Student Christian Movement 242n
Studley Priory 383, 399
Styx 281
Suffern, Lilian Hamilton (L’s aunt, 1860–1934) xix
Sunday Times, The 84
Supholme, A.C. 289
Sutter, Julie 28
Sutton, Alexander Gordon 37
Swann, Donald Swann’s Way, 403–4, 427
men. 403–4, 427
Swift, Jonathan 148, 162
Swinburne, Algernon Charles Atalanta in Calydon, 21
Symbolism 325
Tablet, The 254–5, 259, 416
Taylor, Jeremy ‘Christ’s Advent to Judgement,’ 280–1
Whole Works, 290
men. 113
Tegner, Esaias Drapa, 6
Tenniel, Sir John 3
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord Locksley Hall Sixty Years After, 202, 203
Tithonus, 385
Tennyson, G.B. ed. Owen Barfield on C.S.Lewis, 29n
Tertullian 177
Textual Criticism 92
Thackeray, William Makepeace Rose and the Ring, 308
men. 159
Theism 88, 96
Theology 142, 266–7, 289
Theosophy 70n
Thisted, Valdemar Adolph Letters from Hell, 28, 282
Thomas, D. Winton 389, 412, 418
Thomas Aquinas, St Collationes in Decem Praeceptis, 248
Thomson, James 79
Thor 22
Tibullus, Albius 16
Till, Dr Anthony Stedman 399
Tillich, Paul 268
Tillyard, E.M.W. Milton, 124; (with C.S.Lewis) The Personal Heresy, 138–9, 140
men. 138–9, 341, 410
Time (magazine) 293
Time and Tide 237, 255, 263
Times, The 29, 48, 76, 155, 252, 345, 371–2, 377, 378
Times Literary Supplement, The (TLS) 131, 138, 265, 283, 347–8, 410
Tindal, Martin 255
Tolkien, Arthur 62n
Tolkien, Christopher Reuel 168–9, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 282
Tolkien, Edith 62n, 398
Tolkien, Hilary 62n
Tolkien, Father John 430
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel Adventures of Tom Bombadil, 309n; ‘Errantry,’ 163
Farmer Giles of Ham, 309
Hobbit, 62n, 133, 163, 327
Fellowship of the Ring, 62n, 421
Letters of J.R.R.Tolkien, 162, 164, 168–9, 170, 171, 172, 190, 205, 381, 382
Lord of the Rings, 62n, 78, 165, 168, 174, 178, 205, 210, 220, 328, 371
Lost Road, 164
Return of the King, 62n; (with Donald Swann) Road Goes Ever On, 403n
Silmarillion, 162, 210
Smith of Wootton Major, 309n
Two Towers, 62n
Biography, 62; first meets L, 81– 2
and Norse mythology, 92
influences Lewis’s conversion, 101
and doctrine, 105
instrument of L’s conversion, 114–16, 188
sees him often, 120
Monday meetings, 123
writes The Hobbit, 133
helps establish English syllabus, 157
plans for Ring cycle, 158
beginning of Inklings, 161– 5
he and L to write thrillers, 164
reads part of Lord of the Rings to Inklings, 165; Problem of Pain dedicated to, 166
writing Lord of the Rings, 168– 9
describes Inkling meeting, 169
and Roy Campbell, 170– 1
on Charles Williams, 172
introduces J.A.W.Bennett to Inklings, 173
Warnie Lewis on his Lord of the Rings, 174
L’s development of Christian doctrine, 190
Inklings vital period, 205
regrets influence of Williams on L, 205
L and Numinor, 210
L ‘always been taken in,’ 217
dines with E.R.Eddison, 261
on Great Divorce, 282
essay for Charles Williams, 285
dislikes Narnian stories, 307
and English syllabus, 339
Oxford’s prejudice, 340
elector of Cambridge chair of English, 341
determined L should have Chair, 342– 3
L fails to tell about marriage, 381– 2
disagrees with L on marriage and divorce, 382
meets Joy Davidman, 398
invites L to dinner, 420
visits L in hospital, 428
visits him at home, 430
men. 146, 174, 176, 178, 184, 186, 367
