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Instigation Page 11

by Tessa Teevan

  His lips return to mine, his hot kiss evoking a deep moan from my mouth as he fucks me. The sounds unleash something in him, causing him to finally increase the pace. His hips drive him into me harder and deeper, intensifying the sensations of friction between us.

  “Yes, Rafe. Yes. Just like that. God, I’m so close.”

  My words ignite a fire, and his movements become more frantic. As if he can read me, his hand comes down between us and rubs my clit in a quick succession that matches the rhythm of his hips. The desk moves as his high-speed tempo rocks us both, and even though I don’t want this to be quick, it’s inevitable.

  His next forceful thrust pushes me over the edge, causing my body to tense. Tremors rock through me as intense waves of pleasure overtake my senses. As my pussy clenches around him, his cock jerks. Then he groans incoherently as he comes right along with me. Our cries of pleasure mixing and echo throughout the trailer, both of us uncaring of the world beyond the confines of this room.

  He collapses on top of me, and I wrap my arms around him, holding him close as the scent of sex and sweat, heady and intoxicating, roams around us. Our chests, slick with sweat, rise and fall together as we try to catch our breaths after our frenzied fucking.

  As our beating hearts slow, he lifts up and looks down at me. “I wanted to take you slow and sweet, but dammit, Brie. As soon as your tight pussy was clenching my dick, I lost my fucking mind. I had to fuck you.”

  My cheeks flush with warmth and embarrassment, not used to dirty talk while not in the act. Yet the way he talks of fucking is arousing and exciting. My hand reassuringly strokes his naked back.

  “I’m pretty sure I begged you to fuck me, so you did exactly as I asked. Plus, we have plenty of time for the slow and sweet.”

  He smiles down at me, and it’s magnificent. “Do we?” he asks, raising a hopeful brow.

  “If I have my way,” I tell him, and his smile widens.

  “Stick with me, baby, and you’ll always have your way,” he promises, and as he presses a quick kiss to my lips, I realize I believe him.

  I know I’m already in way over my head, but right now, I’m not even sure I care.

  EVER SINCE RAFE AND I had sex in the trailer, we haven’t been able to get enough of each other—at least, not physically. He’s proven to be the perfect rebound. Most people would probably say that it was too soon, but Rafe Matthews is exactly what I needed to get over Adrian.

  Three weeks later, I feel like a brand-new woman. Or, well, I feel like myself again. My old self, that is. The one who was happy and without a care in the world. The grief of my parents’ death has faded, and I’m finally allowing myself to live again. It’s an incredible feeling.

  Even I can see the glow on my face when I look in the mirror, and I couldn’t be happier. Every time he slides into me, my confidence builds, and it’s been a rejuvenating experience. In such a short time, he’s done the impossible. He’s somehow coaxed the old me from her hiding place and let her know that it’s okay to be free again. I’ve never felt more me. I’ve never felt more alive. I haven’t felt like this since before my parents died, and I know I owe it all to him.

  Still, every night when we say goodbye, I wish I were leaving with him. Our days are spent together in the trailer, stealing kisses and moments here and there for fast, frenzied fucks when he can get away from the site. But we haven’t moved our relationship—if it can be called that—away from there. It’s like the trailer is our haven, our safe place to be together, and I’m uneasy about moving beyond those walls.

  As each day passes, however, it’s becoming increasingly harder to stay at Adrian’s house, even if I have moved out of his room.

  I know that it bothers Rafe, too, but he doesn’t mention it. His eyes speak volumes, though, every time he gives me a lingering kiss goodbye. I know he wants to ask me to come with him again, but he doesn’t, I’m guessing, out of his respect for me, not wanting to push things. Even though I can feel things between us changing, I still haven’t said that I want anything more than something physical. Instead, I’m just trying to live in the moment and not complicate what we’re doing. It’s definitely easier said than done.

