Desires of the Flesh

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Desires of the Flesh Page 2

by S. L. Carpenter

  A quick trip up the elevator and she was at her door, swiping the cardkey through the lock. Thank goodness they have a bar in this suite. With a solid thud, the door closed behind her.

  “You’re late.”

  Alyson dropped her purse and the black leather bag from her other arm. “Whaa— Who—th-the— How did you get in here?”

  “Does it matter?” He stood from the chair beside the window and drew the drapes open, his back to Alyson.

  She felt warmth rising in her body. He was a massive specimen of masculinity. If he’s candy, then fuck the diet, I’m gonna eat myself to death. She dug deep for her usual control, calming herself as quickly as she could.

  He turned and stepped into the light from the lamp. “Do you have it?” His deep voice rumbled through Alyson’s body as he spoke. He looked stern and tense, the question blunt and without politeness.

  Fear was her first reaction, since looking into the eyes of a man—or spirit—such as this was daunting. His eyes seared hers but she found the strength to reply. “Yes, and Claudia told you what I want in return?”

  “I don’t like being blackmailed. If I wanted, I could have come and taken you and what you hold. I suppose I’m curious—no woman has ever tried shit like this with me. Holding something as a ransom.”

  “Well, I need you…not like other women do…well, I mean I could use some of that too but—” She stammered over her words. “I just have to do this. Every woman will want to read it. You’ll be famous.”

  It was probably true, but there was a large part of Alyson hoping she would be the one becoming famous.

  “I don’t want the sort of fame you mortals seek. I am more adept at anonymity. I come to women who beckon me. I have nothing to gain from fame.”

  Alyson held up her hand, stopping him. “Wait, if we’re going to do this, let’s do it right. You go sit down in that chair. I’ll get my tape recorder and notes. I have a million things to ask you. The agreement was the medallion for an interview.” She walked to the desk against the wall, rummaged through some things, then sat across from him.

  “Yes, as I agreed. Just us, and I’ll answer any question you ask honestly.” He lowered his head. “However, I ask you to remember that I’m doing this against my better judgment. There’s always been the risk that something like this could happen if the medallion fell into the wrong hands.”

  “So why are you doing it?”

  He shrugged. “Perhaps it’s a chance for me to reflect on things that have passed. My existence. Maybe answering your questions will answer a few of my own.”

  Alyson didn’t want a tabloid headline piece of sensational nonsense about this man. She wanted the big salami, the whole enchilada, the grandiose winning lottery ticket. A book that would sell millions and take her higher than she’d ever envisioned. She’d be known as the woman to finally conquer the Dark Lord of Lust.

  She sat down across from him, cleared her throat and started the recorder. “Who or what are you?” First question, direct and to the point.

  “I am neither a who nor a what. I am a spirit brought to life by needs and wants. I am fundamentally a living fantasy.”

  “That’s a little egotistical, isn’t it?” She was quick to cut in and stop this self-proclaimed sex god from launching into a speech about satisfying all women.

  “You asked who or what I was, so I told you.”

  “Okay.” She paused. “Let me rephrase my question. What is your given name?”

  With a deep sigh, he began. “Pilan, my name is Pilan. I have also been called Yayil, but that is a more powerful being than me.”

  “Where are you from?” Alyson took notes like a stenographer trying to keep up with an auctioneer.

  “I am from an ancient Indian tribe now gone, almost completely wiped out.” He adjusted himself in the chair, becoming more comfortable.

  “What tribe? How did they get wiped out?” Alyson was hungry for information.

  “Stop. Just stop.” He looked cross, frustrated at her questions. “I won’t sit here and play your fucking games, Mercedes.”

  She bit back a gasp. “Why did you call me that?”

  “Because that is your name. Alyson is the name you took to fit in. Your mother gave you her name from her Spanish ancestors and you were more worried about how it sounded than your heritage, so you took your middle name instead.”