Tolkien, Mabel 56n
Tolkien, Michael Reuel 205, 381
Tolstoy, Leo War and Peace, 159, 417
Touche, George Lawrence Capel 74
Tower of Babel 205
Traherne, Thomas Centuries of Meditation, 113
Tribune, The 266
Trinity, The Holy 265, 267
Trinity College (Cambridge) 341n, 409
Trinity College (Dublin) xix, 70n
Trinity College (Oxford) 24n, 71n, 72–3, 87n, 139n, 168, 253, 260n
Tristram, Sir 48
Trolls 75
Trout, The (Godstow) 218, 367, 417
Troy 54, 126, 356–7
Turner, F.McD.C. 369
Twain, Mark A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, 3
Tynan, Kathleen Life of Kenneth Tynan, 151n
Tynan, Kenneth Peacock Curtains, 151n
Tynan Right and Left, 151n
men. 151, 417
Underhill, Evelyn Letters, 222– 3
men. 222–3
University College (Oxford) 29, 30, 36–7, 49–52, 59, 61n, 71–2, 76, 99, 100, 105, 155n, 162, 366–7, 431
University College (London) 341n
University College of North Wales 182
University College of Southampton 363n
University of Birmingham 61n, 147n
University of Durham 164n, 204, 205, 276–7, 341n
University of Hong Kong 146n
University of Keele 139n
University of Kentucky 426
University of Leeds 71n, 82n, 164n, 166n
University of London 8n, 82n, 164n
University of Manchester 71n, 431
University of Michigan 294n
University of Pittsburgh 295n
University of Reading 61n, 62n, 151n, 163, 166
University of St Andrews 285–6, 431
University of Virginia 294n
Valkyries 16m 89 Vanbrugh, Sir John 160n
Van Deusen, Mary 297
Vann, Fr Gerald The Heart of Man, 220
Varsity 409–10
Vatican, The 349
Vatican Council II 133
Vauban, Marquis Sébastien Le Prestre de 175
Venus 54, 185, 198–202, 351–2, 388
Verchain 41
Verne, Jules Voyage au Centre de la Terre, 322
men. 186
Verona 293n
Vers libre 50
Victoria College (Belfast) 209n
Vigfússon, G. see Frederick York Powell
Virgil 13, 82, 154n, 167, 174, 282, 350, 372
Vivisection 208
Volsung Saga 88–9
Voltaire Micromégas, 186
men. 161
Waddell, Helen 209n
Waddington, Conrad Hal Science and Ethics, 204
Wade Center, Marion E. 6n, 96n, 300
Wadham College (Oxford) 29, 59–60, 163–4
Wagner, Richard Götterdämmerung (Twilight of the Gods), 14–15, 20
Rhinegold, 18
Ring of the Nibelung, 15, 158–9
Siegfried, 14–15, 127
Valkyrie, 18, 158
The Rhinegold and the Valkyries, translated by Margaret Armour, with illustrations by Arthur Rackham, 18
Siegfried and the Twilight of the Gods, translated by Margaret Armour, with illustrations by Arthur Rackham, 14
Wain, John A Winter in the Hills, 151n
Contenders, 151n
Hurry on Down, 151n
Sprightly Running, 151n, 168, 176, 274
men. 151, 167–8, 174, 178, 417
Wakeman, Jean 383, 413
Walking Tours 87–8, 91, 135
Wallace, Lew Ben Hur, 9
Walmsley, Lesley (ed) C.S. Lewis Essay Collection, 238
Walpole, Webb and Bewly Shipbuilders xviii
Walsh, Chad Afterword to A Grief Observed, 360
C.S.Lewis Apostle to the Skeptics, 91, 178, 295, 303–4, 334
men. 178, 294–5, 334, 336, 337, 350–1, 360, 380, 387, 388, 392, 397
Walsh, Eva 295n, 360
Walsh, John ‘Reminiscences,’ 368–9
Wanderer, The 63
War Office 86n
Wardale, Edith Elizabeth An Old English Grammar, 63
men. 63
Ware, Robert Remington 74
Warner, Francis King Francis I; Living Creation; Madrigals; Maquettes; Meeting Ends; Nightingales; Rembrandt’s Mirror; Spring Harvest, 391n
men. 391, 415
Warner, Nancy 415
