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Instigation Page 8

by Tessa Teevan

  They called it a robbery gone horribly wrong.

  Such a senseless act that robbed me of the two people who meant the most to me. They were my whole world, and in one night, they were taken from me. For months after, I wished that I’d been home. That he’d have killed me, too. At least then I wouldn’t be alone.

  I threw myself into finishing school, giving up any sort of social life I had. How could I be out having fun while they were lying in the ground? Friends turned to acquaintances and then quickly to strangers. I didn’t care. It was easier to be on my own. That’s why, as soon as I graduated, I packed up and moved across the country where no one knew me as the girl whose parents had been murdered. The girl who had no one.

  Until Adrian. Then I thought I had it all.

  What a blind fool I was.

  Adrian: Good morning, sweet Gabriella. Are you behaving?

  Speak of the devil. Of course I’m behaving. I haven’t had a chance to be bad. Even though I was determined to seek Rafe out, our paths haven’t crossed since that first morning. According to the foreman—yes, I asked—he’d been called off site and wouldn’t be back for a few days. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement, but eventually, I was grateful for the chance to think before acting rashly.

  That was six days ago, however, and with each text I get from Adrian asking about my behavior, the more I want Rafe to kiss me again, and then do so much more. According to the clinic, my results were negative and I was completely in the clear, meaning I could move on from him without having to worry about any repercussions. And moving on is exactly what I want to do.

  The notion to misbehave causes me to grin up at the ceiling, wondering if today could be the day. Then my phone beeps again, reminding me of Adrian’s waiting text.

  Feeling bold, I shoot him a winking emoticon.

  Adrian: What have I told you about using your words, Gabriella?

  Rolling my eyes, I repeat the previous message, and barely ten seconds pass before he responds.

  Adrian: Someone’s apparently feeling cheeky. I’m not sure I like it.

  Not wanting to rile him up, I sigh and type out a text that I hope will appease him.

  Gabriella: I’m simply teasing, Adrian. I am doing well. No trouble at all. I promise.

  Adrian: There’s my girl. No trouble? Why don’t I believe that? Off to meetings. Continue to be a good girl and you may just get a surprise later on.

  My heart races as I read his last few words. A surprise? What could he possibly surprise me with from where he is? The thought of him cutting his trip early and returning home shoots dread through me. I haven’t had enough time to get my affairs in order. Hell, I haven’t done anything at all. Instead, I’ve been wallowing in self-pity, wondering how to get myself out of this mess but not actually taking any steps in doing so. That stops today.

  As I push the idea of Adrian’s surprise out of my mind, I grab my laptop and settle at the island in the kitchen, determined to find a job. I don’t care what it is; I’ll do anything to get back on my own two feet. To get out from under his hold. However, when I open my documents folder, I frown, not finding my résumé. After a few minutes of searching, I finally give up, knowing that it’s gone.


  I sigh, unsurprised by his actions. It’s not as if it were an impressive résumé, but it was a complete one. At this point, I’m not even sure I should bother searching for jobs here. It wouldn’t shock me if he is monitoring my Internet activity, and the last thing I need is for him to catch wind of my search for employment.

  Glancing out the back door, my eyes land on the Matthews Construction trailer and I remember Rafe’s words about helping me. Deciding to take him up on it—and, well, because I want to see him again—I pour coffee into a thermos and step outside, looking around but not seeing him.

  The beat of my heart quickens the closer I get to the site, and I hope like hell he’s back. As I turn the knob and push the door open, the sound of a ringing telephone greets me, yet there’s no one in sight. The ringing stops and then starts almost immediately, so I round the desk and pick it up, hoping Rafe won’t mind.

  As I jot down notes from the person on the line, the door opens and Rafe freezes when he sees me standing there. I do the same. My eyes wander shamelessly over his body, my mouth watering immediately. Six days without seeing him was six days too long. He’s wearing a tight, black T-shirt that stretches across his broad chest, highlighting muscles I’m sure are from hours of hard, manual labor, not time spent in a gym. No, those hard lines and ridges come from wielding a hammer and carrying lumber, not weight machines or dumbbells. Pure, unadulterated vigorous work and nature resulted in a body such as his. His muscled biceps gleam with sweat, as does his brow. It’s heady and intoxicating, how sexy he looks, how masculine he is. I’m nearly distracted from the caller and have to ask him to repeat his number before hanging up.

