Love in Georgia (American Boyfriend Book 8)

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Love in Georgia (American Boyfriend Book 8) Page 1

by Chance Carter

  American Boyfriend

  Love in Georgia

  Chance Carter



  Personal Invitation

  Free Story Offer

  Also by Chance Carter


  I feel jitters in my stomach as I lie on the bed texting you.

  You: I can’t believe it’s actually happening tomorrow, mister…

  Me: Finally! I can’t wait to see you, girl.

  You: I get butterflies every time I think about it.

  Me: I’m excited. I’m so glad we don’t have to wait any longer.

  You: Me too :) So, I arrive at the airport at 4:15pm. I’ll hop in a cab to get to my hotel so I can check-in and get settled.

  Me: I’m sorry I can’t pick you up at the airport but I work until five and it will take me about an hour to drive into Atlanta, depending on the traffic.

  You: Oh it’s no problem at all. It actually works out perfectly. I’ll have time to get freshened up after my flight. Are you sure I shouldn’t be staying at a hotel in Kennesaw instead? Wouldn’t it be easier on you?

  Me: I’m so sure. There’s literally nothing here. It’s more exciting if I come meet you in the city. There’s more for us to see and do.

  You: Okay, I’ll take your word for it. I checked my hotel website and it seems to have a really nice lounge. Should we meet there at eight for dinner?

  Me: Yeah that sounds perfect. Tomorrow!!

  You: I know! Ah! I’m so anxious and excited and nervous all at the same time. I can’t believe we’ve waited two years for this.

  Me: It’s even more exciting than Christmas. I hope I can fall asleep tonight.

  You: Speaking of sleep, I should get going. I haven’t even started packing yet and have so much to do before I can even think of going to bed. My sister is picking me up pretty early to give me a ride to the airport, so I have to get it all done tonight.

  Me: Okay girl. You go get ready. Have sweet dreams and I’ll see you tomorrow!

  You: Ah!! xoxo

  Me: xoxo

  I turn my phone to silent and put it on my bedside table. I roll over onto my back, look up at the ceiling and my mind races thinking about you. My stomach does flips as I imagine what the next four days will be like. It’s bizarre to think that I’ve never met you in person, yet I feel I know you better than any other person in my life.

  I wish I lived somewhere more exciting than Kennesaw, Georgia. I know you dream of traveling to places like Greece and France, and one day I will take you to those places too. You’re a sweetheart for seeming so excited and enthusiastic about visiting me here in my little town. A part of me feels really proud to show you where I’m from.

  Sure, I always give them a hard time, but Kennesaw and Atlanta really aren’t that bad. I know there’s lots I can show you to make sure your trip is worth it. The seedy charm that made Atlanta cool is gone in my opinion, but I still know of a few hidden gems.

  You’re going to love the High Art Museum. We’ll avoid the zoo because I know your big compassionate heart will feel too sad seeing the caged animals. I cannot wait to see the look on your face when I tell you that I was able to get us tickets to your favorite band’s sold out show.

  My mind slips into a daydream of your reaction when I hold up the tickets to show you. I imagine you gasping and smiling, you have the most beautiful smile, and then throwing your arms around me. Before I fall asleep, I reach back for my phone to look at pictures of your beautiful smile.

  I’ve saved every picture of you that you’ve sent me over the years. Even the goofy ones where you were trying to make an ugly face, asking if I’d still love you if you looked like that. My answer is always yes, and what I didn’t tell you was that those pictures just made me love you more.

  I flip through my album of you and your smiling face is infectious. I stop flipping when I see my favorite picture of you go by, I swipe back to it and pause. Even your eyes are smiling. You’re beautiful. My eyes trace along the the lines of your perfect lips and I feel a rush of blood start to lift my dick. It throbs with a rush of excitement, of anticipation. I want you.

  I zoom in on your mouth and lick my bottom lip before biting it as I imagine the moment I finally get to touch you. I reach my hand down under the blankets and slowly start to stroke my now fully erect cock. I imagine tracing your lips with my finger before pressing my lips against them in a passionate kiss.

  My cock swells and throbs in my hand.

  I can picture everything, every detail of what I want to do to you. I picture slowly sliding my hands up along your body to your shoulders, and then gently pushing you down to your knees.

  You help me undo my fly and my pants drop to the ground. I reach in and pull my aching, throbbing boner out of my boxers and you smile at the sight of it.

  I can’t wait. My cock is firm and fully erect as my clenched fist strokes it. I feel a drop of pre-cum pour out and wet my head.

  I imagine running my fingers through your hair. I hold the back of your head and pull your hair, forcing your lips up in my direction. With my other hand I guide the head of my dick along your wet bottom lip and then back along the top.

  I trace your lips with my cock a couple more times and as I catch your eyes looking up at me, I throb in pleasure and lust. I want to cum all over your sweet face but I don’t.

  You look so good as my dick gets even harder. I smile at you, grab your hair a little harder, pull you back and slide my dick into your hungry mouth.

