Mate of Two Vampires

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Mate of Two Vampires Page 8

by Dakota Dawn

  Darrin must have felt it, too, because Pierce suddenly felt himself being pushed forward. He looked over his shoulder and saw red flash throughout Darrin’s blazing eyes. His ass begged to be filled by the man. Zotikos’s strong hands roamed his back, setting off more sparks.

  “Fuck, I can’t take anymore. I’m sorry, Pierce,” Darrin shouted and then lined his big dick up to Pierce’s rear entrance and pushed it in.

  Erotic fire lit his ass. He trembled when the extra pressure between his legs forced his hot little cock to press hard into Zotikos’s pelvis. When Darrin pushed further into him, the pleasure became too great. He cried out as he rushed to the heavenly peak and climaxed. Lights flashed before his eyes and pleasure sprinted through him.

  Darrin stopped his passionate invasion.

  “Don’t stop, Darrin. Pierce is more than okay. Our lover just orgasmed. I suggest we strive to do the same.” Zotikos rocked his hips. Another tremor raced through his body. Darrin started breathing harshly as he gripped Pierce’s hips tightly and pushed the rest of his dick into Pierce’s body.

  “Oh fuck. You two feel awesome inside me,” he said into Zotikos’s neck. Their full erections were hitting all the right spots in his aroused body.

  “Trust me, you feel just as wonderful,” Darrin reassured and then slid out a bit and then pushed back in. They all groaned.

  “I’ve never had sex like this,” Darrin confessed.

  Zotikos flexed his hips, driving his cock a little deeper inside Pierce. “None of us have. Making love to a mate is the best sex in the world.”

  Darrin pulled his cock out and slowly pushed it back into Pierce’s hot haven. “That means Pierce will never have bad sex,” Darrin pointed out as he started regularly pumping his hips.

  As Darrin thrust back in and Zotikos flexed his hips, Pierce was glad he’d never have to experience any sex less awesome than this. Fireworks shot off in his groin when both of his lovers started panting harshly and moving their hips faster and faster. The slide of their thick cocks in and out of him was pushing him closer to the edge.

  Zotikos wrapped his arms around Pierce’s shoulders and groaned huskily into his ear. Lusty fire blazed from his ear to his little cock. Oh yeah, this was worth all the years of waiting. A lifetime of great memories awaited him. He squirmed in their arms. They both groaned and tightened their grip on him. Using his abs, he rocked his little rod into Zotikos’s pubic bone and cried out as his body tightened and he danced closer to heaven.

  Darrin made a strangled sound and his body shook. Zotikos said a few words Pierce couldn’t understand and then yelled, “My arm, Darrin.”

  The vamp pounding into his rear leaned forward and Zotikos cried out.

  Pierce screamed when fangs entered his neck. Ecstasy forced his body to convulse and lights to glide around in his vision. Both of his lovers started growling as they fed and their semen filled his body.

  Zotikos drew from him, and he cried out when his world exploded again. A blissful stream of electricity flowed from the cock in his front canal through him and into the dick in his rear opening. They all three cried out and shook from the force that circulated through them. Rapture tightened its grip on them all.

  Time grew dim as the binding current slowed and finally faded. Darrin relaxed down on them. Pierce loved being sandwiched between his men. Nobody moved for a long time. Feeling closer to these men than he’d ever felt to anyone, Pierce fell asleep in their strong arms.

  Chapter Seven

  Darrin slowly woke up. His arm was thrown over Pierce’s waist. Damn, this feels nice. No wonder Conlin and Tristan always looked so content and even happy. This went way deeper than awesome sex. The bond that was steadily making them one was filling the hollow spot in his heart.

  Easing up on his elbow, he looked his mates over. Pierce’s short, light-brown hair was much like his own, but the man had some amazing light-brown eyes. Darrin could look into them for hours. His human mate was shorter and lighter than him and Zotikos. The guy was pure muscle, though. He and Zotikos still outweighed Pierce by thirty to eighty pounds and always would. Zotikos was a huge man. With way more pounds of muscle than he had himself. All that muscle was perfect for taking his and Pierce’s combined weight. Zotikos had proven he could handle it quite easily last night.

