The Most Dangerous Mitch in the Multiverse

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The Most Dangerous Mitch in the Multiverse Page 11

by Paul Ormond

  “What am I looking at?”

  “A performance. This is Teron before the fall of Korridin the corrupt. He is nothing more than an entertainer.”

  The man moved about the stage as apparitions hovered in the air. With broad gestures, he manipulated the figures, causing them to move and disappear to the delight of the crowd.

  “This is the man you allowed yourself to be fooled by: a court jester. And Korridin was so enthralled by Teron’s performances that he made him a member of his inner council. The man ingratiated himself with the beloved leader to enrich himself.”

  KiGuan felt himself shift sideways before the tunnel of light returned and he looked upon a decadent room filled with rich tapestries and silken furniture. Teron lay across a couch while several women fawned over him.

  “Dance for me, my darlings,” Teron shouted before he tossed coins in their direction. “I know you only love me for my money. But what else is there to love.”

  “Where are these memories coming from?” KiGuan asked while he watched the scene play out in disgust.

  “It is all a matter of record. You see, before the birth of the Emperor a great scandal shook Korridin’s rule. Having fattened himself off the land, he spoiled himself on his own opulence while the people suffered. His inner council, Teron included, languished in wealth while the good people of the republic were made to do their bidding.”

  “I have never heard this part of the story before.”

  “And the truth shall set you free. But the road to freedom wasn’t an easy path for Jarkadu. As the people rose up against Korridin’s corruption, he embarked upon a campaign to subdue the masses all while gorging himself on the spoils of the kingdom.”

  The scene shifted again to a lavish hall. Korridin sat at a jewel-encrusted throne as well-dressed gentleman approached and received ornate staffs.

  “After perverting the technology he had mercilessly exploited, he dispensed powerful weapons amongst his trusted advisors, instructing them to put down the resistance. All of this took place while we had been enacting our plan to unite the network. But Korridin realized he would be quickly overrun with dissenters if he allowed people to move freely among worlds. He halted our operation on a whim and began a hostile attempt to avert any opposition to his rule.”

  The room spun again and KiGuan found himself standing on a platform near a control panel manned by a bearded Korridin. In the distance, he heard chants for freedom crying out from a massive gathering of people.

  “Realizing the tyranny in his midst, brave Holrathu stood up against Korridin’s wrath, but, foolishly, Korridin attempted to revert the mechanisms function and the destruction we know all too well wreaked havoc across your homeworld.”

  “How can this be? Everything was Korridin’s fault?”

  “He and his disciples. It was their merciless greed that brought about the end of a powerful civilization. But the sun also rises. This unfortunate incident gave birth to the Emperor and Empress. It is from these powerful deities that we draw our power now. They are the source of your strength, not some foolish old man and his tricks.”

  “But I have seen what he can do.”

  “It’s all very convincing, but he is only using the items given to him by Korridin. The weapons you and your companions used while under Teron’s influence are none other than the same tools Korridin’s disciples used to oppress the people of Jarkadu.”

  “That is unbelievable.”

  “Unbelievable that you fell for his lies? For this, I am to blame. I should have known from the start that Mitch Mythic would cause trouble for us all, but I needed him to get to the Goddess. It was my plan to bring her to the Emperor that allowed Mitch Mythic to enter our world.”

  Drawn away from the room, KiGuan felt himself gasp as he was drawn down another dark passage. He looked up to see that he was in Teron’s throne room. Wearing the same long robe, Teron sat on his metallic throne as his Councilors stood watch overhead.

  “It shouldn’t be a surprise that his terrorist friend drew you into Teron’s orbit. They are all in league, you see. The one they call Drak belongs to a rebel faction on his home-world, and they take their orders from Teron himself. He sits at the center of a web of deceit and destruction stretching across the network which he uses to enrich himself and cause his enemies to suffer.”

  “How is any of this possible?”

  “Search your heart, and you will know it to be true. Blinded by rage and thoughts of Revenge, you were an easy target for the likes of Teron. Disillusioned young men are a staple of his diet.”

  “I feel like such a fool. But you lied to me too.”

  “If you see it that way, but allow me the chance to explain myself.”

  As the room blurred, a rising sensation overcame KiGuan, and he found himself within another tunnel. A flash of light passed over him, and he stood alone in a field of green. Wind blew in over the distant treetops, rustling the surrounding grass. Recognizing where he was, he smelled the thick air and looked up to see the tower still intact rising past the crumbling ruins.

  Motion to his right caught his attention, and he spotted a frail old woman dressed in a plain brown frock making her way toward him.

  “Don’t recognize your old Mother?” the woman said as her dark eyes bore into him.

  “You don’t need to play these games with me. I know what you are.”

  “But it makes you feel better to look upon something familiar,” Mother said as she neared.

  “Nothing feels familiar anymore.”

  “That is for certain, for certain. But all is not lost. In fact, a rebirth may be just what you need. For, I regret to inform you, my dear boy, although you may have survived the battle your body is beyond salvageable.”