  You take it all in like a good girl. A hungry girl. A girl who’s eager to please her man.

  Because that’s what I am. I’m your man. That’s all I want to be and all I ever will be.

  With my hand still holding your head, I’ll pull your mouth off my cock, right to the tip and then slide it back in all the way.

  You take me in deeper this time.

  I pull out and in again and you take me deeper each time. Your hands reach up and grab my hips and you slide your lips all the way down, forcing my cock all the way to the back of your throat.

  You reach for my cock and grab the base. Your mouth is warm and so wet as it slides up and down my shaft.

  Your hand holds on tight to the base and moves firmly up and down in a twisting motion that drives me crazy. You make me feel so good.

  You make me feel like I’m in heaven.

  I’m stroking my cock under the blankets and it gets fiercer and more frantic as I imagine your mouth devouring me. I imagine cumming in your mouth, cumming on your lips, your beautiful eyes looking up at me as I explode in pleasure.

  I hold my phone right up in front of my face and as my eyes meet yours, I picture the feeling of your tongue circling the head of my cock in rapid, circular motions.

  I drop my phone and grip the sheets, tearing at them, as my right hand slides up and down my cock so fast I can hardly bare it any more.

  The pulsing starts in my upper back and I feel a surge rush down my entire body and up through my cock. A split second later, my semen shoots out and runs down over my cock and fingers. I let out a deep gasp and my stroking slows and softens as I get out every last bit of my cum.

  I want you. You’re going to be mine. This is going to finally happen.

  The pilot turns the seatbelt sign off. Everyone on the plane stands and begins to collect their things. I stay seated and reach into my purse and pull out my phone. I turn it on and begin to write a text to my sister letting her know I’ve landed safely.

  As I type, a text from you comes in and I smile.

  I quickly finish my message to her, hit send, and open yours.

full of hearts and exclamation marks and even a few swear words highlighting just how excited you are. I smile even bigger and my stomach does a backflip. I write back with the same enthusiasm and a few extra emoticons for good measure.

  I’m the closest to you that I’ve ever been and I can feel it. I can feel you near me and in a few short hours, you’ll be near me, right in front of me.

  My excitement turns on a dime and becomes nervousness.

  It’s the same emotional roller coaster I’ve been riding for weeks. From the moment we agreed to finally make it happen and I booked my flight, it’s been like a tornado of nerves inside my head, heart and stomach.

  I know I love you. I know you love me. We say it all the time.

  I can’t think of a day in the last two years where we haven’t had some form of contact. You’ve been my best friend. We’ve laughed together, we’ve cried together, we’ve shared our secrets, our fears and our dreams.

  But, we’ve never touched.

  As if I’m not already fully aware of the importance of physical chemistry, my friends always make a point of telling me to be careful. To not get too close or wrapped up in you, because meeting in person could change everything.

  You’re an amazing guy, they remind me, and I’ve seen plenty of pictures and we’ve video chatted A LOT. I find you so attractive, but they are right, what if there’s no spark?

  That thought terrifies me.

  What if I finally meet you, stand in front of you, and don’t feel anything? Or worse, you decide right then and there I’m not the one for you?

  Each time I sent you an unflattering picture of myself, it was intentional. It was my way of giving you an out. Here I am at my worst, but it never scared you off. You always came back with a compliment. You saw beauty when I was sure that I had captured none. God, I hope you see that beauty when you see me in person.

  I follow the heard of passengers down the escalator towards the baggage carousel. I’m only visiting for a short time, and I’m sure I overpacked, but there was no chance I was coming without plenty of wardrobe options. Plus, you always refused to tell me what we’d be doing, so I had to come prepared for anything.

  My mind flashes to the bright red and black lace bra and matching panties I bought. They’re still wrapped in Victoria Secret tissue paper and gently placed inside my suitcase. I’ve never worn anything like them in my life!

  A cheeky grin grows on my face and I become damp between my legs.

  The voices of the family reuniting beside me steal my attention. There’s a group of them laughing and hugging. I don’t mean to eavesdrop, but the sound of their voices, their accents, I can tell I’m close because they sound just like you.

  I smile and look up at the older couple as they hug. It’s a real hug. I wonder how long they’ve been apart. How long they’ve been married. They break from the embrace and between them I catch a glimpse of a smiling face looking directly at me.

  It’s you!

  “It’s you! You’re here ...” I scream as you walk towards me.

  You just keep smiling at me.

  I feel like the whole world is about to explode!

  “But, you’re supposed to be at work until five!” I say, still in shock.

  “I only get one chance to pick you up at the airport for the first time. There’s no way I’m going to miss it.”

  We finally come face to face. I can’t take my eyes off you. You look and sounds just like you. Finally. It’s you, in the flesh.

  I feel love and desire pouring through every part of me and I can’t contain it. I almost feel as if I’m going to cry. I know it’s early for me to admit this, even to myself, but I love you so much. I want you so much.