  Alyson was stupefied. “Are you reading my mind? What are you doing?”

  “You want the truth from me. You want to know my story. Well, be honest with me and I will answer any questions you have. Just relax, listen and ask me what you really want to know, not what you fucking think everyone wants to know.”

  His demeanor had changed and there was a definite edge to him now. It got to Alyson. “All right, I’ll ask what really intrigues me about you and then I’ll listen. Please tell me about your origins.”

  “I am of Native American descent, as I told you. My people lived among great mountains and beautiful scenery. It was God’s land and we respected and appreciated its beauty and grandeur.

  “I was summoned by the tribal medicine woman. She was extremely powerful and had been in touch with the spirit world, harnessing all her powers to bring me to life. I lived as a guard to protect the women of the tribes. I am from the third world of people—part human, part animal. Over time, I was taught control, because my animal side is that of a mountain lion and it was feared I might devour the tribe. The women of the tribes were the only beings who could calm my fierce nature.

  “Our men were warriors and protected our land. But between internal conflicts and the arrival of the white man, our numbers were devastated. The men would leave to fight the enemy for weeks or months at a time. I was left to protect the women and children left behind. For centuries I lived as a myth. When others crossed into our lands, I would spread terror within their tribe. Their fear of me was protection enough. I was forbidden to kill.

  “The older I grew, the more powerful I became and other tribes didn’t venture into our small territory. It was then that the true meaning of my existence was revealed. I was brought forth as a protector, but as a man, other needs were also rising to the forefront.

  “I could invade the dreams and minds of humans. My strongest bonds and powers are with females. You can call it anything—cosmic, psychic, paranormal—whatever the fuck you want, but it’s there.

  “My hunger for women was insatiable and the incredible enlightenment they possess became what I lived for. As our tribe dwindled, I was freed to go wherever I wanted. I know it sounds simplistic, but in this time, at this point, my reason for being is to fulfill my own needs as well as the needs of others. This fulfillment is what empowers me.” He leaned back in his chair, finished with his explanation.

  “What about the medallion?” Alyson asked. She’d stopped writing a while ago, having set her pad down beside her, and was listening to him instead. He was mesmerizing. His hair still dangled before his face and his eyes were now a softly glowing blue, soothing as an ocean breeze. Alyson became swept into his story.

  “It was forged from the gold in our mountains. The same gold the miners and the Spanish raped and pillaged our lands for. It is pure—created by the women of my tribe. To me, it’s beyond value because it is my sole possession from my past. That is why I need it. There is mystic power within it, but it is mainly to remind me of my heritage. The symbols on it were the same symbols the women drew in the sand in front of their homes. It was how they summoned me.”

  With a sigh, he continued. “The women of our tribe were passionate. They were lost and had great needs after the devastation of their men. These women taught me more than any others during my time. For them, sex was not only a way to create, but also a source of incredible power. They shared their power with me.”

  Alyson crossed her legs, gently squeezing her thighs together. “How exactly did they summon you?”

  Leaning forward in his chair, he reached his hand toward her. “I can
’t explain what happened or express these things with mere words. Take my hand and I will show you.”

  At first she was hesitant. This was silly. How could he show her his memories? But still she brought her hand to his and grasped his fingertips.

  He looked at her palm as he began to wrap his long fingers around it. With a deep breath, he raised his head and caught her stare. “Look at me, Alyson, look into my eyes.”

  Alyson found herself drawn into the now-blackened darkness of his eyes. Surges of unfamiliar emotions pulsed through her.

  “Close your eyes,” he said softly. As she did, she began to feel as though she were slowly falling into oblivion.

  He was taking her into his mind.

  Chapter Three


  It was a dark night; what there was of the moon lurked hidden behind thin layers of clouds that dappled the sky. A woman, clinging to only her woven blanket, scribbled symbols before her home. She was wet from the ritual cleansing that followed a year of mourning. The dirt that showed her anguish had been washed away. She was ready to begin living again.