  The truth is that, as happy as I am, it’s still baffling. I thought I was happy with Adrian. I thought I loved him. So why does Rafe, a man who should’ve just been a rebound, have me feeling so revived? I’m too scared to trust my feelings because it shouldn’t make sense that he’s evoking such happiness within me. Yet, at the same time, it’s that very fact that makes me want something more than physical.

  I have no idea what I’m doing, but with each day that passes, the harder it is to remind myself that he’s just a fling.

  Meanwhile, all is quiet on the Adrian front. It’s been almost four weeks since he left, and no more gifts from him have arrived. The texts have waned, which isn’t unusual for when he’s gone. Part of me is relieved, yet part of me is apprehensive about the silence. The other part, the part that’s growing stronger every day, no longer cares, because as far as I’m concerned, we’re over, and it’s a freeing feeling.

  The freer I feel, the more I want out of this house. The reminder of Adrian’s eyes and ears is always in the back of my mind. While Rafe and I appear as nothing but client and contractor outside the confines of the trailer, anyone would be able to see the way he looks at me when we’re inside.

  Rafe, however, hasn’t brought the topic back up, and I’m not sure how to do so either. Am I ready to take that final step and put Adrian out of my life permanently, even if it means the possibility of repeating this whole vicious cycle?

  I’m finishing a phone call when the door opens and the object of my desires appears. An instant smile crosses my lips, and my heart leaps at the sight of him. Sweaty, sexy, and all mouth-wateringly male. Arousal pools low in my belly as his hands brace the top of the door. The muscles of his biceps bulge, his shirt riding up to showcase his delicious abs and that glorious V I love trailing my tongue down before taking his cock into my mouth.

  Inadvertently, I lick my lips, which elicits a low rumble from his throat. His eyes watch me, the gleam in them unmistakable, and I know he’s remembering how I sucked him off just this morning—you know, the proper greeting. I should feel ashamed that I jumped from one man to the next, but Rafe’s given me myself and my confidence back, and I can’t bring myself to feel guilty. I won’t feel guilty. I’m going to enjoy this for as long as it lasts.

  His long legs bring him closer in three quick strides, and my cheeks flush as he leans over the desk, giving me a quick kiss. When he pulls away, he presses his palms flat on the surface of the wood, his intense gaze staring down at me. I squirm in my seat, wondering why he’s watching me so intently, but he doesn’t say a word.

  “Wh-what?” I stammer.

  He watches me for a beat then swallows hard, his Adam’s apple slowly bobbing up and down. “Go out with me,” he says, his eyes not leaving mine.

  “Like, a date?” I ask, sounding like an idiot.

  We haven’t done this, and I’m not sure I’m ready. It’s one thing to have quick dalliances here and there, but an actual date? Can I do this?

  A slow grin forms on his gorgeous face as his blue eyes dance with amusement. “Yes, exactly like a date. I haven’t had the chance to spend time with you like I’ve wanted to, and despite what you may think, I want you for more than your body—as gorgeous as it is. I want to get to know you outside of here, away from this place.”

  My lips quirk up as my heart soars at his admission. “Hey, have you heard me complain?”

  “Come on, Brie. Get dressed up and let me pick you up to take you out on a proper date. Let me show you how I’d treat you if you were really my woman.”

  His woman.

  My insides quiver at the words, and I wonder if now’s the perfect time to finally do something about my growing feelings for him. The way he says my isn’t out of ownership; it’s not the same way Adrian meant it. It tears my defenses down, a
nd I find myself wanting to agree.

  Letting out a deep breath, I smile up at him. “I’d love to, Rafe.”

  He lets out a deep breath and bites the inside of his cheek, looking nervous. Why? Didn’t I just say yes?

  “I’m probably overreaching here, but pack a bag, baby.”

  I lean back in my chair, toying with my pen as I raise an eyebrow at him. “A bag? Just what kind of date do you think this is?” I ask teasingly.