  “Hi,” I say quietly, my eyes not leaving his as I lean against the desk.

  He watches me with a single eyebrow raised.

  I gesture towards the coffee. “I came bearing liquid heaven. The phone was ringing off the hook, and, well, as a former receptionist, I couldn’t let it go unanswered. I hope you don’t mind. It was your wood supplier confirming the address and delivery.”

  “Mind? I don’t mind one fucking bit. In fact, it’s kind of a godsend that you’re here right now,” he tells me, moving farther into the trailer, the door slamming behind him. He doesn’t stop until he’s directly in front of me, hauling me into his arms as he leans in and presses a quick, hot, hard kiss to my lips before pulling away. Too quick for my taste. It leaves me breathless, and a minty taste lingers on my mouth.

  “Well,” I breathe out, “Good morning to you, too.”

  He grins down at me, sheepish as he gives me a quick wink. “Just showing my appreciation.” He unhooks his tool belt and hangs it on a rack next to his desk.

  As he does, his shirt rises, showcasing a muscular back. I have the urge to reach out and touch him, wanting to feel the perks of his job with my own hands, but all too quickly, he turns back to me.

  “You said you used to be a receptionist?”

  Tearing my eyes from his muscles, I glance up to see interest on his face. “Yep. It was all I could find after I graduated college. Not flashy, I know, but it paid the bills.”

  “You know . . . it still could.”

  My forehead wrinkles in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  His eyes soften. “Brie, I said I’d help you,” he reminds me before nodding towards two stacks of papers on a second desk in the trailer. “Not to mention you’d be helping me out, too. My receptionist is on maternity leave, and usually, I’d pick up the slack, but I’m shorthanded on this project. With how particular Mr. Morningstar is, I’d like to spend my time working with the guys and with my hands. I was going to hire a temp, but if you’d be willing, I’ll hire you today.”

  Excitement wells up in me at the prospect of not only having a job, even if it’s temporary, but that said job has me working alongside Rafe every single day. Okay, so based on what he said, he won’t be in the trailer, but we’ll be closer than before.

  “Are you sure?” I ask. “I mean, I can give you references and my résumé if you want before you decide to just hire me.” I chew on my bottom lip, knowing I’ll have to create a new résumé, but for this opportunity, I’d do just about anything.

  “I’m absolutely sure. I don’t need references. Like I said, it’d be helping me out. A mutually beneficial relationship. Plus, it means I’d get to see you whenever I wanted. I like the idea of that much more than glancing at the house, waiting for a Brie sighting. Now, all I have to do is make an excuse to come into the trailer. After all, I’m not completely altruistic,” he admits, giving me a wink.

  A beaming smile breaks out on my face. Suddenly, everything’s looking up. “Then, yes. Wow, Rafe. You have no idea how much I appreciate this. This will definitely help me get back
on my feet.”

  He nods. “And hey. For a while, at least in the beginning, I’ll pay you under the table. That way, no one has to know.”

  My heart falls as disappointment washes over me. With a heavy sigh, I shake my head. “Actually, I don’t know if this will work. He’ll be back in a few weeks, and he’ll notice if I’m down here every day. I appreciate the offer though.”

  Rafe crosses to me and cups my cheek so I’m looking up at him. “Brie, you don’t have to worry about him anymore. I promise. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Concern and sheer determination gleam in his eyes, and I feel safe. The expression on his face warms, compelling me to believe every single word. “It’s not that. It’s just . . . You have no idea how much I appreciate this. It’ll help me save for a security deposit on an apartment.”

  “I have an apartment that’s plenty big for the two of us,” he blurts out.

  My eyes widen as his implication.