  A crack scared her and she tossed the twig away, scrambling back into her home to wait.

  Torn by her decision to summon him, Cheera had second thoughts. She knew what he was there for. He was sought as protection, not for temptation. Her soul cried for her mate but he was gone and the void he’d left needed to be filled.

  Other women told her what symbols to use and what they meant. As time passed, she would hear the moans from their homes at night and know that he visited. She knew what was happening and it only added to her own desires.

  Now it was her turn.

  The fire raged bright in her home and the shadows flickered against the structure in a wicked dance. Cheera moaned as he sank into her body. The long lost feeling of closeness had returned.

  He groaned into her ear. “Oh Cheera, you are so beautiful. Like a flower blooming.” His voice was deep, fitting the rugged and massive size of his body. Her body was smooth, her skin soft, and she flexed her pussy so tight he moaned in pleasure. The buffalo-skin rug below them softened the slow thrust into her over and over again.

  Cheera wrapped her arms and legs tightly around his huge, muscular frame. She began to weep as all the feelings of loss welled within her. She had missed this closeness so badly that her soul ached for it.

  The blaze was cold compared to the fire between the two of them. “Oh Pilan, kiss me. Please kiss me.”

  Lowering his face to hers, their lips merged in a kiss of passion.

  Cheera dug her fingers into his back, begging to pull him closer. She wanted to fill this void in her heart. He wasn’t here to take her away from the pain in her soul. He was here to help her forget the missing part in her life. Each plunge erased the memory of what she longed for. He fulfilled her needs.

  The fire began to breathe in the tight confines of the dwelling. As he sucked in air, the fire dimmed then burned bright as he blew out. “Cheera, don’t forget him. He was your mate. But I shall stay with you until you find another.” His promise soothed her torn emotions of loss.

  Her jaw trembled as he sank to the hilt of his cock, pushing against her so deeply she could have sworn he went through her. Sweat beaded on her flesh, matched by the sweat across his forehead.

  He dropped his head between her pert breasts and licked the perspiration from her skin, all the time remaining buried inside her constricting pussy. A growl echoed in the hut. He was pleased with her. His eyes seemed to glow strangely red as he smiled above her.

  Cheera moaned and with each hard thrust, she felt her body rise above the ground to meet him. She moved her hands along the side of his face. Pleasure so pure seeped into her soul. The painful scars of the past were washing away and she shed the layer of remorse like a snake sheds skin. With a harsh shudder, she screamed in pleasure.

  Her fingers pawed at his arms on either side of her. He was pounding into her with passions she forgot existed. Her eyelids felt heavy and she swelled inside, a volcano of emotional turmoil mixed with passion so profound it hurt her heart.

  “Pilan, let me feel you, let me feel your seed,” Cheera almost begged to fulfill this need in her.

  “After you, Cheera, merge with me, Cheera. It is all right to free your spirit with me. Be free, be free…”

  Cheera arched her neck back and let herself be free. Over and over she let her body spasm and shake. Every nerve was tense, straining as he reared up, and the air rumbled with intensity. When Pilan erupted, Cheera could feel the hot bursts inside her pussy. His groans echoed in her head, reminding her of the sounds of pleasure a man made when satisfied.

  Like a blanket, Pilan rested over her.

  A cover of heat and flesh she had longed for so badly that she summoned him to provide it. She was content, she was free—she could finally move on.

  Pilan dissipated into the fires and Cheera drifted to sleep, sore yet relaxed all at once.


  Alyson sat motionless in her chair. He released her hand and she swallowed, blinking a few times. A tear trickled down her cheek to her lip and she wiped it away with her shaking hand then turned to him. “My God, I was there. I felt what she felt. She was in such agony, such unbearable pain until it all washed away. And the sex…fuckin’ A. Wow. So this is what you did every night?”

