Succubus Lord 8

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Succubus Lord 8 Page 11

by Eric Vall

  “Get up, Sister,” she demanded playfully. “It’s my turn again.”

  “You’re so greedy.” Sia shot Cupi an annoyed looked, but then she gave me a few more hard motions and moved from her position.

  The blonde succubus went to get into position, but I quickly grabbed her around the waist and flipped her around so she was on her hands and knees.

  I held onto her hips tightly as I slid into her delicate flower. I heard Cupi let out a series of muffled gasps as I slowly pushed myself into her as far as I could go, and then I slowly slid myself back out.

  “Holy shit that feels amazing,” she moaned. “K-Keep doing that!”

  I wasn’t going to argue. It felt really fucking good on my end, too.

  As I fucked Cupi from behind, Superbia sauntered over and laid down in front of the blonde with her legs spread wide. Cupiditas must have gotten the hint, because she instantly grabbed the redhead’s outer thighs and buried her face into her vagina.

  Our three bodies moved as one as we pleasured each other, and our sounds of passion mixed together into a single, roaring crescendo.

  Cupi pulled back from her fellatio and began to moan more intensely than the rest of us. The walls of her pussy tightened around my dick, and then she bit her lip and let out a hurried, gasping sound as she orgasmed.

  I felt the dam about to burst, but I wanted to make sure Sia was in on the fun, too.

  I pulled out of Cupi, and she collapsed to the side. Then, I moved in on Superbia, grabbed her by the waist, and pulled her onto my waiting cock.

  She whimpered in ecstasy as I entered her and started to thrust in and out of her pussy as quickly as I possibly could. Her chest and face began to flush as her breaths became hurried, and I could tell she was on the brink of finishing.

  “Jacob, I think I’m about to--ohhhhhhhhh!” the redhead gasped as she orgasmed on my cock.

  The sounds of her pleasure were too much for me, and I was about to fill up the redhead with my passion.

  But Cupi had other plans.

  The blonde hopped to her knees, forcibly pulled me out of Sia, and slammed my erection back into her mouth.

  The sensation was like none I’d ever felt before, and I let out a satisfied groan as I came inside of the blonde’s throat.

  Cupi’s eyes shot me a happy stare as she guzzled my cum, and then she slowly let my erection slide from her lips. She looked up at me, winked, and then swallowed.

  “I didn’t get any?” Sia panted as she sat up, somewhat disappointed.

  Cupi moved over to the redhead, wrapped her hand into her strawberry locks, and pulled her in close. Then the two succubi made out for a hot minute as they shared the taste of my passion.

  For a second, I thought I was going to be ready for round two.

  “I guess that will suffice,” Sia mused after they were done. “Besides, I got what I wanted from Jacob, anyway.”

  I scowled at the madame, but the petite succubus just shrugged.

  “Get over here,” I demanded jokingly, and then I moved in so I was between the two women in bed.

  They both screamed happily as they fell into the silk sheets and cuddled up close to my naked body. Cupi and Sia were both warm, and their skin was softer than the finest bedspread in the universe.

  Just then, I heard the curtain open, and I looked over to see Ira stumble out of the BDSM room.

  There was a hint of golden healing flame along her figure as she approached the bed, and there was a slight limp in her step. Behind her, the room was filled with melted candles, several needles, displaced equipment, and what appeared to be blood.

  Honestly, I wasn’t even going to ask.

  “That was exhilarating,” Ira panted. “It looks like you guys had a great time, too. Room for one more?”

  I patted the bed beside Cupi, and the naked Sister of Wrath hopped in. As I pulled all three of the succubi in close, I couldn’t help but stare at my reflection in the mirror on the ceiling and ponder our situation.

  Was Superbia right? Was all this just an elaborate ploy by Asmodeus to get us killed? Or was the King of the First Circle genuine in his actions?

  I didn’t know much about Asmodeus, but one thing was for sure.

  He was certainly a lot more fucking fun than Azazel.

  I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep with my lovers in my arms.