  I’m all in, one hundred percent. I’ve held nothing back, not a single part of my soul, and if this doesn’t work out, it’s going to shatter my heart. Everyone warned me to be careful, not to get my hopes up, but I didn’t listen to them. I couldn’t.

  I’m yours already, body and heart and soul, and if you don’t want me, I’ll die. My heart will die. And I won’t even care. I don’t care what happens to me from now on. I only care that you love me back.

  “Do you have all your bags?”

  I look down and then over at the luggage belt.

  “Oh shoot. No, I don’t. That green one, the one that just went by, that’s mine too.”

  In a flash you run off and swerve your way between the people and chase after my bag. I watch you grab at the handle and pull it off the conveyer belt. A triumphant hand shoots through the air and you yell to me.

  “Got it!”

  All I can do is laugh and shake my head. I make my way towards you and my bag. You’re exactly you. You’re real. You’re the man I’ve been emailing, texting, video calling, all this time.

  “Come on. My car is this way.”

  We didn’t hug or even shake hands.

  I’m such a fumbling idiot, I had to show-off with chasing after your bag and completely messed up the part where I was supposed to pick you up and swing you around.

  What if you already regret this?

  It’s too late now. The moment has passed and now it would be awkward.

  Should I make a joke about how we never did the hug that we always dreamed of together? I can’t. It’s too late.

  “That’s the MLK Center over there.”


  “Martin Luther King. He and his wife are buried there. I haven’t been since I was six, but there’s a museum and they do a lot of work for communities.”

  “Oh, neat.”

  “Centennial Park is close by too. Maybe if the weather is nice, we can ride the Ferris Wheel.”

  “That sounds like a nice idea.”

  “Your hotel is only a few minutes away now.”

  “Yeah, I checked the distance between it and the airport to make sure a taxi wouldn’t be too much. I still can’t believe you surprised me and picked me up.”

  “I can’t believe I pulled off the surprise. You’re impossible to surprise.”

  “Well consider me surprised, you did it. Haha”

  “Good, I’m glad.”

  “I’ll have a rum and coke, please.”

  I take a seat at the bar in your hotel to wait for you. I reach and grab a handful of pretzels. I’m starving, but I didn’t let on to you because I don’t want you to feel rushed.

  I feel proud for resisting the urge to come up to your room to wait while you get ready. You invited me, and Lord how I wanted to accept your invitation, but the gentlemanly thing to do is wait downstairs. You seemed a little nervous at the airport and on the ride and you were quick to get up to your room. I hope everything is all right. I think you liked my surprise.

  I liked surprising you. I saw you a few minutes before you spotted me in the crowd. You looked just as beautiful as I knew you would, if not more. I almost came up to you right away, but decided to hang back.

  I watched you.

  You were mesmerizing. It was like that flight had gone up to heaven and come back with an angel, and she was coming just to see me.

  You fidgeted with your things and kept an eye on the luggage belt for your suitcase. You were looking off in the distance, like you were deep in thought. I watched as a smirk grew on your face. It made me smirk too. I wonder what you were thinking about.

  The lounge is pretty quiet, it’s not quite dinner time yet. I check behind me to see if you’re coming yet, but there’s no sign of you. I grab another handful of pretzels. I know I just checked, but I check for you again. I’m anxious. I’ve waited so long for this night.

  The bar tender notices the bowl is empty and tops it back up with more pretzels. I give him a nod of appreciation. I wait a second before I reach for a few more. I look behind me again, this time you’re there. You’re standing at the hostess booth and you gesture in my direction letting her know you’re with me.

  You’re with me.

  That thought feels so perfect, so right.

You walk toward me and I stand to greet you. You look stunning. Your eyes are locked on mine, but mine move away. The sound of your high heels against the tile floor draws my attention down. The curves of your legs are utter perfection. With every step you take, the skirt of your dress pulls in gently between your legs, giving me momentary glimpses of the place your pussy is hiding.

  I feel my cock twitch as I look at you.

  Our eyes meet again and we smile at each other. I wonder if you can notice the bulge growing in my pants.

  “It’s you. You’re here. You’re real and you’re so beautiful.”

  I reach for you, pulling you in against me. I feel your perfect breasts press against my chest as I give you a little hug. My cock moves again in my pants and I make sure not to brush it against you as we hug. I kiss your cheek, an innocent, friendly gesture, but the scent of your perfume drives me wild. There’s nothing innocent about my intentions.

  You get bashful and thank me for the compliment.

  “Should we move to a table?” you ask.

  You touch my bicep and I feel your touch over my entire body.

  “Yeah, let’s get a booth.”

  I lead you towards the corner booth with my hand subtly placed on your lower back. I let it slide just a few inches lower than it should but you pretend not to notice.

  I catch the eye of the bartender so he knows we’ve moved.

  You slide into the booth and I follow after you. The server puts down menus in front of us and asks if we’d like anything to drink.

  I look at you, letting you order first. I’ll follow your lead.


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