  Zotikos was amazing. He was the one who’d misted them to bed and tucked them in. His gaze drifted over Zotikos’s face. The man’s strong, square chin heated his blood every time he looked at it. The guy’s chiseled features made his awesome sparkling blue eyes stand out beautifully. Letting his gaze roam, he looked at Zotikos’s almost shoulder-length black hair against the soft white sheets. His hands itched to run through it. Since they had a lifetime together he knew he’d get plenty of chances to stroke the soft strands.

  Pierce moaned and rolled his head so that his neck was wide open for a strike. Zotikos’s blood had been divine. What would Pierce’s taste like? Unable to stop himself, he eased down and ran his teeth over Pierce’s pulse. His mate’s blood called to him. A flash of red lit his vision for a second and then his fangs raked over his mate’s beating pulse. The desire to sink into the vessel and drink his fill flooded the majority of his brain cells. Running his fangs over Pierce’s sleep-relaxed neck felt so right. It would be easy to plunge in and drink to his heart’s content. So easy.

  He closed his eyes and took a whiff of his closest mate. So deliciously aromatic. The clearing of a throat had him opening his eyes. Zotikos was up on his elbow, staring at him with those piercing blue eyes. Heat rushed to his cheeks. He removed his fangs from Pierce’s neck and licked the spot nicely. That brought a smile to Zotikos’s handsome face.

  Pierce moaned and then opened his lovely brown eyes. “Mmm. Good morning.”

  “Good morning,” he murmured.

  “Good morning, my mates,” Zotikos greeted.

  Not able to handle being caught, he looked into his vampire mate’s amazing eyes and said, “I wasn’t going to bite him. I just needed to touch him with my fangs.”

  “I know. You did very well. I only interfered when I felt your animal rise up. You have good control, but Pierce is too tempting. Only do that when I’m watching” There was a hint of firmness to Zotikos’s wise words.

  “What are you two talking about?” Pierce questioned.

  Darrin could feel his cheeks heat up again. “You rolled your head in your sleep and I couldn’t stop myself from running my fangs over that plump vessel in your neck. I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop myself.”

  Pierce stretched and then answered, “Ah, I thought I was dreaming. It felt good. You didn’t hurt me. I’m tough enough to handle what you dish out.”

  “Not if I let the beast in me take over. Zotikos is right. I shouldn’t have done it without him supervising me,” Darrin said with a slight nod of his head.

  Pierce looked him in the eyes and smiled sleepily. “I trust you.”

  “Don’t. When I fed from Zotikos the first time, he had to stop me. He tasted so good I couldn’t stop myself. He’s older and wiser, you can trust him, but not me,” he stated, trying to get his human mate to understand he was dangerous.

  Pierce’s stomach rumbled. “What do you have to eat around here? We can talk over breakfast.”

  “Let’s go to the kitchen and see what we have,” Zotikos said as he got out of bed.

  “If you don’t have much human breakfast food, I can try to mist over to Conlin’s and get some of his marshmallow cereal,” Darrin offered. Surely, that would make Pierce happy. Conlin loved the stuff.

  “Umm, that’s nice of you, but I never touch unhealthy food.” Pierce spotted his pants and slid into them. Darrin found his and did the same. He noticed that Zotikos put his on as well. That was good, he didn’t need any extra temptation right now. God, I’m passionately attracted to both of them. A spark lit in his groin. I could eat them up.

  “Darrin, stop it. We don’t need to go at it before everyone has eaten food,” Zotikos said with a kn
owing look.

  Heat bloomed across his cheeks. “I’m sorry. You two are just so hot.”

  “There’s no rush. Our fates are sealed. We have a long life ahead of us. That equals centuries to eat each other up. Right now Pierce needs some human food. Darrin get yourself a glass of blood wine. I’ll get my own in a minute,” Zotikos said.

  “You can get yours now. I can make my own breakfast. I do it every day,” Pierce said as he opened the fridge, looked around, and then pulled out some eggs and salsa.

  Darrin sat at the kitchen table and watched Pierce look through a few cabinets until he found some olive oil. He swirled some in a small skillet and then looked at him and Zotikos. “Would you two like an omelet?” Pierce asked.