  “I don’t understand. Am I dead?”

  “No, fortunately, but you were badly damaged by the flames of destruction. I tried my best to protect you, but there was only so much I could do, could do.”

  “I need to see what has become of me. Why are you hiding the truth from me again?”

  “I have done no such thing, no such thing. Am I not being forthright with you now. I am doing all I can to save you, and it took all of my effort to convince the Emperor to spare your life. I begged him myself to have mercy on his own true son, so much did you break his heart.”

  “How can I break the heart of a being I have never met?”

  “Nothing is quite so simple. The Emperor and Empress have watched over you since before you were born. They live within you, and it is you that breathes their world into existence. The multi-verse doesn’t work the way you think it works. You still have much to learn, but together, and only together, can we overcome this adversity and reunite you with the Emperor and Empress. Once you accept that you are worthy of forgiveness, you will rejoice in the glory of their love.”

  “I’m having trouble comprehending all that I am seeing and hearing. We fought against you in a battle, and now you claim to have saved me and want me to embrace the Emperor’s love?”

  “This is the poison in your ear speaking. You have been led astray by a dangerous man, but I know there is still good in you, and given time you will see the error in your ways and come back to us with a full heart.”

  “But you betrayed us and destroyed our home.”

  “I never betrayed anyone. It is the Emperor who has been betrayed, but none of this is your fault. I am to blame for all of this confusion. As I aided you and your kin in your development, I felt it was necessary to shield you from the truth of your existence in order to nurture an independent spirit within your people. But it appears I may have taken that a little too far, too far. The battles you fought against the Masters’ forces prior to the arrival of the goddess were staged to develop your skills and give you a taste for warfare.”

  “So all of that was fake? You’re telling me my entire life has been a lie.”

  “Oh KiGuan, it is not like you to be so dramatic. Those foolish terrorists and their sentiments mu
st have really had an affect on you. But I am to blame for that as well, it would seem, it would seem.”

  “None of that can be true. If it were, why did you kill your own people? Why did you allow us to be slaughtered and left for dead?”

  “Securing the Goddess was far too important. With the planet destabilizing, we had no choice but to make a hasty exit. It is Mitch Mythic who is to blame for the destruction of the planet.”

  “I still can’t believe that. How could one man, a boy for that matter, be responsible for all of this horror?”

  “Even the Emperor cannot fathom the forces which bring about the multi-verse, but one cannot mistake the work of chaos. Mitch Mythic is very much the embodiment of this evil. The things I have foreseen would make your blood run cold. If we continue to let him run wild in the network, there is no telling the damage he might do. With each battle he grows stronger and his confidence soars. He is a tyrant in the making and we must do everything we can to stop him.”

  “I still don’t understand how this could be true.”

  “Search your heart and you will see that I am right. Mother is always right, and together we will rid the multi-verse of Mitch Mythic and bring about a new age of harmony and joy.”


  “THESE ARE SERIOUS allegations, Commander,” President Edwards said after watching Holrathu’s detailed briefing of the events on Jarkadu. “The images speak for themselves, but what makes you so certain they will attack Earth?”

  “I have no doubt Mitch Mythic will return home to wage war on this planet. I know this because he told me himself,” Holrathu said before another video image appeared of Mitch hovering before Commander Holrathu on the battlefield.

  “You’ve created a monster, Commander,” Mitch said while he glared ahead with his staff in hand. “You thought you could contain me, but you’ve only gone and made me stronger. Now that I have this power I will do everything I can to put an end to your rule. But first I’m going to take back what is mine. I will free Earth from the oppressive rulers you put in place and create an Empire powerful enough to destroy everything you have built.”

  As Mitch raised his spear and prepared to strike, static filled the screen and the video feed ended.

  “He may have been a child before, but as he said so himself, he has become a monster,” Holrathu said, locking eyes with the President.

  “I find all of this incredibly hard to believe, Commander,” Edwards replied.

  “You should. It is an unbelievable story given the context, but the situation is similar to predicaments your government has dealt with on Earth. It is well known that your world has been plagued by violent extremism in recent times. The organizations that carry out these acts operate in similar ways throughout the known network. Dissatisfied young men and woman are drawn into their orbit through coercive measures. The organizations appeal to the individual's sense of self worth. They search for people isolated from their communities and offer them salvation and a sense of belonging. By attaching their ideals to a higher good, they are able to convince recruits that heinous acts of violence are necessary in order to bring about a new order usually associated with some deity they believe is waiting in the wings.”

  “This is something we are familiar with on our planet. As we speak, any number of terrorist groups are threatening the fragile peace on this planet from both sides of the political spectrum. It sounds awful, but it is something we have come to accept as an inevitable result of our laws concerning personal freedom.”

  “Yes, it is unfortunate that we must put up with the views of others even if we do not agree. You see, the Masters, in service to the Emperor, have a policy to not engage with our partners in the network for this very reason. The price we pay for involving ourselves in conflicts where we do not belong is too severe. We believe systems should be left to their own devices. Interference on our part only seems to make situations worse.”