  Chapter 8

  The next thing I knew, a loud knocking sound jarred me awake. I stirred as I tried not to wake up the three succubi in my arms, and then I shifted up onto my feet and groggily made my way over to my discarded pants. I slid them back up around my waist and started to look around for my shirt, but then another round of impatient knocking rattled through the room.

  Fuck it, I guess I was going topless for now.

  I couldn’t help but rub my eyes exhaustively as I approached the entrance and fumbled for the knob. Finally, I threw open the large red door angrily and prepared to shoot daggers into whoever was behind the knocking.

  “What do you--” I started, and then my breath felt like it was ripped from my lungs.

  A pair of beautiful violet eyes stared back into mine. The purple orbs were attached to two sets of long, full eyelashes and surrounded by a thin line of dark blue mascara. The woman’s face was catlike, and her short, chocolate-colored locks cascaded down either side of her head. She stared into my very soul as a thin smile pursed up her lips that were covered in dark pink lipstick.

  “Good evening,” she nearly cooed as her eyes trailed down to my bare chest. “I’m supposed to let you know Asmodeus is ready for you now. Should I tell him you’re on your way? I can see you’ve been busy utilizing our … facilities.”

  The messenger glanced over at the mess Ira had made in the far back corner and shuddered.

  “I can, uh … ” I stuttered, “I can explain that.”

  “No need.” The woman shrugged. “Asmodeus has a strict policy in his cathedral: what happens in the purple rooms stays in the purple rooms. Especially when it involves another Demon Lord.”

  “Demon King,” I corrected the beautiful brunette, and I made sure to clench the muscles in my torso as I boasted.

  “A King, at least,” she giggled. “You don’t look like much of a demon to me. Not enough horns and fangs and multicolored skin. And far more handsome than any demon I’ve ever seen … anywho, what do you want me to tell my master? Should I give you some more time to have your fun and then come back later? He’d be more than willing to put dinner on hold if you--”

  “No, no,” I said as I held up my hand and cut her off. “We’ll come down now, we just need a minute or two to get dressed.”

  “Damn shame,” the brunette purred, “but I suppose that’d be for the best. I’d hate to see Asmodeus get jealous. He does very, very bad things when his ego gets hurt. I’ll go try and wake your friend again while you four are getting ready.”

  “Todd’s asleep?” I asked.

  “I wish,” the messenger sighed. “Every time I knock on his door, I hear things I wish I’d never heard … I’m all for sexual freedom, but … ”

  “Welcome to my own personal Hell,” I joked. “You’d think living in an actual Circle of Hell would make things like that feel irrelevant, but it doesn’t.”

  “Then I guess we’re in this together,” the woman said with a sly wink. “Now go get some clothes on, and I’ll try to get the imp to let go of his dick.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I laughed as the brunette turned away.

  As she walked toward Todd’s room, I felt my eyes wandering down to her sashaying hips and her tight ass. I didn’t know who she was or her role in this whole endeavor, but I sure as shit wanted to get to know her better.

  I let out a longing sigh, shut the door, and then walked back over to my clothes. As I passed by the sleeping succubi, I playfully tickled Cupi’s feet.

  The blonde woman let out a shriek as the sensation shot through her feet, and then she sat up in bed and stared me down wi
th an annoyed look.

  Her noise caused the other two succubi to finally stir, and they both slowly sat up in bed.

  “What was that about, Cupi?” Ira moaned as she rubbed her eyes.

  The blonde succubus grabbed the furry purple pillow from behind her and threw it at me. “Jacob decided to be my alarm clock,” she pouted.

  “That was quite unwise, Jacob,” Sia mumbled and tried to fix her bedhead. “Cupiditas doesn’t like to be woken up abruptly. Ask all of the alarm clocks she’s smashed.”

  “And that reveille player during the Battle of Eden,” Ira added with a snicker. “I don’t think that poor demon’s hand will ever work again.”

  “He died during the battle,” Cupi noted. “So, it’s not like he had to live as a cripple for very long.”

  “Of course he did,” Sia couldn’t help but chuckle, “it’s quite difficult to wield a sword when your right hand is broken.”