  He’s quick to continue. “As roommates, for the time being. Until you save your money.”

  “I don’t know,” I whisper. Even though his very presence puts me at ease, he’s still practically a stranger. Then again, it’s no different than what I did in college—moving in with a roommate I didn’t know. “I mean . . . Don’t get me wrong, Rafe. I enjoyed the kiss the other day. More than you know. But I’m not ready for anything more than a rebound at this point. I don’t think my heart can handle emotions.”

  He lets out a small chuckle, and humor fills his eyes. “Okay, so that came out completely wrong. I’m not asking you to fall in love or even like me for that matter. I’m just offering a way out. You don’t have to answer me now. I know it’s too much, too soon, but dammit, Brie. I can’t stand the thought of you in his house. In his bed. Especially when I know I could treat you so much better.”

  “I’m not,” I inform him, and his eyebrows narrow. “In his bed, I mean. I moved into a guestroom the day he left.”

  He looks surprised, then a slow smile crosses his lips. “Listen, like you said, we have a couple of weeks before he gets back. If it’s a rebound you want”—he pauses, letting out a deep breath as if it’s not what he wants—“then that’s okay with me. All I ask is that we be friends and you don’t completely discount that, one day, even if it’s far away, we could possibly be something more.”

  Before I can stop myself, I hold my hand out and we shake. “Friends is it. And I promise I’ll keep my mind open.”

  A gorgeous grin covers his face, showcasing a profound dimple on his left cheek. It’s nearly enough for me to tell him we can start the rebound right here, right now, but somehow, I hold my tongue.

  “I promise you won’t regret it. We’ll spend the days together, our evenings, whatever you want until you feel comfortable enough to stay with me. We can get to know each other, however long you need. But, Brie, when he’s back, I don’t want you here.”

  Sighing, I place a hand on my hip and look up at him. “Rafe, we’ve met once, had one conversation. I don’t think I can just move in with you, no matter how much I want to get away from here.”

  “I know, and it’s crazy, but in just six days, I haven’t been able to get you off my mind. Tell me you felt our connection that night. That you still feel it now.”

  I nod slowly, and even though I’m feeling whiplash from this conversation, I can’t help but agree with him. “I do,” I admit, feeling a fluttering and a stirring in my heart that I hope is more than just physical.

  He’s right. It is crazy, but it’s what I feel. And I’m not sure I want to fight it. But how can I not?

  A slow smile forms on his lips as he gazes at me. “I’m so drawn to you, Brie. I was from the moment I saw you, even if you were with him. It took everything in me to just stand by and let him treat you like trash. I wanted to snatch you away from him and show you how a real man treats his woman. And I still want to do that. It’s my duty—hell, my fucking privilege—if you’ll let me do that.”

  My lips quirk up, and I can’t help but tease him. “A real man, huh?”

  He smirks knowingly. “A real fucking man. But until then, we’ll go slow if that’s what you need. If all you want is a rebound, I’m all in. I’ll let you set the pace. All I want is for you to be comfortable and safe.”

  Warmth spreads throughout me, and I tilt my head to study him. His expression exposes his confliction. He wants me, and, I can only guess that a man like Rafe gets what he wants when he wants. But with me, he’s cautious. Gentle, even. All because of how Adrian treated me.

  However, the funny thing is that it only serves to make me want him more. But even still, isn’t that what got me into this mess to begin with? Jumping into things with Adrian before actually getting to know him? Shaking my head, I know I need more time.

  “Thank you, Rafe. For everything.”

  He swallows hard and gives me the slightest nod of his head. “Okay. Well, since that’s settled, why don’t I quickly show you the ropes? Get you acquainted with my system? And then I’ll get back out to the site.”

  I agree, and he gestures for me to take a seat at the second desk. For the next hour or so, Rafe is at my back, hovering over my shoulder, his close proximity making it hard to concentrate. His scent is a heady mixture of sweat and soap, the simplest of aromas. Yet it’s so tantalizingly arousing that I have half a mind to tell him to forget slow and take me now.