Warren, Sir Herbert 62, 76, 87
Warren, Sir John Borlase xix Watling, Edward Fairchild 51, 59
Watson, Dorothy 332
Watson, George (ed) Critical Essays on C.S.Lewis, 180
Watt, Mrs John 385
Watts, Rev. Michael 428
Waugh, Evelyn Rossetti, 91
Webb, Clement Charles Julian 154, 185
Webb, Kaye 433
Webster, John; 83
Welch, Rev. James William 240–1, 248
Weldon, Thomas Dewar Introduction to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason; States and Morals; Vocabulary of Politics, 100n
men. 100–1
Wellington, 1st Duke of 178
Wells 75, 77
Wells, H.G. First Men in the Moon, 186, 187, 211
men. 10, 186, 310
Westminster College (Cambridge) 242n
Wetherbee, Winthrop (trans.) ‘Cosmographia’ of Bernardus Silvestris, 184–5
Wheaton College 295n
Whipsnade Zoo 115, 120
Whistler, Sir Laurence Sir John Vanbrugh, 160n
men. 160–1, 291
White, T.H. Mistress Masham’s Repose; Sword in the Stone, 371
White Horse Hotel (Drogheda) 293, 331, 383–4
Whyte-Melville, George Gladiators, 9
Wide World Magazine The 9
Wilde, Oscar 161
Willey, Basil 340, 341, 343, 366, 431
Williams, Charles Walter Stansby All Hallows’ Eve, 78, 136n, 205
Descent into Hell, 136n
Forgiveness of Sins, 220
Greater Trumps, 136n
He Came Down from Heaven, 136n
House by the Stable, 165–6
Many Dimensions, 136n
Place of the Lion, 136–7; ‘Preface’ to World Classics Milton, 225–6
Seed of Adam and Other Plays, 166n
Shadows of Ecstasy, 136n
Taliessin Through Logres, 371
War in Heaven, 136n
men. 84, 135–8, 164–6, 169, 171–2, 204–5, 206, 217–18, 220, 224–5, 237, 261, 284, 381, 384, 405
Williams, Florence Conway 135n, 165
Williams, Michael Stansby 135n, 165
Williams, Phyllis 336
Willink, Sir Henry 341–5
Wilmart, Dom André 135
Wilson, Frank Percy 52, 62–3, 69, 71, 79, 135, 339, 341, 345
Winchester College 86n, 175n
Wingfield-Morris Hospital (later Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre) 375, 379
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 289n
Woburn Park 367–8
Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal 218n
Women’s Auxiliary Air Force 243
Wood, Hans Widman xix Woolf, Virginia 26
Worcester College (Oxford) 177n
Wordsworth, William The Prelude, 17
men. 71, 148
Wormwood Scrubbs Prison 242n
Wren-Lewis, John ‘The Chester-Lewis,’ 362
Wrenn, Charles Leslie 164, 165, 178
Wulfstan 87
Wycherley, William 83
Wycliffe Hall (Oxford) 242n
Wynyard School (‘Belsen’) 6, 8–10, 11, 12, 73, 119
Wyrall, Everard History of the Somerset Light Infantry, 42–3
Xenophon 25
Yeats, W.B. 3, 57–8, 159
Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Berlin 429
Yiddish 414
Yoga 70n
Young, Andrew Collected Poems, 160n
Green Man, 160n
Out of the World, 160n
men. 160, 161, 291
Young, G.M. 267
Young, Rabbi M.Y. 418
Younger Edda 88–9
Zacchaeus 243
Zernov, Militza 397, 402
Zernov, Nicholas 397
Zeus 54
Ziman, Herbert David 74
Roger Lancelyn Green attended Lewis’s lectures as an undergraduate and later, when Lancelyn Green had joined him as an English scholar, they began a friendship that was to last 25 years. He died in 1987.
Walter Hooper is regarded as one of the world’s leading authorities on the life of C.S. Lewis, and is the Literary Advisor to his estate. He is the author of C.S. Lewis, a Companion and Guide.
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