  “Then he shouldn’t have woken me up,” the blonde shot back nonchalantly. “He knew the risks when he signed up for the job.”

  I finally found my shirt and pulled it back on over my uncovered torso.

  “Wakey, wakey, guys,” I chuckled. “Asmodeus just sent for us.”

  The girls all got up and made sure their skimpy clothing was firmly over their naughty bits before we ventured out into the hallway.

  The brunette woman was pounding harshly on Todd’s door, and the exasperated look on her face told me she was about to break it down SWAT-style.

  “Come out, imp!” she growled as she knocked. “Your friends are already out here, and I really, really don’t want to be the one to tell Asmodeus his guests are being rude.”

  “I got this,” I said as I sauntered over to the door.

  From the other side, I could hear the soft giggles of a woman clearly coming through a speaker system. Meanwhile, I could clearly hear Todd’s voice joyously singing through the lyrics of Don’t Stop Me Now at the top of his lungs.

  “Hey Todd!” I yelled as I rapped on the door.

  There was no response, and I was sure the imp was still in the throws of whatever twisted pleasures he was treating himself to in there.

  I was going to have to do something drastic.

  I sighed, took a step back, and summoned purple Hellfire into my hands. Then I let it spread down to my feet as I prepared to make my next move.

  “Are you going to kick the door down?” Cupi gasped. “Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  “I’ll be fine,” I acknowledged. “It can’t be worse than that time I walked into his room without knocking back in college. I thought I was going to have to literally pour bleach on my eyes to get that out of my head.”

  I took a deep breath, leaned back, and stomped my foot against the wood right next to the doorknob.

  There was a loud bang as the red door swung open, and all of the sounds within the room came to an abrupt stop.

  I threw my left hand up over my eyes, stomped into the room, and extended my pointer finger in judgement.

  “Todd,” I demanded. “Turn that shit off so we can--”

  “Jakey?” Todd’s voice asked curiously. “Why do ya got your eyes closed, bro?”

  “Because I don’t wanna see you playing ‘pop goes the weasel!’” I shot back.

  The giggles of different women arose in the room, and I cautiously lowered my hand.

  Todd was standing on a miniature stage surrounded by two large speakers, and he held a microphone in his hand. Right next to the imp was a tiny blue screen covered with text that changed as the song played.

  It was a fucking karaoke machine.

  There were about five female Shades standing in front of the stage, and they all stared me down with confusion in their eyes.

  “I thought you were … ” I trailed off as I took in the scene before me.

  “Ohhhhhhh,” Todd said as his eyes grew wide and realization spread across his face. “No way, bro. I was done with that shit hours ago, so I wandered downstairs and found this sweet setup. Then I invited these fine babes back to my room for a little private concert, and voilà! Did you really think I was choking the chicken for this entire time? That’s like, ‘talk to your doctor’ territory, bro.”

  “Asmodeus is ready for us,” I muttered and shook my head. “Let’s go downstairs.”

  “Sorry, girls,” Todd explained as he literally dropped the mic. “It looks like you’re gonna have to take a rain check on this one. Maybe next time I’ll give you a little Marvin Gaye. Toddster, out!”

  The imp took a running start toward the small crowd, leapt up into the air, and spread out his arms and legs to do a stage dive. The Shades caught him, tossed him into the air, and then propelled him onto the ground. The imp cackled mischievously as he dashed past me and into the hall.

  “Get back to work, girls,” Asmodeus’ brunette hissed. “We don’t pay you to sit around and listen to music. You know the rules: if you want to stay in this cathedral, you have to earn it!”

  The women in the room hung their heads in shame and quickly scurried past our position as they giggled and whispered to each other secretly.

  “It’s a good thing rough-n-tough showed up here when she did,” Todd whispered and pointed to the brunette. “I was totally running out of material. I was literally a few minutes away from busting out in Take on Me, and you know I only sing that one when I’m desperate.”

  “Oh yeah,” I laughed as memories flooded into my brain. “Please tell me you were gonna do the dance? That one always drove the ladies crazy.”

  “I was saving that panty-dropper for the grand finale,” the imp said with a grin.