  As we continue to work, his hands brush mine every so often. Each time causes my nerve endings to burn hotter. I have a feeling he knows exactly what he’s doing, but when I lift my head and raise an eyebrow, he gives me an innocent smile before pulling away and moving towards the filing system.

  “So that’s about it,” he says all too soon, bending over the desk to jot a number down and then hand it to me. “I’ll just be out there, but if you get in a bind or need something, give me a call. Day or night.”

  “Day or night?” I ask.

  “Just keep my number close by, Brie. You never know when you’ll need it. Are you good here?” he asks, looking painstakingly at the door and then back at me as if he doesn’t want to leave. The air in the trailer is thick and swirling with the effects of our chemistry. “I’ve got to get back out there.”

  I’m not ready for him to go, either, but I know I need some space to clear my head. “I think I’ve got the hang of it. Go on. Don’t worry about me.”

  His expression softens. “I’ll always worry about you, Brie,” he says, his voice low and husky.

  For the first time in so damn long, I actually believe the sentiment. That perhaps I’m not as alone as I feel. As I’ve been feeling. And instead of fighting it, I decide to accept it. To accept that he really does mean it.

  “You’re the only one who does.” I smile wistfully before continuing. “Now, go. I’ve got work to do. I’ll be fine here.”

  His intense gaze causes me to squirm in my chair, and I can tell he doesn’t want to go. But knowing he can’t stay, he crosses the room and pulls me out of my chair, hauling me up against his hard chest. Tilting my chin, he takes my mouth like a starving man. His kiss is rough and hard. His lips caress my own as blasts of heat assault my senses. My hands slide up and grip his shoulders, holding on for dear life. I know that, if I let go, I may just go weak in the knees. Attraction sizzles between us and I no longer care about the where, when or why. I only care that the who is him.

  Just as his hands slide down my back and come to rest right above my ass, he tears his mouth away from mine, eliciting a whimper from me. “Jesus Christ, Brie. What the fuck are you doing to me?” he asks, staring down into my eyes.

  I can see the desire there, and I wonder the same damn thing.

  Because right now, a rebound is the furthest thing from my mind.

  I’m screwed and I don’t even care.

  Hours later, I’m exhausted yet rejuvenated. Rafe was right. He could help me, and I’d be a fool not to accept. Even though I am doing something as simple as filing
and bookkeeping, I feel . . . useful. Something I haven’t been in far too long.

  And being paid under the table?

  Even better.

  After a quick shower, I throw on an oversized T-shirt and make my way to the kitchen. As I round the corner, I stop in my tracks when I spot Rafe standing there, counting out bills on the counter. Alerted to my presence, he glances up, his expression heating as he spies my bare legs. Nervous tingles run up and down my body as his eyes do the same. His gaze is intense, approval etched on his features, and my nipples pebble as he looks at my breasts.

  God, I want him.

  “Like what you see?” I ask, knowing he does but wanting to hear him admit it out loud. Suddenly, I understand the concept behind use your words.

  “I know I’d like to see more,” he says, his eyes sweeping down my body one more time and darkening with desire.

  My cheeks flush, and I look away, unsure of how to respond. A low chuckle escapes him, and I glance up to see him giving a slight shake of his head.

  “By the way, that came for you a few minutes ago,” he informs me, nodding towards a small package sitting on the counter next to him.

  The moment broken, I cross the room until I’m directly across the counter from him. “What are you doing here? I thought you guys packed it up for the night.”

  “We did. I had some paperwork to catch up on, and then I remembered I needed to pay you for the day.”

  My eyebrows raise. “You could’ve just given it to me tomorrow.”

  He looks across the counter, setting his gaze on mine. “I could’ve . . . but as I was sitting in my trailer, I couldn’t stop thinking about you up here in this huge house, all alone.”

  “Really?” I ask, my voice barely more than a whisper.

  “Really,” he nods, running a hand through his messy hair. “I wanted to see you.”

  I smirk, but I warm inside at the sentiment. “You spent all day with me,” I remind him.


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