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by Torrid Hearts (lit)

  She would have argued with him if the pilot hadn’t come over the intercom with the landing message. Before she had a chance to think, Drago was settling in beside her, doing up both their seat belts and taking her hand.

  He was also grinning like the damned Cheshire cat and she nearly hated him for it.

  * * * *

  Days turned into weeks and weeks into a month and Sarah knew with every tick of the clock her heart was slipping further and further out of her control. Who would have ever thought such a tender heart beat in the chest of a dragon?

  The sun was coming up, the sky turning from black to dark grey, she was so near home now the fantasy was waning and yet still she was so enraptured with Drago she couldn’t bare the thought of leaving him.

  She leaned her back against the wall and watched him sleep. She found herself doing that so often it was just becoming a part of who she was. Lying on burgundy sheets, stretched out on his stomach, gloriously naked, Drago was everything any woman could ever want in a man. She feasted on him visually while he slept. Their time in Hollywood had been fabulous, she had to admit that. Dinners, parties, getting to watch him conduct the massive orchestra was beyond her wildest dreams.

  It was without doubt the most incredible time of her life.

  So why are you so miserable?

  Disgusted with herself, she grabbed her robe and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Drago was offering her the world, and more, he was offering her his heart, and she was too terrified to take it.

  She grabbed the tea pot, filled it and set it on the stove to boil. Mindlessly she grabbed the special blend of teas they’d bought in Westwood last week and opened one.

  Their time here was nearly finished. Drago had told her they’d be going back next week, back to the solitude of his home where she’d felt safe, but truth be told, she’d felt safe with him the entire time in Hollywood too.

  Anytime anyone asked too many questions about her, he stepped in. Anytime the paparazzi tried to get too close, he stepped in. Anytime one of his catty ex-girlfriends…well, that she handled herself, and rather nicely too.

  She giggled in the silence of the darkened kitchen. She was having too much fun.

  “What is so amusing you had to leave our bed and come to the empty kitchen to laugh about it?”

  She jumped, startled by his deep timbre. At the same time, as it always did, it sent delicious shivers of anticipation down her spine.

  “I was thinking of Miranda at dinner the other night.”

  It was too dark in the kitchen to see him smirk, but somehow she’d known he did. A few sounds of dishes rattling and then the tea kettle whistle sounded.

  She pushed on the small light above the stove and removed the kettle. Drago had set up both cups and she poured the water over the favorable herbs.

  Sitting in a kitchen in the middle of the night drinking tea with a man she adored and idolized was far too normal. If she was a normal girl, it would have been a dream come true, but she wasn’t normal and when he reached to hold her hand, she pulled it back.

  “Drago, I was thinking…”

  He waited silently as she knew he would. He always gave her exactly what she needed, but it was time to face facts, he couldn’t give her promises of forever, because even if he tried she wouldn’t believe him. She was broken in that manner and soon, her fears would grow so large they would ruin the love she felt for him now.

  “I was thinking, next week, when you go back home,” she licked her lips and stared into her tea cup. “Maybe I’d just go back to Vegas then.”

  Silence followed. Her heart was beating wildly behind her breastbone but she slowly, calmly sipped her tea as if it wasn’t.

  “The summer isn’t over yet. We have a deal.”

  Something about the way he said it hit a nerve.

  “I’m not your fucking whore!”

  Silence, then… “What other kinds of whores are there?”

  He cut her so deeply she knew she’d bleed to death. She pushed away from the table without another word and headed back to the bedroom. She couldn’t quite catch her breath the pain in her heart was so great. She got to the top of the stair landing before she had to fall to her knees and weep. Drawing deep painful breaths from deep within her lungs, she tried to silence herself. She didn’t want him to see her cry.

  She was dizzy, her head spinning. In all the time they’d spent together, he’d never been cruel to her. Maybe that’s why it hurt so much now.

  A part of her wanted to go and pack, she had her excuse to leave him now and wasn’t that what she’d really been looking for anyway? A way out? Something that she could throw back at him and blame him for?

  Now that she had it…she couldn’t bring herself to use it.

  “You’re a fool Sarah Bennet.”

  His presence directly behind her wasn’t entirely unexpected. It had gotten to the point she almost felt his presence even when he wasn’t around. She didn’t look up at him though, what she did was hold her breath to try and stop the flow of tears.

  “I offer you the love of three lifetimes and you let your fears try and destroy it.”

  He grabbed her by the forearms and dragged her to her feet.

  “You and I are meant to be together. It’s fated, it will happen whether you fight me or not!”