  “The overnight kind. And if I have my way, the kind the lasts all weekend.” He runs a callused hand through his thick, dark hair before bracing his arms on the edge of the desk, his muscles rippling. “These past few weeks have been incredible, but I want more. I want you away from here. From this trailer. This house. From any reminder of him. God, Brie, I love fucking you and how dirty and fast you like it on the desk . . . in the chair . . . against the wall . . . But I want more than that, and I refuse to fuck you in his bed. I want you in mine. More than that . . . I don’t want just physical anymore. I don’t want to be your damn rebound.”

  Pleasurable sensations ripple through my body, and I want the same thing. I was fooling myself for ever having thought I could’ve gone into this without allowing my emotions to get involved. Still, the idea is as terrifying as it is thrilling.

  “All weekend?” I ask, nerves creeping up at the thought of being away for so long. “That sounds incredible, but I’m not sure . . .”

  He leans forward and presses a kiss to my lips. “Gabriella,” he whispers.

  My eyes widen—he’s serious.

  “Are you leaving him?” he asks, his voice raw and low, almost as if he doesn’t want to ask the question but knows he needs to.

  I nod then quickly shake my head, knowing that that’s not right. His eyes narrow, and he pushes back from the desk, but I reach out and grab his hand, stopping him. As he gazes down at me, his jaw tightens and I see his eyes swirling as a storm of anger and hurt brews in them.

  “Rafe, no. I mean, yes. I may not have left his house yet, but he and I are through. Completely, one hundred percent over. So all weekend with you? There’s nothing I want more.”

  The raging storm calms, and his widening smile is spellbinding, reminiscent of the bright sun breaking through even the darkest of clouds. It lights the trailer up as he yanks me out of the chair and hauls me up into his arms. His hands tangle in my hair as he embraces me. Then they come to my face to cup my cheeks as he places a kiss on my lips.

  “You have no idea how happy that makes me, baby.” He lets go and steps back. “I’m going to run home and get cleaned up. I’ll be back to pick you up at seven.”

  “Rafe, if we’re spending the weekend together, wouldn’t it just make sense for me to come now?”

  “Baby, you’ll be coming all weekend,” he promises with a cocky grin.

  I swat his shoulder then place my hand on my hip. “I’m holding you to that. But seriously, there’s no reason for you to leave and come back.”

  He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “I said a proper date—even if it’ll last three days, it’s going to start right. I’ll pick you up at seven,” he reaffirms. He’s about to leave the trailer when he turns back to me, a gleam in his eyes. “Oh, and, baby, it’s been a long day. I’ve worked up quite an appetite, so I hope you’re prepared.” After a quick wink, he’s out the door.

  Turning back to the computer, I can’t wipe the smile off my face, and even though I have a couple of hours until he’ll be back, I can no longer concentrate. I spend the next few minutes wrapping up my work and leaving anything that can wait for Monday. Then I close the trailer and rush up to the house, eager to prepare for him just like he requested.

  I’m giddy, excited, and completely on fire for this weekend. My face is flushed as I imagine being with Rafe for the first time in a bed. Anticipation and thoughts of tonight swirl around in my head while I think of all the possibilities this weekend could bring.

  When I slide the back door open, I’m so lost in my thoughts that I almost miss the man standing at the counter before me. Stopping in my tracks, I utter out one small word.


  Anxiety swells up and threatens to take over, but I close my eyes and take a deep breath, remembering that I’m not the girl he left a few weeks ago. I’m not his Gabriella. I’m not his anything. Mustering up whatever strength I have, I open my eyes and see his fingers tapping against the counter as he watches me intently.

  “Don’t look so eager to see me, Gabriella,” he chides as he looks down and continues browsing through the stack of mail that’s piled up for him.

  Trying to even my breathing so I remain calm, I muster up a small smile, probably only able to do so because he isn’t looking. “I’m just surprised to see you. That’s all. You weren’t supposed to be back until next week.”