  “Then what is it you do want, Commander? You certainly haven’t traveled all the way across the multi-verse to warn me about terrorists.”

  “Right you are, Madam President. Although the Masters do not seek to involve themselves in local matters, we are very much interested in negotiating with trading partners. The network, above all things, is a free market and we wish to keep it this way.”

  “Trading partners? What would you like to trade, Commander? Your presentation was rather thrilling, but surely you have more to offer than information.”

  “You are a shrewd leader. I can see why your people elected you. I have negotiated agreements throughout the network with all forms of life from technologically advanced civilizations all the way down to crude matter. But I always make it my goal to produce a fair deal. I have witnessed far too many arrangements turn sour after one party feels cheated.”

  “This tends to be the nature of deal making. Holding up one's end of the bargain can turn out to be a difficult chore, especially if the conditions are altered by unforeseen circumstances.”

  “Once again, you are correct, President Edwards. Arrangements between trading worlds are always tricky due to the unpredictable nature of the multi-verse. Chaos, that cruel mistress, always comes crying for her pound of flesh when least expected.”

  “These are very good analogies, Commander. But I think it is time you cut to the chase. What is it that you want from us and what are you offering? Since taking over from my predecessor, my administration is eager to put the fear to rest concerning the MindHIve incident and what people are calling an imminent threat from beyond. If we can come to an arrangement with the Masters that satisfies my campaign promises, I am willing to negotiate, but if you think you can scare us into making a deal with you, I assure you we will not be intimidated.”

  “I understand your position, and it is my duty as an ambassador of the Emperor to see that he is adequately represented on Earth. It is important that the people of your planet do not fear the Emperor and his rule.”

  “Unless the Emperor threatens their freedom and their way of life, I don’t see why they would. But that can’t be all you are after, Commander. There is no reason to be vague. Tell us what you want.”

  “What we want from your planet has never changed. You do realize that we have been operating here far longer than your nation-state has been in existence?”

  “A great deal of information has been brought to my attention since I assumed the helm. And right at the top of the list are these agreements made with your Emperor by organizations operating with no authority to speak on behalf of our planet.”

  “I apologize for the circumstances. You see, when we first made contact, it was done at a time on your planet when a select few felt they were in the best position to make decisions for the uneducated masses. But, as you and I both know, times have changed.”

  “Yes, they certainly have. The old fools who played along with this subterfuge to enrich themselves are long dead in their graves. But the unintended consequences of their arrangements live on. The global disparity created by this harboring of wealth has sown the seeds of chaos on Earth. The population has soared and our resources have grown scarce. Industries pollute the air and water while malcontent surges among the poor.”

  “An unfortunate set of circumstances that was beyond our control. I understand your frustration with the situation, and I am here to ensure we can come to an agreement that has mutual benefits.”

  “Mutual benefits? How about you go away and never come back? That would be mutually beneficial. You wouldn’t have to deal with us pesky Earthlings, and I wouldn’t have to figure out how to explain all of this to my people.”

  “I appreciate your attempt at humor, but we are past the point where we can ignore your presence. As chance would have it, your planet happens to be the focus of our Emperor’s attention at the moment. Don’t worry, you are not about to incur the Emperor’s wrath. Bloody conquests rarely benefit any party concerned, and the Emperor is not one to send his army off to the slaughter on a
whim. We far more prefer peaceful solutions. I believe that is something we can agree on, am I correct, Madam President?”

  “I couldn’t agree more, Commander. But as I said earlier, Earth isn’t going to just roll over and bow down to your demands. You still have not stated your terms, and I can’t help but feel threatened by your presence here.”

  “Forgive me, Madam President. I understand the effect I can have on subjects unfamiliar with me. Intimidation is not my intention, and as the leader of the Emperor’s forces, I can understand why you could find my arrival here disturbing. But my purpose here is to ensure you that the Emperor takes this matter very seriously. He didn’t feel it would do the situation justice by sending a low-ranking member of his council to make you an offer.”

  “I appreciate that your Emperor takes this negotiation seriously. But I am still waiting to hear your terms, Commander.”

  “Apologies for tiptoeing around the pertinent subject matter. I just wanted you to be clear on our intentions.”

  “You’ve made yourself clear, now out with it. I’m beginning to lose my patience with all of these pleasantries.”

  “Getting down to business, that is the sign of a strong leader. Now, as I mentioned before, we have a mutual problem that we can solve together. Mitch Mythic poses a threat to your planet, and the Network we have worked so hard to build.”

  “Yes, we are aware of this problem, and we will work with you as best we can. I’m sure we could come up with a way to share information should something of interest surface.”

  “That is all well and good, Madam President, but, as you said, I didn’t travel all the way here to trade information. I am offering you a golden opportunity to advance your planets security measures and in turn become a valuable trading partner within the network.”

  “That seems like a rather bold request. I’m not sure if I could negotiate such a deal without consulting any other world leaders.”

  “It is not a request, Madam President.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t quite get what you mean?”


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