me that sweet ass.”

  Biting her lip, she rose on wobbly legs and bent over the chair, licking and swirling every last drop of her arousal and the fruit-flavored lube into her mouth, expecting the vibrator to go off any second. Mercifully, it didn’t. Stacking the dirty dishes, she carried them over to the sink to rinse them off. As she bent to place each item in the dishwasher, she wiggled her hips wantonly, giving Jesse the show he’d demanded. Finally she turned to find him still sitting in his chair, staring at her, his eyes narrowed.


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