  “No thanks. I’m good,” Zotikos answered and then took a drink of his wine. “I don’t eat regular food until later in the day or night.”

  “Me, either.” The thought of solid food at this time of day made his stomach hurt.

  “Okay.” Pierce went to work skillfully making his breakfast.

  With the scent of a fresh salsa omelet floating in the air they sat at the table and each replenished themselves. After all the mating they needed it. He was still amazed to be here with two mates. At his age this shouldn’t be possible.

  “Go ahead. Ask your questions,” Zotikos said to him.

  “Why am I here? I’m too young to be mated. Not that I’m unhappy with either of you. I’m just confused.” The confession reheated his cheeks.

  “No one knows when they are going to find their mate or even if they will. I’ve been waiting for you for over eight hundred years.” Confidence and wisdom rolled off Zotikos.

  “Eight hundred years! Is that how old you are?” Pierce’s voice was high from shock.

  “I’m nine hundred fifty-four years old. I didn’t start looking for my mate or mates in this case until I was one hundred years old. You two were worth the wait,” Zotikos replied in a soft, warm voice that heated Darrin’s heart.

  “How old are you, Darrin?” Pierce asked.

  “I’m thirty-three years old. I’ve just been a vampire for two years.” Finding out Zotikos’s age made him even more in awe of the powerful man.

  “Aww. That’s why you’re afraid of hurting me. From what I’ve seen you’ve got yourself under control. You’ve been around me for days and haven’t bitten me yet. I’m thirty-four by the way,” Pierce said encouragingly.

  “I appreciate your confidence in me.” If his human only knew the restraint he’d had to use not to attack the adorable man. Oh yeah, if Pierce only knew, the man would run screaming like the devil was after him. He silently hoped he never let either of his mates down.

  As Pierce ate his last bite of omelet, Zotikos’s phone rang. His vamp mate looked at the number and frowned before answering, “Hello.”

  Zotikos listened for a moment and then said, “Hold on, Pierce is here. I’m putting you on speaker phone.” Zotikos pushed a button on his phone and set it on the table.

  “Hello, I’m Detective Oswin Sterling. Pierce Linden, can you hear me?” the man on the phone asked.

  “Yes, Detective. How did you find me?” Pierce asked in a confused tone.

  “I have my ways. I’m calling about the attack you recently lived through. It’s important that I meet you on your property. I’d like to hear what happened. When can we meet?” Sterling asked in a firm, confident voice.

  Pierce looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:00 p.m. “How well do you see in the dark? I’ve got solar lights on my property but you still need to have good night vision. Otherwise, we can meet tomorrow.”

  “My night vision is excellent. You’re two hours away. How does meeting me and my partner at 11:00 p.m. sound?” Detective Sterling asked.

  Pierce looked at Zotikos and then Darrin. “That sounds fine,” Zotikos answered.

  “Good, I’ll see you soon,” Detective Sterling replied and then hung up.

  “How do you think he found me and knew I was two hours away from home?” Pierce asked.

  “Number one, you are home right now. Number two, I plan on finding out how he knew. You two should start getting ready. I look forward to meeting Detective Oswin Sterling. I’ll call the Wyckoffs and see if any of them would like to come along. I know they are just as interested in finding the being behind these attacks and murders as we are,” Zotikos said and then picked up his phone to make the call.

  While he did, Darrin finished his blood wine and watched Pierce finish his juice and put his dishes in the dishwasher. This detective was a mystery. How did he know where Pierce was? The beast in him stirred. If this man turned out to be a threat, there would be hell to pay. Nobody messed with his mates. Even if that meant he’d be on his hands and knees tossing up his last meal. He’d take care of any threat.

  “Easy, Darrin. We don’t know what’s going on yet. I didn’t get any evil vibes from Sterling. Just in case, though, Drake and Caleb are coming along.” Zotikos’s words and intriguing eyes had a calming effect.

  “That’s good. Drake is a badass and Caleb helped me a lot over the last year. I’m glad he’s coming, too,” he said and followed his mates to the bedroom so they could get ready to go.

  As he got ready, Darrin couldn’t help but think back on Caleb taking him out to a questionable bar and teaching him to compel humans. They’d only done it twice, but he’d learned what he could do.