  She could have fought him, even when he brought his mouth down on hers hard, but she knew in her soul she’d never win. He was right, it terrified her, but she had no power over it. He swept her into his arms and carried her back to the bedroom.

  He possessed her that night like he wanted to become part of her soul. He loved her until the sun came up and then continued into the day.

  Neither spoke much, instead, Sarah felt, truly allowed her emotions and her senses to open to him. It may very well have been his intention to own her soul so she’d never want another man as long as she lived, but it was she who let him.

  That night she gave herself to him in a way she’d never given herself to a man. It was so much more than physical. Every touch of his lips, fingers, brush of skin against skin, Sarah felt it in all her senses, all of her being. She cried in moments it became entirely overwhelming, but nothing would have made her say stop.

  This was what she’d been created for, this man, this moment. And for that night and the day that followed, the one thing she refused to do was wonder if it would last.

  Chapter 12

  Later that summer

  Drago crested the dune and saw her immediately, sitting on the sand watching the sun sink into the water. Even from this distance, he knew she was crying. Of course, since she’d run from his bed an hour ago in tears it wasn’t that hard to hazard a guess.

  She’d spent the entire summer with him. He’d shown her his world, shared his home, his music, his passion, his very soul—and still she wanted to leave him. The only fights they ever had were over that subject. Every time she felt herself letting her guard down a little more to him, she panicked and tried to run. Each time he’d found her, talked her out of it, convinced her to come home, but he couldn’t keep doing it forever.

  He drew a breath of salty air deep into his lungs. A young family was gathering shells by the waterline, a couple made out on a blanket off to the right, but as always, the beach was fairly private. Drago watch Sarah raise a hand to her face, presumably to wipe away tears.

  It was enough. It was time to tell his Phoenix everything and risk losing her. It would kill him if she left, but his keeping her like a pet in a cage wasn’t fair to either of them. He wanted her, but only if she wanted him in return. Only if she could trust him with that heart she kept behind the barbed wire. Only then would either of them actually feel the peace their love created.

  He moved up behind her, squatted and pulled long strands of her hair away from her neck, placing his mouth by her ear.

  “I need to show you something before you leave. I need to tell you the truth. If after that you still want to leave, then your time here is
up. I release you from our deal. Belle and Lacey and you all get what you earned, but please just come with me first.”

  Her head dropped and he heard the next sob break. He sat in the sand and pulled her to him, wrapping his arms tight around her, wishing it would simply be enough to hold her for eternity.

  When she quieted, he stood, held out his hand and without exchanging any words they walked back up to the house. A part of him wanted to offer her coffee, or a snack. Maybe he could play for her. He knew how she loved that. How many times had his playing lead to a passionate interlude? Then she’d be back in his bed where she belonged and…and in a day or two they’d be right back here.

  No, this had to be settled, and now was the time.

  “I have something to show you. It’s in my study.”

  She looked at him curiously, a little nervously, maybe.

  “But you never allow me in your study. It’s the one place that’s been off limits since I arrived.”

  He kissed the bridge of her nose, and ascended the stairs. He drew another deep breath before pushing open the door of the study. Soft light spilled through the door as the very last of the sun disappeared. The room was illuminated only by a small desk lamp.

  “It is because I hadn’t…” he closed his eyes, pinched the bridge of his nose. “There’s something inside, very personal. I want to share it with you before you go.”

  He allowed her to step inside first, wondering if she’d see it on her own or if he’d have to point it out. He watched her circle the room, running her fingers over the black walnut desk, the over-stuffed green ottoman, the leafs of a few plants.

  He held his breath as she began taking in the art work and finally the piece over the fireplace.

  “I love you, Sarah. You are my Phoenix and I’ve looked my entire life for you. You can’t tell me you don’t feel it. That connection that goes deeper than anything you’ve felt in your life. You’ve said how my music speaks to your soul. I created it for you, Sarah. I’ve always played for my Phoenix. Every song I’ve ever written, I wrote for you. You can believe in the legend or not, but you and I are fated to be together. You are my Phoenix and I am your Dragon. Please don’t leave me. Stay, be with me forever.”

  * * * *

  Sarah’s heart would explode if she felt one more emotion right now. She looked over her shoulder. Drago stood anxiously, heart on the line, waiting for her answer. Then she looked back to the painting.

  Obviously very old, it was painted with such exquisite detail that she swore the dragon might breathe flame at any moment, the phoenix might take flight. The colors were different in this room than anywhere else in the house. Blacks and deep reds, oranges and turquoise. She realized he’d again taken all the colors for the room from the painting.