  The brunette woman let out a loud “ahem,” and Todd and I both shot our attention back to her.

  This time, I took in her outfit a bit more in-depth. She was wearing a pitch-black dress that came down to just above her inner thighs and sat atop her shoulders snugly. The fabric was tight against her perky breasts and covered her torso all the way up to her neck. Her arms were covered with lacy sleeves, and upon further inspection I noticed they had a pattern of bats sewn into the lace.

  “If you gentlemen are done,” she sighed, “my master awaits.”

  “It’s good to see you again, Mirage,” Sia finally broke her silence. “I hope Asmodeus has been treating you well.”

  “Certainly better than Azazel must have treated you,” the brunette scoffed and turned back toward the staircase. “The old King of the Fourth Circle would have never brought his succubi along on a diplomatic mission. Now come along.”

  “That definitely warrants a follow-up,” I whispered to Superbia as we followed Mirage down the steps of the cathedral. “What was that all about?”

  “If you haven’t figured it out by now,” Sia began, “Mirage is one of Asmodeus’ succubi. His madame, actually.”

  “That explains a lot,” I admitted as I forced my eyes away from the beautiful woman’s ass again. “So, what’s her deal? What’s the schtick of Asmodeus’ harem?”

  “I can answer that,” Cupi said in a slightly growling tone. “They’re all based on outward beauty, with a hint of their powers thrown in as a cheeky joke from Asmodeus.”

  “So, I’m assuming that means Mirage can create hallucinations?” I whispered, and Cupi gave me a nod.

  “The only two other members of the Bombshells, that’s what Asmodeus calls his harem, I have met before are Sister Venus and Sister Rose,” the blonde continued. “I was always paired with them on the frontlines because their powers were similar to mine.”

  “Ice?” I asked curiously.

  “Elemental,” Cupi explained. “Venus could summon lava, and Rose could control plants with her Hellfire.”

  “That sounds badass!” Todd exclaimed, and Mirage shot him a dirty look before continuing on.

  “They were insufferable,” Cupi sighed.

  “I knew Sister Belle,” Ira added. “She had a strange, brownish-green flame that enhanced her strength and absorbed dama
ge like no other. Not shabby in the sack, either.”

  All four of us looked at Ira, and the Sister of Wrath just shrugged.

  “What?” she guffawed. “Don’t tell me you’ve never hooked up with your fellow soldiers before.”

  “Most of us liked to keep it within our inner circle,” Superbia explained. “On the rare occasions it did happen, that is.”

  “There’s an incest joke in there somewhere,” Todd pondered as he stroked his goatee, “but I feel like I’m only working at five percent comedic brain power because I’m not stoned.”

  Mirage led us down the stairway and back into the main hall. Then she guided us across the tacky red shag-carpet floors into a smaller room just off to the right.

  “Welcome to the feasting room,” the brunette succubus announced as she motioned to the furnishings. “Please take whatever seat you’d like, and I’ll go let Asmodeus know you’re here.”

  With that, Mirage shuffled out of the room in a hurry.

  Before us sat a large refectory table that stretched nearly the entire length of the room, with at least twenty chairs on each side. The tabletop was made of a dark red mahogany with gorgeous rubies embedded all around its outer perimeter, and the gemstones shimmered in the bright lights from the chandeliers above.

  The hanging light fixtures were designed in a “branch” style, out of some sort of shiny black material. At the end of each branch sat a large, red wax candle that somehow irradiated light as bright as a regular lightbulb.

  As for the chairs, they looked like something ripped straight from one of those interior design shows Liby always made me watch back on Earth. They were armless and made up of a bright red fabric, with several indentations topped with a small red button. I’d seen them referred to before as a “chesterfield” chair on Liby’s shows, and they were usually seen in spaces that wanted to look as modern and elegant as they possibly could.

  This was no exception.

  The dining room itself was fairly subtle compared to the rest of the cathedral. Sure, there was still a massive stained-glass portrait of a naked woman behind the head table and sure, the walls were still made up of the same reddish stone as the rest of the building, but other than that, it was just a nice room with a fancy table.


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