  His first lesson had been only somewhat successful. They’d watched as one bully kept picking on a lone man at the bar. The big man would go by and ram into the lone man after he’d raise his mug of beer to his lips causing the lone man’s drink to spill all over the place. Then the big bully would make his victim buy him a beer because the man’s beer had splashed on him. What a waste of life the bully was.

  Darrin remembered the anger that circulated through him as the bully did this three times. When the lone man would try to leave the bar the bully would sling his heavy arm over his victim’s shoulders and tell him to stay or else. It was obvious that the loner wanted to leave. Nobody in the bar helped out the lone victim.

  When he was about to step in Caleb put his hand on his shoulder and told him to wait. It was hard, but he did. A few minutes later the bully headed alone to the restroom. Caleb nodded and they followed the bully into the restroom. Once inside the room they saw it was empty. Caleb held his hand out and blocked the door. The bully turned on them. “You want some of me?” the bully bellowed. Caleb nodded and he went up to the man and with his vampire strength pushed the bully up against the wall, pinning the large man. The man sputtered for a moment until their eyes locked. Darrin’s vision turned red for a second and he channeled his wishes into the man’s mind. The bully’s body relaxed and Darrin released him by breaking eye contact.

  From the shadows of the bar they watched the bully. The man walked up to his victim and pulled out his wallet and gave the man all the money he had, which was several hundred dollars. The victim looked at the money nervously and refused to touch it. The bully took it off the bar and apologized loudly to the man. Several men in the bar dropped their drinks and everyone stared at the bully with utter surprise. One man yelled out that the loner must have drugged his friend. As the bully was putting the money into his victim’s shirt pocket, he shook his head. A second later the bully turned red and glared at the loner.

  Caleb cursed and froze all the people in the room. He turned to Darrin and said he probably hadn’t been forceful enough when he’d compelled the man. Then Caleb led him over to the loner and showed him how by speaking the compelling words out loud in a harsh, firm voice. Caleb had been right. He’d been too soft spoken and the victim would have paid the price for his mistake if Caleb hadn’t been there. Caleb had warned the victim never to return to the bar. The money was explained as the winnings from a lottery ticket. After the victim left the parking lot, Caleb snapped his fingers, freeing the humans in the bar. He had learned a lot that night.

  The next time Caleb took him
to a different, less questionable bar. Caleb pointed out a man who was trying to hide the fact that he was watching a woman who was also trying to hide the fact that she was watching him. Caleb told him these two had been shyly watching and longing for each other for over a year. Darrin’s job was to compel the man to approach the woman and ask her if he could buy her a drink and sit and talk to her. When the man went to the restroom, Darrin followed and easily snared the man’s attention. Taking Caleb’s advice, he firmly planted his wishes into the man’s mind. Back in the bar they watched as the man confidently approached the woman. With a blush she agreed to the drink and company. Two hours later the smiling couple left the bar together.

  Caleb and his brothers were great men. He’d do anything for them. Including chase down a killer.

  * * * *

  The two-hour drive gave them all a chance to talk about Sterling’s motives and how he knew where Pierce was. Zotikos would be watching the detective very closely. They pulled up to Pierce’s place, and he instantly felt his human mate’s pain at the loss of his home and greenhouse. Getting out of the truck, they all looked around. There wasn’t much left. A lone rake leaned against the garden workbench, which still had a few tools on it.

  He had gotten off the hook at the house when he’d laid the law down on where Pierce now lived. Their appointment had saved his ass. All he could do was hope Pierce and Darrin didn’t push him because there was no way either of them was leaving his home. They belonged to him now and forever.

  Despair rolled off Pierce in heated, sad waves. Needing to ease his mate’s sorrow, he touched Pierce’s shoulder and channeled peace into his mate.

  “It’ll be all right, Pierce. I’ll help you start over. I bet Zotikos will too,” Darrin said and looked imploringly at him.

  Zotikos watched Drake and Caleb walk away to inspect the place. He could feel them giving him and his mates some space and was thankful for it. “I’ll always help both of you. If you’d like we can restart your business at our house.” He gestured around the yard. “You don’t live here anymore.” His words were gently spoken.


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