  “No, just when they beckoned me.” He sat at ease in the chair, the dim light reflecting from the leather pants. “But to be truly honest, it was sex in its purest form. And I longed for more.”

  Alyson grabbed her notepad from the side of her chair and jotted down a few notes and a thought crossed her mind. I think I’d have kept him busy every night or at least every other night.

  “Whatever happened to Cheera? Did she ever find another mate? We women must know these things.” Alyson knew she needed to catch her breath.

  “Cheera was captured during a raid and taken to a nearby town. She was sold as a nanny to a widowed, rich white man. Her love for children and the ease with which she learned the English language helped her. The white man soon realized the angel he had in his presence and they fell in love and married. She was truly happy.”

  Alyson breathed in heavily and her entire being became aroused. “Good Lord, what is that scent?” It was a mixture of chocolate and something more primal, like the scent of passion. She couldn’t place it but it was familiar, and it was turning her on immensely.

  “When I’m aroused I secrete something through my perspiration. It’s a form of aphrodisiac. I think it may have something to do with my animal side.”

  “Mmm.” She moaned under her breath. “Smells tasty. Find a way to bottle that and you’ll be rich. Where were we? Oh yes…” Alyson shook her head to clear it and brought herself back to why she was there. “If you’re a spirit and not real, why did I see you with Claudia? How can I see you now?”

  “I can be corporeal if I want to be. I can either invade someone during a dream state or be seen as a regular person. In crowds I blend in easier.” He paused, as if he were thinking.

  Alyson looked up from taking notes and watched as his body slowly began to vanish before her. The hair on the back of her neck rose and a tingle crept up her spine. Then he spoke and she could hear him as clearly as if he were in front of her.

  “I prefer the dreams but talking to a woman like this has its advantages too.”

  Alyson felt hands resting on her shoulders from behind. A slow massage eased the tensions of the day away. “Oh fuck. You’re good at this.” Her nipples became erect as the signs of her own arousal showed through. The flesh between her thighs, already moist, throbbed in yet another symbol of readiness. She closed her eyes and became engrossed in the soothing motions of the massage.

  Suddenly everything stopped and she opened her eyes to see him sitting across from her again. “Umm…whew, uh, do you prefer invading dreams or being human?”

  He considered her question.

  Alyson stared at his legs.
Those tree-trunk legs with a branch between them that she found herself wanting more and more as each moment passed.

  “I’d have to say reality. There is no greater feeling than two bodies meshing together in passion. But dreams have their own benefits. There are no boundaries in dreams. Even though I’m in someone’s dream, I’m still fucking them. Nobody can hide inside a fantasy when they are part of it. And I’ve been in dreams that have me cross over to reality then back out of it. Those are the ones that are the most engrossing and powerful.” He rested his hand between his legs, daring Alyson not to look.

  She set her pad down again and asked, “Uh…what do you mean ‘cross over then back’?” She hoped he would show her again. A wicked smile spread across her mouth as he took her hand once more.



  Teri lay in the hot bath, the water surrounding her with a blanket of wet warmth. Her eyes were heavy, weighted by a long day of stress. Her hands brushed across her skin, washing away the aches. But one ache couldn’t be washed away. This one needed to be brought to completion by her.

  Taking a deep breath, she completely submerged herself in the water. There was silence, there was peace, and she slowly began to relax. Her body rose from the water and she arched upward, catching a breath. The water sprayed from her lips while she wiped the droplets from her face.

  She needed to release the inner passions suffocated by society. She hid in the tub, her escape from working in the fields and doing her daily chores around the house. Her palms slid down her skin and rested on her thighs. The large, freestanding tub was a vessel for her desire and the thin layer of bubbles shielded the vision below.

  She closed her eyes and let her hand fall between her parted legs. The water kept her in a cocoon of silky warmth. While she gently stroked the flesh of her pussy, other things began to burn with heat. Something was within the water, a presence of sorts. She could sense it and kept her eyes closed, afraid that it might leave if she looked for it.


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