  “You have no idea how many times I’ve had to start over in life. How many people have left me. How many times I’ve been so alone and so afraid I felt I’d die from it. And every time I’ve fought my way back, Drago. Every time, I rise from the ashes of my old existence to start again.”

  She took one last look at the painting, looking at how the dragon had itself wrapped around the phoenix, protecting, loving it. She met Drago’s gaze, a million conflicting emotions running barefoot over her heart.

  “I haven’t trusted anyone in more years than I can remember.”

  He moved towards her, placing his hands gently at her elbows.

  “It is fate Sarah. You have lived what you’ve lived, as have I, but everything in our lives has led us to this point in time and now you must choose, your fears or your destiny.”

  Fear or destiny?

  The painting called to the deepest part of her soul. It spoke to her in a way she’d never known before. She moved closer to it, reached out to brush her fingers across the paint. Her breath caught as she felt a spark ignite within.

  “I have always planned to have that image tattooed on my back when I found my Phoenix. The night I saw you, I knew you were her, even before I knew your stage name. All you have to do is trust me, Sarah, and you will never be alone again.”

  Was it that easy? She laughed. That easy and yet that impossible. She didn’t trust anyone anymore.

  She turned to meet his gaze. God, how she’d come to love him. There were moments where she couldn’t tell where she ended and he began, but still, in the back of her mind there were doubts.

  “Drago, I…”

  She dropped her gaze to the floor and for some reason she smiled looking at his toes on the elaborate rug. She’d sucked on those toes. Her smile widened. She’d sucked on every part of his body.

  She looked back in to his silvery gaze she’d come to know so well. She’d come to feel safe with him, wanted, and yes, if she were being truthful, she felt loved.

  “There are no guarantees in life, Sarah. People make promises all the time, as you well know. I could die tomorrow and leave you alone, but if I could choose, I’d spend eternity with you.”

  “Drago. My father left when I was five, my mother died when I was eleven. I’ve been alone all my life.”

  He cupped her cheeks, pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

  “I can’t promise you I won’t die.”

  She wasn’t sure why, but she giggled at that. She felt the painting—felt the truth of her destiny—burning a light in her soul in the deepest, darkest parts she kept from everyone. She felt its heat warming her. Staying was the right choice, but was she brave enough?

  He pulled her close into his arms and she felt that swell of joy rise within her. Being in his arms was where she was meant to be.

  “I can’t imagine my life without you, Drago.”

  “Then stay. I’ll give you the world, my sweet angel love. Anything you want, you can have. Just stay with me.”

  Anything but a guarantee of happily ever after, but then again…she was the phoenix, if she got burnt by the dragon’s fire, she’d rise ever more beautiful than before from the ashes.

  That truth hit her hard to the point she lost her breath. She pulled from his arms and moved to the window.

  “Oh, my God.”

  She pushed both hands into her hair. Her brain running to keep up with the epiphany.

  It was meant to be that way. Somehow, it all seemed perfectly clear. Only the phoenix could love the dragon, because only she was impervious to his flame.

  She thought of Drago’s life without her. The women he’d known, his own parents—they’d all left him, too, and yet here he was offering his heart to her. Suddenly she felt very small.

  Only the phoenix can truly love the dragon, because only I am impervious to his flame.

  And she never wanted the dragon to be alone again. She loved him too much.

  She rushed beside him, clasping his face between her palms and for the first time, she saw his fears. It crushed her heart, because she knew the only thing her dragon feared was losing her.

  “I’ll stay.”

  She felt his body stiffen, then felt the laughter rumble in his chest as his arms grabbed her tighter.

  “I’ll love you until the day I die, Sarah. I promise you that.”

  She burrowed against his chest, feeling any doubts she had melt away as everything she’d experienced, everything he was, everything she was with him and everything she knew they’d become together crystallized in her mind for the first time.

  “How about you show me? I swear, you musicians, all talk and no action.”

  He laughed hard again and swept her from her feet.

  “You want action, baby, you’ll get action. I hope you’re well-rested, because tonight…I’m going to fuck you senseless.”

  She rested in his arms, a smile on her lips and touched his cheek.

  “Sounds perfect, my dragon. And tomorrow, we go to the tattoo parlor. I think I’m overdue for my first one.”

  He tossed her down on the bed with a growl and came down beside her.

  “What kind of tattoo are you thinking of getting, my love?”

he smiled softly, tears beginning to mist her eyes as she thought of how deeply she loved this man.

  “I want a dragon. Right next to my heart. Forever.”




  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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