  He glances up at me, and I’m taken aback at the exhaustion on his face. Black circles mar the skin under his eyes, and he’s paler than I’ve ever seen him. The corner of his mouth turns up in an amused smirk. “Disappointed, I’m sure. But don’t fret, sweetheart. I won’t be here long. I just needed to update a few files and thought I’d check in while I was in town. You’re looking well.”

  My cheeks flush, hoping he can’t see the glow. Yet I hope he does. “I am. Thank you. How was your trip?”

  He waves me off, apparently distracted and not wanting to discuss it, which is par for the course. “Busier than usual,” is all he gives me before tossing me a questioning look. “The construction?”

  “All on schedule. No hitches so far,” I tell him, keeping it short and simple, wondering if he knows just how much time I spend in the construction trailer. And how I’m spending those hours.

  His expression gives nothing away, and I’m relieved. “Perfect. You’ll let me know if any problems arise?”

  “Of course. Ones I can’t handle. I won’t waste your time if it’s something I can deal with.”

  “Of course,” he echoes, grinning up at me, a boyish look crossing his feature for a split second. It’s uncanny how I can still see a glimpse of his softer side, the side I first met, but then it’s gone as his smile fades. A mask of calm indifference appears in its place as he nods at me. “I continue to trust your judgment, Gabriella, as you’ve given me no reason not to.”

  As he pauses and watches me, guilt creeps in and I fight to keep my cheeks from flushing. Then I remember I have no idea what—or who—he’s been doing for God knows how long, and I remain calm.

  “As it seems, I’ll be gone longer than I anticipated, which is partly why I’ve returned. This deal is requiring much more of my attention and I will most likely be away for another month.”

  He rounds the counter and slowly saunters towards me, causing my heart to race. When he’s directly in front of me, his hand caresses my cheek, and I resist the urge to shudder. The touch I once craved now does nothing for me.

  “I hate the way we left things, and more than anything, I wanted to see you. Despite our differences, and despite what you may believe, I do care about you, Gabriella. Many things over the past few months have changed, but that is not one of them. It’s just . . . This is how things have to be for now. It’s safer this way. You’ll understand soon. I promise.”

  I watch in confusion as he closes his eyes and hangs his head for a brief moment before looking back up at me, once again appearing to be the handsome, caring young man I met. As I gaze at him, I’m aware that what I told Rafe is true. Adrian Morningstar no longer has a hold on me, and while I want to weep for the lost boy, wishing he’d come back, I know he won’t. It’s too late for him. Too late for us.

  “Adrian,” I begin, knowing that it’s time to finally end this once and for all. I can’t keep us in this limbo. I don’t want to be in this limbo.

  He stops me, however, holding a finger up to my lips. “Please don’t do this now, Gabriella. I know I’m a prick. I know I don’t deserve you, and if you want to leave, I won’t blame you. Just . . .
Before you make any rash decisions, use these next few weeks apart to do whatever you need to do, no questions asked.”

  My mouth falls open and my eyes widen.

  He nods, an almost pained expression on his face, increasing my confusion. “I’m aware of your activities, sweetheart, and while it pains me, I’ve decided that it’s a necessary evil. When I return, I will explain everything. If, after that, you want to go, I won’t stop you. But I promise you I will have a difficult time letting you go.”

  The intensity of his voice is unsettling. What could possibly explain the chasm that’s grown between us? As I examine his face, a pang hurts my heart. Not because I’m still in love with him, but because he seems lost, and completely out of his depth. I don’t want to wait. I want to know everything now. Just as I go to insist he open up to me, his phone chimes at that exact moment, and he turns on his heel and picks it up before looking back at me.

  “We’ll continue this conversation when I get back. I’ve got a plane to catch and there will be hell to pay if I miss it. Think about what I’ve said,” he commands gruffly before grabbing his suitcase and leaving me in alone in the kitchen, wondering what in the hell just happened.

  He gives me no kiss, no fond goodbye, nothing. Relief swells when I hear the front door close. I shuffle to the front hall, glancing out the window and watching as the cab pulls out of the long driveway, the gates opening and closing to signal his departure.


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